The Canadian Cannabis Survey 2024

Methodological Report

Prepared for Health Canada
Supplier name: Advanis
Contract number: HT372-23-5583
Contract value: $299,907.42 (tax included)
Award date: February 6, 2024
Delivery date : July 10, 2024

Registration number: POR 128-23
For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français

Table of Contents

The Canadian Cannabis Survey 2024

Methods Report

Prepared for Health Canada

Supplier Name: Advanis
July 2024

This public opinion research report presents the results of an online survey conducted by Advanis Inc. on behalf of Health Canada. The research was conducted with 12,031 Canadians between April 4th and July 2nd, 2024.

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Enquête canadienne sur le cannabis 2024

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Health Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Health Canada at or at:

Health Canada, CPAB
200 Eglantine Driveway, Tunney's Pasture
Jeanne Mance Building, AL 1915C
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9

Catalogue Number:H21-312/2024E-PDF

International Standard Book Number (ISBN):978-0-660-73943-4

Related publications (registration number: POR 128-23):
Catalogue Number: H21-312/2024F-PDF(Methods report, French)
International Standard Book Number: 978-0-660-73944-1(French)

©His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Health, 2024.

Political Neutrality Statement and Contact Information

I hereby certify as a Senior Officer of Advanis that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research.

Specifically, the deliverables do not contain any reference to electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leader.


Nicolas Toutant
Vice President, Research and Evaluation

1 – Background and Objectives

The use of cannabis is common in Canada. In 2019, Health Canada's Canadian Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CADS) found that 21% of respondents 15 years of age and older reported using cannabis in the past year, with males reporting use more often than females. Canadians 15-24 years old were significantly more likely to use cannabis in the past 12 months than those 25 years of age and older. Cannabis use is also common among students, with 18% of students in grades 7-12 reporting past year use in the 2021/2022 Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CSTADS). International data for cannabis from 2021 shows that the United States had a lifetime prevalence rate of 45.7% 1, while Canada had a prevalence rate of 41.7% 2. Prevalence rates for past year cannabis use were highest in North America (14.6%) when compared to other regions (Australia and New Zealand (10.6%); West and Central Africa (9.3%); Europe (5.4%); Asia (1.9%)) around the world 3.

In the 2015 Speech from the Throne, the Government of Canada committed to legalizing, regulating, and restricting access to marijuana. In 2016, the Government's Task Force on Marijuana Legalization and Regulation issued a discussion paper entitled "Toward the legalization, regulation and restriction of access to marijuana" that initiated wider consultations and dialogue regarding its intention in this area (see: for more information). In 2017, Bill C-45, An Act respecting cannabis and to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Criminal Code and other Acts, was introduced in the House of Commons. Implementation of the new Cannabis Act occurred in October 2018, creating a regulated legal market for non-medical cannabis for adults in Canada.

The Canadian Cannabis Survey (CCS) was first conducted in 2017 and is an annual cross-sectional survey completed online. The Canadian Cannabis Survey examines patterns of use, such as the quantities of cannabis consumed and the use of cannabis for medical purposes; the cannabis market, such as sources of cannabis and pricing; and issues of public safety, such as impaired driving, in more depth than other substance use surveys. The CCS is reviewed each year to ensure content is up to date. In additional to its original aims, the survey also gathers data on changes to willingness to publicly report cannabis use since legalization; exposure to education campaigns, public health or safety messages; respondents' usual source of cannabis products since the Cannabis Act came into effect; relative levels of THC and CBD in the cannabis products people use; exposure to second-hand cannabis smoke/vapour; home growing and the preparation of edibles in the home; more details on products and devices used when vapourizing cannabis; frequency of obtaining cannabis from legal and illegal sources; and changes in cannabis use due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2024, questions related to ease of access for legal or illegal cannabis, and prerolled cannabis were also included Of the responses that were received, approximately 3,550 responses were from people who indicated that they had used cannabis in the past 12 months for either non-medical or medical purposes.

Achieving the research objectives will support Health Canada's ability to assess the health risks or harms of cannabis among individuals who use cannabis and/or the community (dependence, harms and risk factors among at-risk populations). The results will be used to support policy development/adjustment, public education and awareness activities and to evaluate the impacts of cannabis legalization and regulation in the post-legalization period.

1.1 – Objectives of the Survey

The 2024 Canadian Cannabis Survey aimed to gather additional information to track changes in data collected from the 2017 through 2023 surveys. The objectives of the 2024 survey were to collect information on the following:

1.2 – Total Expenditure

The total expenditure of this research was $299,907.42 including taxes.

2 – Sampling

2.1 – The General Approach

The approach used was a two-step recruitment process where respondents were first recruited by telephone (both landline and mobile) using a short battery of screener questions approved by Health Canada, consistent with previous cycles. Respondents who completed the screener questions and qualified for the survey were then sent a link to the online survey, either by email or SMS, depending on their preference. Respondents were recruited from lists of random telephone numbers (RDD) that Advanis verified were in service. The distribution of phone numbers was approximately 94 percent mobile phones and 6 percent landline numbers.

The rationale for using a higher volume of cell phone than landline numbers came from the requirement of oversampling youth aged 16 to 24 years old. From previous experience, we know that this group is very hard to reach by conventional landline for three major reasons; first, they use their parents' landline and we have difficulty reaching them; second, if they have left their parents' house, they are more likely use a cell phone rather than a landline; and third, a large proportion of Canada has become cord-cutters who no longer have a landline phone.

In total, we called 458,222 phone numbers, and 33,282 people agreed to participate in the survey. Of these calls, 14 percent were conducted in French, and 86 percent were conducted in English. The response rate achieved in 2024 was 9.4%. The response rate calculation is presented in Appendix B.

During the computer assisted telephone interviews (CATI) recruit, Advanis requested permission to send the survey link to respondents' mobile phones via a Short Message Service (SMS). The advantage of SMS survey invitations are that, unlike email invitations, they avoid issues with incorrect email addresses and spam filtering. If the recruited respondent did not have a smartphone, or preferred email, survey links were sent via email. Of the respondents who completed the CATI screener, 98 percent were recruited via SMS, and 2 percent were recruited by email. Of those recruited to the online survey by SMS, 36.0% completed the online survey. Among those sent an email invitation, the completion rate of the online survey was 49.4%.

To increase the response rate, inbound calling was allowed and directed to interviewers trained on the survey. If the potential respondent called from the phone that was initially dialed by someone in the call centre, the calling record was automatically displayed to an interviewer. In 2024, there were over 26,000 inbound calls, and just over 2,400 respondents were recruited on an inbound call.

Invite reminders were sent 3 days and 6 days after the initial invitation. A third SMS/email reminder was sent to those flagged as being under 25 years of age an additional 3 days later, in an attempt to boost response rates. Once SMS/email reminders had been sent, towards the end of field, an additional "final" reminder was sent noting to respondents that it would be their last reminder to complete the survey.

The average survey length for those who used cannabis in the past 12 months was 26 minutes, and it was 14 minutes on average for those who did not use cannabis in the past 12 months. Notably, during an online survey, the time elapsed doesn't necessarily align perfectly with survey duration since respondents may not always complete the survey all at once. As for the duration of the recruitment interviews, the average length was just under 2 minutes.

2.2 – The Pretest and Field Dates

The pretest was conducted on April 4th, 2024 in both English and French. During this pretest, we recruited 239 people by phone, 112 in English and 127 in French. This translated into 72 completed online surveys, 35 in English and 37 in French. The validation of the data was completed the morning of April 5th. This validation included respondents who had used cannabis in the past 12 months, as well as those who had not, to ensure that all questions were tested. In reviewing the pretest data, one change was made to one question, to split the nicotine level into separate levels for tobacco or e-cigarette. Since the change was minimal, all pretest cases are included in the final analysis. The data collection period was from April 4th to July 2nd, 2024.

2.3 – Quality Control

2.3.1 – Quality Control in Survey Programming

Advanis utilizes technology to maximize quality control in survey programming. Having developed a proprietary survey engine tool, Advanis professionals are able to design and program a survey in a browser-based environment, eliminating the need to involve a programmer who is less familiar with the survey subject matter. Below are the steps followed to ensure the quality of the survey:

2.3.2 – CATI Methodology and Quality Control

The CATI recruit script was programmed on Advanis' proprietary CATI platform with no unforeseen challenges. Advanis was able to leverage its experience with the survey programming and the reminder process to achieve high quality standards.

Advanis implemented the following to ensure the highest quality data collection:

To ensure high interview quality, our interviewers are trained to use various interviewing techniques. As well as maintaining a professional attitude, our interviewers must also be convincing, read word-for-word, take notes, probe deeper on semi-open and open questions, systematically confirm the information provided and listen to the respondents.

2.3.3 – Web Methodology and Quality Control

All Advanis Web surveys are hosted internally by Advanis, and we employ a rigorous and stringent set of data collection control mechanisms to ensure the highest quality for the data collected, including:

2.3.4 – Quality Control in Data Handling and Reporting

For all of the data collected, Advanis develops rules to check the validity of the data. These rules include items such as:

Advanis staff have used the SPSS Statistics Software for over 20 years and are very proficient users of the software. All data cleaning performed on projects are outlined in syntax files with intermediate data files saved throughout the process. This ensures that the original raw data file is never overwritten, and that if an error is discovered in our code, we can quickly and easily rerun the syntax to produce a new data file. Individuals developing code incorporate internal checks in their code (e.g., crosstabs) to ensure the syntax had the desired effect. In addition, all syntax is reviewed by another team member or technical specialist for accuracy.

2.4 – Sampling Plan and Data Collection

The target audience for this project was Canadians who are 16 years and older. This survey included both those who had used cannabis and those who had not. A "person that uses cannabis" is someone who has used cannabis in the last 12 months for non-medical or medical purposes. The expected incidence of cannabis use in the past 12 months in the general population is 21%, according to Health Canada data.

Key sub-population variables that required quotas were:

The sample consisted of a core sample of 12,000 Canadians aged 16 and older (those who use cannabis and those who do not). In the end, we gathered 12,031 responses (9,742 in English and 2,289 in French) to reach the quotas. Table 1 presents the results for the entire data collection versus the quota for the base sample.

Table 1. The Targets and Results
Region Minimum Sample Size Target Sample Size Collected Results Reportable Results
NL 380 400 426 412
PEI 380 400 410 396
NS 450 500 531 514
NB 450 500 514 492
QC 1,800 2,400 2,546 2,467
ON 3,200 3,500 3,122 3,031
MB 440 500 533 509
SK 440 500 580 566
AB 1,200 1,400 1,376 1,336
BC 1,400 1,600 1,665 1,626
Territories 240 300 328 317
Total --- 12,000 12,031 11,666
16 to 19 years 700 1,000 814 774
20 to 24 years 1,200 1,400 1,286 1,240
25 years and older 7,000 9,600 9,931 9,652
Male 5,400 6,000 6,028 5,819
Female 5,400 6,000 6,003 5,847

3 – Weighting

Overall, 12,031 web interviews were conducted during data collection and 364 were then removed for a non-response or incorrect response when asked the current month during survey completion, and one case was dropped for inappropriate data/verbatims. This resulted a final sample of 11,666 interviews. The weighting of the final file was based on three variables: region, age, and sex at birth. In 2024, the sex at birth question was required for all respondents so that all cases could be included in the analysis. The population sizes are based on the latest Statistics Canada census results published in the 2021 Census. See section 4.2 for guidelines on the limitation of analysis with the weights. See Appendix A for the table of weights.

3.1 – The Design Effect Calculation

The sample method used in a survey can have an effect in the precision of survey estimates when it is not possible to perform simple random sampling (SRS) with a 100% response rate. This effect is known as the design effect, a constant that can be applied to survey estimators to approximate those obtained under SRS.

The following table provides the design effect for each region as well as for the entire country. This table also shows the size of the "effective" sample size, an estimate of the sample size that would have been required under SRS to achieve the same level of precision.

The difference in effective sample size between the sum of all regions and Canada is due to quotas being used to obtain a minimum of responses for each region instead of proportional sampling.

3.2 – Design Effect and Effective Size of the Sample

Table 2. Design Effect for Sample
Province Mean N Standard deviation Design effect Effective sample size Margin of error
Alberta 2545.9581 1336 618.7228 1.0590595 1261 2.8%
British Columbia 2603.9022 1626 628.2360 1.0582098 1537 2.5%
Manitoba 2107.9175 509 738.3356 1.1226875 453 4.6%
New Brunswick 1334.7561 492 347.7289 1.0678700 461 4.6%
Newfoundland and Labrador 1060.9102 412 221.2684 1.0434992 395 4.9%
Nova Scotia 1601.3132 514 375.9207 1.0551112 487 4.4%
Ontario 3897.3788 3031 1043.5655 1.0716959 2828 1.8%
Prince Edward Island 325.8965 396 128.3216 1.1550386 343 5.3%
Quebec 2846.0519 2467 1004.6786 1.1246145 2194 2.1%
Saskatchewan 1581.5106 566 389.1263 1.0605392 534 4.2%
Territories (NT, NU, YT) 278.2807 317 177.7104 1.4078112 225 6.5%
Canada 2620.5825 11666 1291.7895 1.2429897 9385 1.0%

4 – Data Cleaning and Guidelines for Analysis and Release

4.1 – Data Cleaning and Coding

After the data collection was completed, data cleaning was performed to ensure high quality results. As was done in the previous surveys, questions were made voluntary (not required) instead of adding an opt-out option. This was to allow respondents to advance past any questions they did not wish to answer (with the exception of age and sex at birth, and province/territory which were required to create survey weights). During data cleaning, respondents who refused to provide an answer were recoded to "Prefer not to say".

Similar to 2023, in 2024 the survey was offered in both a mobile friendly platform and a WCAG 2.0 compliant platform online. Due to some of the requirements for WCAG 2.0, not all question types that are used on the mobile friendly platform are available as they do not function correctly with a screen reader. Accommodations were made to adjust the questions to be asked in a slightly different manner in the WCAG version; for example, the detailed scales used for questions on quantities of cannabis consumed could not be read by a screen reader and would have drastically increased survey length. For the WCAG version of the questions, respondents were asked to type in the quantity they used as well as to indicate their unit of consumption (e.g., mg, g). These variables were then back coded in the data into the scale versions of the questions. Less than 1% of respondents completed the survey using the WCAG platform.

The next step was to perform any necessary data coding. A detailed scale was used to describe quantities across the survey. Once data collection was completed, these scales were transformed into metric questions for ease of analysis. The metric question type simplifies the analysis by easily providing measures of mean, median, etc. the recoding used the same logic as in previous iterations of the Canadian Cannabis Survey, for consistency and comparability of results. The scale used was the same as in the previous phases of the project. The recode scale used for this was provided by Health Canada.

A review of open-ended responses was also performed as part of the data cleaning. Any "other" responses were recoded into existing categories when appropriate. A new "other" code was derived whenever the other bucket surpassed 10 responses.

4.2 – Guidelines for the analysis and use of weights

When doing an analysis, it is important to align the analysis plan with the weighting scheme. The weights adjust the data to better reflect the population based on parameters that have been chosen to maximize the level of detail without creating distortions due to extreme weights (an extreme weight will occur when a population group is represented by a proportionally smaller subset of respondents compared to other population groups, thus introducing an important risk of bias due to their specific profile).

