CTA Air Passenger Satisfaction Survey - Final Report

Prepared for the Canadian Transportation Agency

Ekos Research Associates Inc.
Contract Number:
Contract Value:
Award Date:
September 29, 2023
Delivery Date:
April 5, 2024
Registration Number:
POR 045-23

For more information on this report, please contact the Canadian Transportation Agency at info@otc-cta.gc.ca

This public opinion research report presents the results of an online survey conducted by Ekos Research Associates Inc. on behalf of the Canadian Transportation Agency. The research study was conducted with 2,065 Canadian air travellers between January 25 and February 6, 2024.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre Sondage sur la satisfaction des passagers aériens mené par l’Office des transports du Canada.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from the Canadian Transportation Agency. For more information on this report, please contact the Canadian Transportation Agency at info@otc-cta.gc.ca.

Catalogue Number:
International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

Related publications (registration number: POR 045-23)

Catalogue Number:
International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2024

Table of Contents


A. Background and Objectives

The Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) is an independent regulator and quasi-judicial tribunal with the powers of a superior court. It operates within the context of the very large and complex Canadian transportation system.

The CTA has three core mandates:

The research will provide a greater understanding of Canadian air traveller opinions on their air travel experience.

The target population for the survey was Canadian air travellers over the age of 18 who have travelled by air in the past five years.

B. Methodology

The research involved an online survey of 2,065 Canadians 18 years of age and older who have travelled by air since 2019. The survey was conducted across Canada in both official languages. The field dates for the survey were January 25-February 6, 2024.

All survey results were weighted by region, age, and gender according to Statistics Canada data to ensure that the results were representative of the Canadian public. The margin of error for a survey of n=2,065 is +/- 2.2 percentage points 19 times out of 20.

Appendix A contains a detailed description of the methodology used in this study.

Appendix B contains the full survey questionnaire.

C. Key Findings

Outlined below are key findings from the study. The remainder of this report describes results in more detail.

Frequency of Air Travel

Respondents were first asked how often they have flown within Canada and internationally in the past five years. The plurality of Canadians say they have flown 1-2 times over this timeframe, both within Canada (34%) and internationally (38%). About one in five say they have flown six times or more domestically (23%) or internationally (17%) over the past five years.

Passenger Experience

Results reveal general satisfaction with air travel. When asked how satisfied they were with their most recent air travel experience, three in four (75%) said they were satisfied, and only 12% said they were not satisfied.

When asked, unprompted, what improvements or changes they would suggest to airlines or airports to enhance passengers’ air travel experience, a wide range of suggestions were provided. Fourteen percent indicated they would like to see improvements to seating (seats too small, no legroom), 12% indicated they would like to see more reliable flights (avoid delays/cancellations/changes to itinerary), and 11% mentioned ticket prices (stop overcharging, too many extra charges).

Air travellers were asked to rate the clarity of the information provided about their most recent flight. Results reveal that the vast majority (93%) felt the travel itinerary was clear, and eight in ten (78%) felt that seating information and fees were clear. Two-thirds (68%) felt the terms and conditions of the ticket were clear, and just over half (52%) felt the same way about the rules for refunds. However, only about four in ten felt other fees or charges (46%) or rebooking fees (43%) were clearly communicated.

Respondents were also asked about their confidence in air travel the next time they fly. Most Canadians (59%) express confidence that they will have a positive travel experience the next time they travel by air but are much less confident that the airline will provide them with a satisfactory solution if there is a problem with their flight: only 29% express confidence that they will receive a satisfactory solution in the event of a problem.

Airline Handling of Passenger Complaints

Findings reveal that many Canadian air travellers have experienced an air travel disruption that resulted in a delay of more than two hours: 53% indicated this had occurred in the past five years, and fewer than half (45%) said they had not encountered an air travel disruption lasting more than two hours in the past five years.

Those who indicated they had experienced a flight disruption of more than two hours were asked if the airline provided them with needed information and assistance during the disruption. Just over half of these respondents (52%) indicated they were informed frequently as to the status of their flight, but only four in ten (40%) felt the airline provided needed information in a clear and timely manner. Very few indicated that the airline provided them with assistance during the delay in the form of food or drink (28%) or information about compensation for the delay (11%).

All respondents were asked in the event of a flight disruption, such as a delay, cancellation or denial of boarding, if they were aware of their rights with respect to the disruption. Results reveal that most Canadian air travellers are unaware of their rights in the event of a flight disruption: fewer than half indicated awareness of their right to assistance in the form of food, drink and accommodation (41%), rebooking (40%), compensation for inconvenience due to the disruption (39%), or refund (31%).

Results suggest that few Canadian air travellers have submitted a claim or complaint with an airline in the past five years about a flight disruption (17%) or lost or damaged baggage (13%).

