Understanding consumer awareness and satisfaction with the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)

Final Report

Prepared for Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

Supplier Name: Nanos Research
Contract Number: CW2336462
Contract Value: $112,943.50 (including HST)
Award Date: 2023-11-03
Delivery Date: 2024-03-08
Registration Number: POR 080-23

For more information on this report, please contact the CRTC at: ROP-POR@crtc.gc.ca

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Understanding consumer awareness and satisfaction with the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)
Final Report

Prepared for the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) by Nanos Research
April 2024
This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from the CRTC. For more information on this report, please contact the CRTC at:  ROP-POR@crtc.gc.ca
© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024.

Catalogue Number: BC92-131/2024E-PDF
International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-70863-8
Aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Comprendre la notoriété et la satisfaction des consommateurs à l'égard de la Commission des plaintes relatives aux services de télécom-télévision (CPRST).

Numéro de catalogue : BC92-131/2024F-PDF
Numéro international normalisé du livre (ISBN) : 978-0-660-70864-5

Table of Contents

Executive summary

A. Background and objectives

Established in 2007 by several telecommunications service providers, the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) is an independent telecommunications consumer agency. Its mandate and structure were approved by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). The mandate of the CCTS is to resolve and report on consumer complaints regarding phone, internet and TV subscription services. Telecommunications Service Providers (TSPs) and licensed Television Service Providers (TVSPs) are required by the CRTC to participate in the CCTS. The CCTS is also tasked with resolving complaints related to the CRTC consumer protection codes,[1] including tracking and reporting on any breaches of these codes.

A crucial aspect of the CCTS' effectiveness is public awareness as this increases consumers' ability to seek recourse with the CCTS and allows the CCTS the opportunity to help Canadians where it can. While the CCTS is best positioned to determine which initiatives can best improve awareness, the CRTC expects that the CCTS will measure the effectiveness of its Awareness Plan on an ongoing basis. The CRTC also requires service providers to use various communication methods to inform consumers about the CCTS, and expects the CCTS to regularly assess the compliance of participants with their promotional obligations and to continue with general awareness activities, including promotion on social media and outreach to consumer groups.

The specific research objectives are as follows:

B. Methodology

The survey is comprised of 1,301 Canadians, 18 years of age and older, who have a subscription to at least one of the following services: wireless mobile service plans, home phone service plans, Television service plans, or Internet service plans. The survey was conducted across Canada in each province and territory.

The telephone survey sample was drawn from random recruitment by RDD dual frame (land-and cell-lines) and respondents were administered the survey online by live agents.

The fieldwork was conducted between January 31st and February 19th, 2024. Details on the rate of participation can be found in Appendix A and the questionnaire is provided in Appendix B.

The margin of error for a random survey of 1,301 individuals with a telecommunications service subscription is plus or minus 2.7 percentage points, nineteen times out of twenty.

C. Contract value

The contract value was $112,943.50 (including HST)

Supplier name: Nanos Research

PWGSC contract number: CW2336462

Original contract date: 2023-11-03

For more information, contact the CRTC at ROP-POR@crtc.gc.ca.

D. Political neutrality statement and contact information

This certification is to be submitted with the final report submitted to the Project Authority.

I hereby certify, as a Representative of Nanos Research, that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Government of Canada's Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and Directive on the Management of Communications. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, party standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Nik Nanos
Chief Data Scientist and President
Nanos Research
(613) 234-4666 x237

E. Key findings

Complaint resolution process

When asked unprompted where they would go to try and resolve a complaint related to one of their communications service providers, a strong majority of respondents said they would go to their service provider if they had a complaint (84%). Some 7% of respondents said they would search online what to do, while 5% said they would contact the CRTC. Of note, less than 1 % mentioned unprompted that they would go to the CCTS.

Examining the experience for those with a recent complaint, nearly all respondents who reported having had a complaint related to their service provider in the last 12 months reported having contacted their service provider to try to resolve the complaint (99%), while 1% reported having asked their family and friends for help, and less than 1% each reported having searched online or taking no action. No respondents reported having contacted the CCTS.

Just over half of respondents with a complaint who contacted their service provider reported that their service provider was able to resolve their complaint (55%), leaving more than four in ten unresolved by the provider (43%), or unsure if their provider resolved the complaint (3%).

Provider referrals to the CCTS

More than nine in ten respondents (96%) who contacted their service provider about a complaint and whose provider did not resolve their complaint reported their service provider did not mention the CCTS as an avenue to address their complaint, while 2% each reported their provider mentioning the CCTS or being unsure/did not recall.

In addition, over nine in ten respondents with a complaint not resolved by their service provider reported they did not submit a complaint to the CCTS, (99%; 1% were unsure or did not recall). When asked why they didn't submit a complaint, respondents often cited they were not aware/did not know about the CCTS (64%), that they did not see the point in doing so (11%), that they were not sure how to (7%), or that they could not be bothered to (6%).

Awareness and impressions of the CCTS

Just under two in ten respondents (18%) reported they have previously heard of the CCTS, while 80% had not heard of it, and 2% were unsure.

Those with reported awareness of the CCTS most often reported having become aware of it on the news (39%), via an Internet search (10%), through word of mouth (8%), television (8%), social media (5%) or the radio (5%).

Respondents aware of the CCTS are twice as likely to have a positive impression of it (28%; score of 7-10) than a negative one (12%; score of 0-3), but, of note, about one third of respondents were unsure of their impression (32%). 

In terms of impressions of the usefulness of CCTS services to them, respondents remained more likely to have positive views on the usefulness (32 %; score of 7-10) than negative views (20%; score of 0-3), but views were more mixed. One in four (25%) respondents were unsure how useful they thought CCTS services might be for them.

Type and source of complaint

Just under one in three (32%) reported having had a complaint related to the service provider they were subscribed to in the last 12 months (excluding complaints about pricing) The complaints were most often related to their home internet service (50% of those with a complaint), followed by mobile phone service (24%) and television service (22%).

In terms of the nature of the complaints, respondents most often said the complaints related to either service delivery or billing disputes.

About this report

This report begins with an executive summary outlining key findings and conclusions, followed by a detailed analysis of the qualitative and quantitative results. A detailed set of "banner tables" is provided under separate cover; this presents results for all survey questions by key segments such as region, age, gender, and key communities.

The quantitative results are expressed as percentages unless otherwise noted. Base size is the total sample of n=1,301 unless otherwise specified.

Detailed findings are presented in the sections that follow. Overall results are presented in the main portion of the narrative and are typically supported by graphic or tabular presentation of results. Results for the proportion of respondents in the sample who either said "don't know" or did not provide a response may not be indicated in the graphic representation of the results in all cases, particularly where they are not sizable (e.g., 10% or less). Net results cited in the text may not exactly match individual results shown in the charts due to rounding. Results may not add to 100% due to rounding or multiple responses.

The bullets under the charts also note any significant differences between sub-groups of respondents in different demographic groups.

Key demographic patterns of interest are described throughout the report, in the following order: gender, age, province/territory, income, ethnicity, and community type.

Only demographic differences that are significantly different are presented.