For this survey, the basic sociodemographic information that should be used in the analysis of results are:

Using age groupings other than the ones described above for these sociodemographic categories could potentially produce distorted data. As these results would be inaccurate based on how the weights were calculated, we strongly advise not to report any results that do not align with these specified categories.

In the provided data file, the variable to be used to weight the data is called "weight6". In this case, it was decided to project to the total population, around 31 million Canadian residents that are 16 years old or older (per the 2021 Statistics Canada Census).

Any results with an unweighted cell size (numerator) of less than 10 respondents or an unweighted base (denominator) of less than 50 should not be reported on, due to statistical robustness. Any results with an unweighted base (denominator) of more than 49 but less than 100 should be identified and a statement regarding the small sample size should accompany these estimates. The reason for suppressing results with small cell and base sizes is due to the increased coefficient of variation and, hence, there are larger confidence intervals around results with smaller bases.

For all estimates based on cell sizes of 10 or more, the following guidelines for data suppression related to coefficients of variation (CV) should be used when reporting results:

CV 5 range Estimate Stability
0 – 16.5 Acceptable, the estimate stable
16.6 – 33.3 Marginal, the estimate has moderate sampling variability and should be interpreted with caution
>33.3 Unacceptable, the estimate is unstable and should be suppressed


Appendix A: Weights
Key Region Sex Age Weight
1M1 AB Male 16 to 19 1547.95
1M2 AB Male 20 to 24 1837.00
1M3 AB Male 25 to 34 3733.75
1M4 AB Male 35 to 44 2421.77
1M5 AB Male 45 to 54 2380.31
1M6 AB Male 55 plus 2404.10
1F1 AB Female 16 to 19 2000.10
1F2 AB Female 20 to 24 1766.91
1F3 AB Female 25 to 34 4226.06
1F4 AB Female 35 to 44 2458.41
1F5 AB Female 45 to 54 2403.48
1F6 AB Female 55 plus 2913.61
2M1 BC Male 16 to 19 2568.17
2M2 BC Male 20 to 24 2133.80
2M3 BC Male 25 to 34 4367.94
2M4 BC Male 35 to 44 2475.07
2M5 BC Male 45 to 54 2316.28
2M6 BC Male 55 plus 2306.20
2F1 BC Female 16 to 19 2809.00
2F2 BC Female 20 to 24 2556.07
2F3 BC Female 25 to 34 4616.53
2F4 BC Female 35 to 44 2626.46
2F5 BC Female 45 to 54 2236.32
2F6 BC Female 55 plus 2470.15
3M1 MB Male 16 to 19 1860.83
3M2 MB Male 20 to 24 1304.46
3M3 MB Male 25 to 34 4602.75
3M4 MB Male 35 to 44 2399.31
3M5 MB Male 45 to 54 1965.88
3M6 MB Male 55 plus 1769.86
3F1 MB Female 16 to 19 1829.41
3F2 MB Female 20 to 24 1541.43
3F3 MB Female 25 to 34 4101.59
3F4 MB Female 35 to 44 2323.68
3F5 MB Female 45 to 54 1628.78
3F6 MB Female 55 plus 2186.86
4M1 NB Male 16 to 19 1239.23
4M2 NB Male 20 to 24 956.09
4M3 NB Male 25 to 34 2889.00
4M4 NB Male 35 to 44 1302.29
4M5 NB Male 45 to 54 1003.30
4M6 NB Male 55 plus 1378.85
4F1 NB Female 16 to 19 1901.25
4F2 NB Female 20 to 24 1677.92
4F3 NB Female 25 to 34 1250.88
4F4 NB Female 35 to 44 1222.44
4F5 NB Female 45 to 54 983.11
4F6 NB Female 55 plus 1494.95
5M1 NL Male 16 to 19 1324.38
5M2 NL Male 20 to 24 713.42
5M3 NL Male 25 to 34 2009.62
5M4 NL Male 35 to 44 1317.95
5M5 NL Male 45 to 54 1034.26
5M6 NL Male 55 plus 1019.79
5F1 NL Female 16 to 19 1421.43
5F2 NL Female 20 to 24 963.08
5F3 NL Female 25 to 34 1322.00
5F4 NL Female 35 to 44 1011.13
5F5 NL Female 45 to 54 907.20
5F6 NL Female 55 plus 993.61
6M1 NS Male 16 to 19 1520.77
6M2 NS Male 20 to 24 1368.86
6M3 NS Male 25 to 34 2984.25
6M4 NS Male 35 to 44 1769.84
6M5 NS Male 45 to 54 1512.95
6M6 NS Male 55 plus 1454.79
6F1 NS Female 16 to 19 1174.69
6F2 NS Female 20 to 24 1394.75
6F3 NS Female 25 to 34 2513.75
6F4 NS Female 35 to 44 1521.03
6F5 NS Female 45 to 54 1279.30
6F6 NS Female 55 plus 1621.57
7M1 ON Male 16 to 19 2567.09
7M2 ON Male 20 to 24 2227.39
7M3 ON Male 25 to 34 6154.06
7M4 ON Male 35 to 44 4203.04
7M5 ON Male 45 to 54 3616.35
7M6 ON Male 55 plus 3594.26
7F1 ON Female 16 to 19 3050.00
7F2 ON Female 20 to 24 2622.44
7F3 ON Female 25 to 34 6151.65
7F4 ON Female 35 to 44 4688.89
7F5 ON Female 45 to 54 3241.81
7F6 ON Female 55 plus 4474.47
8M1 PE Male 16 to 19 319.09
8M2 PE Male 20 to 24 928.33
8M3 PE Male 25 to 34 649.29
8M4 PE Male 35 to 44 576.33
8M5 PE Male 45 to 54 305.16
8M6 PE Male 55 plus 244.44
8F1 PE Female 16 to 19 309.09
8F2 PE Female 20 to 24 312.81
8F3 PE Female 25 to 34 570.31
8F4 PE Female 35 to 44 315.17
8F5 PE Female 45 to 54 278.19
8F6 PE Female 55 plus 287.62
9M1 QC Male 16 to 19 1773.72
9M2 QC Male 20 to 24 1417.17
9M3 QC Male 25 to 34 4273.84
9M4 QC Male 35 to 44 2803.80
9M5 QC Male 45 to 54 2428.70
9M6 QC Male 55 plus 3524.56
9F1 QC Female 16 to 19 1933.14
9F2 QC Female 20 to 24 1400.06
9F3 QC Female 25 to 34 3306.06
9F4 QC Female 35 to 44 2294.92
9F5 QC Female 45 to 54 2052.50
9F6 QC Female 55 plus 4420.13
10M1 SK Male 16 to 19 1654.12
10M2 SK Male 20 to 24 1152.83
10M3 SK Male 25 to 34 2974.00
10M4 SK Male 35 to 44 1689.89
10M5 SK Male 45 to 54 1593.25
10M6 SK Male 55 plus 1371.25
10F1 SK Female 16 to 19 1086.25
10F2 SK Female 20 to 24 950.00
10F3 SK Female 25 to 34 1763.69
10F4 SK Female 35 to 44 1559.59
10F5 SK Female 45 to 54 1885.44
10F6 SK Female 55 plus 1705.52
11M1 Territories Male 16 to 19 770.00
11M2 Territories Male 20 to 24 650.00
11M3 Territories Male 25 to 34 447.50
11M4 Territories Male 35 to 44 379.32
11M5 Territories Male 45 to 54 229.84
11M6 Territories Male 55 plus 202.15
11F1 Territories Female 16 to 19 1530.00
11F2 Territories Female 20 to 24 405.56
11F3 Territories Female 25 to 34 731.67
11F4 Territories Female 35 to 44 193.86
11F5 Territories Female 45 to 54 249.31
11F6 Territories Female 55 plus 170.21

Appendix B: Response Rate Calculation
Generated 458222 100.0%
Used 458222 100.0%
No service 47245 10.3%
Not residential/business 2306 0.5%
Line problems 688 0.2%
Fax 1270 0.3%
Wrong number 121 0.0%
Invalid 6 51630 11.3%
Potentially Eligible 406592 88.7%
U. No answer 10480 2.6%
U. Busy 2889 0.7%
U. Answering machine/voicemail 225228 55.4%
U. Unresolved 7 238597 52.1%
IS. Language barrier 1599 0.4%
IS. Illness/incapacity 171 0.0%
IS. Household refusals 69553 17.1%
IS. Respondent refusal 49050 12.1%
IS. Appointments 9229 2.3%
IS. In-Scope Non-Responding 8 129602 28.3%
R. Non eligible 5121 1.3%
R. Quota Blocked 0 0.0%
R. Completed 33282 8.2%
R. Responding Units 9 38403 9.4%
% REFUSAL 10 29.2%
% COMPLETED 11 8.2%

Appendix C: Questionnaire

CCS 2024

Government of Canada

Section Login page

Page Login page


Invitation to Participate
You have been randomly selected to participate in the 2024 Canadian Cannabis Survey (CCS), conducted by the survey firm Advanis, on behalf of Health Canada. Participation in CCS is entirely voluntary.

Purpose of the Research Study
The main goal of this survey is to collect information on cannabis use and non-use in Canada. This information is needed to better understand how Canadians view and use cannabis and to look for any potential changes.

What you will be asked to do
The survey takes between 15 minutes and 25 minutes to complete. You will be asked questions about cannabis in general and if you have used cannabis. If you have used cannabis you will be asked about this use. Some questions may be uncomfortable to answer as they ask about illegally obtaining cannabis or negative outcomes related to cannabis use. You may withdraw from the study at any time before the end of data collection or refuse to answer any questions (with the exception of age, sex, and province/ territory) without penalty. You may also complete the survey in several sessions and from different devices by logging back in using your unique survey link. The survey will remain open until July 1, 2024.

By taking this survey, you consent to participate and agree that the purpose of this study as well as the potential risks and benefits have been explained to you.

Additional Information
This page provides you with information about what is involved in the research, what you will be asked to do, and any potential risks or benefits. Please read carefully.

Study Investigators
Office of Cannabis Science and Surveillance, Health Canada
Funded by Health Canada

Who can take part in the research study?
Individuals will be eligible for inclusion if they are 16 years of age or older, have a Canadian phone number, and are living in Canada. Approximately 12,000 people will be recruited.

Possible Risks and Benefits
There are no direct benefits to participating in this survey. However, your participation in the survey will help Health Canada better understand the current and emerging trends related to cannabis across Canada. By completing this survey, you may become more aware of your own cannabis use, behaviours, risks, and challenges. You might find some questions difficult or sensitive to answer. The risks associated with the study are minimal and the harms or discomforts are no greater than what an average person would expect to experience in their everyday life. By agreeing to participate in this research, you are not giving up or waiving any legal rights, in the event that you may experience any harms related to this research. You may refuse to answer any of the questions or stop at any time should you not feel comfortable. If you experience emotional discomfort while taking the survey or after, please know that resources are available to support you. If you would like to speak to someone or would like more information on available resources, please use the "Supports and Resources" links, which will be provided at the end of the survey.

Privacy and Confidentiality
The survey data collected will not be linked to any directly identifying information when the data is provided to Health Canada. Your survey responses will be given a unique ID number, all direct identifiers will be removed, and other steps will be taken so that the risk of re-identification is extremely low.

The personal information collected in this research project is handled in accordance with the Privacy Act. We only collect the information we need to carry out the research as authorized under section 4 of the Department of Health Act. In addition to protecting your personal information, the Privacy Act gives you the right to access and to request a correction and/or notation to your personal information. You also have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada if you think your personal information has been handled improperly. For more information about these rights, or about how we handle your personal information, please contact

The collection of your personal information is described in Info Source at (opens in a new window) (

You can also find Advanis' privacy policy at (opens in a new window) (

Reporting of Results
Results of this research will be published and publicly available online following the completion of the survey. Any reports or publications produced by Health Canada will use aggregate data (meaning that information about all participants will be combined together) and will not identify you or link you in any way to the survey results. To see results from the previous cycle of this survey you can visit (

Withdrawing From the Study
Participation is voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw from the study at any time before the end of data collection (June 28, 2024), without penalty. If you change your mind about participating, please contact Melanie Ferriera at 519-340-0122, or

Questions and Contact Information
Advanis staff, Nicolas Toutant ( and Melanie Ferreira ( or 519-340-0122) are available to answer all your questions, including those related to technical support. Please reference project 7156 in any communications with their team.

This research has been approved by the Health Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada Research Ethics Board (REB 2023-050H). If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Research Ethics Board Secretariat at 613-941-5199 (Collect calls will be accepted) or If you wish to verify the authenticity of this survey, please email: and specify that you are asking about the 2024 Canadian Cannabis Survey. This research has also been registered with Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) and can be verified by visiting their website. The project verification number is: 20240308-AD198. Click here (opens in a new window) ( to verify the legitimacy of this survey.

1 Assistive Survey for those with a disability (Screen reader enabled)
2 Start Survey

Section Survey Content

Page Demographics

AGE_NUM Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1))

What is your age?

An answer is required. To expand the category select the "+" and make your selection within the group.

16 16 to 19|16
17 16 to 19|17
18 16 to 19|18
19 16 to 19|19
20 20 to 29|20
21 20 to 29|21
22 20 to 29|22
23 20 to 29|23
24 20 to 29|24
25 20 to 29|25
26 20 to 29|26
27 20 to 29|27
28 20 to 29|28
29 20 to 29|29
30 30 to 39|30
31 30 to 39|31
32 30 to 39|32
33 30 to 39|33
34 30 to 39|34
35 30 to 39|35
36 30 to 39|36
37 30 to 39|37
38 30 to 39|38
39 30 to 39|39
40 40 to 49|40
41 40 to 49|41
42 40 to 49|42
43 40 to 49|43
44 40 to 49|44
45 40 to 49|45
46 40 to 49|46
47 40 to 49|47
48 40 to 49|48
49 40 to 49|49
50 50 to 59|50
51 50 to 59|51
52 50 to 59|52
53 50 to 59|53
54 50 to 59|54
55 50 to 59|55
56 50 to 59|56
57 50 to 59|57
58 50 to 59|58
59 50 to 59|59
60 60 to 69|60
61 60 to 69|61
62 60 to 69|62
63 60 to 69|63
64 60 to 69|64
65 60 to 69|65
66 60 to 69|66
67 60 to 69|67
68 60 to 69|68
69 60 to 69|69
70 70 to 79|70
71 70 to 79|71
72 70 to 79|72
73 70 to 79|73
74 70 to 79|74
75 70 to 79|75
76 70 to 79|76
77 70 to 79|77
78 70 to 79|78
79 70 to 79|79
80 80 to 89|80
81 80 to 89|81
82 80 to 89|82
83 80 to 89|83
84 80 to 89|84
85 80 to 89|85
86 80 to 89|86
87 80 to 89|87
88 80 to 89|88
89 80 to 89|89
90 90 to 99|90
91 90 to 99|91
92 90 to 99|92
93 90 to 99|93
94 90 to 99|94
95 90 to 99|95
96 90 to 99|96
97 90 to 99|97
98 90 to 99|98
99 90 to 99|99
100 100 or more|100 or more

AGE1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1))

What is your age?

