Contract Number

C1111-23-0272/CW2347386                                                                                                        POR # 120-23


Contract Award Date



Contract Value (including taxes)



Delivery Date



Supplier name

Vox Pop Labs Inc.


Study on the Appreciation and Perception of Canada’s Two Official Languages – Survey of Official Language Minority Communities


Prepared for the Department of Canadian Heritage Government of Canada






Final Report


Canadian Heritage






Table of Contents

Certificate of Political Neutrality                                                                                                             3

Copyright                                                                                                                                        4

Executive Summary                                                                                                                            5

Context, Objectives and Methodology                                                                                                                                       5

Background, Objectives and Methodology                                                                                                8

Background                                                                                                                                                                              8

Areas of Interests                                                                                                                                                                      8

Methodology                                                                                                                                                                            9

Appendix A: Questionnaire for English-Speaking Quebecers                                                                        12

Appendix B: Francophones across Canada excluding Quebec                                                                       36









Certificate of Political Neutrality




I hereby certify as founder and Executive Director of Vox Pop Labs that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research.


Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, and standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.













Clifton van der Linden

Founder and Executive Director

Vox Pop Labs Inc.











This public opinion research report presents the results of an online survey conducted by Vox Pop Labs Inc. on behalf of Canadian Heritage.


Cette publication est aussi disponible sous le titre : Étude sur l’appréciation et la perception des deux langues officielles du Canada chez ces communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire.


This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Canadian Heritage. For more information on this report please contact Canadian Heritage at: or at:


15 Eddy St,

Gatineau, Quebec

K1A 0M5



Catalogue Number:



International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

ISBN 978-0-660-71206-2


Related publications CH14-48/2024F-PDF (Final report, French):



© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Canadian Heritage, 2024.



Executive Summary


Context, Objectives and Methodology


In the past 12 years, the Department of Canadian Heritage has had the opportunity to survey the Canadian population on different occasions (TNS-2012, Vox Pop Labs 2018) on topics related to their appreciation of Canada’s two official languages. These surveys targeted the general Canadian population with an effort to better understand their views and attitudes towards official languages. The current survey targets and oversamples Canadians 18 years of age and over from an official language minority. For the purpose of this study, minority status was established through the combination of province of residence and the respondent’s main official language.[1]


To that end, from February 9 to March 5, 2024, Vox Pop Labs conducted a web survey

among 2,726 Canadians. The median duration of the questionnaire was 14 minutes.


This survey consists of closed-ended questions and discusses issues and themes such as the vitality of official language minority communities, linguistic duality and second-language learning, and official languages policy issues.


The information collected from this survey will allow the Official Languages Branch to fulfill the requirements associated with the deliverology approach of the Treasury Board Secretariat in the matter of program evaluation and performance results framework. The data will therefore allow Canadian Heritage to update a series of program indicators.


As with conventional surveys in which participation is not mandatory—including those

that make use of probability samples—there are differences between the population of interest and the sample of individuals who opt to respond. As a consequence, estimates of the frequency of opinions or behaviours calculated from the sample data can differ systematically from those in the population. All surveys, regardless of their mode—whether online, by telephone, or through other means—result in differential non-response. As a result, no non-mandatory survey in Canada is fully representative, and all therefore rely on statistical adjustment of the sample to the population based typically on socio-demographic, behavioural, and/or attitudinal variables for which researchers have population-level values.


The sample for the present study was post-stratified on gender and age both within their respective language minority populations as well as language minority community overall, to ensure representative results for each cluster. Information on population compositions provided by Canadian Heritage were the basis to construct marginal proportions for each official language minority community. These distributions were supplied to an algorithm for iterative proportional fitting These distributions were supplied to a raking algorithm in order to derive two survey weights for each respondent: One to generate aggregates representative of each official language minority community separately, and a second to determine perspectives of the official language minority community in Canada overall.





Supplier Name

Vox Pop Labs Inc.