Among those who indicated they submitted a claim or complaint with an airline, only four in ten felt the airline staff were helpful in resolving the complaint (43%), and even fewer felt the airline provided them with the information they needed in a clear, concise and timely manner (31%), or informed them of their air passenger rights (18%).

Fewer than four in ten (39%) of those who submitted a complaint with an airline express satisfaction with the resolution of the issue, and almost half (49%) indicate dissatisfaction with the resolution of their complaint.

Passenger Experience with the CTA

All respondents were asked if they were aware that Canada has consumer protections for air passengers. Three in four (72%) say they are aware of these protections, and only one in four (24%) say they are unaware.

Air travellers were also asked if they were aware that the Canadian Transportation Agency can resolve air travel complaints. Only about one in three (36%) say they know the CTA can resolve air travel complaints, while 58% say they are not aware of this.

When asked if they had filed a complaint with the Canadian Transportation Agency, only three percent of respondents indicated they had filed a complaint with the CTA; the vast majority (97%) had not.

Conclusions and Implications

Survey results reveal that Canadian air travellers are largely satisfied with their most recent travel experience and express reasonably high levels of confidence that they will have a positive experience the next time they travel by air. However, air travellers are far less confident there will be a satisfactory solution if there is a problem with a flight in the future.

Results also reveal that many Canadian air travellers have experienced a significant travel disruption in the past few years, and few of these respondents felt the airline provided them with needed information or assistance during the disruption. Moreover, most Canadian air travellers appear to be unaware of their rights in the event of a flight disruption.

Among those who submitted a complaint with an airline, few felt the airline provided them with information or assistance in resolving the complaint, and most of these air travellers were dissatisfied with the resolution of the complaint.

Findings also reveal that despite high claimed awareness of consumer protections for air passengers, few Canadians express awareness of the CTA’s role in resolving air travel complaints, and very few have filed a complaint with the Agency.

D. Contract Value

The contract value for the POR project is $65,822.50 (including HST).

Supplier Name: Ekos Research Associates

PWGSC Contract Number:
Contract Award Date:
September 29, 2023

To obtain more information on this study, please e-mail info@otc-cta.gc.ca

E. Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Ekos Research Associates Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed by Derek Jansen (Vice President)

Detailed Findings

A. Frequency of Air Travel

Frequency of flying over the past five years

Respondents were first asked how often they have flown within Canada and internationally in the past five years. The plurality of Canadians say they have flown 1-2 times over this timeframe, both within Canada (34%) and internationally (38%). About one in five say they have flown six times or more domestically (23%) or internationally (17%) over the past five years. Those who indicated they had not flown either domestically or internationally within the past five years were screened out of the survey.

Chart 1: Frequency of flying over the past five years

Chart 1: Frequency of flying over the past five years. Text version below.

Chart 1: Frequency of flying over the past five years - Text Version

This stacked chart shows the percentage of results for responses to two statements across four categories: have not flown, 1-2 times, 3-5 times, and 6 or more times.

Respondents were asked: "In the past five years, how often have you flown...?"

Respondents selected:

Within Canada:
  • Category "Have not flown": 23%
  • Category "1-2 times": 34%
  • Category "3-5 times": 20%
  • Category "6 or more times": 23%
  • Category "Have not flown": 17%
  • Category "1-2 times": 38%
  • Category "3-5 times": 28%
  • Category "6 or more times": 17%

Base: n=2065

Q1a-b. In the past five years, how often have you flown...?

Base: n=2065

Year flown over past five years

Results reveal that most respondents say they last travelled by air in 2023 (57%). Not surprisingly, very few say they last flew between 2020-2022, when the COVID-19 pandemic severely limited air travel in Canada and around the world.

Chart 2: Year flown over the past five years

Chart 2: Year flown over the past five years. Text version below.

Chart 2: Year flown over the past five years - Text Version

This chart of single bars shows the percentage of results for responses to six statements.

Respondents were asked: "When did you last travel by air?"

Respondents selected:

Base: n=2065

Q2. When did you last travel by air?

Base: n=2065

B. Passenger Experience

Influences on air ticket purchase

Respondents were asked how a variety of aspects of air travel influences their decision-making when purchasing an airline ticket. Not surprisingly, the price of the ticket is rated as the most important (87%), but a number of other factors also strongly influence air travel decisions. Seven in ten feel that previous experience with the airline (74%), the reputation of the airline (71%), and the quality of service (71%) are important factors when making a decision about the purchase of an airline ticket.

Chart 3: Influences on air ticket purchase

Chart 3: Influences on air ticket purchase. Text version below.