Details of the methodology and sample characteristics can be found in Appendix A. The final survey instrument can be found in Appendix B.

Detailed findings

A. Subscription services

Type of communications service subscription
Type of engagement Home phone service (n=1298) Cell phone service (n=1301) Television service (n=1301) Home Internet service (n=1301) Service bundle (n=1297)
Yes 51.1% 92.4% 66.3% 92.8% 52.8%
No 48.1% 7.5% 32.9% 6.9% 43.1%
Don't know/no response 0.8% <1% <1% 4.1% 0.7%

Base: Total sample, n=1301 Canadians with a subscription to at least one telecommunication service.

F. Does your household subscribe to a home phone service, also known as a landline?

G. Do you have your own cell phone, smartphone or other wireless device?

H. Does your household subscribe to a cable, satellite or IPTV TV service? [IF ASKED: IPTV is a different way of getting traditional TV, similar to cable or satellite TV. IPTV is different from Netflix or other streaming services. (IPTV does not include Netflix)]

I. Does your household subscribe to a home Internet service?

J. *Does your household subscribe to a service bundle or package? For example, this could be a landline telephone service and home internet service sold as one single bundled package.

B. Solving telecoms complaints

Methods to resolve complaints related to phone, television, and internet services

A strong majority of respondents with a subscription to a telecommunications service said they would go to their service provider if they had a complaint (84%). Some 7% of respondents said they would search online what to do, while 5% said they would contact the CRTC. Fewer than 1% said they would contact the CCTS.

Just under one in three (32%) reported having had a complaint related to the service provider they were subscribed to in the last 12 months (excluding complaints about pricing). The complaints were most often related to their home internet service (50% of those with a complaint) and about either service delivery or billing disputes for all service types.

Q1 -- If you had a complaint related to one of your communications service providers that delivers mobile, home phone, television, and internet services, where would you go to try and resolve it? [OPEN]

How to resolve complaints with service providers
Type of engagement Total (n=1230)
Contact the service provider 84.2%
Look up online what to do/Google 6.6%
CRTC 4.5%
Go to the store/place I bought it 1.8%
A family member/friend 1.3%
Go to another provider/switch providers 1.1%
Nothing/I wouldn't do anything 1.0%
Government agency (unspecified) 0.9%
Office de la protection du consommateur 0.9%
Go to the media/social media 0.8%
Ombudsman 0.6%
Haven't had any issues/problems 0.5%
Try to solve myself/troubleshoot problem 0.4%
Bring to IT person/repair person 0.4%
CCTS 0.3%
Better Business Bureau 0.2%
Other 1.5%
Unsure 7.3%

Base: All respondents, n=1,230.


Recent complaints related to phone, television, and internet services

Q2 - In the last 12 months, have you had a complaint related to the service provider you were subscribed to? Please note we do not mean a complaint related to the monthly price of a service.

Recent complaint with service providers
Have had a complaint in last 12 months Total (n=1301)
Yes 31.5%
No 68.1%
Unsure/do not recall <1%

Base: All respondents, n=1301.



Level of education

Q3 - Thinking of your most recent complaint, what service did the complaint relate to? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY]

Service complaint related to
Type of service Total (n=406)
[IF SUBSCRIBES] Internet service 49.7%
[IF SUBSCRIBES] Mobile phone service 24.0%
[IF SUBSCRIBES] Television service 22.2%
[IF SUBSCRIBES] Bundle service 11.1%
[IF SUBSCRIBES] Home phone service 10.1%
Unsure/don't recall 3.0%

Base: Respondents who have had a complaint relating to a telecommunications service they subscribe to in the last 12 months, n=406.

Q4 - [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO MOBILE SERVICE] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your mobile phone service? [Select multiple]

Q6 - [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO HOME PHONE SERVICE] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your home phone service? [Select multiple]

Q8 - [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO TELEVISION SERVICE] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your television service? [Select multiple]

Q10 - [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO INTERNET SERVICE] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your internet service? [Select multiple]

Q12 -- [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO SERVICE BUNDLE] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your service bundle? [Select multiple]

Cause of service complaint
Statement Mobile service (n=94) Home phone service (n=45) Internet service (n=187) Television service (=101) Service bundle (n=47)
Billing disputes and/or errors (this does not include the price of the service itself) 45.6% 24.3% 16.3% 23.8% -
Service delivery 41.8% 73.5% 77.8% 57.5% 75.4%
Compliance with contract terms and commitments 7.8% 5.3% 9.3% 6.2% 75.4%
Credit, deposit, payment management 6.6% 4.2% 4.0% 2.7% -
Costs (general) 2.1% - - - -
Issues with fraud 3.4% - - - -
Phone not working/issues with phone number being carried over 1.3% - - - -
Communication (respect, a lack of information, etc.) 1.9% - - - -
Spam calls - 3.9% - - -
Call dropping/Wi-Fi malfunction - 9.2% - - -
Problems with method of payment (Online pay, no longer receiving paper bills) - - - 2.3% -
Technical/hardware issues - - - 15.4% -
Too many channels/channels I did not want - - - 1.6% -
Provider cut number of available channels in package - - - 2.4% -
Price/price was increased - - - - 12.4%
Other - - - - 5.2%
Unsure/do not recall 2.3% - 4.3% 2.2% -

Base: Respondents who have had a complaint relating to a telecommunications service they subscribe to in the last 12 months, n=406.

Q5-- [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO MOBILE SERVICE] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint?

Q7-- [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO HOME PHONE SERVICE] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint?

Q9-- [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO TELEVISION SERVICE] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint?

Q11-- [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO INTERNET SERVICE] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint?

Q13-- [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO SERVICE BUNDLE] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint?

Service provider when complaint was made
Providers – Top Mentions Mobile service (n=94) Home phone service (n=46) Internet service (n=187) Television service (=101) Service bundle (n=47)
Bell 25.7% 38.0% 29.2% 30.4% 32.2%
Rogers 25.3% 7.9% 17.8% 29.8% 27.1%
Telus 18.3% 22.4% 18.3% 12.3% 18.6%
Fido 8.2% - - - -
Koodo 5.2% - - - -
Videotron 4.4% 3.4% 3.2% 4.6% 6.0%
Virgin 3.6% - 1.0% 1.1% -
Freedom Mobile 2.8% - - - -
Eastlink 1.4% 1.9% 2.6% 3.0% 1.1%
Sasktel 0.4% - 0.2% 1.8% 1.7%
Cogeco - 9.0% 5.4% 7.7% 4.9%
Shaw - 3.5% 2.9% 2.6% 2.1%
Carry Telecom - 3.5% - - -
Northwestel - 2.9% 1.1% - 1.5%
Fire TV/Amazon - - - 1.5% -
Xplornet - - 3.0% - -
Unsure/prefer not to answer 4.7% 7.5% 4.3% 3.5% 4.9%

Base: Respondents who have had a complaint relating to a telecommunications service they subscribe to in the last 12 months, n=406.

C. Resolving complaints

Nearly all Canadians who reported having had a complaint related to the service provider they were subscribed to in the last 12 months said they contacted their service provider to try to resolve the complaint (99%), while 1% report they asked their family and friends for help.