Please enter your age

Minimum: 16, Maximum: 100

__________ years old


Is there anyone other than yourself living in your home that is under the age of 18?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
-8 Prefer not to say

CHILD Show if (Have children (CHILDREN = 1))

What age group(s) does the child or children fall into?

Select all that apply.

1 5 years or less
2 6 to 12 years
3 13 to 17 years
-8 Prefer not to say


What was your sex at birth?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Male
2 Female


What is your gender?

Refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents. (Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Man/boy
2 Woman/girl
3 Another gender (please specify): ________________
-8 Prefer not to say


How would you describe your sexual orientation?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Heterosexual (straight)
2 Lesbian or gay
3 Bisexual
4 Another sexual orientation (please specify): ________________
-8 Prefer not to say


Which of the following best describes the size of your community?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Rural area (less than 1,000 people)
2 Small population centre (1,000 to 29,999 people)
3 Medium population centre (30,000 to 99,999 people)
4 Large urban population centre (100,000+ people)
-8 Prefer not to say


In which province or territory do you currently live?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Alberta (AB)
2 British Columbia (BC)
3 Manitoba (MB)
4 New Brunswick (NB)
5 Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)
6 Northwest Territories (NT)
7 Nova Scotia (NS)
8 Nunavut (NU)
9 Ontario (ON)
10 Prince Edward Island (PE)
11 Quebec (QC)
12 Saskatchewan (SK)
13 Yukon (YT)


Are you currently employed?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes, employed full-time
2 Yes, employed part-time
3 No


Are you a student at an educational institution?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes, full-time student
2 Yes, part-time student
3 No

STUDENT Show if (Going to school (SCHOOL = 1,2))

Are you currently attending one of the following educational institutions?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Elementary, junior high school or high school
2 Trade school, college, CEGEP or other non-university institution
3 University
4 Other (please specify): ________________
-8 Prefer not to say


In our society, people are often described by their race or racial background. This may influence the way we are treated by individuals and institutions, and may affect our health.

Which category(ies) best describe(s) you?

Select all that apply.

1 Black (African, Afro-Caribbean, African Canadian descent)
2 East/Southeast Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese descent or Filipino, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Indonesian, other Southeast Asian descent)
3 Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuk/Inuit descent)
4 Latino (Latin American, Hispanic descent)
5 Middle Eastern (Arab, Persian, West Asian descent (e.g., Afghan, Egyptian, Iranian, Lebanese, Turkish, Kurdish))
6 South Asian (South Asian descent (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Indo-Caribbean))
7 White (European descent)
8 Other
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know / Not sure

INDIG Show if (Indigenous (ETH_3 = 1))

Are you First Nations, Métis or Inuk/Inuit?

Select all that apply.

1 First Nations
2 Métis
3 Inuk/Inuit
-8 Prefer not to say


Were you born in Canada?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
-8 Prefer not to say


In general, how is your physical health ?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Excellent
2 Very good
3 Good
4 Fair
5 Poor
-8 Prefer not to say


In general, how is your mental health ?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Excellent
2 Very good
3 Good
4 Fair
5 Poor
-8 Prefer not to say


What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that you have completed?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
2 High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate
3 Trade certificate or diploma
4 College, CEGEP, or other non-university certificate or diploma (other than trades certificates or diplomas)
5 University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
6 Bachelor's degree (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.)
7 University certificate, diploma or degree above the bachelor's level
-8 Prefer not to say


What is your best estimate of your total household income received by all household members, from all sources, before taxes and deductions, during the year ending December 31, 2023?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Less than $10,000
2 $10,000 to less than $25,000
3 $25,000 to less than $50,000
4 $50,000 to less than $75,000
5 $75,000 to less than $100,000
6 $100,000 to less than $125,000
7 $125,000 to less than $150,000
8 $150,000 or more
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 I don't know


Do you identify as a person with a disability?

A person with a disability is a person who has a long-term difficulty or condition, such as vision, hearing, mobility, flexibility, dexterity, pain, learning, developmental, memory or mental health-related impairments, that limits their daily activities inside or outside the home such as at school, work, or in the community in general.
(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
-8 Prefer not to say

Page Information on cannabis


In this survey when we use the term cannabis, this includes marijuana (e.g., weed, pot), hashish, hash oil or any other products made from the cannabis plant. This includes products containing THC, CBD or any other cannabinoids (e.g., CBN, CBG, delta 8 THC).

When we ask about use, this includes using cannabis in its dry form or when mixed or processed into another product such as an edible, an extract, a concentrate, including hashish, a liquid, or other product.

Unless specified when we ask about cannabis use this includes use for both non-medical and medical purposes.

By non-medical purposes we mean recreational (e.g., for enjoyment, pleasure, amusement), socially, for spiritual, lifestyle and other similar non-medical uses.

By medical purposes we mean used to treat a disease/disorder or to improve symptoms.


How socially acceptable do you think it is for a person to use the following substances regularly ?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one per row

1. Drink alcohol *
2. Smoke tobacco (cigarette/cigar/smokeless tobacco) *
3. Use an e-cigarette with nicotine *
4. Smoke cannabis *
5. Vape liquid or solid cannabis extracts *
6. Vape dried cannabis *
7. Eat/drink cannabis *

Levels marked with * are randomized

1 Completely acceptable
2 Somewhat acceptable
3 Somewhat unacceptable
4 Completely unacceptable
5 No opinion


How much do you think people risk harming themselves when they do each of the following activities regularly ?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one per row

1. Drink alcohol *
2. Smoke tobacco (cigarette/cigar/smokeless tobacco) *
3. Use an e-cigarette with nicotine *
4. Smoke cannabis *
5. Vape liquid or solid cannabis extracts *
6. Vape dried cannabis *
7. Eat/drink cannabis *

Levels marked with * are randomized

1 No risk
2 Slight risk
3 Moderate risk
4 Great risk
5 I do not know


How easy or difficult is it for you to get legal cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Very difficult
2 Fairly difficult
3 Fairly easy
4 Very easy
5 I don't know


How easy or difficult is it for you to get illegal cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Very difficult
2 Fairly difficult
3 Fairly easy
4 Very easy
5 I don't know


In the past 12 months, have you seen health warning messages on legal cannabis products/packages or on Health Canada's website?

Health warning messages are found on cannabis product packages against a bright yellow background or on the Health Canada website (Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes, on legal cannabis products/packages
2 Yes, on Health Canada's website
3 Yes, both of the above
4 No
5 Don't know/Not sure

WARN_CRED Show if (Saw health warning messages (WARN_SEE = 1,2,3))

Was the information you saw in the health warning messages credible/believable?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
3 Somewhat
4 Don't know/Not sure

WARN_KNOW Show if (Saw health warning messages (WARN_SEE = 1,2,3))

Have the health warning messages increased your knowledge of the potential harms related to cannabis use?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
3 Somewhat
4 Don't know/Not sure

WARN_RECALL Show if (Saw health warning messages (WARN_SEE = 1,2,3))

Which, if any, of the following health warning messages do you recall seeing?

Select all that apply

1 The smoke from cannabis is harmful *
2 Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding *
3 Frequent and prolonged use of cannabis containing THC can contribute to mental health problems over time *
4 Adolescents and young adults are at greater risk of harms from cannabis *
5 The higher the THC content of a product, the more likely you are to experience adverse effects and greater levels of impairment *
6 It can take up to 4 hours to feel the full effects from eating or drinking cannabis *
7 The effects from eating or drinking cannabis can be long-lasting *
8 Do not swallow or apply internally or to broken, irritated or itching skin *
9 None of the above (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized


In the past 12 months, have you seen/heard education campaigns, public health or safety messages about cannabis in any of the following places?
These campaigns and messages describe the risks of using cannabis and/or safer ways to use cannabis.

Select all that apply.

1 School (e.g., university campus) *
2 Social media (e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Facebook,Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube) *
3 Non-social media websites *
4 Events (e.g., sporting events, concerts, festivals or markets) *
5 Kiosks or temporary sales locations (in shopping centers or on the street) *
6 Inside/outside legal stores that sell cannabis *
7 Public display of posters or billboards (e.g., in public transit, at bars/restaurants, band council offices) *
8 Health care setting (e.g., pharmacy, doctors' office) *
9 Print newspapers or magazines *
10 TV/radio *
11 Inside/outside illegal stores that sell cannabis *
12 Community-based/not for profit organizations *
13 Workplace *
14 Other (please specify): ________________
15 I have not noticed any education campaigns or public health messages (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized

EDUC_CRED Show if (Saw education campaigns (EDUC_1 = 1 OR EDUC_2 = 1 OR EDUC_3 = 1 OR EDUC_4 = 1 OR EDUC_5 = 1 OR EDUC_6 = 1 OR EDUC_7 = 1 OR EDUC_8 = 1 OR EDUC_9 = 1 OR EDUC_10 = 1 OR EDUC_11 = 1 OR EDUC_12 = 1 OR EDUC_13 = 1 OR EDUC_14 = 1))

Was the information you saw in the education campaigns, public health or safety messages credible/believable?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
3 Somewhat
4 Don't know/Not sure


In the past 12 months, have you noticed cannabis being advertised or promoted in any of the following places?
An advertisement is a promotion of a product, brand or service that attempts to attract interest, engagement, or sales.

Select all that apply.

1 Regular postal mail *
2 Websites *
3 Emails or text messages *
4 Bars, pubs, or nightclubs *
5 Inside stores that sell cannabis *
6 Outside stores that sell cannabis *
7 Pharmacies *
8 Events (e.g., sporting events, concerts, festivals or markets) *
9 Kiosks or temporary sales locations (in shopping centers or on the street) *
10 TV/radio *
11 Billboards or posters *
12 Print newspapers or magazines *
13 At the movies *
14 Taxis or buses/public transit *
15 Flyers *
16 Social media (e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube) *
17 Other (please specify): ________________
18 I have not noticed any advertisements or promotions (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

I have access to enough trustworthy information about the health risks of cannabis use to make informed decisions.

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree


Do you feel you need more information about any of the following?

Select all that apply.

1 The difference between illegal and legal cannabis products
2 The difference between illegal and legal cannabis sources (e.g., stores, websites)
3 How to safely store cannabis
4 How to read and understand a legal cannabis product label
5 Health and safety risks of cannabis use
6 How to reduce the harms of cannabis use
7 How to report an adverse reaction or side effect from cannabis
8 What to do if you/someone/a child over-consumes or accidentally consumes cannabis
9 How to help prevent accidental cannabis poisoning in children
10 How to talk to your children about cannabis use
11 Information on how much cannabis to take
12 Evidence on therapeutic or medical uses for cannabis
13 Other (please specify): ________________
14 None of the above (Exclusive)


Where do you get information about cannabis?

Select all that apply.

1 Google/general internet search *
2 Social media or celebrities *
3 Doctor or nurse *
4 Alternative health professional (e.g., naturopath, homeopath) *
5 Teacher/professor *
6 Elder/Knowledge Keeper *
7 Online cannabis store run by province or territory (e.g., OCS, SQDC) *
8 Cannabis company website *
9 Government website *
10 Health association or not-for-profit *
11 Sales staff at a cannabis store *
12 Friend, family or coworkers *
13 TV, radio, documentaries *
14 Magazines, newspapers or books *
15 Academic literature/scientific journals *
16 My job/profession *
17 Other (please specify): ________________
18 None of the above (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized


Based on what you know or believe…

(Show if WCAG) Please select one per row

1. Can cannabis smoke be harmful?
2. Can cannabis vaping be harmful?
3. Is it okay to use cannabis when pregnant or breastfeeding?
4. Does using cannabis daily or near-daily increase the risk of mental health problems?
5. Are teenagers at greater risk of harm from using cannabis than adults?
6. Does consuming cannabis products with lower levels of THC lead to greater impairment?
7. Can it take up to 4 hours to feel the full effects from eating or drinking cannabis?
8. Are the effects of inhaling cannabis longer-lasting than eating/drinking cannabis products?
9. Can using cannabis become habit forming for some people?
10. Can cannabis change the way other medications work in the body?
11. Are legal cannabis products tested for contaminants such as bacteria, moulds and pesticides?

1 Yes
2 No
3 Don't know/Not sure


How do you know if a store selling cannabis is legal ?

Select all that apply

1 Store is run/licensed by a provincial/territorial government (e.g., SQDC, NSLC Cannabis) *
2 A license/certification is posted *
3 They check ID to confirm customers are of legal age *
4 The exterior windows are tinted or covered *
5 The products they sell have the government warnings and stickers/stamps *
6 Assume they are legal if they have not been shut down *
7 The store is part of a chain or brand I know is legal *
8 The store advertises *
10 Other, please specify: ________________
9 I don't know (Exclusive)
-8 Prefer not to say

Levels marked with * are randomized


How do you know if a website selling cannabis is legal ?

Select all that apply

1 Website is run by a federal/provincial/territorial government (e.g., SQDC, OCS) *
2 A license/certification is shown *
3 Entering a birth date is required to check age (e.g., age gate) *
4 Assume all websites are illegal *
5 The products they sell have the government warnings and stickers/stamps *
6 Assume they are legal if they have not been shut down *
7 The website is part of a chain or brand I know is legal *
8 The website advertises *
9 The website accepts common methods of payment for online purchases, such as credit cards *
11 Other, please specify: ________________
10 I don't know (Exclusive)
-8 Prefer not to say

Levels marked with * are randomized


Which of the following are included on legal cannabis packages ?

Select all that apply.

1 A standardized cannabis symbol *
2 Labelling of alcohol content *
3 Health warning messages *
4 Flashy or vibrant packaging *
5 Child-resistant packaging *
6 Transparent packaging *
7 Labelling of nicotine content *
8 An excise stamp (e.g., tax stamp/sticker) *
9 Labelling of THC and CBD content *
10 Other (please specify): ________________
11 I don't know (Exclusive)
12 None of the above (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized


In the past 30 days, were you exposed to second-hand cannabis smoke or vapour at the following locations?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one per row

1. Home/residence
2. Workplace or at school
3. Car or other private vehicle
4. Public places (e.g., shopping malls, streets, etc.)

1 Yes
2 No
3 Don't know/Not sure


In the past 12 months, has anyone, including yourself, grown cannabis in your home/residence or on your property?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
3 Don't know/Not sure

HOMEGROW_MED Show if (Grows cannabis at home (HOMEGROW = 1))

Does the person growing cannabis in your home/residence or on your property have an authorization from Health Canada to grow cannabis for medical purposes?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
3 Don't know/Not sure

PLANT_OUT Show if (Grows cannabis at home (HOMEGROW = 1))

In the past 12 months, how many plants were grown outside on your property ?

Please enter the number of plants

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

__________ plants

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than 1,000 plants

PLANT_HOME Show if (Grows cannabis at home (HOMEGROW = 1))

In the past 12 months, how many plants were grown inside your home ?

Please enter the number of plants

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

__________ plants

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than 1,000 plants

PLANT_NUM Show if (Grows cannabis at home (HOMEGROW = 1))

How many cannabis plants are currently grown in your home/residence or on your property?

Please enter the number of plants

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

__________ plants

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than 1,000 plants


In the past 12 months, has anyone, including yourself, prepared cannabis edibles/drinks in your home/residence?