Contract Number



POR Number



Contract Award Date



Fieldwork Dates

2024-02-09 - 2024-03-05


Contract Amount (including taxes)












For more information, please contact Canadian Heritage:




Background, Objectives and Methodology




In the past 12 years, the Department of Canadian Heritage has had the opportunity to survey the Canadian population on different occasions (TNS-2012, Vox Pop Labs 2018) on topics related to their appreciation of Canada’s two official languages. These surveys targeted the general Canadian population with an effort to better understand their views and attitudes towards official languages. The current survey will target an oversample of minority-language Canadians 18 years of age and over. This 14-minute survey, with closed-ended questions, will discuss issues on themes such as the vitality of official language minority communities, linguistic duality and second-language learning, and official languages policy issues.


The information collected from this survey will allow the Official Languages Branch to fulfill the requirements associated with the deliverology approach of the Treasury Board Secretariat in the matter of program evaluation and performance results framework. The data will therefore allow Canadian Heritage to update a series of program indicators.


Areas of Interests


The topical areas to be explored include:


  1. Vitality of Official Language Minority Communities

      Level of satisfaction towards services and institutions in the language of the minority in key sectors (education, health, arts & culture, employment/economy, and media;

      Perceptions of minority-majority relations, capacity to use minority language in various settings, views on community priorities and community leadership, confidence in the community’s future, etc.;

      Awareness and appreciation of federal official languages policies and programs which support minority community development;


  1.  Official languages and Second-language learning

      Perceptions of the status and use of English and French in Canadian society, extending into issues of identity;

      Awareness and appreciation of federal official languages policies and programs in the area of official languages in education;


  1. Official Languages Policy Issues

      Knowledge of federal policy (key sections of the Official Languages Act, highlights of current programs, future policy/program orientations);

      Level of support for federal policy.




The study was fielded by Vox Pop Labs based on the following methodology:


Population under Study


All Canadians living in an official language minority community, aged 18 and older. For the purpose of this study, minority status was established through the combination of province of residence and the respondent’s main official language.[2]


Collection Method and Tool


The study was fielded to 75,901 members aged 18 and older of Vox Pop Labs' proprietary research panel, one of the largest and most diverse of its kind in Canada. Vox Pop Labs prioritized contacting individuals who were likely to fall into the population of interest, without limiting initial outreach to those communities. The survey was available to respondents between February 9 and March 5, 2024. Two reminders were sent to the full set of potential respondents. After the fielding period ended, and responses were vetted and verified, the survey had collected 2,726 validated responses. Median completion time of the questionnaire was 14 minutes.


The bilingual questionnaire (English and French) was developed by the Government of Canada, and adapted for online distribution by Vox Pop Labs.




As with conventional surveys in which participation is not mandatory—including those

that make use of probability samples—there are differences between the population of interest and the sample of individuals who opt to respond. As a consequence, estimates of the frequency of opinions or behaviours calculated from the sample data can differ systematically from those in the population. All surveys, regardless of their mode—whether online, by telephone, or through other means—result in differential non-response. As a result, no non-mandatory survey in Canada is fully representative, and all therefore rely on statistical adjustment of the sample to the population based typically on socio-demographic, behavioural, and/or attitudinal variables for which researchers have population-level values.


The full panel of responses in the present study was segmented into three groups to produce estimates for three specific populations:


1. Official Minority Language Communities overall (Francophones in Canada excl. Quebec & English-speaking Quebecers)

2. English-speaking Quebecers

3. Francophones across Canada excluding Quebec.


Each was post-stratified on gender, age, and mother tongue within the language minority populations to ensure representative results for each language group. Information on population compositions provided by Canadian Heritage were the basis to construct marginal proportions for each official language minority community. These distributions were supplied to an algorithm for iterative proportional fitting. This approach expands the marginal distributions into a cross-tabulation matrix of all possible combinations of weighting attributes to determine the necessary corrections to sample composition in order to approximate population characteristics. A repeated readjustment of weights allocated to each response ("raking"), with the outcome measure of minimizing discrepancy between weighted survey sample and population composition, allows to derive one survey weight for each respondent.

Ultimately, the resulting dataset has two separate variables with weights, generated to approximate three different populations. One for the overall population of Official Minority Language Communities in Canada, and the second for populations two and three. The latter are differentiated by a variable "region" which denotes where respondents live. For group two the value of region is "Quebec", for group three it is "Rest of Canada".