Just over half of respondents reported their service provider was able to resolve their complaint (55%), leaving more than four in ten unresolved by the provider (43%) or unsure if the provider resolved the complaint (3%).

Of note, more than nine in ten respondents (96%) who contacted their service provider about a complaint and whose provider did not resolve their complaint reported that their service provider did not refer them to the CCTS as an avenue to resolve an unresolved complaint.

In addition, more than nine in ten reported they did not submit a complaint to the CCTS (99%), most often citing they were not aware/did not know about the CCTS (64%).

Q14-- What did you do to try to resolve the complaint? [RANDOMIZE][SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] [IF HAD A COMPLAINT IN Q2]

Action taken to resolve complaint
Statement Total (n=407)
Contacted your service provider 99.1%
Asked family/friends for help 0.8%
Did not do anything/didn’t take action <1%
Google/Internet search <1%
Other <1%

Base: Respondents who have had a complaint relating to a telecommunications service they subscribe to in the last 12 months, n=407.

Reasons for not taking action to resolve complaint

Q15-- Why did you not file a complaint? [OPEN][IF DID NOTHING IN Q14]

NOTE: This data has been suppressed due to a sample size of less than 30.

Q16 - Was your service provider able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction? [IF WENT TO PROVIDER IN Q14]

Service provider able to resolve complaint
Service provider resolved complaint Total (n=369)
Yes 54.9%
No 42.6%
Unsure/don't recall 2.5%

Base: Respondents who contacted their service provider about a complaint in the past 12 months, n=369.

Q17 - Did your service provider refer you to the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)? [IF NO OR UNSURE IN Q16]

Provider referring complaints to the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)
Statement Total (n=166)
Yes 2.1%
No 96.3%
Unsure/don't recall 1.6%

Base: Respondents who contacted their service provider about a complaint in the past 12 months and whose service provider did not resolve the complaint, n=166.

Q18 - Did you submit a complaint through the CCTS?

Submitting a complaint through the CCTS
Submitted a complaint Total (n=167)
No 98.9%
Yes -
Unsure/don't recall 1.1%

Base: Respondents who contacted their service provider about a complaint in the past 12 months and whose service provider did not resolve the complaint, n=167.

Q19 - Why did you not submit a complaint to the CCTS? [RANDOMIZE][IF NO TO Q18]

Reason for not submitting a complaint through the CCTS
Reason Total (n=164)
Was not aware/did not know about the CCTS 63.3%
I didn’t see the point 11.0%
I wasn’t sure how to 6.6%
I couldn’t be bothered 5.9%
My complaint was resolved/didn’t need to 4.3%
I thought my provider could solve the issue/provider is working on it 2.2%
I changed providers instead 1.7%
Never thought about it 1.0%
Other 0.5%
Unsure 3.6%

Base: Respondents who contacted their service provider about a complaint in the past 12 months and whose service provider did not resolve the complaint and who did not submit a complaint to the CCTS, n=164.

D. Experience with the CCTS

Method of submitting a complaint through the CCTS

Q20 - How did you submit the complaint to the CCTS? [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18]

NOTE: This data has been suppressed due to a sample size of less than 30.

Resolution of complaint through the CCTS

Q21 - Was your complaint resolved? [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18]

NOTE: This data has been suppressed due to a sample size of less than 30.

Satisfaction with CCTS experience

Q22 - On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all satisfied and 10 is very satisfied, how satisfied were you with your experience with the CCTS? [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18]

NOTE: This data has been suppressed due to a sample size of less than 30.

Reason for satisfaction rating with CCTS experience

Q23 - Why do you have that opinion? [OPEN] [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18]

NOTE: This data has been suppressed due to a sample size of less than 30.

E. Awareness and impressions of the CCTS

Just under two in ten respondents (18%) report they have previously heard of the CCTS, most often reporting having heard of it on the news (39%), via an Internet search (10%), through word of mouth (8%) or television (8%).

Respondents aware of the CCTS have at least a neutral or positive impression of the CCTS, and respondents overall have mixed views on the perceived usefulness of CCTS services for them personally.

Q24 - Prior to today, had you heard or not heard of the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)? [ASK UNLESS "YES" TO Q18]

Awareness of the CCTS
Awareness Total (n=1301)
Heard 18.3%
Not heard 80.2%
Unsure 1.5%

Base: All respondents, n=1301.

Q25 - Where did you hear about the CCTS? [ASK IF HEARD IN Q24 OR YES TO Q18 OR SELECTED CCTS IN Q14]

Where they heard about the CCTS
How became aware of CCTS Total (n=268)
The news 39.1%
Internet search 9.6%
Word of mouth 7.9%
Television in general (e.g., ads, etc.) 7.9%
Social media 5.3%
Radio 5.2%
Your telecommunications service provider 2.2%
The CRTC 2.1%
Education/School/Training 1.6%
Telephone/From this call 1.3%
Newspaper 0.6%
Other 2.2%
Unsure/do not recall 14.8%

Base: Respondents who have heard of the CCTS, n=268.




Q26 - On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is a very negative impression and 10 is a very positive impression, what is your overall impression of the CCTS?] [ASK IF HEARD IN Q24 OR YES TO Q18 OR SELECTED CCTS IN Q14]

Overall impression of the CCTS
Impression (score of 0-10) Total (n=268)
Mean 5.6
Negative (0-3) 11.6%
Average (4-6) 28.4%
Positive (7-10) 28.1%
Unsure/do not recall 31.9%

Base: Respondents who have heard of the CCTS, n=268.

Q27 - On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all useful and 10 is very useful, how useful do you think the services that the CCTS provides would be to you?

Overall impression of the usefulness of CCTS
Usefulness of CCTS (score of 0-10) Total (n=1301)
Mean 5.3
Not useful (0-3) 20.1%
Neutral (4-6) 22.8%
Useful (7-10) 32.1%
Unsure/do not recall 25.0%

Base: All respondents, n=1301.



Appendix A: Methodology

Nanos conducted a RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) random telephone survey of 1,301 Canadians, 18 years of age or older, with a subscription to at least one of the following plans between January 31st and February 19th, 2024: wireless mobile service plans, home phone service plans, television service plans, internet service plans or service bundle. Participants were randomly recruited by telephone and administered a survey via live agent. The results were statistically checked and weighted by age and gender using the latest Census information and the sample was geographically stratified to be representative of Canada.

This research project is compliant with the terms of the Standards for the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research. All research conducted complies with the Standards for the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research - Telephone Surveys.

All Nanos surveys are registered in the CRIC Research Verification Service and contain a Research Verification Service (RVS) number. This registration number can be used to check the legitimacy of the research and provide feedback on the research.

Nanos Research monitors ten percent of all fieldwork for quality control and assurance in accordance with the standards of CRIC, European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research and American Association for Public Opinion Research.

Sample Characteristics

The following table outlines the weighted and unweighted sample composition for the survey.