Select all that apply.

1 Yes, I made them
2 Yes, someone else made them
3 No (Exclusive)
4 Don't know/Not sure (Exclusive)

EDIBLE_WHERE Show if (Edibles made at home (EDIBLE_HOME_1 = 1 OR EDIBLE_HOME_2 = 1))

Where did the cannabis used to make homemade cannabis edibles/drinks come from?

Select all that apply.

1 Homegrown cannabis (grown at my house or someone else's)
2 Purchased cannabis
3 Don't know (Exclusive)

EDIBLE_AMOUNT Show if (Make own edibles (EDIBLE_HOME_1 = 1))

When you make your own cannabis edibles or drinks, how do you know how strong they will be?

When we say 'strong' we are referring to THC and CBD levels. Select all that apply

1 I measure/weigh the cannabis I use
2 I calculate based on the THC/CBD in the cannabis product I am using
3 I base it on past experience(s)
4 I follow a recipe/guide
5 The product was labeled (e.g., tea bag from a store)
6 None of the above (Exclusive)
7 I don't know (Exclusive)


In the past 12 months, has anyone (including people and animals) in your household accidentally consumed cannabis (e.g., eating/drinking it without knowing it contained cannabis)?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
3 Don't know/Not sure

ACC Show if (Accidental consumption (ACCIDENT = 1))

Who was it that accidentally consumed cannabis?

Select all that apply.

1 Me
2 An adult
3 A teenager
4 A child under 13 years old
5 A pet
6 Other, please specify: ________________

ACC2 Show if (Person accidentally consumed (ACC_1 = 1 OR ACC_2 = 1 OR ACC_3 = 1 OR ACC_4 = 1 OR ACC_6 = 1))

You indicated that a person in your household accidentally consumed cannabis in the past 12 months. Did this lead to any of the following…?

Select all that apply.

1 Nausea and/or vomiting
2 Heart or blood pressure problems
3 Feeling faint/passing out/loss of consciousness
4 Anxiety/panic attack/rapid heartbeat
5 Hallucinations/psychosis/flashbacks
6 Dissociation/depersonalization (feeling detached or disconnect from yourself)
7 Slowed breathing/lung problems
8 Allergic reaction/hypersensitivity/anaphylaxis/rash
9 Confusion/disorientation
10 Unusual behaviour (e.g., agitation, slurred speech)
11 Chest pain/chest discomfort
12 Loss of coordination/unsteadiness/vertigo
13 Headache
14 Diarrhea
15 Seizure
16 Drowsiness/lethargy
17 Muscle weakness
18 Other (please specify): ________________
19 None of the above (Exclusive)

ACC3 Show if (Accidental consumption (ACCIDENT = 1))

Did the incident(s) of accidental consumption of cannabis lead to any of the following…?

Select all that apply.

1 Poison control centre call
2 Emergency Department visit (Show if Person accidentally consumed (ACC_1 = 1 OR ACC_2 = 1 OR ACC_3 = 1 OR ACC_4 = 1 OR ACC_6 = 1))
3 Admitted to hospital (Show if Person accidentally consumed (ACC_1 = 1 OR ACC_2 = 1 OR ACC_3 = 1 OR ACC_4 = 1 OR ACC_6 = 1))
4 Veterinary visit or hospitalization (Show if Pet consumed (ACC_5 = 1))
5 Other (please specify): ________________
6 None of these (Exclusive)

ACC4 Show if (Accidental consumption (ACCIDENT = 1))

What is the best description of the cannabis that was accidentally consumed?

Select all that apply.

1 Dried flower/leaf
2 Hashish/kief
3 Cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures
4 Cannabis vape pens/cartridges
5 Cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin
6 Cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews
7 Cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder
8 Topicals – e.g., lotion/cream, ointment, bath products, patches
9 Other (please specify): ________________
10 Don't know/not sure (Exclusive)

ACC_SOURCE Show if (Accidental consumption (ACCIDENT = 1))

Where did the cannabis that was accidentally consumed come from?

Select all that apply.

1 From the legal market
2 From the illegal market
3 It was made/grown in my household
4 From a friend/family member
5 Other (please specify): ________________
6 Don't know/Not sure (Exclusive)


In your opinion, does using cannabis impair one's ability to drive or operate a motor vehicle?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
3 It depends (please specify): ________________
4 Don't know/Not sure


As far as you know, when is it safe for someone to drive a motor vehicle after inhaling (smoking/vaping) cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Immediately
2 30 minutes to just under 1 hour
3 1 hour to just under 3 hours
4 3 hours to just under 5 hours
5 5 hours to just under 7 hours
6 7 hours to 8 hours
7 More than 8 hours
8 It depends
9 Don't know/Not sure


As far as you know, when is it safe for someone to drive a motor vehicle after ingesting (eating/drinking) cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Immediately
2 30 minutes to just under 1 hour
3 1 hour to just under 3 hours
4 3 hours to just under 5 hours
5 5 hours to just under 7 hours
6 7 hours to 8 hours
7 More than 8 hours
8 It depends
9 Don't know/Not sure


How likely do you think it is that a person will be caught by police if they drive while under the influence of the following substances?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1. Driving under the influence of alcohol
2. Driving under the influence of cannabis
1 Not at all likely
2 Not likely
3 Somewhat likely
4 Likely
5 Extremely likely


Have you ever been a passenger in a motor vehicle (e.g., car, snowmobile, motor boat or all-terrain vehicle (ATV)) driven by someone who had used cannabis within 2 hours before driving ?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes, in the past 30 days
2 Yes, in the past 12 months
3 Yes, more than 12 months ago
4 No
5 Don't know/Not sure

Page Information on cannabis


During your lifetime have you ever used cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes, just once
2 Yes, more than once
3 No

AOI Show if (Ever used cannabis AND not WCAG survey (NOT (wcag = 1) AND (EVER_USE = 1,2)))

How old were you when you first tried or started using cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

4 < 10|< 5
5 < 10|5
6 < 10|6
7 < 10|7
8 < 10|8
9 < 10|9
10 10 to 19|10
11 10 to 19|11
12 10 to 19|12
13 10 to 19|13
14 10 to 19|14
15 10 to 19|15
16 10 to 19|16
17 10 to 19|17
18 10 to 19|18
19 10 to 19|19
20 20 to 29|20
21 20 to 29|21
22 20 to 29|22
23 20 to 29|23
24 20 to 29|24
25 20 to 29|25
26 20 to 29|26
27 20 to 29|27
28 20 to 29|28
29 20 to 29|29
30 30 to 39|30
31 30 to 39|31
32 30 to 39|32
33 30 to 39|33
34 30 to 39|34
35 30 to 39|35
36 30 to 39|36
37 30 to 39|37
38 30 to 39|38
39 30 to 39|39
40 40 to 49|40
41 40 to 49|41
42 40 to 49|42
43 40 to 49|43
44 40 to 49|44
45 40 to 49|45
46 40 to 49|46
47 40 to 49|47
48 40 to 49|48
49 40 to 49|49
50 50 to 59|50
51 50 to 59|51
52 50 to 59|52
53 50 to 59|53
54 50 to 59|54
55 50 to 59|55
56 50 to 59|56
57 50 to 59|57
58 50 to 59|58
59 50 to 59|59
60 60 to 69|60
61 60 to 69|61
62 60 to 69|62
63 60 to 69|63
64 60 to 69|64
65 60 to 69|65
66 60 to 69|66
67 60 to 69|67
68 60 to 69|68
69 60 to 69|69
70 70 to 79|70
71 70 to 79|71
72 70 to 79|72
73 70 to 79|73
74 70 to 79|74
75 70 to 79|75
76 70 to 79|76
77 70 to 79|77
78 70 to 79|78
79 70 to 79|79
80 80 to 89|80
81 80 to 89|81
82 80 to 89|82
83 80 to 89|83
84 80 to 89|84
85 80 to 89|85
86 80 to 89|86
87 80 to 89|87
88 80 to 89|88
89 80 to 89|89
90 90 to 99|90
91 90 to 99|91
92 90 to 99|92
93 90 to 99|93
94 90 to 99|94
95 90 to 99|95
96 90 to 99|96
97 90 to 99|97
98 90 to 99|98
99 90 to 99|99
100 100 or more|100 or more
-9 Don't know/Not sure

AOII Show if (Ever used cannabis AND WCAG survey ((wcag = 1) AND (EVER_USE = 1,2)))

How old were you when you first tried or started using cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 100

__________ years old

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know/Not sure

START_WHO Show if (Under 25 when first used cannabis ((AOI = 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24) OR (AOII)))

Who introduced you to cannabis the first time?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Friend
2 Parent/caregiver
3 Sibling
4 Girlfriend/boyfriend or spouse/partner
5 Another adult
6 I started using on my own
7 Someone else
8 Doctor/healthcare professional

PAST12MOS Show if (Ever used cannabis (EVER_USE = 1,2))

In the past 12 months, have you used cannabis?

By non-medical purposes we mean recreational (e.g., for enjoyment, pleasure, amusement), socially, for spiritual, lifestyle and other similar non-medical uses.

By medical purposes we mean used to treat a disease/disorder or to improve symptoms.

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes, for non-medical purposes
2 Yes, for medical purposes (with or without a medical document)
3 Yes, for both non-medical and medical purposes
4 No

MED_DOC Show if (Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3))

Do you use cannabis for medical purposes with or without a medical document from a healthcare professional?

A medical document authorizing the use of cannabis for medical purposes typically contains information about the healthcare provider and you, the daily quantity (grams) of dried cannabis that you are authorized to use for medical purposes, and the length of time you are authorized to do so. They are similar to prescriptions.

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 With a medical document authorizing the use of cannabis for medical purposes from a healthcare professional
2 Without a medical document authorizing the use of cannabis for medical purposes from a healthcare professional

USE_FREQ_REC Show if (Past 12 month non medical user (PAST12MOS = 1,3))

In the past 12 months, how often did you typically use cannabis for non-medical purposes?

By non-medical purposes we mean recreational (e.g., for enjoyment, pleasure, amusement), socially, for spiritual, lifestyle and other similar non-medical uses.

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Less than 1 day per month
2 1 day per month
3 2 or 3 days per month
4 1 or 2 day(s) per week
5 3 or 4 days per week
6 5 or 6 days per week
7 Daily

USEMODES Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

In the past 12 months, which of the following methods did you use to consume cannabis?

Select all that apply.

1 Smoked (e.g., a joint, bong, pipe or blunt)
2 Eaten it in food (e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews)
3 Drank it (e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder)
4 Vaped it (e.g., vape pen or vaporizer)
5 Cannabis oil for oral use (e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures)
6 Dabbing (e.g., including hot knife/nail, dab rig)
7 Applied to skin (e.g., topicals)

VAPE Show if (Vaped cannabis (USEMODES_4 = 1))

What cannabis products did you use when vapourizing cannabis?

Select all that apply.

1 Dried flower/leaf
2 Liquid cannabis extract (e.g., butane honey oil (BHO), vaping liquid with THC/CBD, etc.)
3 Solid cannabis extract (e.g., shatter, hash, kief, etc.)

THCRATIO Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC and CBD do you typically use?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Higher THC, Lower CBD
2 Higher CBD, Lower THC
3 Balanced (e.g., low THC/low CBD or high THC/high CBD)
4 THC only
5 CBD only
6 I typically use a mix of the products above
7 Don't know/Not sure

PROD Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

In the past 12 months, have you used the following cannabis products?

Select all that apply.

1 Dried flower/leaf (including pre-rolled joints)
2 Hashish/kief
3 Cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures
4 Cannabis vape pens/cartridges
5 Cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin
6 Cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews
7 Cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder
8 Topicals – e.g., lotion/cream, ointment, bath products, patches

PREROLL Show if (PROD 1 Dried flower (PROD_1 = 1))

In the past 12 months, have you bought any 'pre-rolled' joints?

Pre-rolled joints contain dried herb and come 'pre-made' in joints when you buy them.

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

PREROLLPERCENT Show if (Purchased prerolled joints past 12 months (PREROLL = 1))

Of all the dried herb you bought in the last 12 months, how much of it was purchased as pre-rolled joints?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Almost none
2 Less than 10%
3 10% - 19%
4 20% - 29%
5 30% - 39%
6 40% - 49%
7 50% - 59%
8 60% - 69%
9 70% - 79%
10 80% - 89%
11 90% - 99%
12 100%
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

PREROLL_INFUSED Show if (Purchased prerolled joints past 12 months (PREROLL = 1))

Most pre-rolled joints only include dried herb, but some are mixed with cannabis oils or concentrates to increase the strength. These products are sometimes called "infused' pre-rolls, 'moonrockets', or 'diamonds'.

In the past 12 months have you purchased any pre-rolled joints mixed with high potency oils or concentrates?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

EDIBLETYPE Show if (PROD 6 Cannabis edibles (PROD_6 = 1))

In the past 12 months, did you eat any of the following edible marijuana products?

If you used cannabis oil or butter to make food, choose the type of food from the list below.

Select all that apply

1 Gummy or jelly candy (e.g., gummy bears, sour or soft candy)
2 Other candy (e.g., lollipop, hard candy, licorice, caramel, toffee)
3 Cookie
4 Chocolate (e.g., chocolate/candy bar, truffle, peanut butter cups)
5 Brownie
6 Other baked good (e.g., muffin, cake, rice krispie treat)
7 Mint or gum
8 Salty or savoury snack (e.g., chocolate-covered pretzels or nuts, crackers, popcorn)
9 Dried fruit
10 Granola/cereal bar, protein bar or energy bite
11 Butter or oil used on its own
12 Other (please specify): ________________
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

Page Information on cannabis

HERB1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 1 Dried flower (PROD_1 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for dried flower/leaf ?

Please answer in percentage.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 100

% __________

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

HERB2 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 1 Dried flower (PROD_1 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for dried flower/leaf ?

Please answer in percentage.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 100

% __________

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

HASH1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 2 Hashish (PROD_2 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for hashish/kief ?

1 Answer in % ________________
2 Answer in mg: ________________
3 Answer in mg/g: ________________
-9 Don't know

HASH2 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 2 Hashish (PROD_2 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for hashish/kief ?

1 Answer in % ________________
2 Answer in mg: ________________
3 Answer in mg/g: ________________
-9 Don't know

OIL1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 3 Cannabis oil (PROD_3 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures ?

1 Answer in % ________________
2 Answer in mg: ________________
3 Answer in mg/g: ________________
-9 Don't know

OIL2 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 3 Cannabis oil (PROD_3 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures ?

1 Answer in % ________________
2 Answer in mg: ________________
3 Answer in mg/g: ________________
-9 Don't know

VAPE1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 4 Cannabis vape pens (PROD_4 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for cannabis vape pens/cartridges ?

1 Answer in % ________________
2 Answer in mg: ________________
3 Answer in mg/g: ________________
-9 Don't know

VAPE2 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 4 Cannabis vape pens (PROD_4 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for cannabis vape pens/cartridges ?

1 Answer in % ________________
2 Answer in mg: ________________
3 Answer in mg/g: ________________
-9 Don't know

CONCEN1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 5 Cannabis concentrate (PROD_5 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin ?

