Executive Summary -
Youth Marketing Product Validation – Quantitative and Qualitative Study

Submitted to
Department of Health Canada

Prepared by

Contract number: CW2329161
POR 042-23
Contract Value: $134,675.66 (HST included)
Awarded 2023-11-22
Delivery date: March 26 2024

507 Place d'Armes, Suite 700
Montréal, Québec
G1R 2K2
Phone: 514-982-2464
Fax: 514-987-1960

For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at: hc.cpab.por-rop.dgcap.sc@canada.ca

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Youth Marketing Product Validation- Quantitative and Qualitative Study
Prepared for Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada
Supplier Name: Leger
March 2024

This public opinion research report presents the results of a three-wave quantitative and qualitative study conducted by Leger Marketing Inc. on behalf of Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. The research was conducted with young Canadians aged 12-17.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Validation de produits de marketing chez les jeunes - Étude quantitative et qualitative

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at hc.cpab.por-rop.dgcap.sc@canada.ca or at:

Health Canada, CPAB
200 Eglantine Driveway, Tunney's Pasture
Jeanne Mance Building, AL 1915C
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9

Catalogue Number: H14-593/2024E-PDF

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-70959-8

Related publications (registration number:):
Catalogue Number - (Final Report, French): H14-593/2024F-PDF (Final Report, French)
ISBN: 978-0-660-70960-4

©His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Health, 2024.

1. Executive Summary

Leger is pleased to present Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada with this report on findings from the youth marketing product validation study. This report details the findings from two waves of research on personal protective measures, which include a survey and focus groups, as well as from a third wave of research focusing on Health Canada's vaping module, conducted through focus groups.

This report was prepared by Leger who was contracted by Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada (contract number CW2329161 awarded November 22, 2023).

1.1 Background and Objectives

In recent years, there has been a greater focus on marketing activities aimed specifically to youth and young adult audiences ranging in age from 12 to 24 years. When possible, these marketing elements were created through feedback received by youth who participated in Health Canada led student workshops, youth engagement committees or student ambassador networks. However, the input provided through these groups was not representative of youth from across Canada (i.e., socio-economic status, cultural backgrounds, or even urban vs. rural experiences, etc.).

To ensure these activities are as effective as possible in producing the behaviour change required, it is critical that marketing elements be tested directly with youth and young adults.

Marketing products typically developed for youth audiences can range from simple taglines, posters, and social media messaging to proposed concepts, web content, draft storyboards or even partially completed videos.

This study relates to marketing communications and campaign pertaining to the use of personal protective measures (PPMs) to reduce the spread of respiratory infectious diseases (RIDs) as well as vaping.

The objective of the research is to test a variety of marketing elements across different campaigns directly with youth. Specifically, the goal is to:

1.2 Quantitative Methodology – wave 1 (RID and PPM marketing product validation)

The quantitative research was conducted through online surveys using Computer Aided Web Interviewing (CAWI) technology. The online survey was conducted from February 1st to February 14th, 2024. The participation rate for the survey was 9.45%. Calculation of the Web survey's participation rate is presented in Appendix A.

A pre-test of the survey questions was carried out by conducting 46 interviews in both official languages (24 in English, 22 in French). The pre-test was completed between February 1st and 2nd, 2024. Survey interviews lasted 7 minutes and 29 seconds on average.

A total sample of 661 Canadians aged 12-17 were surveyed in all regions of the country.

Special attention was given to ensure a distribution of respondents, providing a sufficient sample size to support analyses in the subgroups of the sample. The following table shows the sample collected by Leger in the different regions of the country:

Table 1. Sample Distribution by Region
Region Number of respondents
British Columbia 60
Alberta 75
Prairies 45
Ontario 261
Quebec 180
Atlantic 40
Total 661

Based on the most recent data from Statistics Canada's 2021 national census, Leger weighted the results of this survey by age, gender, and region.

Details regarding the weighting procedures can be found in Appendix A.