Demographic Weighted Unweighted
18-24 12% 7%
25-34 15% 9%
35-44 15% 13%
45-54 17% 15%
55-64 14% 20%
65 plus 27% 36%
Male 49% 48%
Female 51% 1%
Prefer not to answer 1% 1%
High School diploma, equivalent or less 19% 21%
Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma/College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma 34% 34%
University certificate or diploma/Bachelor’s degree or post-graduate degree below Bachelor's level 44% 43%
Prefer not to answer 3% 3%
Total household income
Low income (under $40,000) 16% 17%
Mid-income ($40,000 to $80,000) 34% 35%
High income ($80,000 or more) 32% 30%
Prefer not to answer 17% 17%
British Columbia 14% 14%
Prairies 17% 19%
Ontario 39% 36%
Quebec 23% 22%
Atlantic 7% 8%
Territories 0% 1%


Once invited, participants were administered a set of screening questions to filter out anyone who was not eligible to participate in the study. For the purposes of this study the following screening criteria were applied:

As noted, respondents who fell into any of the above categories or who reported not having any telecommunications service subscriptions were immediately terminated from the research/prevented from proceeding any further and they were no longer eligible to participate in the study.

Fieldwork Dates

Fieldwork was conducted between January 31st and February 19th, 2024.

Margin of error

The margin of error for the random sample of 1,301 Canadians, 18 years of age and older, is 2.7 percentage points plus or minus, nineteen times out of twenty.

Questionnaire design

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission provided Nanos with desired topic areas for the questionnaire. Nanos Research then designed a questionnaire and advised on best practices in question design. Upon approval of the English questionnaire, Nanos Research translated the questionnaire into French which was then reviewed by the CRTC

Nanos programmed the questionnaire into our CATI system, then thoroughly tested the programming in English and French to ensure accuracy ahead of the pre-test and rollout. This procedure ensured that the survey logic accurately reflected the questionnaire and data was collected properly. The final survey questionnaire is included in Appendix B.

Interview Duration

Interview length averaged 7.56 minutes and ranged from 4 to 19 minutes.

Weighting Procedures

Our sampling methodology stratified the population along three key variables which allowed triangulation of the weighting approach and yielded robust, geographic and demographic representation across the country.

The sample was stratified along three axes -- by region/province, by sex and by age. Fixed completion quotas were assigned to each province, which were anchored by their population distribution relative to the national total.

In order to ensure balanced representation within each province/region, the sample was further stratified by sub-regions. This prevented over/under-sampling of geographies (ex. City of Toronto), within the provincial total.

Within each province soft gender/sex quotas were then set which approximate that area's sex distribution. The data collection allowed for a variance of +/- 5% for sex within each region, again preventing over representation by either men or women. The third stratification axis was by age category. The age categories were used to group respondents and for weighting purposes.

Each of the age categories were weighted, within their sex and their province/region, the outcome of which yielded a dataset which accurately reflects the demographic composition of the population at large.

Quality Controls

Prior to launching the survey, a pre-test was conducted with 22 individuals (11 English, 11 French). The purpose of the pre-test was to ensure that the content of the questionnaire was understandable, that the duration of the interview fit the target, to ensure comparability between the French and the English, and to ensure that the logic of the survey flowed smoothly. The pre-test was completed on January 28th, 2024.

Upon completion of the pre-test, Nanos and the CRTC reviewed the findings and determined no modifications were needed and the survey was deployed to the full sample.

Between 10 to 15% of all the interviews conducted by Nanos are live monitored by a Nanos field supervisor on staff and present at the call centre. The following are the supervisory procedures Nanos follows to ensure the quality of all fieldwork.

Pre-field Procedures - Telephone

Field Procedures -- Telephone

Call Dispositions

The following table outlines the call disposition for the fieldwork.

Telephone Survey Call Disposition
Telephone Survey Call Disposition Total
Total Numbers Attempted 141,881
Out of scope - invalid 104,365
NIS, Business, etc. 104,365
Unresolved (U) 21,777
No answer/machine/etc. 21,751
Busy 26
In-scope Non-responding (IS) 14,438
Language barrier 55
Callback 288
Refusal 14,095
Termination -
In-scope responding (R) 1,301
Complete 1,301
Partials -
Response Rate 3.5%

Response Rate

The response rate for this survey was 3.5%. This was calculated using the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) formula, which has been approved by the Government of Canada (Response Rate/Participation Rate = R/(U + IS + R).

Non-Response Bias

First, there is potential non-response bias based on the profile of the responding sample. Based on our experience, using the RDD dual frame land and cell-line sample represents the optimal and most reliable form of research that requires the least amount of post fieldwork statistical weighting. From a research perspective, the less weighting the better since the data remains random and in its raw form as shared with Nanos.

There was potential for under-coverage among individuals who may not even have access to a land or cell-line to be included in the sample. Nanos managed the non-response bias by statistically checking the demographics of the participating sample group with the Canadian population. Where a valid variance occurred, the dataset was weighted to be consistent with the profile of Canadians 18 years and older, including those, for example, of a lower socio-economic status. The estimated proportion of Canadians without access to a cellphone or landline to complete the survey is 1%[2].

Second, there is the potential non-response bias based on the answers themselves. Although the demographic profile of the sample reflects the Canadian population, hypothetically, the non-responding participants may have different opinions. Although this is a hypothetical possibility, the Nanos track record with respect to both economic and political sentiment which very accurately captures opinion and closely correlates to a number of external measures intended to be examined, suggests that there is little non-response bias in the Nanos methodology.

There is also the possible issue of call response bias, which is the potential bias in terms of the profile of the individual who wants to answer the phone within a household. This issue specifically relates to land-line sample where the line is within a household with multiple eligible adult respondents. This is a methodological convention which is a carryover from in-person surveys done in neighborhoods where there would be a bias of a male answering the door. The solution was to ask to interview the individual present in the household who had the next birthday. This solution helps with representativeness and bias against the profile of those who answer the phone.

Also, of note, the positive reputation of Nanos as Canada's most trusted research organization has a material impact on both response rates and, in our opinion, non-response bias.

In order to minimize non-response, the following were key:

Appendix B: Survey questionnaire

Hello/Bonjour, my name is XXXX. I'm calling on behalf of Nanos, a public opinion research firm. We're doing a survey for the Government of Canada to explore issues of interest to Canadians.

This survey should take up to 8 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary and completely confidential. Your answers will remain anonymous and will be protected according to the requirements of the Privacy Act, Access to Information Act and any other related legislation.

This survey is registered with the Canadian Research Insights Council's survey validation system.

[ACCESSIBILITY NOTE: If an alternative method of taking part in the survey is needed offer this to respondents.]

IF REQUESTED: The registration number is: XXXXXXXXXXXXX.

I was wondering if you could share your opinions and participate in our survey.

A. First of all, are you 18 years of age or older?

B. Do you or does anyone in your household or immediate family, work in any of the following occupations?

C. Have I reached you on your cell phone?

D. Are you in a place where you can safely talk on the phone and answer my questions and is this a good time to answer this survey?

INTERVIEWER NOTE: If you think respondents' setting may endanger them (e.g., driving a vehicle), hinder their participation (e.g., background distractions), or hamper their ability to respond openly (e.g., lack of privacy), suggest rescheduling the interview.