Presenting Results


For questions that are on a 0 – 10 measurement scale, we display the full distribution in tabular form. For purposes of analysis, the following collapsed categories can be applied.



Measurement Scale

Aggregate Scores

Collapsed Descriptor


0 (totally disagree) to

10 (totally agree)

8 – 10

6 – 7


3 – 4

0 – 2


Totally/Strongly agree




Totally/Strongly disagree


0 (not important at all) to

10 (very important)


8 – 10

6 – 7


3 – 4

0 – 2


Very important



Not important

Not important at all


0 (very weak) to 10 (very strong)

8 – 10

6 – 7


3 – 4

0 – 2


Very strong




Very weak


0 (not confident at all) to

10 (very confident)

8 – 10

6 – 7


3 – 4

0 – 2


Totally confident



Not confident

Not confident at all



0 (totally dissatisfied) to

10 (totally satisfied)

8 – 10

6 – 7


3 – 4

0 – 2


Totally satisfied




Totally dissatisfied



0 (not at all committed) to

10 (totally committed)

8 – 10

6 – 7


3 – 4

0 – 2


Totally committed



Not committed

Not at all committed



0 (poor) to 10 (excellent)

8 – 10

6 – 7


3 – 4

0 – 2





Not so good























Appendix A: Questionnaire for English-Speaking Quebecers


Canadian Heritage Official Language Minority Community Survey


Q1 The Government of Canada is conducting this research survey on Canada's official languages: English and French. Vox Pop Labs has been hired to administer the survey.


Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur Français en utilisant le menu défilant.


The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and is voluntary and completely confidential. Your answers will remain anonymous.



Q3 What is your mother tongue, that is the first language that you learned and can still understand?


Q4 Which language do you speak most often at home?


Q5 Regardless of the other languages you speak, which of the two languages, English or French, do you consider your first official language or your main official language?


Q6 Do you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?


Display This Question:

If Q5 = EN


Q7 In which province or territory do you currently reside?


Q9 Were you born in Canada?


Display This Question:

If Q5 = EN

And Q9 = Yes


Q10 In which province or territory were you born?


Q12 How long have you lived in the province or territory in which you currently reside?


Q13 5 years from now, do you think that you will still be living in the same province?


Display This Question:

If Q13 = No


Q14 Why do you think you will not be living in the same province in 5 years' time?


Q15 How would you describe your sense of belonging to the Anglophone community in your region?


Q16 Is it possible for you to live in English in your region, that is anywhere within an hour drive from your home? By “live,” we mean participate in such activities as practicing sports, attending social events or shopping.


Q17 How important is it to you to be able to live in English in your region?


Q18 Again, just thinking of your region, how would you rate your capacity to live in English in 5 years' time? Will it be...


Q19 How confident are you in…


Q20 The capacity of the Anglophone community in your region to remain strong in the future?


Q21 The ability of the Anglophone community to keep young people in the region?


Q22 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:


Q23 The future of the Anglophone community is important to me.


Q24 I will do my part to ensure the continuance of my language and culture.


Q25 My generation is committed to transmitting our language and culture to the next generation.


Q26 The Anglophone community in my province has strong and effective leadership to represent its interests.


Q27 The Anglophone community in my province is welcoming towards Anglophones from outside Canada.


Q28 I think that the state of my linguistic community has improved in the past 20 years.


Q29 I think that the state of my linguistic community will be strong and more stable 20 years from now.


Q30 The French-language media are interested in the activities of the Anglophone community in my region.


Q31 Francophones recognize the contribution of the Anglophones to the vitality of my region.


Q32 There is good collaboration between Francophones and Anglophones on shared issues affecting our region.


Q33 The future of the French language is threatened in Canada.


Q34 The future of the French language is threatened in Quebec.


Q35 In your region, how would you describe the attitude of the Francophones toward the Anglophones now, compared to 5 years ago? Is it...


Q36 Do you feel comfortable speaking English in a Government of Canada office where it is indicated that bilingual services are available?


Q37 In the past 12 months, have you done any unpaid volunteer work?