Chart 3: Influences on air ticket purchase - Text Version

This stacked chart shows the percentage of results for responses to nine statements across four categories: DK/NR, not influential, somewhat, and influential.

Respondents were asked: "How does each of the following influence your decision when purchasing a ticket?"

Respondents selected:

Price of the ticket:
  • Category "DK/NR": 1%
  • Category "Not influential (1-3)": 6%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 6%
  • Category "Influential (5-7)": 87%
Previous experience with airline:
  • Category "DK/NR": 1%
  • Category "Not influential (1-3)": 12%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 12%
  • Category "Iinfluential (5-7)": 74%
Reputation of the airline:
  • Category "DK/NR": 1%
  • Category "Not influential (1-3)": 13%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 15%
  • Category "Iinfluential (5-7)": 71%
Quality of service:
  • Category "DK/NR": 1%
  • Category "Not influential (1-3)": 12%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 15%
  • Category "Iinfluential (5-7)": 71%
No other airline option available:
  • Category "DK/NR": 7%
  • Category "Not influential (1-3)": 23%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 13%
  • Category "Iinfluential (5-7)": 57%
Usability of their website or mobile app:
  • Category "DK/NR": 3%
  • Category "Not influential (1-3)": 41%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 18%
  • Category "Iinfluential (5-7)": 39%
Loyalty programs:
  • Category "DK/NR": 2%
  • Category "Not influential (1-3)": 55%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 13%
  • Category "Iinfluential (5-7)": 30%
Environmental concerns:
  • Category "DK/NR": 3%
  • Category "Not influential (1-3)": 61%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 17%
  • Category "Iinfluential (5-7)": 19%
Accessibility services:
  • Category "DK/NR": 6%
  • Category "Not influential (1-3)": 70%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 9%
  • Category "Iinfluential (5-7)": 15%

Base: n=2065

Q3a-j. How does each of the following influence your decision when purchasing a ticket?

Base: n=2065

Method of booking the most recent flight

Air travellers were also asked how they booked their most recent flight. Directly with the airline via a website was selected most often (52%), followed by a third-party service (20%) or a travel agent (16%).

Chart 4: Method of booking the most recent flight

Chart 4: Method of booking the most recent flight. Text version below.

Chart 4: Method of booking the most recent flight - Text Version

This chart of single bars shows the percentage of results for responses to eight statements.

Respondents were asked: "How did you book your most recent flight? [Choose one]

Respondents selected:

Base: n=2065

Q4. How did you book your most recent flight? [Choose one]

Base: n=2065

Satisfaction with most recent air travel experience

Results reveal general satisfaction with air travel. When asked how satisfied they were with their most recent air travel experience, three in four (75%) said they were satisfied, and only 12% said they were not satisfied.

Chart 5: Satisfaction with most recent air travel experience

Chart 5: Satisfaction with most recent air travel experience. Text version below.

Chart 5: Satisfaction with most recent air travel experience - Text Version

This pie chart shows the percentage of results for responses to one question across three categories: not satisfied, somewhat, and satisfied.

Respondents were asked: "Overall, how satisfied are you with your most recent air travel experience?"

Respondents selected:

Base: n=2065

Q5. Overall, how satisfied are you with your most recent air travel experience?

Base: n=2065

Improvements to enhance the air travel experience

Respondents were asked, unprompted, what improvements or changes they would suggest to airlines or airports to enhance passengers’ air travel experience. A wide range of suggestions were provided, with 14% indicating they would like to see improvements to seating (seats too small, no legroom), 12% indicating they would like to see more reliable flights (avoid delays/cancellations/changes to itinerary), and 11% mentioning ticket prices (stop overcharging, too many extra charges).