1 Answer in % ________________
2 Answer in mg: ________________
3 Answer in mg/g: ________________
-9 Don't know

CONCEN2 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 5 Cannabis concentrate (PROD_5 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin ?

1 Answer in % ________________
2 Answer in mg: ________________
3 Answer in mg/g: ________________
-9 Don't know

EDIBLE1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 6 Cannabis edibles (PROD_6 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews ?

Please enter your answer in milligrams per piece.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000


-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

EDIBLE2 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 6 Cannabis edibles (PROD_6 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews ?

Please enter your answer in milligrams per piece.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000


-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

BEV1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 7 Cannabis beverages (PROD_7 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder ?

Please enter your answer in milligrams per drink.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000


-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

BEV2 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 7 Cannabis beverages (PROD_7 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder ?

Please enter your answer in milligrams per drink.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000


-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

Page Information on cannabis

HERB3 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 1 Dried flower (PROD_1 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for dried flower/leaf ?

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 100

__________ %

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

HERB4 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 1 Dried flower (PROD_1 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for dried flower/leaf ?

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 100

__________ %

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

HASH3 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 2 Hashish (PROD_2 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for hashish/kief ?

Please enter a number and select a unit from the drop down menu.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

Prefix Answer Suffix
  __________ %
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

HASH4 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 2 Hashish (PROD_2 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for hashish/kief ?

Please enter a number and select a unit from the drop down menu.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

Prefix Answer Suffix
  __________ %
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

OIL3 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 3 Cannabis oil (PROD_3 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures ?

Please enter a number and select a unit from the drop down menu.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

Prefix Answer Suffix
  __________ %
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

OIL4 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 3 Cannabis oil (PROD_3 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures ?

Please enter a number and select a unit from the drop down menu.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

Prefix Answer Suffix
  __________ %
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

VAPE3 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 4 Cannabis vape pens (PROD_4 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for cannabis vape pens/cartridges ?

Please enter a number and select a unit from the drop down menu.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

Prefix Answer Suffix
  __________ %
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

VAPE4 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 4 Cannabis vape pens (PROD_4 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for cannabis vape pens/cartridges ?

Please enter a number and select a unit from the drop down menu.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

Prefix Answer Suffix
  __________ %
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

CONCEN3 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 5 Cannabis concentrate (PROD_5 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin ?

Please enter a number and select a unit from the drop down menu.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

Prefix Answer Suffix
  __________ %
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

CONCEN4 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 5 Cannabis concentrate (PROD_5 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin ?

Please enter a number and select a unit from the drop down menu.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

Prefix Answer Suffix
  __________ %
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

EDIBLE3 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 6 Cannabis edibles (PROD_6 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews ?

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

__________ mg per piece

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

EDIBLE4 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 6 Cannabis edibles (PROD_6 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews ?

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

__________ mg per piece

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

BEV3 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 7 Cannabis beverages (PROD_7 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of THC do you typically use for cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder ?

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

__________ mg per drink

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

BEV4 Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 7 Cannabis beverages (PROD_7 = 1))

When choosing cannabis products, what levels of CBD do you typically use for cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder ?

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

__________ mg per drink

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

Page Information on cannabis

USE_FREQ Show if (Used a cannabis product past 12 months (PROD_1 = 1 OR PROD_2 = 1 OR PROD_3 = 1 OR PROD_4 = 1 OR PROD_5 = 1 OR PROD_6 = 1 OR PROD_7 = 1 OR PROD_8 = 1 OR PROD_9 = 1))

In the past 12 months, how often have you used the following cannabis products?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one per row

1. Dried flower/leaf (including pre-rolled joints) (Show if PROD 1 Dried flower (PROD_1 = 1))
2. Hashish/kief (Show if PROD 2 Hashish (PROD_2 = 1))
3. Cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures (Show if PROD 3 Cannabis oil (PROD_3 = 1))
4. Cannabis vape pens/cartridges (Show if PROD 4 Cannabis vape pens (PROD_4 = 1))
5. Cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin (Show if PROD 5 Cannabis concentrate (PROD_5 = 1))
6. Cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews (Show if PROD 6 Cannabis edibles (PROD_6 = 1))
7. Cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder (Show if PROD 7 Cannabis beverages (PROD_7 = 1))
8. Topicals – e.g., lotion/cream, ointment, bath products, patches (Show if PROD 8 Topicals (PROD_8 = 1))

1 Less than 1 day per month
2 1 day per month
3 2 or 3 days per month
4 1 or 2 day(s) per week
5 3 or 4 days per week
6 5 or 6 days per week
7 Daily

Page Information on cannabis

AMT_HERB1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 1 Dried flower (PROD_1 = 1))

On the days that you used dried flower/leaf, how much did you typically use in a day?

Please enter the amount you use and be sure to include the units, for example milligrams, grams, or ounces.


-9 Don't know

AMT_HERB1_PUFF Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 1 Dried flower (PROD_1 = 1))

On the days that you used dried flower/leaf, how many puffs/inhalations do you typically take in a day?

Please enter the amount closest to what you typically use.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

__________ puffs

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

AMTzHASH1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 2 Hashish (PROD_2 = 1))

On the days that you used hashish/kief, how much did you typically use in a day?

Please enter the amount you use and be sure to include the units, for example milligrams, grams, or ounces.


-9 Don't know

AMTzOIL1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 3 Cannabis oil (PROD_3 = 1))

On the days that you used cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures, how much did you typically use in a day?

Please enter the amount you use and be sure to include the units, for example milliliters, capsules/softgels, sprays or drops.


-9 Don't know

AMTzVAPE1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 4 Cannabis vape pens (PROD_4 = 1))

On the days that you used cannabis vape pens/cartridges, how many puffs do you typically take in a day?

Please enter the amount closest to what you typically use.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

__________ puffs

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

AMTzCONCEN1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 5 Cannabis concentrate (PROD_5 = 1))

On the days that you used cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin, how much did you typically use in a day?

Please enter the amount you use and be sure to include the units, for example milligrams, grams, or ounces.


-9 Don't know

AMTzEDIBLE1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 6 Cannabis edibles (PROD_6 = 1))

On the days that you used cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews, how much did you typically use in a day?

Please enter the number of servings you use.
For this question, 1 serving = 1 unit of the product (e.g., ½ serving = ½ cookie or ½ gummy, 1 serving = 1 cookie or 1 gummy, 10 servings = 10 cookies or 10 gummies).


-9 Don't know

AMTzBEV1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 7 Cannabis beverages (PROD_7 = 1))

On the days that you used cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder, how many drinks do you typically take in a day?

Please enter the number of drinks.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000


-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

AMTzTOPICAL1 Show if (WCAG survey (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 8 Topicals (PROD_8 = 1))

On the days that you used topicals – e.g., lotion/cream, ointment, bath products, patches, how much did you typically use in a day?

For this question, 1 'fingertip' unit is the distance from the tip of your index finger to the first crease of your finger.

For lotions, creams or ointments, etc. please enter the number of grams or milliliters you used and include the unit.

For patches, bath bombs, etc. please enter the number of units.

Select all that apply.

1 For lotions/creams, etc. enter the number of fingertip units ________________
2 For patches, bath bombs, etc. enter the number of product units ________________
-9 Don't know

Page Information on cannabis

AMTzHERB Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 1 Dried flower (PROD_1 = 1))

On the days that you used: Dried flower/leaf

How much did you typically use in a day?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically use.

1 One or two puffs|One or two puffs
2 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|50 mg (1/20g)
3 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|100mg (1/10g)
4 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|125mg (1/8g)
5 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|250mg (1/4g)
6 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|333mg (1/3g)
7 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|500mg (1/2g)
8 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|750mg (3/4g)
9 1g to 3.5g (1/8oz)|1g
10 1g to 3.5g (1/8oz)|1.5g
11 1g to 3.5g (1/8oz)|2g
12 1g to 3.5g (1/8oz)|2.5g
13 1g to 3.5g (1/8oz)|3g
14 1g to 3.5g (1/8oz)|3.5g (1/8oz)
15 4g to 8g|4g
16 4g to 8g|5g
17 4g to 8g|6g
18 4g to 8g|7g (1/4oz)
19 4g to 8g|8g
20 9g to 13g|9g
21 9g to 13g|10g
22 9g to 13g|11g
23 9g to 13g|12g
24 9g to 13g|13g
25 14g (1/2oz) to 18g|14g (1/2oz)
26 14g (1/2oz) to 18g|15g
27 14g (1/2oz) to 18g|16g
28 14g (1/2oz) to 18g|17g
29 14g (1/2oz) to 18g|18g
30 19g to 23g|19g
31 19g to 23g|20g
32 19g to 23g|21g (3/4oz)
33 19g to 23g|22g
34 19g to 23g|23g
35 24g to >28g (1oz)|24g
36 24g to >28g (1oz)|25g
37 24g to >28g (1oz)|26g
38 24g to >28g (1oz)|27g
39 24g to >28g (1oz)|28g (1oz)
40 24g to >28g (1oz)|>28g (1oz)
-9 Don't know

AMT_HERB_PUFF Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 1 Dried flower (PROD_1 = 1))

On the days that you used dried flower/leaf, how many puffs/inhalations do you typically take in a day?

Please enter the amount closest to what you typically use.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000


-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

AMTzHASH Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 2 Hashish (PROD_2 = 1))

On the days that you used: Hashish/kief

How much did you typically use in a day?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically use.

2 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|50mg (1/20g)
3 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|100mg (1/10g)
4 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|125mg (1/8g)
5 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|250mg (1/4g)
6 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|500mg (1/2g)
7 50mg (1/20g) to 750mg (3/4g)|750mg (3/4g)
8 1g to 3g|1g
9 1g to 3g|1.5g
10 1g to 3g|2g
11 1g to 3g|2.5g
12 1g to 3g|3g
13 3.5g (1/8oz) to 7g (1/4oz)|3.5g (1/8oz)
14 3.5g (1/8oz) to 7g (1/4oz)|4g
15 3.5g (1/8oz) to 7g (1/4oz)|5g
16 3.5g (1/8oz) to 7g (1/4oz)|6g
17 3.5g (1/8oz) to 7g (1/4oz)|7g (1/4oz)
18 8g to 12g|8g
19 8g to 12g|9g
20 8g to 12g|10g
21 8g to 12g|11g
22 8g to 12g|12g
23 13g to >14g (1/2oz)|13g
24 13g to >14g (1/2oz)|14g (1/2oz)
25 13g to >14g (1/2oz)|>14g (1/2oz)
-9 Don't know

AMTzOIL Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 3 Cannabis oil (PROD_3 = 1))

On the days that you used: Cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures

How much did you typically use in a day?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically use.

2 Answer in ml|0.05ml (1/20ml) to 0.75ml (3/4ml)|0.05ml (1/20ml)
3 Answer in ml|0.05ml (1/20ml) to 0.75ml (3/4ml)|0.1ml (1/10ml)
4 Answer in ml|0.05ml (1/20ml) to 0.75ml (3/4ml)|0.125ml (1/8ml)
5 Answer in ml|0.05ml (1/20ml) to 0.75ml (3/4ml)|0.25ml (1/4ml)
6 Answer in ml|0.05ml (1/20ml) to 0.75ml (3/4ml)|0.5ml (1/2ml)
7 Answer in ml|0.05ml (1/20ml) to 0.75ml (3/4ml)|0.75 (3/4ml)
8 Answer in ml|1ml to 3ml|1ml
9 Answer in ml|1ml to 3ml|1.5ml
10 Answer in ml|1ml to 3ml|2ml
11 Answer in ml|1ml to 3ml|2.5ml (1/2 teaspoon)
12 Answer in ml|1ml to 3ml|3ml
13 Answer in ml|3.5ml to 7ml|3.5ml
14 Answer in ml|3.5ml to 7ml|4ml
15 Answer in ml|3.5ml to 7ml|5ml (1 teaspoon)
16 Answer in ml|3.5ml to 7ml|6ml
17 Answer in ml|3.5ml to 7ml|7ml
18 Answer in ml|>7ml|>7ml
19 Answer in sprays|1 to 5 |1 spray
20 Answer in sprays|1 to 5 |2 sprays
21 Answer in sprays|1 to 5 |3 sprays
22 Answer in sprays|1 to 5 |4 sprays
23 Answer in sprays|1 to 5 |5 sprays
24 Answer in sprays|6 to 10 |6 sprays
25 Answer in sprays|6 to 10 |7 sprays
26 Answer in sprays|6 to 10 |8 sprays
27 Answer in sprays|6 to 10 |9 sprays
28 Answer in sprays|6 to 10 |10 sprays
29 Answer in sprays|>10 |>10 sprays
30 Answer in capsules/softgels|1 to 5 |1 capsule/softgel
31 Answer in capsules/softgels|1 to 5 |2 capsules/softgels
32 Answer in capsules/softgels|1 to 5 |3 capsules/softgels
33 Answer in capsules/softgels|1 to 5 |4 capsules/softgels
34 Answer in capsules/softgels|1 to 5 |5 capsules/softgels
35 Answer in capsules/softgels|6 to 10 |6 capsules/softgels
36 Answer in capsules/softgels|6 to 10 |7 capsules/softgels
37 Answer in capsules/softgels|6 to 10 |8 capsules/softgels
38 Answer in capsules/softgels|6 to 10 |9 capsules/softgels
39 Answer in capsules/softgels|6 to 10 |10 capsules/softgels
40 Answer in capsules/softgels|>10 |>10 capsules/softgels
41 Answer in drops|1 to 5 |1 drop
42 Answer in drops|1 to 5 |2 drops
43 Answer in drops|1 to 5 |3 drops
44 Answer in drops|1 to 5 |4 drops
45 Answer in drops|1 to 5 |5 drops
46 Answer in drops|6 to 10 |6 drops
47 Answer in drops|6 to 10 |7 drops
48 Answer in drops|6 to 10 |8 drops
49 Answer in drops|6 to 10 |9 drops
50 Answer in drops|6 to 10 |10 drops
51 Answer in drops|> 10 |>10 drops
-9 Don't know

AMTzVAPE Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 4 Cannabis vape pens (PROD_4 = 1))

On the days that you used Cannabis vape pens/cartridges

How many puffs do you typically take in a day?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically use.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

__________ puffs

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

AMTzCONCEN Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 5 Cannabis concentrate (PROD_5 = 1))

On the days that you used: Cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin

How much did you typically use in a day?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically use.

1 10mg (1/100g)
2 25mg (1/40g)
3 50mg (1/20g)
4 100mg (1/10g)
5 125mg (1/8g)
6 250mg (1/4g)
7 500mg (1/2g)
8 750mg (3/4g)
9 1g
10 1.5g
11 2g
12 2.5g
13 3g
14 3.5g (1/8oz)
15 More than 3.5g (>1/8oz)
-9 Don't know

AMTzEDIBLE Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 6 Cannabis edibles (PROD_6 = 1))

On the days that you used: Cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews

How much did you typically use in a day?
For this question, 1 serving = 1 unit of the product (e.g., ½ serving = ½ cookie or ½ gummy, 1 serving = 1 cookie or 1 gummy, 10 servings = 10 cookies or 10 gummies).

Please select the amount closest to what you typically use.