The survey results cannot be reliably applied to the entire target population, as the sampling method employed does not ensure the sample accurately reflects the target group within a known margin of error. Reported percentages are not generalizable to any group other than the sample studied, and therefore no formal statistical inferences can be drawn between the sample results and the broader target population it may be intended to reflect.

As a member of the Canadian Research and Insights Council (CRIC), Leger adheres to the most stringent guidelines for quantitative research and acts in accordance with the Government of Canada requirements for quantitative research and Standards of the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research. The details of the methodology and more information on Leger's quality control mechanisms are presented in Appendix A. The questionnaire is available in Appendix B.

1.3 Overview of Quantitative Findings – wave 1 (RID and PPM marketing product validation)

Knowledge and perceptions of Respiratory Infectious Diseases (RIDs) and Personal Protective Measures (PPMs)

Marketing products

Help reduce the spread of respiratory viruses

Figure - Text description

In Canada, respiratory viruses typically increase in the fall and winter months. You can take action to reduce your risk of getting or spreading viruses by:

Help reduce spread of respiratory viruses

Help reduce the spread of respiratory viruses

Figure - Text description

It's not always "just the flu".
Kids under 5, people over 65, people who are pregnant and people with chronic health conditions are at higher risk of serious flu complications like pneumonia and worsening of underlying medical conditions.
Protect yourself, your family and your community this flu season by getting your flu shot.
You can also use personal protective measures, like staying home when sick, wearing a mask, and covering your coughs and sneezes, to help lower your risk of getting or spreading a respiratory virus like the flu.

Break the chain of infection

Figure - Text description

Break the chain of infection. Use personal protective measures to break the chain of infection from respiratory infectious diseases.

  1. Wear a mask when appropriate. For example, if you're sick and must enter a public setting
  2. Clean your hands regularly
  3. Disinfect high-touch surfaces and objects
  4. Stay at home when sick
  5. Improve indoor ventilation when possible
  6. Cover your coughs and sneezes
  7. Get Vaccinated
  8. Canada.ca/health, Canada

Influences on PPM use

1.4 Qualitative Methodology – wave 2 (RID and PPM marketing product validation)

From January 29th to 31st, 2024, Leger conducted a series of eight virtual discussion group sessions with French-speaking and English-speaking young Canadians (four groups of young Canadians aged between 12 and 15 and four groups of young Canadians aged 16-17, recruited from all the regions in Canada). Participants were recruited and assigned to virtual discussion groups by demographics of interest (e.g., young Canadians aged 12-15, young Canadians aged 16-17). Ten participants were recruited by our professional recruiters for each discussion group session. A total of 69 recruits participated in the virtual discussion groups (see Table below for details). All participants received an honorarium of $125.

Table 2. Details of the discussion sessions
Session Detail Date Recruits Participants Language
#1 (Youth 16-17, B.-C., Prairies or Territories) January 29th, 2024 10 9 English
#2 (Youth 16-17, ON) January 31st, 2024 10 8 English
#3 (Youth 16-17, Atlantic provinces) January 30th, 2024 10 9 English
#4 (Youth 16-17, Quebec) January 31st, 2024 10 7 French
#5 (Youth 12-15, B.-C., Prairies or Territories) January 29th, 2024 10 10 English
#6 (Youth 12-15, ON) January 31st, 2024 10 9 English
#7 (Youth 12-15, Atlantic provinces) January 30th, 2024 10 9 English
#8 (Youth 12-15, Quebec) January 31st, 2024 10 8 French

The virtual discussion group sessions lasted around 90 minutes and were conducted by a moderator using the CMNTY online platform. The platform helped to facilitate the moderation, ensuring an optimal interface between moderator and participants, and enabled interaction as the discussion unfolded. The online platform also allowed for remote viewing of each session by Leger, Health Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada observers.

Further details regarding the qualitative methodology can be found in Appendix A. The screening and discussion guides are available in Appendix C and D.