Table 1: Improvements to enhance air travel experience
Q6: What improvements or changes would you suggest to airlines or airports to enhance passengers’ air travel experience? [Open] Total (n=2065)
Seats are uncomfortable/too small, no leg room, too small for anyone, stop allowing people to recline their seats, stop charging for taller/obese passengers 14%
Stop/avoid delays/cancellations, more reliable flight times, avoid changes to itinerary 12%
Too expensive/stop price gouging, stop overcharging, need competition for competitive pricing, too many add ons/extra fees/tax not included in the price 11%
Improve customer service (live agents available, kinder/friendlier staff, lack of respect, in-flight customers treated with disdain, especially when cancellations/delays/problems arise) 8%
Meal/food options 7%
Improve security screening/customs checkpoints processes 6%
Improve communication (timely updates when flights are delayed/cancelled/gates changed, language barriers/bilingual service/better annunciation, intercom system is not clear/muffled sound, accommodate those without mobile service...) 6%
Need more direct flights, more flight options/more airlines, better flight time options/varied departure times, more routes available 4%
More staff on to deal with line ups/speed up processing, more staff needed to deal with issues/problems, more staff to deal with peak times/overnight (general) 4%
Improve boarding procedures (start boarding from the back of the plane/window seats first, control lines/organization at the gate/enforcing boarding zone order, families/access needs boarding first, stop changing gates at the last minute...) 4%
Stop charging for luggage/allow 1st checked bag free, increase carry-on bags because people don’t want to pay, reduce the cost of checking bags/too expensive/inconsistent charges throughout airports, charge for carry-on to address overhead space in the cabin 4%
Enforcing carry-on bag requirements/restrictions, disorganization, and checking carry-on at the gate creates delays/confusion, ensure there is room for everyone in the overhead bin, inconsistent enforcement of rules/seems disorganized/arbitrary system 4%
When delays/cancellations occur, offer better service/rebooking options and solutions 3%
Stop losing luggage/damaging luggage, address theft/damage done when broken into, give proper compensation/service when it happens, deliver to customer free of charge, better tracking system/GPS tags, Don't put luggage on separate flights than passenger 3%
Check-in procedures improved/streamlined 3%
Airport amenities improved 3%
Improve airport design/layout 3%
Health and safety issues on board 3%
Improve compensation, give customers what they are owed when delayed/cancelled flights occur, simplify the process for compensation/resolution, delayed flight customers should be given adequate compensation/vouchers/accommodations 3%
DK/NR 13%

Clarity of air travel information

Air travellers were also asked to rate the clarity of the information provided about their most recent flight. Results reveal that the vast majority (93%) felt the travel itinerary was clear, and eight in ten (78%) felt that seating information and fees were clear. Two-thirds (68%) felt the terms and conditions of the ticket were clear, and just over half (52%) felt the same way about the rules for refunds. However, only about four in ten felt other fees or charges (46%) or rebooking fees (43%) were clearly communicated.

Chart 6: Clarity of air travel information

Chart 6: Clarity of air travel information. Text version below.

Chart 6: Clarity of air travel information - Text Version

This stacked chart shows the percentage of results for responses to six statements across four categories: DK/NR, not clear, somewhat, and clear.

Respondents were asked: "When booking your most recent flight, how clear was the information provided to you about the following...?"

Respondents selected:

Travel itinerary:
  • Category "DK/NR": 2%
  • Category "Not clear (1-3)": 2%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 4%
  • Category "Clear (5-7)": 93%
Seating information and seating fees:
  • Category "DK/NR": 3%
  • Category "Not clear (1-3)": 11%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 8%
  • Category "Clear (5-7)": 78%
Terms and conditions for the ticket:
  • Category "DK/NR": 7%
  • Category "Not clear (1-3)": 13%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 13%
  • Category "Clear (5-7)": 68%
Rules for refunds:
  • Category "DK/NR": 11%
  • Category "Not clear (1-3)": 24%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 14%
  • Category "Clear (5-7)": 52%
Other fees or charges:
  • Category "DK/NR": 17%
  • Category "Not clear (1-3)": 25%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 12%
  • Category "Clear (5-7)": 46%
Rebooking fees:
  • Category "DK/NR": 19%
  • Category "Not clear (1-3)": 25%
  • Category "Somewhat (4)": 12%
  • Category "Clear (5-7)": 43%

Base: n=2065

Q7a-f. When booking your most recent flight, how clear was the information provided to you about the following...?

Base: n=2065

Confidence in air travel

Respondents were also asked about their confidence in air travel the next time they fly. Results reveal that most Canadians (59%) express confidence that they will have a positive travel experience the next time they travel by air but are much less confident that the airline will provide them with a satisfactory solution if there is a problem with their flight: only 29% express confidence that they will receive a satisfactory solution in the event of a problem.

Chart 7: Confidence in air travel

Chart 7: Confidence in air travel. Text version below.

Chart 7: Confidence in air travel - Text Version

This stacked chart shows the percentage of results for responses to two statements across four categories: DK/NR, not confident, somewhat, and confident.

Respondents were asked: two questions "How confident are you that you will have...? AND "How confident are you that ...?"

Respondents selected:

A positive travel experience the next time you travel by air:
  • Category "DK/NR": 3%
  • Category "Not confident (1-3)": 22%
  • Category "Somewhat(4)": 17%
  • Category "Confident (5-7)": 59%
The airline will provide you with a satisfactory solution if there is a problem with your flight:
  • Category "DK/NR": 2%
  • Category "Not confident (1-3)": 48%
  • Category "Somewhat(4)": 21%
  • Category "Confident (5-7)": 29%

Base: n=2065

Q8. How confident are you that you will have...?

Q9. How confident are you that ...?