Display This Question:

If Q37 = Yes


Q38 What is the main language that you use in your volunteer activities?


Q39 Now, we will ask you some questions about the provision of services in English in your region. By "region," we mean anywhere within an hour drive from your home.


How satisfied are you, in general, with the services offered in English in your region?


Q40 And how satisfied are you with the services offered in English in your region in the following areas?


Q41 Primary and secondary education in English


Q42 Media and communications (e.g., radio, television, Internet and newspapers) in English


Q43 Health and social services in English


Q44 Sports and recreation services in English


Q45 Post-secondary education and training in English


Q46 Arts and culture (e.g., movies, theatre, books and literature) in English


Q47 Employment services in English


Q48 Daycares/preschool services in English


Q49 Legal services or court proceedings in English


Q50 Again, thinking of your region, how has access to services in English changed overall over the past 5 years? Has it become...


Q51 And how has access to services in English in the following areas changed over the past 5 years?


Much worse (1)

Somewhat worse (2)

About the same (3)

Somewhat better (4)

Much better (5)

Don’t know (6)

Access to services offered in English for primary and secondary education has become… (1)









Access to services offered in English for media and communications (e.g., radio, television, Internet and newspapers) has become... (2)







Access to services offered in English for health and social services has become... (3)







Access to services offered in English for sports and recreation services has become... (4)







Access to services offered in English for post-secondary education and training has become... (5)







Access to services offered in English for arts and culture (e.g., movies, theatre, books and literature) has become... (6)







Access to services offered in English for employment services has become... (7)







Access to services offered in English for daycares/preschool services has become... (8)







Access to services offered in English for legal services or court proceedings has become... (9)









Q52 Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means not at all committed and 10 means totally committed, please indicate the extent to which...


Q53 Governmental organizations are committed to representing and serving the interests of Anglophones in your province?


Q54 Community-based and not-for-profit organizations outside of the government are committed to representing and serving the interests of Anglophones in your province?


Q55 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.


In support of the development of the Anglophone community in your province, the priority should be to improve access to...


Q56 Primary and secondary education in English


Q57 Media and communications in English (e.g., radio, television, Internet and newspapers)


Q58 Health and social services in English


Q59 Sports and recreation services in English


Q60 Post-secondary education and training in English


Q61 Arts and culture in English (e.g., movies, theatre, books and literature)


Q62 Employment services in English


Q63 Daycares/preschool services in English


Q64 Legal services or court proceedings in English


Q65 Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means poor and 10 means excellent, how would you rate the following?


Q66 The efforts of the Government of Canada to represent your interests as an Anglophone in your province


Q67 The efforts of the provincial government to represent your interests as an Anglophone in your province


Q68 The efforts of the municipal government to represent your interests as an Anglophone in your province


Q69 To what extent do you agree or disagree that the Government of Canada should support the development of the Anglophone community in your province?


Q70 How involved would you say that the Government of Canada is in supporting the development of the Anglophone community now, compared to 5 years ago? Is it...


Q71 How satisfied are you overall with the services in English provided by the Government of Canada in your province?


Q72 How satisfied are you with the services provided by the provincial government in English?


Q73 How satisfied are you with the services provided by the municipal government in English?  


Q74 5 years from now, access to programs and services from the Government of Canada in English will be… 


Q75 5 years from now, access to programs and services from the provincial government in English will be…


Q76 5 years from now, access to programs and services from the municipal government in English will be…


Q77 Is the Government of Canada's level of support for community-based groups that serve the interests of the Anglophone community in your province currently...


Q78 Compared to 5 years ago, the Government of Canada's support for community-based groups, serving the interests of the Anglophone community in your province, is...


Q79 And in general, how would you evaluate the work done by the network of organizations that represent the interests, and support the community development, of the Anglophone community in your province? Would you say that it is…


Q80 To what extent do you agree or disagree that the Government of Canada and your province should work together to improve services in English in your province? 


Q147 Now, we'd like to ask you a few questions about yourself. Please note that all responses will be anonymized and reported only in aggregated form.


birth_year In what year were you born


education What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?


household_under_18 Do you have any children under the age of 18 living at home?