Note on the interpretation of qualitative research findings

Qualitative research is designed to reveal a rich range of opinions and interpretations rather than to measure what percentage of the target population holds a given opinion. These results must not be used to estimate the numeric proportion or number of individuals in the population who hold a particular opinion because they are not statistically projectable. Specific terms are used to refer to the prevalence of opinions and responses among participants. Definitions are provided in the table below.

Definitions of specific terms used to refer to the prevalence of opinions and responses among participants
Term Meaning
Few Few is used when less than 10% of participants have responded with similar answers. The sentiment of the response was articulated by these participants but not by other participants.
Several Several is used when fewer than 20% of the participants responded with similar answers.
Some Some is used when more than 20% but significantly fewer than 50% of participants responded with similar answers.
Many Many is used when nearly 50% of participants responded with similar answers.
A majority A majority is used when more than 50% but fewer than 75% of the participants responded with similar answers.
Most Most is used when more than 75% of the participants responded with similar answers.
Vast majority Vast majority is used when nearly all participants responded with similar answers, but several had differing views.
Unanimous or almost all Unanimous or almost all are used when all participants gave similar answers or when the vast majority of participants gave similar answers and the remaining few declined to comment on the issue in question.

1.5 Overview of Qualitative Findings – wave 2 (RID and PPM marketing product validation)

Terms knowledge and understanding

Respiratory Infectious Diseases (RIDs)
Personal Protective Measures (PPMs)

Marketing products validation

After the discussion of RIDs and PPMs, participants were shown various marketing products to evaluate. Participants were shown two social media posts, one infographic, and two 15-second videos. Most of the participants had not seen any of the advertisements before.

Social media post 1

Social media post 1

Figure - Text description

In Canada, respiratory viruses typically increase in the fall and winter months. You can take action to reduce your risk of getting or spreading viruses by:

Help reduce spread of respiratory viruses

This post was deemed basic by a majority of participants. While they agreed it was clear and easy to understand, it did not catch their attention whatsoever as it lacked eye-catching elements (colours, catchphrase, etc.). Almost all participants agreed that if this post showed up on their social media, they would scroll past it without paying any attention to it. They did however acknowledge the usefulness of the ad as it provided good and relevant advice.

Social media post 2

Social media post 2

Figure- Text description

It's not always "just the flu".
Kids under 5, people over 65, people who are pregnant and people with chronic health conditions are at higher risk of serious flu complications like pneumonia and worsening of underlying medical conditions.
Protect yourself, your family and your community this flu season by getting your flu shot.
You can also use personal protective measures, like staying home when sick, wearing a mask, and covering your coughs and sneezes, to help lower your risk of getting or spreading a respiratory virus like the flu.

While this ad was deemed wordy and containing too much text, participants preferred it to the first social media post. Most of them found the leading sentence "It's not always 'just the flu'" catchy. Some of them stated they had learned about the at-risk groups through the first paragraph, which grabbed their attention further. However, some participants found the information redundant between the text and the image, as the same elements are repeated. While this post was received more positively, it was still deemed inefficient as most would scroll past it in social media.



Figure - Text description

Break the chain of infection. Use personal protective measures to break the chain of infection from respiratory infectious diseases.

Wear a mask when appropriate. For example, if you're sick and must enter a public setting

  1. Clean your hands regularly
  2. Disinfect high-touch surfaces and objects
  3. Stay at home when sick
  4. Improve indoor ventilation when possible
  5. Cover your coughs and sneezes
  6. Get Vaccinated
  7. Canada.ca/health, Canada

Participants were torn on this infographic. While some found the illustration of the broken chain to be effective, others did not see it or were confused by it. Those who did not like the infographic mentioned that the colours should be different (i.e., "flashier"), and the chain should be bigger and stand out more as the light colour makes it fade into the background. However, most agreed that the title was eye-catching, and they enjoyed the more visual aspect (compared to the social media posts). But similar to the social media posts, they admitted they would probably scroll past it if it were on their social media, but it might catch their attention in public spaces like on a poster at school, on the metro, or on the bus.