Base: n=2065

C. Airline Handling of Passenger Complaints

Experience with air travel disruptions

Findings reveal that many Canadian air travellers have experienced an air travel disruption that resulted in a delay of more than two hours: 53% indicated this had occurred in the past five years, and fewer than half (45%) said they had not encountered an air travel disruption lasting more than two hours in the past five years.

Chart 8: Experience with air travel disruptions

Chart 8: Experience with air travel disruptions. Text version below.

Chart 8: Experience with air travel disruptions - Text Version

This pie chart shows the percentage of results for responses to one question across three categories: yes, no, and DK/NR.

Respondents were asked: "Have you experienced an air travel disruption that resulted in a delay of more than two hours in the last five years?"

Respondents selected:

Base: n=2065

Q10. Have you experienced an air travel disruption that resulted in a delay of more than two hours in the last five years?

Base: n=2065

Awareness of rights in the event of a flight disruption

Respondents were also asked in the event of a flight disruption, such as a delay, cancellation or denial of boarding, were they aware of their rights with respect to the disruption. Results reveal that most Canadian air travellers are unaware of their rights in the event of a flight disruption: fewer than half indicated awareness of their right to assistance in the form of food, drink and accommodation (41%), rebooking (40%), compensation for inconvenience due to the disruption (39%), or refund (31%)

Chart 9: Awareness of rights in the event of a flight disruption

Chart 9: Awareness of rights in the event of a flight disruption. Text version below.

Chart 9: Awareness of rights in the event of a flight disruption - Text Version

This stacked chart shows the percentage of results for responses to four statements across three categories: DK/NR, no, and yes.

Respondents were asked: "In the event of a flight disruption, such as a delay, cancellation or denial of boarding, are you aware of your rights with respect to the following...?"

Respondents selected:

Assistance in the form of food and drink, and where required accommodation:
  • Category "DK/NR": 9%
  • Category "No": 50%
  • Category "Yes": 41%
  • Category "DK/NR": 11%
  • Category "No": 49%
  • Category "Yes": 40%
Compensation for inconvenience due to the disruption:
  • Category "DK/NR": 9%
  • Category "No": 51%
  • Category "Yes": 39%
  • Category "DK/NR": 12%
  • Category "No": 57%
  • Category "Yes": 31%

Base: n=2065

Q11a-d. In the event of a flight disruption, such as a delay, cancellation or denial of boarding, are you aware of your rights with respect to the following...?

Base: n=2065

Assistance provided during flight disruption

Those who indicated they had experienced a flight disruption of more than two hours were asked if the airline provided them with needed information and assistance during the disruption. Just over half of these respondents (52%) indicated they were informed frequently as to the status of their flight, and only four in ten (40%) felt the airline provided needed information in a clear and timely manner. Very few indicated that the airline provided them with assistance during the delay in the form of food or drink (28%) or information about compensation for the delay (11%).

Chart 10: Assistance provided during flight disruption

Chart 10: Assistance provided during flight disruption. Text version below.

Chart 10: Assistance provided during flight disruption - Text Version

This stacked chart shows the percentage of results for responses to four statements across three categories: DK/NR, no, and yes.

Respondents were asked: "During the flight disruption…?"

Respondents selected:

Were you informed frequently as to the status of your flight:
  • Category "DK/NR": 2%
  • Category "No": 46%
  • Category "Yes": 52%
Did the airline provide you with the information you needed in a clear and timely way:
  • Category "DK/NR": 2%
  • Category "No": 58%
  • Category "Yes": 40%
Were you provided assistance during the delay in the form of food and drink:
  • Category "DK/NR": 2%
  • Category "No": 70%
  • Category "Yes": 28%
Were you informed you may be entitled to compensation:
  • Category "DK/NR": 4%
  • Category "No": 85%
  • Category "Yes": 11%

Base: n=1129

Q12a-d. During the flight disruption…?

Base: n=1129

Submission of claim/complaint with an airline

Results suggest that few Canadian air travellers have submitted a claim or complaint with an airline in the past five years about a flight disruption (17%) or lost or damaged baggage (13%).

Chart 11: Submission of claim/complaint with an airline

Chart 11: Submission of claim/complaint with an airline. Text version below.

Chart 11: Submission of claim/complaint with an airline - Text Version

This stacked chart shows the percentage of results for responses to two statements across three categories: DK/NR, no, and yes.

Respondents were asked: "Did you submit a claim or complaint with an airline in the past five years about…?"

Respondents selected:

Flight disruption (delay, cancellation, denied boarding):
  • Category "DK/NR": 2%
  • Category "No": 82%
  • Category "Yes": 17%
Lost or damaged baggage:
  • Category "DK/NR": 2%
  • Category "No": 85%
  • Category "Yes": 13%

Base: n=2065

Q13a-c. Did you submit a claim or complaint with an airline in the past five years about…?