E. When would be a good time for me to call back?

F. Does your household subscribe to a home phone service, also known as a landline?

Yes [DUAL USE].............................................................................................. 1

No [CODE AS CPO].............................................................................................. 2

Don't know/no response............................................................................................ 77

G. Do you have your own cell phone, smartphone or other wireless device?

Yes................................................................................ 1

No................................................................................ 2

[DO NOT READ] Don't know/no response.............................................................................. 77

H. Does your household subscribe to a cable, satellite or IPTV TV service?

Yes................................................................................ 1

No................................................................................ 2

[DO NOT READ] Don't know/no response.............................................................................. 77

[IF ASKED: IPTV is a different way of getting traditional TV, similar to cable or satellite TV. IPTV is different from Netflix or other streaming services. (IPTV does not include Netflix)]

I. Does your household subscribe to a home Internet service?

Yes................................................................................ 1

No................................................................................ 2

[DO NOT READ] Don't know/no response.............................................................................. 77

J. Does your household subscribe to a service bundle or package? For example, this could be a landline telephone service and home internet service sold as one single bundled package.

Yes................................................................................ 1

No................................................................................ 2

[DO NOT READ] Don't know/no response.............................................................................. 77


TERMINATION MESSAGE: Thank you for your willingness to take part in this survey. Unfortunately, you do not meet the eligibility requirements of this study.

K. In what year were you born?

L. [IF PREFER NOT TO ANSWER IN K] Would you be willing to tell me in which of the following age categories you belong? [READ; STOP WHEN A SELECTION IS MADE]

18 to 24................................................................................ 1

25 to 34................................................................................ 2

35 to 44................................................................................ 3

45 to 54................................................................................ 4

55 to 64................................................................................ 5

65 or older................................................................................ 6

[DO NOT READ] Prefer not to answer.............................................................................. 99

M. How do you identify your gender? [DO NOT READ][OPEN -- CODE WITH LIST]

Woman................................................................................ 1

Man................................................................................ 2

Another response [INTERVIEWER RECORD]................................................................................ 3

[DO NOT READ] Prefer not to answer.............................................................................. 77

N. In which province or territory do you live? [DO NOT READ]i

Newfoundland and Labrador................................................................................ 1

Prince Edward Island................................................................................ 2

Nova Scotia................................................................................ 3

New Brunswick................................................................................ 4

Quebec................................................................................ 5

Ontario................................................................................ 6

Manitoba................................................................................ 7

Saskatchewan................................................................................ 8

Alberta................................................................................ 9

British Columbia.............................................................................. 10

Yukon.............................................................................. 11

Northwest Territories.............................................................................. 12

Nunavut.............................................................................. 13

[DO NOT READ] Prefer not to answer .............................................................................. 99

Our study today is about your experience related to telecommunications services.

  1. If you had a complaint related to one of your communications service providers that delivers mobile, home phone, television, and internet services, where would you go to try and resolve it? [OPEN]
  1. In the last 12 months, have you had a complaint related to the service provider you were subscribed to? Please note we do not mean a complaint related to the monthly price of a service.

Yes................................................................................ 1 [GO TO Q3]

No................................................................................ 2 [SKIP TO Q24]

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED] [SKIP TO Q24]

  1. [IF YES TO Q2] Thinking of your most recent complaint, what service did the complaint relate to? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY]

[IF SUBSCRIBES] Mobile phone service................................................................................ 1

[IF SUBSCRIBES] Home phone service................................................................................ 2

[IF SUBSCRIBES] Television service................................................................................ 3

[IF SUBSCRIBES] Internet service................................................................................ 4

[IF SUBSCRIBES] Bundle service................................................................................ 5

Unsure/don't recall [SKIP TO Q14]................................................................................ 6

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO MOBILE SERVICE IN Q3] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your mobile phone service? [Select multiple]

Compliance with contract terms and commitments................................................................................ 1

Billing disputes and/or errors (this does not include the price of the service itself)................................................................................ 2

Service delivery................................................................................ 3

Credit, deposit, payment management................................................................................ 4

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED]

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO MOBILE SERVICE IN Q3] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint? [DO NOT READ]

Bell............................................... 1

Eastlink......................................... 2

Rogers........................................... 3

Telus............................................. 4

Videotron...................................... 5

Chatr............................................. 6

Fido.............................................. 7

Fizz............................................... 8

Freedom Mobile............................ 9

Koodo........................................... 10

Lucky............................................ 11

PC Mobile..................................... 12

Virgin........................................... 13

Other (Record).............................. 20

Unsure/Prefer not to answer............ 99

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO HOME PHONE SERVICE IN Q3] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your home phone service? [Select multiple]

Compliance with contract terms and commitments................................................................................ 1

Billing disputes and/or errors (this does not include the price of the service itself)................................................................................ 2

Service delivery................................................................................ 3

Credit, deposit, payment management................................................................................ 4

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED]

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO HOME PHONE SERVICE IN Q3] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint? [DO NOT READ]

Bell................................................. 1

Cogeco............................................ 2

Eastlink........................................... 3

Rogers............................................. 4

Telus............................................... 5

Videotron........................................ 6

Fido................................................. 7

Virgin.............................................. 8

Other (Record).............................. 20

Unsure/Prefer not to answer............ 99

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO TELEVISION SERVICE IN Q3] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your television service? [Select multiple]

Compliance with contract terms and commitments................................................................................ 1

Billing disputes and/or errors (this does not include the price of the service itself)................................................................................ 2

Service delivery................................................................................ 3

Credit, deposit, payment management................................................................................ 4

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77  [UNPROMPTED]

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO TELEVISION SERVICE IN Q3] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint? [DO NOT READ]

Bell............................................... 1

Cogeco.......................................... 2

Eastlink......................................... 3

Rogers........................................... 4

Telus............................................. 5

Videotron...................................... 6

Fido.............................................. 7

Virgin........................................... 8

Other (Record).............................. 20

Unsure/Prefer not to answer............ 99

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO INTERNET SERVICE IN Q3] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your internet service? [Select multiple]

Compliance with contract terms and commitments................................................................................ 1

Billing disputes and/or errors (this does not include the price of the service itself)................................................................................ 2

Service delivery................................................................................ 3

Credit, deposit, payment management................................................................................ 4

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED]

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO HOME INTERNET SERVICE IN Q3] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint? [DO NOT READ]

Bell............................................... 1

Cogeco.......................................... 2

Eastlink......................................... 3

Rogers........................................... 4

Telus............................................. 5

Videotron...................................... 6

Fido.............................................. 7

Fizz............................................... 8

Freedom Mobile............................ 9

Virgin........................................... 10

Other (Record).............................. 20

Unsure/Prefer not to answer............ 99

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO SERVICE BUNDLE IN Q3] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your service bundle? [Select multiple]

Compliance with contract terms and commitments................................................................................ 1

Billing disputes and/or errors (this does not include the price of the service itself)................................................................................ 2

Service delivery................................................................................ 3

Credit, deposit, payment management................................................................................ 4

