Appendix 2: Survey Questionnaire – Public Opinion Research Study on Electoral Matters - Wave 3

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Tracking Survey on Electoral Matters – W2

Please select the language in which you wish to complete the survey.

Thank you for agreeing to take part in this short survey being conducted on behalf of Elections Canada by Léger. The survey aims to understand your honest opinions about trust in elections and other institutions in Canada. The survey should take no more than 8 minutes to complete, is voluntary, and completely confidential.

Any personal information collected is subject to the federal Privacy Act and will be held in strict confidence. By taking part in this survey, you consent to the use of your answers for research and statistical purposes. None of your opinions will be attributed to you personally in any way. The anonymous database of all responses may be shared with external researchers under the strict condition that no personal information is ever distributed or made public.

Click here if you wish to contact Elections Canada to verify the authenticity of this survey.

1. Citizen

Are you a Canadian citizen?

2. YOB

In what year were you born?

[IF YOB>=2006, terminate]

[Show if YOB=2005]

3. Eighteen

Are you currently 18 years of age?

4. ProvTerr

In which province or territory do you live?

5. Gender

For the purposes of this survey, could you please provide your gender?

6. MainNews

In general, which of these would you say is your main source of news?

[RANDOM 01-06]

7. NewsOrigin

Thinking about your main source of news, how often do you see stories covering Canadian politics, U.S. politics, or politics from the rest of the world?




8. Polinterest

In general, how interested are you in politics?

[Rotate KnowProvPowers and KnowFedPowers]

9. KnowProvPowers

To the best of your knowledge, which level of government has primary responsibility for education?

10. KnowFedPowers

To the best of your knowledge, which level of government has primary responsibility for defence?

11. Confidence

How much confidence, if any, do you have in the following institutions in Canada?




12. GEfairness

Thinking about federal elections in general, how fairly would you say Elections Canada runs the elections?

[IF GEfairness = 03, 04]

13. ReasonUnfair

Is there a specific reason you think Elections Canada runs elections unfairly?


14. TrustElectionsChanges

[Split sample A and B]

A. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
If the government proposes changes to how federal elections are run, they are probably trying to make voting easier or fairer for all Canadians.

B. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
If Elections Canada proposes changes to how federal elections are run, they are probably trying to make voting easier or fairer for all Canadians.

15. InterferenceImpact

Based on what you have seen or heard recently, what impact, if any, do you think the following could have on the outcome of the next federal election in Canada?


[ROWS; Randomize a to d]


16. FraudPerception

[Split sample A and B]

A. Which statement is closest to your opinion about the voting system in Canada?

[ROTATE 01 AND 02]

B. Which statement is closest to your opinion about voting by mail in Canada?

[ROTATE 01 AND 02]

17. FraudFrequency

Overall, how often do you think the following types of voter fraud happen in Canadian federal elections?



18. PoliticalEfficacy

Thinking about government and politics in Canada, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?


[RANDOMize rows]

19. AffectivePolarization

Thinking about Canadians you might agree or disagree with politically, to what extent do you agree with the following statements?


[RANDOMize rows]

  • 03. To a large extent
  • 02. To a moderate extent
  • 01. To a small extent
  • 00. Not at all
  • 98. Don't know

20. TrustPeople

Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you need to be very careful when dealing with people?

  • 01. Most people can be trusted
  • 02. You need to be very careful when dealing with people
  • 98. Don't know

21. ConspiracyBeliefs

There is often debate about whether or not the public is told the whole truth about various important issues. Please indicate the degree to which you believe each statement is true or false.



  • a. Certain significant events have been the result of the activity of a small group who secretly manipulate world events.
  • b. Experiments involving new drugs or technologies are routinely carried out on the public without their knowledge or consent.
  • c. The government is trying to cover up the link between vaccines and autism.
  • 01. Definitely true
  • 02. Probably true
  • 03. Probably false
  • 04. Definitely false
  • 98. Don't know

22. Area

Which of the following best describes the area where you live?

  • 01. Urban or suburban area
  • 02. Rural area or small town
  • 99. Prefer not to answer

23. Education

What is the highest level of education that you have reached?

  • 01. Some elementary
  • 02. Completed elementary
  • 03. Some high school
  • 04. Completed high school
  • 05. Some college/vocational/trade school/commercial/CEGEP
  • 06. Completed college/vocational/trade school/ commercial/CEGEP
  • 07. Some university (No degree or diploma obtained)
  • 08. Completed university (Diploma or bachelor degree)
  • 09. Post-graduate university/professional school (Master's, PhD, or any professional degree)
  • 97. Other (specify)
  • 98. Don't know
  • 99. Prefer not to answer

24. Employment

What best describes your current employment status?

  • 01. Working full-time (35 or more hours per week)
  • 02. Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
  • 03. Self-employed
  • 05. Unemployed, and looking for work
  • 06. A student attending school
  • 07. Training for a trade (e.g. apprenticeship)
  • 08. Retired
  • 09. A caregiver or homemaker
  • 10. Not working due to illness/disability, or not looking for work
  • 11. Temporarily not working (e.g. parental leave, seasonal worker, in the process of changing jobs)
  • 96. Other, please specify: [TEXT]
  • 99. Prefer not to answer

25. Indigenous

Are you First Nation, Métis, or Inuk (Inuit)?

  • 01. No, not First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)
  • 02. Yes, First Nations
  • 03. Yes, Métis
  • 04. Yes, Inuit
  • 99. Prefer not to answer

[Hide if Indigenous=02-04]

26. Immigrant

Are you an immigrant to Canada?
  • 01. No, I was born in Canada
  • 02. Yes, I was born abroad and I became a citizen before 2016
  • 03. Yes, I was born abroad and I became a citizen in or after 2016
  • 99. Prefer not to answer

27. Disability

Do you have a disability?

  • 01. Yes
  • 02. No
  • 99. Prefer not to say

28. PastVoting

In each election, many people don't or can't vote for a variety of reasons. Thinking about all elections (municipal, provincial and federal) since you have been eligible to vote, have you voted in none of them, some, most, or all of them?

  • 01. None of them
  • 02. Some of them
  • 03. Most of them
  • 04. All of them
  • 98. Don't know/don't remember

[Hide if YOB>2003 or PastVoting=01]

29. VotedLastGE

The most recent federal election was held on September 20, 2021. Which of the following statements describes you?

  • 01. I did not vote in the 2021 federal election
  • 02. I thought about voting this time but didn't vote
  • 03. I usually vote but didn't this time
  • 04. I am sure I voted in the 2021 federal election
  • 98. Don't know/don't remember
  • 99. I was not eligible to vote in September 2021


That concludes the survey. This survey was conducted on behalf of Elections Canada. Thank you very much for your thoughtful feedback. It is much appreciated.

If you have any questions about this survey, you can contact Elections Canada: Contact Elections Canada.

If you have any reason to believe that your personal information is not being handled in accordance with the Privacy Act, you have a right to complain to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada:

Toll-free: 1-800-282-1376

TTY: (819) 994-6591

Web: Go to, "Report a concern".