Video – Find your rhythm

Video – Find your rhythm

Figure - Text description

Screenshot of the video "Find your rhythm". It is written: Let's keep up the good work. Canada.ca/coronavirus

Many participants expressed that they liked this ad.In addition to the dynamism and the fact that it catches their attention, many participants mentioned that they liked the music that makes this video more entertaining. However, many participants stated that this video is too fast, which makes it difficult to understand the message after just one viewing of the ad. Most participants agreed that this ad stood out from other similar ads because it is more upbeat and rhythmic, but many others also found the same elements to be confusing. Many participants stated the video was too fast and did not allow to intake the information. They were therefore torn about its effectiveness in encouraging people to use PPMs, as some found it engaging but others found it too confusing to follow.

Video – Help protect yourself and others this respiratory virus season

Video – Help protect yourself and others this respiratory virus season

Figure - Text description

Screenshot of the video "Help protect yourself and others this respiratory virus season.". It is written: Help protect yourself and others this respiratory virus season.

Many participants mentioned that this ad is concise, efficient and goes straight to the point. They also liked the fact that the ad is short and colourful. Those who did not enjoy the ad thought it was too fast paced. However, most participants viewed this ad as a quick reminder of personal protective measures, as they did not learn anything new from it. Therefore, this ad did encourage participants to use the protective measures more than they already do. The participants also shared that the ad is similar to other advertising they are used to seeing.

Information sources

1.6 Qualitative Methodology – wave 3 (vaping module validation)

The third wave of the study was conducted in two steps: an online community including module exploration and short survey, followed by online focus groups to further discuss opinions towards the online module.

The third wave was conducted from February 12th to 15th, 2024 with youth aged 13-18 and educators.

During the first two days, participants were invited to visit and explore the self-led online module on vaping. This module is an online interactive tool aimed at providing information on the dangers of vaping. They were then required to answer around ten questions about their experience, including closed-ended and open-ended questions. The results of the closed-ended and open-ended questions have been treated as qualitative data. Given the small number of participants, the results cannot be considered representative of the opinions or the experiences the entire population of educators and young people aged 13 to 18 years. Thus, only general trends are reported. The analysis focuses on the points of convergence and divergence between the answers to the questions and the insights gathered during the focus groups.

Participants were recruited to represent a mix of demographics (age, region), including both English and French speakers, to ensure linguistic and cultural diversity within the sample.

Subsequently, Leger conducted a series of six virtual discussion group sessions with French-speaking and English-speaking young Canadians (two groups of young Canadians aged 13-15 and two groups for ages 16-18) and educators (two groups) recruited from all the regions within Canada. Educators were defined as those whose primary professional involvement centered on working with young Canadians, including roles such as teachers, counselors, psychoeducators, social workers, special education technicians, or student life coordinators. Participants were recruited and assigned to virtual discussion groups based on specific demographic interests, with groups separately categorized for young Canadians aged 13-18 and for educators. Six participants were recruited by our professional recruiters for each discussion group session. A total of 26 recruits participated in the virtual discussion groups (see Table below for details). All participants received an honorarium of $125.

Table 3. Details of the discussion sessions
Session Detail Date Recruits Participants Language
#1 (Youth 16-18, ON, Atlantic provinces, English) February 14th, 2024 6 3 English
#2 (Youth 13-15, BC, Prairies except AB, English) February 14th, 2024 6 6 English
#3 (Youth 16-18, QC, ON, French) February 14th, 2024 6 4 French
#4 (Youth 13-15, QC, Atlantic provinces, French) February 14th, 2024 6 4 French
#5 (Educators, BC, ON, Prairies except AB) February 15th, 2024 6 4 English
#6 (Educators, QC and ON) February 15th, 2024 6 5 French

The virtual discussion group sessions lasted approximately 1 hour and were conducted by a moderator using the CMNTY online platform. The choice of platform helped to facilitate the moderation, ensure an optimal interface between moderator and participants, and enable interaction as the discussion unfolded. The online platform also allowed for remote viewing of each session by Leger and Health Canada observers.