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED]

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO SERVICE BUNDLE IN Q3] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint? [DO NOT READ]

Bell............................................... 1

Cogeco.......................................... 2

Eastlink......................................... 3

Rogers........................................... 4

Telus............................................. 5

Videotron...................................... 6

Fido.............................................. 7

Fizz............................................... 8

Freedom Mobile............................ 9

Virgin........................................... 10

Other (Record).............................. 20

Unsure/Prefer not to answer............ 99

  1. [IF HAD A COMPLAINT IN Q2] What did you do to try to resolve the complaint? [RANDOMIZE][SELECT ALL THAT APPLY]

Contacted your service provider................................................................................ 1 [SKIP TO Q16]

Contacted the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications

Commission (CRTC)................................................................................ 2 [IF ONLY SELECTS THIS, SKIP TO Q24]

Contacted the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services................................................................................ 3 [IF ONLY SELECTS THIS, SKIP TO Q18]

Other (Specify)................................................................................ 4 [IF ONLY SELECTS THIS, SKIP TO Q24]

Did not do anything/didn't take action................................................................................ 5 [EXCLUSIVE][GO TO Q15, THEN SKIP TO Q24]

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED][EXCLUSIVE][SKIP TO Q24]


  1. [IF DID NOTHING IN Q14] Why did you not file a complaint? [OPEN]

  2. [IF WENT TO PROVIDER IN Q14] Was your service provider able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction?

Yes................................................................................ 1 [SKIP TO Q24]

No................................................................................ 2 [GO TO Q17]

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77 [GO TO Q17]

  1. [IF NO OR UNSURE IN Q16] Did your service provider refer you to the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)?

Yes................................................................................ 1

No................................................................................ 2

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77

[ONLY READ THIS IF ASKED]: the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) is an independent organization that handles complaints about most telecommunications services provided to individuals and small businesses, including home phone, wireless, Internet, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. The CCTS also addresses complaints about television services provided to individuals, including cable, Internet Protocol television and satellite television providers.

  1. Did you submit a complaint through the CCTS?

Yes................................................................................ 1 [SKIP TO Q20, ASK Q20-23, THEN SKIP TO Q25]

No................................................................................ 2 [GO TO Q19, THEN SKIP TO Q24]

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77 [SKIP TO Q24]

  1. [IF NO TO Q18] Why did you not submit a complaint to the CCTS? [RANDOMIZE]

I wasn't sure how to................................................................................ 1

I didn't see the point................................................................................ 2

I couldn't be bothered................................................................................ 3

My complaint was resolved/didn't need to................................................................................ 4

Was not aware/did not know about the CCTS................................................................................ 5

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure.............................................................................. 77

  1. [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18] How did you submit the complaint to the CCTS?

Online complaint submission form................................................................................ 1

Telephone................................................................................ 2

Email................................................................................ 3

Mail................................................................................ 4

Fax................................................................................ 5

TTY................................................................................ 6

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77

  1. [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18] Was your complaint resolved?

Yes, complaint was resolved................................................................................ 1

No, complaint process is still in progress................................................................................ 2

No, complaint was not resolved................................................................................ 3

No, the CCTS would not accept the complaint................................................................................ 4

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77

  1. [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18] On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all satisfied and 10 is very satisfied, how satisfied were you with your experience with the CCTS? _____

  2. [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18] Why do you have that opinion? [OPEN]

[DO NOT READ IF READ THE EXPLANATION EARLIER IN SURVEY] As you may know, the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services also known as the CCTS is an independent organization dedicated to working with consumers and service providers to resolve complaints about telephone and internet services. The CCTS handles complaints about most telecommunications services provided to individuals and small businesses, including home phone, wireless, Internet, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. The CCTS also addresses complaints about television services provided to individuals, including cable, Internet Protocol television and satellite television providers.

  1. [ASK UNLESS SUBMITTED REPORT TO CCTS IN Q18] Prior to today, had you heard or not heard of the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)?

Heard................................................................................ 1 [GO TO Q25]

Not heard................................................................................ 2 [SKIP TO Q27]

Unsure.............................................................................. 77 [SKIP TO Q27]

  1. [ASK IF HEARD IN Q24 OR YES TO Q18 OR SELECTED CCTS IN Q14] Where did you hear about the CCTS?

Internet search................................................................................ 1

The news................................................................................ 2

Social media................................................................................ 3

Word of mouth................................................................................ 4

Your telecommunications service provider................................................................................ 5

The CRTC................................................................................ 6

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77

  1. [ASK IF HEARD IN Q24 OR YES TO Q18 OR SELECTED CCTS IN Q14] On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is a very negative impression and 10 is a very positive impression, what is your overall impression of the CCTS? _____

  2. On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all useful and 10 is very useful, how useful do you think the services that the CCTS provides would be to you?

Our last few questions will help us group your responses.

  1. What source(s) do you typically go to for news? (Please select all that apply) [RANDOMIZE]

Social media .......................................................................... 1

TV .......................................................................................... 2

Newspaper ............................................................................ 3

Radio ..................................................................................... 4

Word of mouth ..................................................................... 5

Other (Please specify ____) ...................................................6

None.............................................................................................. 7

  1. Please rank the top three social media channels you use the most frequently (maximum three) [RANDOMIZE]
  1. Which of the following categories best describes your household income, that is, the income from all people living at your residence? [READ; STOP WHEN A SELECTION IS MADE]

Under $20,000................................................................................ 1

$20,000 to just under $40,000................................................................................ 2

$40,000 to just under $60,000................................................................................ 3

$60,000 to just under $80,000................................................................................ 4

$80,000 to just under $100,000................................................................................ 5

$100,000 to just under $120,000................................................................................ 6

$120,000 to just under $150,000................................................................................ 7

$150,000 and above................................................................................ 8

Prefer not to answer.............................................................................. 99 [Unprompted]

  1. Which of the following is the highest level of education you have achieved? [READ; STOP WHEN A SELECTION IS MADE]

Some high school................................................................................ 1

Completed high school................................................................................ 2

Some college or university................................................................................ 3

Completed college................................................................................ 4

Completed university................................................................................ 5

Completed graduate studies................................................................................ 6

Refuse/No Answer.............................................................................. 99 [Unprompted]

  1. For verification purposes only, please tell me the first three digits of your postal code: ___

  2. [By observation only, do not ask] Language of Interview: ____

Thank you very much for your time.Hello/Bonjour, my name is XXXX. I'm calling on behalf of Nanos, a public opinion research firm. We're doing a survey for the Government of Canada to explore issues of interest to Canadians.

This survey should take up to 8 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary and completely confidential. Your answers will remain anonymous and will be protected according to the requirements of the Privacy Act, Access to Information Act and any other related legislation.

This survey is registered with the Canadian Research Insights Council's survey validation system.

[ACCESSIBILITY NOTE: If an alternative method of taking part in the survey is needed offer this to respondents.]

IF REQUESTED: The registration number is: XXXXXXXXXXXXX.

I was wondering if you could share your opinions and participate in our survey.