2 Less than 1 serving|1/8 serving
3 Less than 1 serving|1/4 serving
4 Less than 1 serving|1/2 serving
5 Less than 1 serving|3/4 serving
6 1 to 2.5 servings|1 serving
7 1 to 2.5 servings|1.5 servings
8 1 to 2.5 servings|2 servings
9 1 to 2.5 servings|2.5 servings
10 3 to 6 servings|3 servings
11 3 to 6 servings|3.5 servings
12 3 to 6 servings|4 servings
13 3 to 6 servings|4.5 servings
14 3 to 6 servings|5 servings
15 3 to 6 servings|6 servings
16 7 to >10 servings|7 servings
17 7 to >10 servings|8 servings
18 7 to >10 servings|9 servings
19 7 to >10 servings|10 servings
20 7 to >10 servings| More than 10 servings
-9 Don't know

AMTzBEV Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 7 Cannabis beverages (PROD_7 = 1))

On the days that you used: Cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder

How much did you typically use in a day?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically use.

1 1 drink
2 2 drinks
3 3 drinks
4 4 drinks
5 5 drinks
6 6 drinks
7 7 drinks
8 8 drinks
9 9 drinks
10 10 drinks
11 11 drinks
12 12 drinks
13 More than 12 drinks
-9 Don't know

AMTzTOPICAL Show if (Not WCAG survey NOT (wcag = 1)) AND
(PROD 8 Topicals (PROD_8 = 1))

On the days that you used: Topicals – e.g., lotion/cream, ointment, bath products, patches

How much did you typically use in a day?

For this question, 1 'fingertip' unit is the distance from the tip of your index finger to the first crease of your finger.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 100

For lotions/creams, etc. enter the number of fingertip units __________
For patches, bath bombs, etc. enter the number of product units __________
-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

Page Information on cannabis

SOURCE_REV Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

In the past 12 months where did you usually buy or receive the cannabis you used?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 I grew my own
2 It was specifically grown for me
3 From a legal storefront /provincially authorized retailer
4 From a legal non-medical website (provincially authorized retailer)
5 From a legal website for medical cannabis (federally licensed seller for medical purposes that you are registered with and required to have a medical document) (Show if Medical user with medical document ((MED_DOC = 1) AND (PAST12MOS = 2,3)))
6 From an illegal storefront
7 From an illegal website
8 From a storefront in an Indigenous community
9 It was shared around a group of friends
10 From a family member
11 From a friend
12 From an acquaintance
13 From a dealer
14 Other

DELIVERY1 Show if (Bought from storefront (SOURCE_REV = 3,6,8))

You told us you bought cannabis from a store in the past 12 months. Of the money you spent on cannabis from a store, what percentage (%) did you order through a third-party app (e.g., UberEats)?

(Show if WCAG) Please enter a number

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 100

__________ %

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

MEDzAUTH Show if (Grows cannabis Past 12 month user with medical document ((PAST12MOS = 2,3) AND (MED_DOC = 1) AND (SOURCE_REV = 1,2)))

Are you or your grower currently registered with Health Canada (on the basis of a medical document) to grow cannabis for medical purposes?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
3 Don't know/Not sure

LEGALzFREQ Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

In the past 12 months, how often did you buy or receive any cannabis from a legal/licensed source?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Always
2 Mostly
3 Sometimes
4 Rarely
5 Never

LEGAL_PERCENT Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

Of all the money you spent on cannabis in the past 12 months, how much of it was spent on products from legal stores and sources ?

Please enter a percentage. If you did not spend any money on cannabis in the past 12 months please enter 0.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 100

__________ %

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 Don't know

LEGALzSOURCE Show if (Purchased from legal source past 12 months (LEGALzFREQ = 1,2,3,4))

What were these legal/licensed sources?

Select all that apply.

1 Legal storefront
2 Legal non-medical website
3 From a legal website for medical cannabis (federally licensed seller for medical purposes that you are registered with and required to have a medical document) (Show if Medical user with medical document ((MED_DOC = 1) AND (PAST12MOS = 2,3)))
4 From someone sharing with me/giving it to me for free (e.g., friend, family member, acquaintance)
5 I grew/made my own
6 Other (please specify): ________________

ILLEGAL_SOURCE Show if (Purchased from illegal source past 12 months (LEGALzFREQ = 2,3,4,5))

You indicated not always buying or receiving cannabis from legal/licensed sources. What other sources did you obtain cannabis from?

Select all that apply.

1 Illegal storefront
2 Illegal website
3 From a dealer
6 From someone sharing with me/giving it to me for free (e.g., friend, family member, acquaintance)
4 Bought from someone else who was selling cannabis (e.g., friend, family member, acquaintance)
8 I grew my own (Show if Manitoba Or Quebec (PROV_ORIGINAL = 3,11))
5 Other (please specify): ________________
7 I have not obtained cannabis from any illegal sources (Exclusive)

FACTOR Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

Which factors most influence where you usually buy the cannabis you use?

Please select up to 3 choices

1 Price *
2 Safe supply *
3 Quality (e.g., freshness, appearance, smell) *
4 Strength (e.g., THC or CBD levels) *
5 Convenience (e.g., location, hours of operation, delivery) *
6 Availability of specific product *
7 Access to a specific strain/variety *
8 Anonymity/privacy/confidentiality *
9 Labelling of product information (e.g., THC/CBD levels, terpene levels, ingredients) *
10 I want to follow the law *
11 Trust/loyalty *
12 Amount of packaging *
13 Consistency of product *
14 I want to see/smell the product *
15 Ability to talk to sales staff *
16 I can buy more than 30g of cannabis at a time *
17 I can buy edibles with higher amounts of THC *
18 I can buy products with other cannabinoids (e.g., CBN, CBG, delta 8 THC) *
19 I can't legally buy cannabis where I live *
20 Promotions/incentives offered *
23 Advice/recommendation (e.g., from friend/family/health professional) *
21 Other (please specify): ________________
22 I don't buy/pay for cannabis myself (Exclusive)

Levels marked with * are randomized

FACTORzREC Show if (Selected more than 1 factor (FACTOR > 1))

Among the factors that most influence where you usually buy cannabis, please rank your choices, with 1 being most important.


_____ Price * (Show if FACTOR 1 Price (FACTOR_1 = 1))
_____ Safe supply * (Show if FACTOR 2 Safe supply (FACTOR_2 = 1))
_____ Quality (e.g., freshness, appearance, smell) * (Show if FACTOR 3 Quality (FACTOR_3 = 1))
_____ Strength (e.g., THC or CBD levels) * (Show if FACTOR 4 Strength (FACTOR_4 = 1))
_____ Convenience (e.g., location, hours of operation, delivery) * (Show if FACTOR 5 Convenience (FACTOR_5 = 1))
_____ Availability of specific product * (Show if FACTOR 6 Availability (FACTOR_6 = 1))
_____ Access to a specific strain/variety * (Show if FACTOR 7 Access to a specific strain (FACTOR_7 = 1))
_____ Anonymity/privacy/confidentiality * (Show if FACTOR 8 Anonymity (FACTOR_8 = 1))
_____ Labelling of product information (e.g., THC/CBD levels, terpene levels, ingredients) * (Show if FACTOR 9 Labelling of product (FACTOR_9 = 1))
_____ I want to follow the law * (Show if FACTOR 10 Follow the law (FACTOR_10 = 1))
_____ Trust/loyalty * (Show if FACTOR 11 Trust (FACTOR_11 = 1))
_____ Amount of packaging * (Show if FACTOR 12 Amount of packaging (FACTOR_12 = 1))
_____ Consistency of product * (Show if FACTOR 13 Consistency of product (FACTOR_13 = 1))
_____ I want to see/smell the product * (Show if FACTOR 14 I want to see (FACTOR_14 = 1))
_____ Ability to talk to sales staff * (Show if FACTOR 15 Ability to talk to staff (FACTOR_15 = 1))
_____ I can buy more than 30g of cannabis at a time * (Show if FACTOR 16 Can buy more at time (FACTOR_16 = 1))
_____ I can buy edibles with higher amounts of THC * (Show if FACTOR 17 I can buy edibles (FACTOR_17 = 1))
_____ I can buy products with other cannabinoids (e.g., CBN, CBG, delta 8 THC) * (Show if FACTOR 18 I can buy other products (FACTOR_18 = 1))
_____ I can't legally buy cannabis where I live * (Show if FACTOR 19 I cant legally buy (FACTOR_19 = 1))
_____ Promotions/incentives offered * (Show if FACTOR 20 Promotions (FACTOR_20 = 1))
_____ Advice/recommendation (e.g., from friend/family/health professional) * (Show if FACTOR 23 Advice recommendation (FACTOR_23 = 1))
_____ <<FACTOR.specify(21)>> (Show if FACTOR 21 Other (FACTOR_21 = 1))

Levels marked with * are randomized

Page Information on cannabis

SPEND_LEGAL Show if (Purchased from legal source past 12 months (LEGALzFREQ = 1,2,3,4))

How much do you typically spend on cannabis each month at legal sources ?

(Show if WCAG) Please enter a number

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

$ __________

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than $1,000

SPEND_ILLEGAL Show if (Purchased from illegal source past 12 months (LEGALzFREQ = 2,3,4,5))

How much do you typically spend on cannabis each month at illegal sources ?

(Show if WCAG) Please enter a number

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

$ __________

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than $1,000

SPEND_NONMED1 Show if (Past 12 month both medical and non medical (PAST12MOS = 3))

What percentage of your monthly cannabis spending is on cannabis for non-medical purposes ?

Please enter a percentage.

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 100

__________ %

-8 Prefer not to say

SDS Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

Select the answer that best applies to how you have felt about your use of cannabis over the past 12 months.

(Show if WCAG) Please select one per row

1. Do you think your use of cannabis was out of control?
2. Did the idea of not being able to use cannabis when you wanted to make you anxious or worried?
3. Did you worry about your use of cannabis?
4. Did you wish you could stop?

1 Never/almost never
2 Sometimes
3 Often
4 Always/Nearly always

SDS5 Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

How difficult did you find it to stop or go without cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Not difficult
2 Quite difficult
3 Very difficult
4 Impossible

PAST30DAYS Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

In the past 30 days, have you used cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No

DAYS Show if (Past 30 day cannabis user (PAST30DAYS = 1))

In the past 30 days, on how many days did you use cannabis?

Please enter the number of days.

Minimum: 1, Maximum: 30

__________ days

-8 Prefer not to say

STONED Show if (Past 30 day cannabis user (PAST30DAYS = 1))

In the past 30 days, how many hours were you "stoned" or "high" on a typical day when you had been using cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Less than 1 hour
2 1 or 2 hour(s)
3 3 or 4 hours
4 5 or 6 hours
5 7 or more hours

PAST30 Show if (Past 30 day cannabis user (PAST30DAYS = 1))

In the past 30 days, which form(s) of cannabis have you bought or received ?

Select all that apply.

1 Dried flower/leaf
2 Hashish/kief
3 Cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures
4 Cannabis vape pens/cartridges
5 Cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin
6 Cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews
7 Cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder
8 Topicals – e.g., lotion/cream, ointment, bath products, patches
11 I grew/made my own
9 Other (please specify): ________________
10 None of the above - I used cannabis but it wasn't mine (Exclusive)
12 None of the above - I already had cannabis / it wasn't obtained in the last 30 days (Exclusive)

PAST30_FREQ Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1))

In the past 30 days, how often have you bought or received cannabis in the following form(s)?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one per row

1. Dried flower/leaf (Show if PAST30zPROD 1 Dried flower (PAST30_1 = 1))
2. Hashish/kief (Show if PAST30zPROD 2 Hashish (PAST30_2 = 1))
3. Cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures (Show if PAST30zPROD 3 Cannabis oil (PAST30_3 = 1))
4. Cannabis vape pens/cartridges (Show if PAST30zPROD 4 Cannabis vape pens (PAST30_4 = 1))
5. Cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin (Show if PAST30zPROD 5 Cannabis concentrate (PAST30_5 = 1))
6. Cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews (Show if PAST30zPROD 6 Cannabis edibles (PAST30_6 = 1))
7. Cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder (Show if PAST30zPROD 7 Cannabis beverages (PAST30_7 = 1))
8. Topicals – e.g., lotion/cream, ointment, bath products, patches (Show if PAST30zPROD 8 Topicals (PAST30_8 = 1))

1 Once
2 Twice
3 Three times
4 Four times
5 Five times
6 More than 5 times

Page Information on cannabis

BUY_HERB Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(Not WCAG AND Purchased dried flower past 30 days (NOT (wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_1 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of:
Dried flower/leaf did you buy or receive each time?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically bought or received each time.

2 0.25g to 3g |250mg (1/4g)
3 0.25g to 3g |333mg (1/3g)
4 0.25g to 3g |500mg (1/2g)
5 0.25g to 3g |750mg (3/4g)
6 0.25g to 3g |1g
7 0.25g to 3g |1.5g
8 0.25g to 3g |2g
9 0.25g to 3g |2.5g
10 0.25g to 3g |3g
11 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|3.5g (1/8oz)
12 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|4g
13 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|5g
14 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|6g
15 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|7g (1/4oz)
16 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|8g
17 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|9g
18 10g to 16g|10g
19 10g to 16g|11g
20 10g to 16g|12g
21 10g to 16g|13g
22 10g to 16g|14g (1/2oz)
23 10g to 16g|15g
24 10g to 16g|16g
25 17g to 25g|17g
26 17g to 25g|18g
27 17g to 25g|19g
28 17g to 25g|20g
29 17g to 25g|21g (3/4oz)
30 17g to 25g|22g
31 17g to 25g|23g
32 17g to 25g|24g
33 17g to 25g|25g
34 26g to >1kg|26g
35 26g to >1kg|27g
36 26g to >1kg|28g (1oz)
37 26g to >1kg|56g (2oz)
38 26g to >1kg|84g (3oz)
39 26g to >1kg|1/4lb (4oz)
40 26g to >1kg|1/2lb (8oz)
41 26g to >1kg|3/4lb (12oz)
42 26g to >1kg|1lb (16oz)
43 26g to >1kg|1kg (1000g)
44 26g to >1kg|>1kg

BUY_HERB1 Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(WCAG AND Purchased dried flower past 30 days ((wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_1 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of dried flower/leaf did you buy or receive each time?

Please enter the amount you bought or received and be sure to include the units, for example milligrams, grams, or ounces.


-9 Don't know

PAY_HERB Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(PAST30zPROD 1 Dried flower (PAST30_1 = 1))

How much did you pay for this amount?

(Show if WCAG) Please enter a number

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

$ __________

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than $1,000

BUY_HASH Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(Not WCAG AND Purchased hashish past 30 days (NOT (wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_2 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of:
Hashish/kief did you buy or receive each time?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically bought or received each time.