Further details regarding the qualitative methodology can be found in Appendix A. The screening and discussion guides are available in Appendix E and F.

The transcripts from these discussions were analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns in the participants' responses. This involved coding the data for recurring topics, such as engagement with the content, perceptions of the module's educational value, and suggestions for improvement.

Qualitative research is designed to reveal a rich range of opinions and interpretations rather than to measure what percentage of the target population holds a given opinion. These results must not be used to estimate the numeric proportion or number of individuals in the population who hold a particular opinion because they are not statistically projectable.

1.7 Overview of Qualitative Findings – wave 3 (vaping module validation)

Overall module opinion

Perception of the online module on vaping

Part 1 – Introduction to teen vaping and its harms and risks

Part 1 – Introduction to teen vaping and its harms and risks

Figure - Text description

Screenshot of the Part 1 of the module about the legislation and regulations in Canada.

Part 2 – Learn more about the health effects of vaping nicotine and cannabis on teens

Part 2 – Learn more about the health effects of vaping nicotine and cannabis on teens

Figure - Text description

Screenshot of the Part 2 of the module about "What does that do to you".

Part 3 – Learn about the cost of vaping and how to overcome peer pressure

Part 3 – Learn about the cost of vaping and how to overcome peer pressure

Figure - Text description

Screenshot of the Part 3 of the module about the peer pressure.

Perception of the interactive games and quizzes

Perception of the interactive games and quizzes

Figure - Text description

Screenshot of the quiz from part 1 of the module.

Hidden Dangers

Hidden Dangers

Figure - Text description

Screenshot of the game from part 1 of the module.

Contains Nicotine?

Contains Nicotine?

Figure - Text description

Screenshot of the quiz from part 2 of the module.

1.8 Intended Use of the Research Results and Benefits for Canadians

As defined in the request for proposal documents, the results of this public opinion study will be put to various uses:

Manner in which research supports government or departmental priorities:
Implementing focus groups and surveys for youth audiences specifically generates several benefits for Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada including:

Manner in which research findings will benefit Canadians:
Canadian youth and young adults will be more likely to make informed decisions about their health because the marketing products developed by Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada will be more relevant and engaging to them. Arming youth and young adults with the information they need to make health-related decisions, allows them to adopt healthier lifestyle habits that will remain with them throughout their lives. This can reduce the incidence of chronic disease as well as respiratory infectious diseases in future and curtail the financial and strain impact on Canada's health care system.

1.9 Statement of Limitations

The quantitative portion of the research (wave 1) is based on a web-survey methodology. Respondents for this survey were selected from among those who have volunteered to participate/registered to participate in online surveys. The results of such surveys cannot be described as statistically projectable to the target population. The data have been weighted to reflect the demographic composition of the target population. Because the sample is based on those who initially self-selected for participation, no estimates of sampling error can be calculated.

The qualitative portion of the research (waves 2 and 3) is based on a series of focus groups. Qualitative research is designed to reveal a rich range of participants' opinions, perceptions and interpretations. It does not and cannot measure what percentage of the target population holds a given opinion or perception. Findings are qualitative in nature and cannot be used quantitatively to estimate the numeric proportion or number of individuals in the population who hold a particular opinion.

1.10 Notes on Interpretation of Research Findings

The views and observations expressed in this document do not reflect those of Health Canada or the Public Health Agency of Canada. This report was compiled by Leger based on the research conducted specifically for this project. This research is not probabilistic; the results cannot be inferred to the general population of Canada.

1.11 Political Neutrality Statement and Contact Information

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Leger that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada's political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive onthe Management of Communications- Appendix C (Appendix C: Mandatory Procedures for Public Opinion Research).

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.


Christian Bourque
Executive Vice-President and Associate
507 Place d'Armes, bur 700
Montréal, Québec
H2Y 2W8

Additional information
Supplier name: Leger
Contract number: CW2329161
POR 042-23
Contract Value: $134,675.66 (HST included)

To obtain more information on this study, please email: hc.cpab.por-rop.dgcap.sc@canada.ca