Base: n=2065

Assistance with resolving a complaint

Those who indicated they had submitted a claim or complaint with an airline were asked whether the airline provided needed information or assistance when trying to resolve the problem. Only four in ten of these respondents felt the airline staff were helpful in resolving the complaint (43%), and even fewer felt the airline provided them with the information they needed in a clear, concise and timely way (31%) or informed them of their air passenger rights (18%).

Chart 12: Assistance with resolving a complaint

Chart 12: Assistance with resolving a complaint. Text version below.

Chart 12: Assistance with resolving a complaint - Text Version

This stacked chart shows the percentage of results for responses to three statements across three categories: DK/NR, no, and yes.

Respondents were asked: "When you tried to resolve the complaint with the airline...?"

Respondents selected:

Were the airline staff helpful:
  • Category "DK/NR": 5%
  • Category "No": 53%
  • Category "Yes": 43%
Did the airline provide you with the information you needed in a clear, concise and timely way:
  • Category "DK/NR": 2%
  • Category "No": 67%
  • Category "Yes": 31%
Did the airline inform you of your air passenger rights:
  • Category "DK/NR": 5%
  • Category "No": 76%
  • Category "Yes": 18%

Base: n=575

Q14a-c. When you tried to resolve the complaint with the airline...?

Base: n=575

Satisfaction with the resolution of a complaint

Those who submitted a claim or complaint with an airline expressed low levels of satisfaction with the resolution of their complaint. Fewer than four in ten (39%) express satisfaction with the resolution of the issue, and almost half (49%) indicate dissatisfaction with the resolution of their complaint.

Chart 13: Satisfaction with resolution of complaint

Chart 13: Satisfaction with resolution of complaint. Text version below.

Chart 13: Satisfaction with resolution of complaint - Text Version

This pie chart shows the percentage of results for responses to one question across three categories: not satisfied, somewhat, and satisfied.

Respondents were asked: "How satisfied are you with the resolution of your complaint with the airline?"

Respondents selected:

Base: n=575

Q15. How satisfied are you with the resolution of your complaint with the airline?

Base: n=575

D. Passenger Experience With the CTA

Awareness of consumer protections for air passengers

All respondents were asked if they were aware that Canada has consumer protections for air passengers. Three in four (72%) say they are aware of these protections, and only one in four (24%) say they are unaware.

Chart 14: Awareness of consumer protections for air passengers

Chart 14: Awareness of consumer protections for air passengers. Text version below.

Chart 14: Awareness of consumer protections for air passengers - Text Version

This pie chart shows the percentage of results for responses to one question across three categories: yes, no, and DK/NR.

Respondents were asked: "Are you aware that Canada has consumer protections for air passengers?"

Respondents selected:

Base: n=2065

Q16. Are you aware that Canada has consumer protections for air passengers?

Base: n=2065

Awareness of the Canadian Transportation Agency

Respondents were also asked if they were aware that the Canadian Transportation Agency can resolve air travel complaints. Only about one in three Canadian air travellers (36%) say they know the CTA can resolve air travel complaints, while 58% say they are not aware of this.

Chart 15: Awareness of the Canadian Transportation Agency

Chart 15: Awareness of the Canadian Transportation Agency. Text version below.

Chart 15: Awareness of the Canadian Transportation Agency - Text Version

This pie chart shows the percentage of results for responses to one question across three categories: yes, no, and DK/NR.

Respondents were asked: "Do you know the Canadian Transportation Agency can resolve air travel complaints?"

Respondents selected:

Base: n=2065

Q17. Do you know the Canadian Transportation Agency can resolve air travel complaints?

Base: n=2065

Source of awareness of the Canadian Transportation Agency

Those who indicated they were aware that the CTA could resolve air travel complaints were asked how they became aware of the Agency. News media was mentioned most often (68%), followed by social media (21%) and a web search (17%).

Chart 16: Source of awareness of the Canadian Transportation Agency

Chart 16: Source of awareness of the Canadian Transportation Agency. Text version below.

Chart 16: Source of awareness of the Canadian Transportation Agency - Text Version

This chart of single bars shows the percentage of results for responses to eleven statements.

Respondents were asked: "[If yes] How did you become aware of the Canadian Transportation Agency? [Choose all that apply]

Respondents selected:

Base: n=774

Q18. [If yes] How did you become aware of the Canadian Transportation Agency? [Choose all that apply]

Base: n=774

Experience with the Canadian Transportation Agency

All respondents were asked if they had filed a complaint with the Canadian Transportation Agency. Only three percent of the air travelers surveyed indicated they had filed a complaint with the CTA; the vast majority (97%) had not.