A. First of all, are you 18 years of age or older?

B. Do you or does anyone in your household or immediate family, work in any of the following occupations?

C. Have I reached you on your cell phone?

D. Are you in a place where you can safely talk on the phone and answer my questions and is this a good time to answer this survey?

INTERVIEWER NOTE: If you think respondents' setting may endanger them (e.g., driving a vehicle), hinder their participation (e.g., background distractions), or hamper their ability to respond openly (e.g., lack of privacy), suggest rescheduling the interview.

E. When would be a good time for me to call back?

F. Does your household subscribe to a home phone service, also known as a landline?

Yes [DUAL USE].............................................................................................. 1

No [CODE AS CPO].............................................................................................. 2

Don't know/no response............................................................................................ 77

G. Do you have your own cell phone, smartphone or other wireless device?

Yes................................................................................ 1

No................................................................................ 2

[DO NOT READ] Don't know/no response.............................................................................. 77

H. Does your household subscribe to a cable, satellite or IPTV TV service?

Yes................................................................................ 1

No................................................................................ 2

[DO NOT READ] Don't know/no response.............................................................................. 77

[IF ASKED: IPTV is a different way of getting traditional TV, similar to cable or satellite TV. IPTV is different from Netflix or other streaming services. (IPTV does not include Netflix)]

I. Does your household subscribe to a home Internet service?

Yes................................................................................ 1

No................................................................................ 2

[DO NOT READ] Don't know/no response.............................................................................. 77

J. Does your household subscribe to a service bundle or package? For example, this could be a landline telephone service and home internet service sold as one single bundled package.

Yes................................................................................ 1

No................................................................................ 2

[DO NOT READ] Don't know/no response.............................................................................. 77


TERMINATION MESSAGE: Thank you for your willingness to take part in this survey. Unfortunately, you do not meet the eligibility requirements of this study.

K. In what year were you born?

L. [IF PREFER NOT TO ANSWER IN K] Would you be willing to tell me in which of the following age categories you belong? [READ; STOP WHEN A SELECTION IS MADE]

18 to 24................................................................................ 1

25 to 34................................................................................ 2

35 to 44................................................................................ 3

45 to 54................................................................................ 4

55 to 64................................................................................ 5

65 or older................................................................................ 6

[DO NOT READ] Prefer not to answer.............................................................................. 99

M. How do you identify your gender? [DO NOT READ][OPEN -- CODE WITH LIST]

Woman................................................................................ 1

Man................................................................................ 2

Another response [INTERVIEWER RECORD]................................................................................ 3

[DO NOT READ] Prefer not to answer.............................................................................. 77

N. In which province or territory do you live? [DO NOT READ]i

Newfoundland and Labrador................................................................................ 1

Prince Edward Island................................................................................ 2

Nova Scotia................................................................................ 3

New Brunswick................................................................................ 4

Quebec................................................................................ 5

Ontario................................................................................ 6

Manitoba................................................................................ 7

Saskatchewan................................................................................ 8

Alberta................................................................................ 9

British Columbia.............................................................................. 10

Yukon.............................................................................. 11

Northwest Territories.............................................................................. 12

Nunavut.............................................................................. 13

[DO NOT READ] Prefer not to answer .............................................................................. 99

Our study today is about your experience related to telecommunications services.

  1. If you had a complaint related to one of your communications service providers that delivers mobile, home phone, television, and internet services, where would you go to try and resolve it? [OPEN]
  1. In the last 12 months, have you had a complaint related to the service provider you were subscribed to? Please note we do not mean a complaint related to the monthly price of a service.

Yes................................................................................ 1 [GO TO Q3]

No................................................................................ 2 [SKIP TO Q24]

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED] [SKIP TO Q24]

  1. [IF YES TO Q2] Thinking of your most recent complaint, what service did the complaint relate to? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY]

[IF SUBSCRIBES] Mobile phone service................................................................................ 1

[IF SUBSCRIBES] Home phone service................................................................................ 2

[IF SUBSCRIBES] Television service................................................................................ 3

[IF SUBSCRIBES] Internet service................................................................................ 4

[IF SUBSCRIBES] Bundle service................................................................................ 5

Unsure/don't recall [SKIP TO Q14]................................................................................ 6

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO MOBILE SERVICE IN Q3] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your mobile phone service? [Select multiple]

Compliance with contract terms and commitments................................................................................ 1

Billing disputes and/or errors (this does not include the price of the service itself)................................................................................ 2

Service delivery................................................................................ 3

Credit, deposit, payment management................................................................................ 4

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED]

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO MOBILE SERVICE IN Q3] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint? [DO NOT READ]

Bell............................................... 1

Eastlink......................................... 2

Rogers........................................... 3

Telus............................................. 4

Videotron...................................... 5

Chatr............................................. 6

Fido.............................................. 7

Fizz............................................... 8

Freedom Mobile............................ 9

Koodo........................................... 10

Lucky............................................ 11

PC Mobile..................................... 12

Virgin........................................... 13

Other (Record).............................. 20

Unsure/Prefer not to answer............ 99

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO HOME PHONE SERVICE IN Q3] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your home phone service? [Select multiple]

Compliance with contract terms and commitments................................................................................ 1

Billing disputes and/or errors (this does not include the price of the service itself)................................................................................ 2

Service delivery................................................................................ 3

Credit, deposit, payment management................................................................................ 4

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED]

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO HOME PHONE SERVICE IN Q3] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint? [DO NOT READ]

Bell................................................. 1

Cogeco............................................ 2

Eastlink........................................... 3

Rogers............................................. 4

Telus............................................... 5

Videotron........................................ 6

Fido................................................. 7

Virgin.............................................. 8

Other (Record).............................. 20

Unsure/Prefer not to answer............ 99

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO TELEVISION SERVICE IN Q3] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your television service? [Select multiple]

Compliance with contract terms and commitments................................................................................ 1

Billing disputes and/or errors (this does not include the price of the service itself)................................................................................ 2

Service delivery................................................................................ 3

Credit, deposit, payment management................................................................................ 4

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77  [UNPROMPTED]

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO TELEVISION SERVICE IN Q3] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint? [DO NOT READ]

Bell............................................... 1

Cogeco.......................................... 2

Eastlink......................................... 3

Rogers........................................... 4

Telus............................................. 5

Videotron...................................... 6

Fido.............................................. 7

Virgin........................................... 8

Other (Record).............................. 20

Unsure/Prefer not to answer............ 99

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO INTERNET SERVICE IN Q3] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your internet service? [Select multiple]

Compliance with contract terms and commitments................................................................................ 1

Billing disputes and/or errors (this does not include the price of the service itself)................................................................................ 2

Service delivery................................................................................ 3

Credit, deposit, payment management................................................................................ 4

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED]

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO HOME INTERNET SERVICE IN Q3] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint? [DO NOT READ]

Bell............................................... 1

Cogeco.......................................... 2

Eastlink......................................... 3

Rogers........................................... 4

Telus............................................. 5

Videotron...................................... 6

Fido.............................................. 7

Fizz............................................... 8

Freedom Mobile............................ 9

Virgin........................................... 10

Other (Record).............................. 20

Unsure/Prefer not to answer............ 99

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO SERVICE BUNDLE IN Q3] What was/were the reason(s) for the complaint related to your service bundle? [Select multiple]