Display This Question:

If Q5 = English

And household_under_18 = Yes


Q151 Are they attending an English-language primary or secondary school?


Display This Question:

If Q5 = English

And Q151 = No


Q153 Why are they not attending an English-language school?


Display This Question:

If household_under_18 = Yes


Q155 When you yourself speak to your children at home, is it...


employment What is your current employment status?


income Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? 


postcode What is your postal code? (e.g., N1N 1N1) Leave the text box blank if you do not wish to give your postal code. ______


Q159 Are there any comments you would like to make about the topics in the survey or the experience you had completing this survey? ______















Appendix B: Francophones across Canada excluding Quebec


Enquête sur les communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire de Patrimoine canadien


Q1 Le gouvernement du Canada effectue présentement un sondage à l'échelle nationale au sujet des deux langues officielles du Canada soit : le français et l'anglais. Les services de Vox Pop Labs ont été retenus afin d'administrer le sondage. 


If you would prefer to answer the survey in English, please click on the English option using the dropdown. 


Le sondage est d'une durée d'environ 15 minutes et votre participation est volontaire. Vos réponses sont strictement confidentielles et demeureront anonymes.


Q3 Quelle est votre langue maternelle, c'est-à-dire la première langue que vous avez apprise et que vous comprenez encore?


Q4 Quelle langue parlez-vous le plus souvent à la maison?


Q5 Peu importe les autres langues que vous parlez, laquelle entre les deux langues officielles, soit le français ou l'anglais, considérez-vous être votre première langue officielle ou votre principale langue officielle?


Q6 Parlez-vous assez bien l’anglais ou le français pour soutenir une conversation?


Afficher cette question :

si Q5 = Français


Q8 Dans quelle province ou quel territoire résidez-vous actuellement?


Q9 Êtes-vous né(e) au Canada?


Afficher cette question :

si Q9 = Oui

et Q5 = Français


Q11 Dans quelle province ou quel territoire êtes-vous né(e)?


Q12 Depuis combien de temps vivez-vous dans votre province ou votre territoire de résidence actuel?


Q13 Dans 5 ans, prévoyez-vous résider dans la même province?


Afficher cette question :

si Q13 = Non


Q14 Pourquoi croyez-vous que vous ne vivrez pas dans la même province dans 5 ans?


Q81 Comment évaluez-vous votre sentiment d’appartenance à la collectivité francophone de votre région?


Q82 Pouvez-vous vivre en français dans votre région, c'est-à-dire n’importe où dans un rayon d'une heure en automobile de votre foyer? Par « vivre », nous entendons participer à des activités telles que pratiquer des sports, assister à des événements sociaux ou magasiner.


Q83 Dans quelle mesure jugez-vous important pour vous de pouvoir vivre en français dans votre region?


Q84 Encore une fois, en ne faisant référence qu'à votre région, dans quelle mesure sera-t-il possible pour vous d’y vivre en français dans 5 ans? Ce sera...


Q85 Quel est votre niveau de confiance à l'égard de…


Q86 La capacité de la collectivité francophone de votre région à demeurer forte à l’avenir?


Q87 La capacité de la collectivité francophone à garder les jeunes dans la région?


Q88 Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous en accord ou en désaccord avec les énoncés suivants :


Q89 L'avenir de la collectivité francophone me tient à cœur.


Q90 Je contribuerai à assurer la survie de ma langue et de ma culture.


Q91 Ma génération s’est engagée à transmettre notre langue et notre culture à la prochaine génération.


Q92 La collectivité francophone de ma province a des dirigeants influents et efficaces qui représentent ses intérêts.


Q93 La collectivité francophone de ma province est accueillante envers les francophones qui viennent de l'extérieur du Canada.


Q94 À mon avis, l'état de ma collectivité linguistique s'est amélioré ces vingt dernières années.


Q95 À mon avis, l'état de ma collectivité linguistique sera fort et plus stable dans vingt ans.


Q96 Les médias de langue anglaise s’intéressent aux activités de la collectivité francophone de ma région.


Q97 Les anglophones reconnaissent la contribution des francophones à la vitalité de ma région.