Chart 17: Experience with the Canadian Transportation Agency

Chart 17: Experience with the Canadian Transportation Agency. Text version below.

Chart 17: Experience with the Canadian Transportation Agency - Text Version

This pie chart shows the percentage of results for responses to one question across three categories: yes, no, and DK/NR.

Respondents were asked: "Have you filed a complaint with the Canadian Transportation Agency?"

Respondents selected:

Base: n=2065

Q19. Have you filed a complaint with the Canadian Transportation Agency?

Base: n=2065

Clarity of information provided by the Canadian Transportation Agency

Those who indicated they had filed a complaint with the CTA were asked if the instructions to complete the Agency complaint form were clear and easy to follow. Most of these respondents (68%) indicated the form was easy to complete. However, 27% did not feel the form was easy to complete.

Chart 18: Clarity of information provided by the Canadian Transportation Agency

Chart 18: Clarity of information provided by the Canadian Transportation Agency. Text version below.

Chart 18: Clarity of information provided by the Canadian Transportation Agency - Text Version

This pie chart shows the percentage of results for responses to one question across three categories: yes, no, and DK/NR.

Respondents were asked: "[If yes] Were the instructions to complete the Canadian Transportation Agency complaint form clear and easy to follow?"

Respondents selected:

Base: n=59

Q20. [If yes] Were the instructions to complete the Canadian Transportation Agency complaint form clear and easy to follow?

Base: n=59

Clarity of decision from the Canadian Transportation Agency

Those who indicated they had filed a complaint with the CTA were also asked if the decision and reasoning provided by the CTA in the resolution of the complaint was easy to understand, irrespective of the outcome. Results are mixed: 33% of these respondents indicated yes, 10% indicated no, and the majority (53%) indicated the complaint was not resolved.

Chart 19: Clarity of decision from the Canadian Transportation Agency

Chart 19: Clarity of decision from the Canadian Transportation Agency. Text version below.

Chart 19: Clarity of decision from the Canadian Transportation Agency - Text Version

This pie chart shows the percentage of results for responses to one question across four categories: yes, no, complaint not resolved, and DK/NR.

Respondents were asked: "If the Canadian Transportation Agency resolved your complaint, were the decision and the reasoning provided easy to understand, irrespective of the outcome?"

Respondents selected:

Base: n=59

Q21. If the Canadian Transportation Agency resolved your complaint, were the decision and the reasoning provided easy to understand, irrespective of the outcome?

Base: n=59


A. Methodological Details

The research involved an online survey of 2,065 Canadians 18 years of age and older who have travelled by air since 2019. The survey was conducted across Canada in both official languages. The field dates for the survey were January 25-February 6, 2024.

We used our probability-based online panel, Probit, to undertake this survey. Probit is an online research panel that has been designed by Ekos to provide statistically representative data. Our panel offers complete coverage of the Canadian population (Internet, phone, cell phone), random recruitment (participants are recruited randomly; they do not opt themselves into our panel), and equal probability sampling. All respondents to our panel are recruited by telephone using random digit dialling, and their demographic information is confirmed by live interviewers.

The distribution of the recruitment process for our panel mirrors the actual population in Canada (as defined by Statistics Canada). As such, our panel can be considered representative of the general public (survey results from our online panel support confidence intervals and margin of error estimates). The overall panel size is roughly 100,000 Canadian households. Random stratified samples are drawn from the panel database for individual research assignments.

All survey results were weighted by region, age, and gender according to Statistics Canada data to ensure that the results were representative of the Canadian public. The margin of error for a survey of n=2,065 is +/- 2.2 percentage points 19 times out of 20.

Questionnaire design

The CTA provided Ekos with a draft questionnaire for review and comment. In consultation with the CTA, Ekos revised and finalized the questionnaire.

Ekos data analysts programmed the final questionnaire and performed thorough testing to ensure accuracy in set-up and data collection. This validation ensured that the data entry process conformed to the survey’s basic logic. The data collection system handles sampling invitations, quotas and questionnaire completion (skip patterns, branching, and valid ranges). The client was also given the opportunity to test the survey links.

Prior to finalizing the survey for the field, a pre-test (soft launch) was conducted in English and French. The pre-test assessed the questionnaire in terms of question wording and sequencing, respondent sensitivity to specific questions and to the survey overall, and to determine the survey length; standard Government of Canada pre-testing questions were also asked.

The final survey questionnaire is included in Appendix B.


The survey was conducted by Ekos using a secure, fully-featured web-based survey environment. The average interview length was 11.9 minutes.

All respondents were offered the opportunity to complete the survey in their official language of choice. All research work was conducted in accordance with the Standards for the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research – Online Surveys and recognized industry standards, as well as applicable federal legislation (The Privacy Act, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, and Access to Information Act).