Compliance with contract terms and commitments................................................................................ 1

Billing disputes and/or errors (this does not include the price of the service itself)................................................................................ 2

Service delivery................................................................................ 3

Credit, deposit, payment management................................................................................ 4

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED]

  1. [IF COMPLAINT WAS RELATED TO SERVICE BUNDLE IN Q3] Who was your provider at the time you had the complaint? [DO NOT READ]

Bell............................................... 1

Cogeco.......................................... 2

Eastlink......................................... 3

Rogers........................................... 4

Telus............................................. 5

Videotron...................................... 6

Fido.............................................. 7

Fizz............................................... 8

Freedom Mobile............................ 9

Virgin........................................... 10

Other (Record).............................. 20

Unsure/Prefer not to answer............ 99

  1. [IF HAD A COMPLAINT IN Q2] What did you do to try to resolve the complaint? [RANDOMIZE][SELECT ALL THAT APPLY]

Contacted your service provider................................................................................ 1 [SKIP TO Q16]

Contacted the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications

Commission (CRTC)................................................................................ 2 [IF ONLY SELECTS THIS, SKIP TO Q24]

Contacted the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services................................................................................ 3 [IF ONLY SELECTS THIS, SKIP TO Q18]

Other (Specify)................................................................................ 4 [IF ONLY SELECTS THIS, SKIP TO Q24]

Did not do anything/didn't take action................................................................................ 5 [EXCLUSIVE][GO TO Q15, THEN SKIP TO Q24]

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77 [UNPROMPTED][EXCLUSIVE][SKIP TO Q24]


  1. [IF DID NOTHING IN Q14] Why did you not file a complaint? [OPEN]

  2. [IF WENT TO PROVIDER IN Q14] Was your service provider able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction?

Yes................................................................................ 1 [SKIP TO Q24]

No................................................................................ 2 [GO TO Q17]

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77 [GO TO Q17]

  1. [IF NO OR UNSURE IN Q16] Did your service provider refer you to the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)?

Yes................................................................................ 1

No................................................................................ 2

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77

[ONLY READ THIS IF ASKED]: the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) is an independent organization that handles complaints about most telecommunications services provided to individuals and small businesses, including home phone, wireless, Internet, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. The CCTS also addresses complaints about television services provided to individuals, including cable, Internet Protocol television and satellite television providers.

  1. Did you submit a complaint through the CCTS?

Yes................................................................................ 1 [SKIP TO Q20, ASK Q20-23, THEN SKIP TO Q25]

No................................................................................ 2 [GO TO Q19, THEN SKIP TO Q24]

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77 [SKIP TO Q24]

  1. [IF NO TO Q18] Why did you not submit a complaint to the CCTS? [RANDOMIZE]

I wasn't sure how to................................................................................ 1

I didn't see the point................................................................................ 2

I couldn't be bothered................................................................................ 3

My complaint was resolved/didn't need to................................................................................ 4

Was not aware/did not know about the CCTS................................................................................ 5

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure.............................................................................. 77

  1. [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18] How did you submit the complaint to the CCTS?

Online complaint submission form................................................................................ 1

Telephone................................................................................ 2

Email................................................................................ 3

Mail................................................................................ 4

Fax................................................................................ 5

TTY................................................................................ 6

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77

  1. [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18] Was your complaint resolved?

Yes, complaint was resolved................................................................................ 1

No, complaint process is still in progress................................................................................ 2

No, complaint was not resolved................................................................................ 3

No, the CCTS would not accept the complaint................................................................................ 4

Unsure/don't recall.............................................................................. 77

  1. [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18] On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all satisfied and 10 is very satisfied, how satisfied were you with your experience with the CCTS? _____

  2. [IF SELECTED CCTS IN Q14 OR YES TO Q18] Why do you have that opinion? [OPEN]

[DO NOT READ IF READ THE EXPLANATION EARLIER IN SURVEY] As you may know, the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services also known as the CCTS is an independent organization dedicated to working with consumers and service providers to resolve complaints about telephone and internet services. The CCTS handles complaints about most telecommunications services provided to individuals and small businesses, including home phone, wireless, Internet, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. The CCTS also addresses complaints about television services provided to individuals, including cable, Internet Protocol television and satellite television providers.

  1. [ASK UNLESS SUBMITTED REPORT TO CCTS IN Q18] Prior to today, had you heard or not heard of the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)?

Heard................................................................................ 1 [GO TO Q25]

Not heard................................................................................ 2 [SKIP TO Q27]

Unsure.............................................................................. 77 [SKIP TO Q27]

  1. [ASK IF HEARD IN Q24 OR YES TO Q18 OR SELECTED CCTS IN Q14] Where did you hear about the CCTS?

Internet search................................................................................ 1

The news................................................................................ 2

Social media................................................................................ 3

Word of mouth................................................................................ 4

Your telecommunications service provider................................................................................ 5

The CRTC................................................................................ 6

Other (Specify).............................................................................. 20

Unsure/do not recall.............................................................................. 77

  1. [ASK IF HEARD IN Q24 OR YES TO Q18 OR SELECTED CCTS IN Q14] On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is a very negative impression and 10 is a very positive impression, what is your overall impression of the CCTS? _____

  2. On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all useful and 10 is very useful, how useful do you think the services that the CCTS provides would be to you?

Our last few questions will help us group your responses.

  1. What source(s) do you typically go to for news? (Please select all that apply) [RANDOMIZE]

Social media .......................................................................... 1

TV .......................................................................................... 2

Newspaper ............................................................................ 3

Radio ..................................................................................... 4

Word of mouth ..................................................................... 5

Other (Please specify ____) ...................................................6

None.............................................................................................. 7

  1. Please rank the top three social media channels you use the most frequently (maximum three) [RANDOMIZE]
  1. Which of the following categories best describes your household income, that is, the income from all people living at your residence? [READ; STOP WHEN A SELECTION IS MADE]

Under $20,000................................................................................ 1

$20,000 to just under $40,000................................................................................ 2

$40,000 to just under $60,000................................................................................ 3

$60,000 to just under $80,000................................................................................ 4

$80,000 to just under $100,000................................................................................ 5

$100,000 to just under $120,000................................................................................ 6

$120,000 to just under $150,000................................................................................ 7

$150,000 and above................................................................................ 8

Prefer not to answer.............................................................................. 99 [Unprompted]

  1. Which of the following is the highest level of education you have achieved? [READ; STOP WHEN A SELECTION IS MADE]

Some high school................................................................................ 1

Completed high school................................................................................ 2

Some college or university................................................................................ 3

Completed college................................................................................ 4

Completed university................................................................................ 5

Completed graduate studies................................................................................ 6

Refuse/No Answer.............................................................................. 99 [Unprompted]

  1. For verification purposes only, please tell me the first three digits of your postal code: ___

  2. [By observation only, do not ask] Language of Interview: ____

Thank you very much for your time.