2 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|<500mg (less than 1/2g)
3 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|500mg (1/2g)
4 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|750mg (3/4g)
5 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|1g
6 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|1.5g
7 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|2g
8 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|2.5g
9 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|3g
10 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|3.5g (1/8oz)
11 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|4g
12 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|5g
13 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|6g
14 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|7g (1/4oz)
15 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|8g
16 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|9g
17 10g to 16g|10g
18 10g to 16g|11g
19 10g to 16g|12g
20 10g to 16g|13g
21 10g to 16g|14g (1/2oz)
22 10g to 16g|15g
23 10g to 16g|16g
24 17g to 23g|17g
25 17g to 23g|18g
26 17g to 23g|19g
27 17g to 23g|20g
28 17g to 23g|21g (3/4oz)
29 17g to 23g|22g
30 17g to 23g|23g
31 24g to 84g (3oz)|24g
32 24g to 84g (3oz)|25g
33 24g to 84g (3oz)|26g
34 24g to 84g (3oz)|27g
35 24g to 84g (3oz)|28g (1oz)
36 24g to 84g (3oz)|56g (2oz)
37 24g to 84g (3oz)|84g (3oz)
38 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|1/4lb (4oz)
39 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|1/2lb (8oz)
40 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|3/4lb (12oz)
41 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|1lb (16oz)
42 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|1kg (1000g)
43 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|>1kg

BUY_HASH1 Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(WCAG AND Purchased hashish past 30 days ((wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_2 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of hashish/kief did you buy or receive each time?

Please enter the amount you bought or received and be sure to include the units, for example milligrams, grams, or ounces.


-9 Don't know

PAY_HASH Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(PAST30zPROD 2 Hashish (PAST30_2 = 1))

How much did you pay for this amount?

(Show if WCAG) Please enter a number

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

$ __________

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than $1,000

BUY_OIL Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(Not WCAG AND Purchased cannabis oil past 30 days (NOT (wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_3 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of:
Cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures did you buy or receive each time?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically bought or received each time.

2 Answer in ml|1ml to 5ml|1ml
3 Answer in ml|1ml to 5ml|2ml
4 Answer in ml|1ml to 5ml|3ml
5 Answer in ml|1ml to 5ml|4ml
6 Answer in ml|1ml to 5ml|5ml
7 Answer in ml|6ml to 10ml|6ml
8 Answer in ml|6ml to 10ml|7ml
9 Answer in ml|6ml to 10ml|8ml
10 Answer in ml|6ml to 10ml|9ml
11 Answer in ml|6ml to 10ml|10ml
12 Answer in ml|11ml to 15ml|11ml
13 Answer in ml|11ml to 15ml|12ml
14 Answer in ml|11ml to 15ml|13ml
15 Answer in ml|11ml to 15ml|14ml
16 Answer in ml|11ml to 15ml|15ml
17 Answer in ml|16ml to 20ml|16ml
18 Answer in ml|16ml to 20ml|17ml
19 Answer in ml|16ml to 20ml|18ml
20 Answer in ml|16ml to 20ml|19ml
21 Answer in ml|16ml to 20ml|20ml
22 Answer in ml|21ml to 30ml|25ml
23 Answer in ml|21ml to 30ml|30ml
24 Answer in ml|31ml to 40ml|35ml
25 Answer in ml|31ml to 40ml|40ml
26 Answer in ml|41ml to 50ml|45ml
27 Answer in ml|41ml to 50ml|50ml
28 Answer in ml|51ml to 60ml|55ml
29 Answer in ml|51ml to 60ml|60ml
30 Answer in ml|61ml to 70ml|65ml
31 Answer in ml|61ml to 70ml|70ml
32 Answer in ml|71ml to 80ml|75ml
33 Answer in ml|71ml to 80ml|80ml
34 Answer in ml|81ml to 90ml|85ml
35 Answer in ml|81ml to 90ml|90ml
36 Answer in ml|91ml to 100ml|95ml
37 Answer in ml|91ml to 100ml|100ml
38 Answer in ml|101ml to 120ml|110ml
39 Answer in ml|101ml to 120ml|120ml
40 Answer in ml|>120ml|>120ml
41 Answer in capsules/softgels|1 to 5|1 softgel/capsule
42 Answer in capsules/softgels|1 to 5|2 softgels/capsules
43 Answer in capsules/softgels|1 to 5|2 softgels/capsules
44 Answer in capsules/softgels|1 to 5|4 softgels/capsules
45 Answer in capsules/softgels|1 to 5|5 softgels/capsules
46 Answer in capsules/softgels|6 to 10|6 softgels/capsules
47 Answer in capsules/softgels|6 to 10|7 softgels/capsules
48 Answer in capsules/softgels|6 to 10|8 softgels/capsules
49 Answer in capsules/softgels|6 to 10|9 softgels/capsules
50 Answer in capsules/softgels|6 to 10|10 softgels/capsules
51 Answer in capsules/softgels|11 to 15|11 softgels/capsules
52 Answer in capsules/softgels|11 to 15|12 softgels/capsules
53 Answer in capsules/softgels|11 to 15|13 softgels/capsules
54 Answer in capsules/softgels|11 to 15|14 softgels/capsules
55 Answer in capsules/softgels|11 to 15|15 softgels/capsules
56 Answer in capsules/softgels|16 to 20|16 softgels/capsules
57 Answer in capsules/softgels|16 to 20|17 softgels/capsules
58 Answer in capsules/softgels|16 to 20|18 softgels/capsules
59 Answer in capsules/softgels|16 to 20|19 softgels/capsules
60 Answer in capsules/softgels|16 to 20|20 softgels/capsules
61 Answer in capsules/softgels|21 to 30|25 softgels/capsules
62 Answer in capsules/softgels|21 to 30|30 softgels/capsules
63 Answer in capsules/softgels|31 to 40|35 softgels/capsules
64 Answer in capsules/softgels|31 to 40|40 softgels/capsules
65 Answer in capsules/softgels|41 to 50|45 softgels/capsules
66 Answer in capsules/softgels|41 to 50|50 softgels/capsules
67 Answer in capsules/softgels|51 to 60|55 softgels/capsules
68 Answer in capsules/softgels|51 to 60|60 softgels/capsules
69 Answer in capsules/softgels|61 to 70|65 softgels/capsules
70 Answer in capsules/softgels|61 to 70|70 softgels/capsules
71 Answer in capsules/softgels|71 to 80|75 softgels/capsules
72 Answer in capsules/softgels|71 to 80|80 softgels/capsules
73 Answer in capsules/softgels|81 to 90|85 softgels/capsules
74 Answer in capsules/softgels|81 to 90|90 softgels/capsules
75 Answer in capsules/softgels|91 to 100|95 softgels/capsules
76 Answer in capsules/softgels|91 to 100|100 softgels/capsules
77 Answer in capsules/softgels|>100|>100 softgels/capsules

BUY_OIL1 Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(WCAG AND Purchased cannabis oil past 30 days ((wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_3 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures did you buy or receive each time?

Please enter the amount you bought or received and be sure to include the units, for example milliliters, softgels/capsules, or sprays.


-9 Don't know

PAY_OIL Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(PAST30zPROD 3 Cannabis oil (PAST30_3 = 1))

How much did you pay for this amount?

(Show if WCAG) Please enter a number

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

$ __________

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than $1,000

BUY_VAPE Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(PAST30zPROD 4 Cannabis vape pens (PAST30_4 = 1))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of:
Cannabis vape pens/cartridges did you buy or receive each time?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically bought or received each time.

1 1 cartridge/pen
2 2 cartridges/pens
3 3 cartridges/pens
4 4 cartridges/pens
5 5 cartridges/pens
6 6 cartridges/pens
7 7 cartridges/pens
8 8 cartridges/pens
9 9 cartridges/pens
10 10 cartridges/pens
11 >10 cartridges/pens

PAY_VAPE Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(PAST30zPROD 4 Cannabis vape pens (PAST30_4 = 1))

How much did you pay for this amount?

(Show if WCAG) Please enter a number

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

$ __________

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than $1,000

BUY_CONCEN Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(Not WCAG AND Purchased cannabis concentrate past 30days (NOT (wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_5 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of:
Cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/ rosin did you buy or receive each time?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically bought or received each time.

2 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|<500mg (less than 1/2g)
3 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|500mg (1/2g)
4 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|750mg (3/4g)
5 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|1g
6 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|1.5g
7 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|2g
8 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|2.5g
9 <500mg (1/2g) to 3g|3g
10 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|3.5g (1/8oz)
11 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|4g
12 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|5g
13 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|6g
14 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|7g (1/4oz)
15 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|8g
16 3.5g (1/8oz) to 9g|9g
17 10g to 16g|10g
18 10g to 16g|11g
19 10g to 16g|12g
20 10g to 16g|13g
21 10g to 16g|14g (1/2oz)
22 10g to 16g|15g
23 10g to 16g|16g
24 17g to 23g|17g
25 17g to 23g|18g
26 17g to 23g|19g
27 17g to 23g|20g
28 17g to 23g|21g (3/4oz)
29 17g to 23g|22g
30 17g to 23g|23g
31 24g to 84g (3oz)|24g
32 24g to 84g (3oz)|25g
33 24g to 84g (3oz)|26g
34 24g to 84g (3oz)|27g
35 24g to 84g (3oz)|28g (1oz)
36 24g to 84g (3oz)|56g (2oz)
37 24g to 84g (3oz)|84g (3oz)
38 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|1/4lb (4oz)
39 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|1/2lb (8oz)
40 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|3/4lb (12oz)
41 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|1lb (16oz)
42 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|1kg (1000g)
43 1/4lb (4oz) to >1kg|>1kg

BUY_CONCEN1 Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(WCAG AND Purchased cannabis concentrate past 30 days ((wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_5 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/ rosin did you buy or receive each time?

Please enter the amount you bought or received and be sure to include the units, for example milligrams, grams, or ounces.


-9 Don't know

PAY_CONCEN Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(PAST30zPROD 5 Cannabis concentrate (PAST30_5 = 1))

How much did you pay for this amount?

(Show if WCAG) Please enter a number

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

$ __________

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than $1,000

BUY_EDIBLE Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(Not WCAG AND Purchased cannabis edibles past 30 days (NOT (wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_6 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of:
Cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews did you buy or receive each time?
For this question, 1 serving = 1 unit of the product (e.g., ½ serving = ½ cookie or ½ gummy, 1 serving = 1 cookie or 1 gummy, 10 servings = 10 cookies or 10 gummies).

Please select the amount closest to what you typically bought or received each time.

2 1 to 5 servings|1 serving
3 1 to 5 servings|2 servings
4 1 to 5 servings|3 servings
5 1 to 5 servings|4 servings
6 1 to 5 servings|5 servings
7 6 to 10 servings|6 servings
8 6 to 10 servings|7 servings
9 6 to 10 servings|8 servings
10 6 to 10 servings|9 servings
11 6 to 10 servings|10 servings
12 15 to 50 servings|15 servings
13 15 to 50 servings|20 servings
14 15 to 50 servings|25 servings
15 15 to 50 servings|30 servings
16 15 to 50 servings|40 servings
17 15 to 50 servings|50 servings
18 >50 servings

BUY_EDIBLE1 Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(WCAG AND Purchased cannabis edibles past 30 days ((wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_6 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews did you buy or receive each time?
For this question, 1 serving = 1 unit of the product (e.g., ½ serving = ½ cookie or ½ gummy, 1 serving = 1 cookie or 1 gummy, 10 servings = 10 cookies or 10 gummies).

Please enter the number of servings you typically bought or received.


-9 Don't know

PAY_EDIBLE Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(PAST30zPROD 6 Cannabis edibles (PAST30_6 = 1))

How much did you pay for this amount?

(Show if WCAG) Please enter a number

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

$ __________

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than $1,000

BUY_BEV_REV Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(Not WCAG AND Purchased cannabis beverages past 30 days (NOT (wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_7 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of:
Cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder did you buy or receive each time?

Please select the amount closest to what you typically bought or received each time.

2 1 to 5 drinks|1 drink
3 1 to 5 drinks|2 drinks
4 1 to 5 drinks|3 drinks
5 1 to 5 drinks|4 drinks
6 1 to 5 drinks|5 drinks
7 6 to 10 drinks|6 drinks
8 6 to 10 drinks|7 drinks
9 6 to 10 drinks|8 drinks
10 6 to 10 drinks|9 drinks
11 6 to 10 drinks|10 drinks
12 11 or more drinks|11 drinks
13 11 or more drinks|12 drinks
14 11 or more drinks|More than 12 drinks
15 1 to 5 packets or tea bags|1 packet
16 1 to 5 packets or tea bags|2 packets
17 1 to 5 packets or tea bags|3 packets
18 1 to 5 packets or tea bags|4 packets
19 1 to 5 packets or tea bags|5 packets
20 6 to 10 packets or tea bags|6 packets
21 6 to 10 packets or tea bags|7 packets
22 6 to 10 packets or tea bags|8 packets
23 6 to 10 packets or tea bags|9 packets
24 6 to 10 packets or tea bags|10 packets
25 11 or more packets or tea bags|11 packets
26 11 or more packets or tea bags|12 packets
27 11 or more packets or tea bags|More than 12 packets

BUY_BEV1 Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(WCAG AND Purchased cannabis beverages past 30 days ((wcag = 1) AND (PAST30_7 = 1)))

Typically, how much cannabis in the form of cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder did you buy or receive each time?

Please enter the number of drinks or packets you typically bought or received.


-9 Don't know

PAY_BEV Show if (Indicated cannabis product past 30 days (PAST30_1 = 1 OR PAST30_2 = 1 OR PAST30_3 = 1 OR PAST30_4 = 1 OR PAST30_5 = 1 OR PAST30_6 = 1 OR PAST30_7 = 1 OR PAST30_8 = 1 OR PAST30_9 = 1)) AND
(PAST30zPROD 7 Cannabis beverages (PAST30_7 = 1))

How much did you pay for this amount?

(Show if WCAG) Please enter a number

Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000

$ __________

-8 Prefer not to say
-9 More than $1,000

Page Information on cannabis

SCHOOL_USE Show if (Going to school AND Past 12 month user ((SCHOOL = 1,2) AND (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3)))

In the past 12 months, how often did you use cannabis at school/college/university or within 2 hours before going to school/college/university ?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

5 I have not done this
1 Rarely (less than one day per month)
2 Sometimes (1 to 3 days per month)
3 Often (weekly)
4 Always or almost always (most days you attend school)

WORK_USE Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

In the past 12 months, how often did you use cannabis at work (including breaks) or within 2 hours before going to work ?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

5 I have not done this
1 Rarely (less than one day per month)
2 Sometimes (1 to 3 days per month)
3 Often (weekly)
4 Always or almost always (most days you work)
6 I have not been employed in the past 12 months (Show if Not Employed (EMPLOYED = 3))

HAZARD Show if (Used cannabis at work past 12 months (WORK_USE = 1,2,3,4))

Does your job include any of the following hazardous or safety-sensitive tasks at least once a week?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one per row

1. Driving a motor vehicle (e.g., car, snowmobile, motor boat or all-terrain vehicle (ATV)) *
2. Operating or working in proximity to equipment, machinery, or tools *
3. Working from heights 2 metres or more above ground *
4. Working with or where hazardous substances are present (e.g., chemicals, flammable liquids, gases) *
5. Sharps work (e.g., needles, scalpels, scissors, knives) *
6. Working near hot objects and surfaces, open flames, or steam *
7. Electrical work that may be a source of electrical shock *
8. Manual handling of loads greater than 20kg *
9. Working where flying particles or falling objects could cause bodily injury *
10. Responsible for the care/wellbeing of others *

Levels marked with * are randomized

1 Yes
2 No

HOME Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

Do you currently have any cannabis or cannabis products in or around your home?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
3 Don't know/Not sure

HOME_STORE Show if (Have cannabis at home (HOME = 1))

Where is the cannabis that is currently in or around your home being stored?