Completion results

The completion results are presented in the table below.

Table 2: Contact disposition
Disposition N
Total invitations (c) 32,064
Total completes (d) 2,065
Qualified break-offs (e) 176
Disqualified (f) 958
Not responded (g) 28,865
Quota filled (h) 0
Contact rate = (d+e+f+h)/c 10.0%
Participation rate = (d+f+h)/c 9.4%

Non-response bias analysis

The table below presents a profile of the final sample, compared to the actual population of Canada (2021 Census information). As is the case with most surveys, the final sample under-represents younger Canadians, and those with high school or less education, which is a typical pattern for public opinion surveys in Canada (i.e., older Canadians, and those with more education are more likely to respond to surveys).

Table 3: Non-response bias analysis
Sample type Sample Canada (2021 Census)
Gender (18+)
Male 53% 49%
Female 46% 51%
18-34 16% 27%
35-54 38% 32%
55+ 45% 41%
Education level
High school diploma or less 17% 39%
Trades/college/post sec no degree 38% 32%
University degree 45% 29%

B. Survey Questionnaire

[Note: Right column provides numeric coding used for the machine collation of statistics and is not displayed to users.]


Thank you for participating in this survey. Ekos Research Associates is conducting a survey on air travel experiences on behalf of the Government of Canada.

Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur français.

The survey takes about 12 minutes to complete and your participation is voluntary and confidential. Your answers will remain anonymous and the information you provide will be administered according to the requirements of the Privacy Act, the Access to Information Act, and any other pertinent legislation. To view our privacy policy click here.

Should you have any questions about the survey please contact the Government of Canada at info@otc-cta.gc.ca.

If you require any technical assistance, please contact online@ekos.com


In the past five years, how often have you flown:

Within Canada




When did you last travel by air?


Please read the statements below and tell us how each of them influences your decision when purchasing a ticket


Price of the ticket


Reputation of the airline


Previous experience with airline


Quality of service


Loyalty programs


Environmental concerns


No other airline option available


Accessibility services


Usability of their website or mobile app

Q3J [0,1]

Other (please specify)


How did you book your most recent flight? Choose one.


Overall, how satisfied are you with your most recent air travel experience?

Q6 [1,3]

What improvements or changes would you suggest to airlines or airports to enhance ’””passengers’ air travel experience?


When booking your most recent flight, how clear was the information provided to you about the following:


Travel itinerary


Terms and conditions for the ticket


Rules for refunds


Seating information and seating fees


Rebooking fees


Other fees or charges


How confident are you that you will have a positive travel experience the next time you travel by air?


How confident are you that the airline will provide you with a satisfactory solution if there is a problem with your flight?


Have you experienced an air travel disruption that resulted in a delay of more than two hours in the last five years?


In the event of a flight disruption, such as a delay, cancellation or denial of boarding, are you aware of your rights with respect to the following:


Compensation for inconvenience due to the disruption


Assistance in the form of food and drink, and where required accommodation






During the flight disruption:


Did the airline provide you with the information you needed in a clear and timely way?


Were you informed frequently as to the status of your flight?


Were you provided assistance during the delay in the form of food and drink?


Were you informed you may be entitled to compensation?


Did you submit a claim or complaint with an airline in the past five years about:


Flight disruption (delay, cancellation, denied boarding)


Lost or damaged baggage

Q13C [0,1]

Other issue (please specify)


When you tried to resolve the complaint with the airline:


Did the airline inform you of your air passenger rights?


Did the airline provide you with the information you needed in a clear, concise and timely way?4


Were the airline staff helpful?


How satisfied are you with the resolution of your complaint with the airline?


Are you aware that Canada has consumer protections for air passengers?


Do you know the Canadian Transportation Agency can resolve air travel complaints?

Q18 [1,9]

How did you become aware of the Canadian Transportation Agency?

Please choose all that apply.


Have you filed a complaint with the Canadian Transportation Agency?


Were the instructions to complete the Canadian Transportation Agency complaint form clear and easy to follow?


If the Canadian Transportation Agency resolved your complaint, was the decision and the reasoning provided easy to understand, irrespective of the outcome?


The following questions will be used for statistical purposes only.

What is your age?


Hesitant, QAGE

May we place your age into one of the following general age categories?


Are you...?


In which province or territory do you live?


What is the highest level of schooling that you have completed?


What is your gross household income (the combined income of all those earners in a household from all sources, including wages, salaries, or rents and before tax deductions)

Thank You

Those are all the questions we have for you. Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey, it is greatly appreciated. Your answers have been saved and you may now close your browser window.



Unfortunately, based on your responses you are ineligible to participate in this survey. Thank you for your time!