Q98 Il existe une bonne collaboration entre les francophones et les anglophones sur les enjeux communs à notre région.


Q99 L'avenir de la langue française au Canada est menacé.


Q100 L'avenir du français au Québec est menacé.


Q101 En ne faisant référence qu'à votre région, comment décrireriez-vous l'attitude de la collectivité anglophone à l'égard de la collectivité francophone aujourd'hui, comparativement à il y a 5 ans? Est-elle...


Q102 Vous sentez-vous à l'aise de parler français dans les bureaux du gouvernement du Canada offrant des services bilingues?


Q103 Au cours des 12 derniers mois, avez-vous fait du bénévolat?


Afficher cette question :

si Q103 = Oui


Q104 Quelle est la principale langue que vous utilisez lors de vos activités de bénévolat?


Q105 Nous allons maintenant vous poser quelques questions au sujet de la prestation des services en français dans votre région. Région signifie tout endroit situé dans un rayon d'une heure en automobile de votre domicile.


Quel est, de façon générale, votre niveau de satisfaction à l’égard des services offerts en français dans votre région? 


Q106 Et quel est votre niveau de satisfaction à l’égard des services offerts en français dans votre région dans les domaines suivants?


Q107 L’enseignement primaire et secondaire offert en français


Q108 Les médias et les communications disponibles en français (p. ex. : la radio, la télévision, Internet, les journaux)


Q109 Les soins de santé et les services sociaux offerts en français


Q110 Les sports et les loisirs offerts en français


Q111 L'enseignement et la formation postsecondaires dispensés en français


Q112 Les arts et la culture disponibles en français (p. ex. :  le cinéma, le théâtre, les livres et la littérature)


Q113 Les services d’emploi offerts en français


Q114 Les garderies et les services préscolaires offerts en français


Q115 Les services légaux et les procédures de cour en français


Q116 Encore une fois, en vous référant à votre région, de quelle façon l'accessibilité aux services en français a-t-elle changé, en règle générale, au cours des 5 dernières années? S'est-elle...


Q117 Et de quelle façon l’accessibilité aux services en français a-t-elle changé dans les secteurs suivants au cours des 5 dernières années?


Beaucoup détériorée (1)

Un peu détériorée (2)

Demeurée la même (3)

Un peu améliorée (4)

Beaucoup améliorée (5)

Ne sais pas (6)

L'accessibilité à l’enseignement primaire et secondaire en français s'est... (1)









L'accessibilité aux médias et aux communications disponibles en français (p. ex. : la radio, la télévision, Internet, les journaux) s'est... (2)







L'accessibilité aux soins de santé et aux services sociaux offerts en français s'est... (3)







L'accessibilité aux sports et aux loisirs offerts en français s'est... (4)







L'accessibilité à l'enseignement et à la formation postsecondaires dispensés en français s'est... (5)







L'accessibilité aux arts et à la culture disponibles en français (p. ex. : le cinéma, le théâtre, les livres et la littérature) s'est... (6)







L'accessibilité aux services d’emploi offerts en français s'est... (7)







L'accessibilité aux garderies et aux services préscolaires offerts en français s'est... (8)







L'accessibilité aux services légaux et aux procédures de cour en français s'est... (9)








Q118 À partir d’une échelle de 0 à 10, où 0 signifie pas du tout engagés et 10 tout à fait engagés, veuillez indiquer dans quelle mesure...


Q119 Les organismes gouvernementaux sont engagés à représenter et à servir les intérêts des francophones dans votre province?


Q120 Les organismes communautaires sans but lucratif ne relevant pas du gouvernement sont engagés à représenter et à servir les intérêts des francophones dans votre province?


Q121 Veuillez nous indiquer si vous êtes d’accord ou en désaccord avec les énoncés suivants. Dans le soutien au développement de la collectivité francophone de votre province, la priorité devrait être d’améliorer l’accès…


Q122 a l’enseignement primaire et secondaire en français


Q123 aux médias et les communications disponibles en français (p. ex. : la radio, la télévision, Internet, les journaux)


Q124 aux soins de santé et les services sociaux offerts en français


Q125 aux sports et les loisirs offerts en français


Q126 a l'enseignement et la formation postsecondaires dispensés en français


Q127 aux arts et la culture disponibles en français (p. ex. : le cinéma, le théâtre, les livres et la littérature)


Q128 aux services d’emploi offerts en français


Q129 aux garderies et les services préscolaires offerts en français


Q130 aux services légaux et les procédures de cour en français


Q131 À partir d’une échelle de 0 à 10, où 0 signifie médiocre et 10 signifie excellent, comment évaluez-vous les éléments suivants?


Q132 Les efforts du gouvernement du Canada en vue de représenter vos intérêts à titre de francophone dans votre province


Q133 Les efforts de votre gouvernement provincial en vue de représenter vos intérêts à titre de francophone dans votre province


Q134 Les efforts des administrations municipales en vue de représenter vos intérêts à titre de francophone dans votre province


Q135 Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous en accord ou en désaccord que le gouvernement du Canada DEVRAIT appuyer le développement de la collectivité francophone de votre province?


Q136 Dans quelle mesure le gouvernement du Canada est-il impliqué dans le développement de la collectivité francophone aujourd'hui, comparativement à il y a 5 ans? Est-il...


Q137 Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait(e), en règle générale, des services offerts en français par le gouvernement du Canada dans votre province?


Q138 Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait(e) des services offerts par le gouvernement provincial en français?


Q139 Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait(e) des services offerts par l’administration municipale en français? 


Q140 Dans 5 ans, l'accessibilité aux programmes et aux services du gouvernement du Canada en français se sera... 


Q141 Dans 5 ans, l'accessibilité aux programmes et aux services du gouvernement provincial en français se sera...


Q142 Dans 5 ans, l'accessibilité aux programmes et aux services de l’administration municipale en français se sera…


Q143 Le niveau actuel d'aide que le gouvernement du Canada apporte aux groupes communautaires desservant les intérêts de la collectivité francophone de votre province est-il présentement...


Q144 Comparativement à il y a 5 ans, l'aide qu'apporte le gouvernement du Canada aux groupes communautaires desservant les intérêts de la collectivité francophone de votre province est…?              


Q145 Et, de façon générale, comment évalueriez-vous le travail effectué par le réseau d’organismes desservant les intérêts et appuyant le développement communautaire de la collectivité francophone de votre province? Le considérez-vous comme…


Q146 Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec le principe voulant que le gouvernement du Canada et celui de votre province collaborent en vue d'améliorer les services offerts en français dans votre province?


Q147 Maintenant nous aimerions vous poser quelques questions à propos de vous. Veuillez noter que toutes vos réponses demeureront anonymes et ne seront interprétées que sous forme agrégée.


birth_year En quelle année êtes-vous né(e)?



education Quel est le plus haut niveau de scolarité que vous avez atteint?


household_under_18 Avez-vous des enfants âgés de moins de 18 ans qui vivent avec vous?


Afficher cette question :

si Q5 = Français

et household_under_18 = Oui


Q152 Fréquentent-ils une école primaire ou secondaire de langue française?


Afficher cette question :

si Q5 = Français

et Q152 = Non


Q154 Pourquoi ne fréquentent-ils pas une école de langue française?


Afficher cette question :

si household_under_18 = Oui


Q155 Lorsque vous vous adressez personnellement à vos enfants à la maison, le faites-vous…


employment Quelle est votre situation professionnelle actuelle? Êtes-vous...


income Laquelle des catégories suivantes correspond le mieux au revenu total de votre foyer?


postcode Quel est votre code postal? (p. ex. : N1N 1N1) Laissez l’espace vide si vous ne souhaitez pas donner votre code postal. ______


Q159 Avez-vous des commentaires sur les sujets traités ou sur d'autres éléments relatifs à ce questionnaire? ______


[1] The main official language was determined by the following question: “Regardless of the other languages you speak, which of the two languages English or French, do you consider your first official language or your main official language?”

[2] The main official language was determined by the following question: “Regardless of the other languages you speak, which of the two languages, English or French, do you consider your first official language or your main official language?”