Select all that apply

1 In a container, room or building (e.g., shed/garage) that is child-resistant locked, or out of reach
2 In an unlocked container, room, location or building (note: please select this option regardless of the reason cannabis is unsecured such as living alone, not having children in the home, etc.)

HOME_PACKAGE Show if (Have cannabis at home AND purchased from legal source ((LEGALzFREQ = 1,2,3,4) AND (HOME = 1)))

When you buy cannabis from a legal source, how often do you keep it in the original package ?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Always

MIX Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

During the past 12 months, when you used cannabis, how often did you combine it with any of the following substances?

"Combine" means mixed or consumed at the same time.
(Show if WCAG) Please select one per row

1. Alcohol
2. Tobacco
7. E-cigarette with nicotine
3. Opioids (e.g., oxy, Dilaudid®, morphine, Demerol®, Tylenol #3®, heroin, fentanyl)
4. Stimulants (e.g., Ritalin®, Adderall®, cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy/MDMA)
5. Sedatives/tranquilizers (e.g., diazepam, lorazepam, Valium®, Ativan®, alprazolam, Xanax®, clonazepam, Rivotril®)
6. Hallucinogens/dissociatives (e.g., LSD, magic mushrooms, ketamine, PCP)

1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Always

CHANGE Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

Has non-medical cannabis legalization changed your consumption of the following:

(Show if WCAG) Please select one per row

1. Alcohol
2. Tobacco
3. E-cigarette with nicotine
4. Opioids
5. Stimulants

1 Yes, I consume more
2 Yes, I consume less
3 No, I consume the same amount
4 I do not use this substance

MED Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

During the past 12 months, did you take any of these medications or health products while using cannabis?

Select all that apply

1 Vitamins or natural health products (e.g., prenatal vitamins, multivitamins, melatonin, St. John's wort)
2 Birth control or sexual/reproductive health medications (e.g., menopause, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis)
3 Psychiatric medications (e.g., depression, anxiety, dementia, insomnia, psychoses)
4 Heart disease medications (e.g., blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol, blood thinners)
5 Prescription allergy or auto-immune disorder medications (e.g., biologics, and immunosuppressants)
6 Gastrointestinal medications (e.g., prescriptions for nausea, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome)
7 Neurological disorder medications (e.g., epilepsy, neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's)
8 Metabolic disorder medications (e.g., diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity, testosterone)
9 Homeopathic medicines
10 Traditional medicines (e.g., Indigenous or Chinese medicines)
11 Other (please specify): ________________
12 None of the above (Exclusive)

Page Information on cannabis

DRIVER_SMOKE_REV Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

Have you driven a motor vehicle (e.g., car, snowmobile, motor boat or all-terrain vehicle (ATV)) within 2 hours of smoking or vapourizing cannabis or a cannabis product?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes, in the past 30 days
2 Yes, in the past 12 months
3 Yes, more than 12 months ago
4 No

DRIVER_SMOKE_THC Show if (Have driven after smoking cannabis (DRIVER_SMOKE_REV = 1,2,3))

What type of cannabis product was it?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 THC only
2 CBD only
3 THC predominant (i.e., has a lower level of CBD)
4 CBD predominant (i.e., has a lower level of THC)
5 Equal levels of THC and CBD
6 Don't know/Not sure

DRIVER_EDIBLE_REV Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

Have you driven a motor vehicle (e.g., car, snowmobile, motor boat or all-terrain vehicle (ATV)) within 4 hours of ingesting a cannabis product (e.g., cannabis food/beverages, capsules)?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes, in the past 30 days
2 Yes, in the past 12 months
3 Yes, more than 12 months ago
4 No

DRIVER_EDIBLE_THC Show if (Have driven after edibles (DRIVER_EDIBLE_REV = 1,2,3))

What type of cannabis product was it?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 THC only
2 CBD only
3 THC predominant (i.e., has a lower level of CBD)
4 CBD predominant (i.e., has a lower level of THC)
5 Equal levels of THC and CBD
6 Don't know/Not sure

DRIVER_ALC Show if (Have driven after smoking cannabis or edibles ((DRIVER_SMOKE_REV = 1,2,3) OR (DRIVER_EDIBLE_REV = 1,2,3)))

Have you driven a motor vehicle (e.g., car, snowmobile, motor boat or all-terrain vehicle (ATV)) within 2 hours of using cannabis in combination with alcohol ?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes, in the past 30 days
2 Yes, in the past 12 months
3 Yes, more than 12 months ago
4 No

DRIVER_DRUG Show if (Have driven after smoking cannabis or edibles ((DRIVER_SMOKE_REV = 1,2,3) OR (DRIVER_EDIBLE_REV = 1,2,3)))

Have you driven a motor vehicle (e.g., car, snowmobile, motor boat or all-terrain vehicle (ATV)) within 2 hours of using cannabis in combination with another intoxicating drug other than alcohol or tobacco?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes, in the past 30 days
2 Yes, in the past 12 months
3 Yes, more than 12 months ago
4 No

LAW Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

In the past 12 months, have you been stopped by police/law enforcement for the following?

Select all that apply

1 Driving after using cannabis
2 Possession of cannabis
3 None of the above (Exclusive)

Page Information on cannabis

IMPACT Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

During the past 12 months, what type of effect did your cannabis use have on your:

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1. Friendships, social or community life *
2. Physical health *
3. Mental health *
4. Home life or marriage *
5. Performance at work or school *
6. Quality of life *

Levels marked with * are randomized

1 Very beneficial
2 Somewhat beneficial
3 No effect
4 Somewhat harmful
5 Very harmful

ASSIST2 Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

During the past 3 months, how often did you use cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Never (Show if Not past 30 day cannabis user (PAST30DAYS = 2,Not Answered))
2 Once or twice
3 Monthly
4 Weekly
5 Daily or almost daily

ASSIST3 Show if (Past 3 month cannabis user (ASSIST2 = 2,3,4,5))

During the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Never
2 Once or twice
3 Monthly
4 Weekly
5 Daily or almost daily

ASSIST4 Show if (Past 3 month cannabis user (ASSIST2 = 2,3,4,5))

During the past 3 months, how often has your use of cannabis led to health, social, legal or financial problems?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Never
2 Once or twice
3 Monthly
4 Weekly
5 Daily or almost daily

ASSIST5 Show if (Past 3 month cannabis user (ASSIST2 = 2,3,4,5))

During the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Never
2 Once or twice
3 Monthly
4 Weekly
5 Daily or almost daily

ASSIST6 Show if (Past 3 month cannabis user (ASSIST2 = 2,3,4,5))

Has a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 No, never
2 Yes, in the past 3 months
3 Yes, but not in the past 3 months

ASSIST7 Show if (Past 3 month cannabis user (ASSIST2 = 2,3,4,5))

Have you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 No, never
2 Yes, in the past 3 months
3 Yes, but not in the past 3 months

ASSIST4_DETAIL Show if (Cannabis use has led to health social legal or financial problems (ASSIST4 = 2,3,4,5))

You indicated that your use of cannabis led to health, social, legal or financial problems at least once in the past 3 months. Which of the following did you have problems with:

Select all that apply

1 Health problems
2 Social problems
3 Legal problems
4 Financial problems

HELP_NEED Show if (Used cannabis more than once (EVER_USE = 2))

During your lifetime, did you feel that you needed professional help (such as treatment or counseling) for your use of cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 No, never
2 Yes, in the past 12 months
3 Yes, but not in the past 12 months

HELP_RECEIVE Show if (Used cannabis more than once (EVER_USE = 2))

Have you ever received professional help (such as treatment or counseling) for your use of cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 No, never
2 Yes, in the past 12 months
3 Yes, but not in the past 12 months

HELP_WHERE Show if (Received cannabis help (HELP_RECEIVE = 2,3))

You indicated you had received professional help for your cannabis use, where did you receive this help?

Select all that apply

1 Doctor's office
2 Hospital, health care clinic or addiction medicine clinic
3 Private rehab/counselling centre
4 Psychologist or psychiatrist in private practice
5 Other, please specify: ________________

Page Information on cannabis

BIRTH Show if (Female AND 16 to 50 ((SEX = 2) AND ((AGE_NUM = 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50) OR (AGE1 between 16 and 50))))

Have you given birth during the past 5 years?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
-8 Prefer not to say

PREG_USE1 Show if (Female AND 16 to 50 ((SEX = 2) AND ((AGE_NUM = 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50) OR (AGE1 between 16 and 50)))) AND
(Gave birth past 5 years AND Ever used cannabis ((BIRTH = 1) AND (EVER_USE = 1,2)))

After you learned that you were pregnant with your last child, did you use cannabis during the pregnancy?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
-8 Prefer not to say

BREASTMILK Show if (Female AND 16 to 50 ((SEX = 2) AND ((AGE_NUM = 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50) OR (AGE1 between 16 and 50)))) AND
(Gave birth past 5 years (BIRTH = 1))

Was your last child breastfed or given your breast milk even for a short time?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
-8 Prefer not to say

BREAST_USE Show if (Female AND 16 to 50 ((SEX = 2) AND ((AGE_NUM = 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50) OR (AGE1 between 16 and 50)))) AND
(Last child was breastfed AND Ever used cannabis ((BREASTMILK = 1) AND (EVER_USE = 1,2)))

While you were breastfeeding your last child, did you use cannabis?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
-8 Prefer not to say

Page Information on cannabis

AR Show if (Past 12 month user (PAST12MOS = 1,2,3))

In the past 12 months, have you experienced any adverse or negative health effect(s) from cannabis use?

Select all that apply

1 Nausea and/or vomiting
2 Heart or blood pressure problems
3 Feeling faint/passing out/loss of consciousness
4 Anxiety/panic attack/rapid heartbeat
5 Hallucinations/psychosis/flashbacks
6 Dissociation/depersonalization (feeling detached or disconnected from yourself)
7 Slowed breathing/lung problems
8 Allergic reaction/hypersensitivity/anaphylaxis/rash
9 Confusion/disorientation
10 Unusual behaviour (e.g., agitation, slurred speech)
11 Chest pain/chest discomfort
12 Loss of coordination/unsteadiness/vertigo
13 Headache
14 Diarrhea
15 Seizure
16 Drowsiness/lethargy
17 Muscle weakness
18 Other (please specify): ________________
19 None of the above (Exclusive)

AR1 Show if (Experienced adverse effects (AR_1 = 1 OR AR_2 = 1 OR AR_3 = 1 OR AR_4 = 1 OR AR_5 = 1 OR AR_6 = 1 OR AR_7 = 1 OR AR_8 = 1 OR AR_9 = 1 OR AR_10 = 1 OR AR_11 = 1 OR AR_12 = 1 OR AR_13 = 1 OR AR_14 = 1 OR AR_15 = 1 OR AR_16 = 1 OR AR_17 = 1 OR AR_18 = 1))

When you experienced the adverse or negative health effect(s), what type or form of cannabis were you using ?

Select all that apply

1 Dried flower/leaf (including pre-rolled joints)
2 Hashish/kief
3 Cannabis oil for oral use – e.g., in dropper/syringe, softgel/capsules, spray bottle, tinctures
4 Cannabis vape pens/cartridges
5 Cannabis concentrate/extracts – e.g., shatter/wax/budder/butane honey oil/rosin
6 Cannabis edible food products – e.g., chocolate, baked goods, soft chews
7 Cannabis beverages – e.g., sparkling water, tea, soft drinks, dissolvable powder
8 Topicals – e.g., lotion/cream, ointment, bath products, patches

ADVERSE_LEGAL Show if (Experienced adverse effects (AR_1 = 1 OR AR_2 = 1 OR AR_3 = 1 OR AR_4 = 1 OR AR_5 = 1 OR AR_6 = 1 OR AR_7 = 1 OR AR_8 = 1 OR AR_9 = 1 OR AR_10 = 1 OR AR_11 = 1 OR AR_12 = 1 OR AR_13 = 1 OR AR_14 = 1 OR AR_15 = 1 OR AR_16 = 1 OR AR_17 = 1 OR AR_18 = 1))

Was the cannabis that caused the adverse or negative health effect(s) purchased from a legal source?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
3 Don't know

AR2 Show if (Experienced adverse effects (AR_1 = 1 OR AR_2 = 1 OR AR_3 = 1 OR AR_4 = 1 OR AR_5 = 1 OR AR_6 = 1 OR AR_7 = 1 OR AR_8 = 1 OR AR_9 = 1 OR AR_10 = 1 OR AR_11 = 1 OR AR_12 = 1 OR AR_13 = 1 OR AR_14 = 1 OR AR_15 = 1 OR AR_16 = 1 OR AR_17 = 1 OR AR_18 = 1))

When you experienced the adverse or negative health effects, did you seek help at any of these places?

Select all that apply

1 Emergency department
2 Poison centre
3 Doctor or other health professional
4 Walk-in clinic
5 Telephone health service/helpline
6 Addiction support services
7 Other (please specify): ________________
8 None of the above (Exclusive)


Are you aware that you can report adverse health or side effect(s) from cannabis use on a Health Canada website?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No

REPORT_AR Show if (Experienced Adverse Effects AND Aware can report ((AR_1 = 1 OR AR_2 = 1 OR AR_3 = 1 OR AR_4 = 1 OR AR_5 = 1 OR AR_6 = 1 OR AR_7 = 1 OR AR_8 = 1 OR AR_9 = 1 OR AR_10 = 1 OR AR_11 = 1 OR AR_12 = 1 OR AR_13 = 1 OR AR_14 = 1 OR AR_15 = 1 OR AR_16 = 1 OR AR_17 = 1 OR AR_18 = 1) AND (AWARE_AR = 1)))

Have you ever used a Health Canada website to report an adverse health or side effect(s) from cannabis use?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No

REPORT_AR2 Show if (Did not report adverse effects (REPORT_AR = 2))

Why did you not report the adverse health or side effect(s) to Health Canada?

Select all that apply

1 Didn't think it was serious enough to report
2 Didn't know where to report
3 The report form is too hard to understand
4 The report form takes too long to complete
5 Didn't want to report due to privacy concerns
6 Other, please specify: ________________
7 None of the above (Exclusive)


What is the current month?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 January
2 February
3 March
4 April
5 May
6 June
7 July
8 August
9 September
10 October
11 November
12 December

Section Medical Use

Page Information on cannabis

MINT Show if (Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3))

Thank you for completing the survey to this point. You are almost done. You indicated that you have used cannabis for medical purposes. We have a few more questions specific to your use of cannabis for medical purposes.

In this series of questions when we use the term cannabis, this includes marijuana (e.g., weed, pot), hashish, hash oil or any other products made from the cannabis plant. This includes products containing THC, CBD or any other cannabinoids (e.g., CBN, CBG, delta 8 THC).

When we ask about use, this includes using cannabis in its dry form or when mixed or processed into another product such as an edible, concentrate, liquid, or other product for medical purposes.

By medical purposes we mean used to treat a disease/disorder or to improve symptoms.

Prior to the legalization and regulation of cannabis for adults on October 17, 2018 if an individual wanted to access cannabis for medical purposes, they would have needed to seek authorization from their health care provider and then register with either Health Canada to grow their own cannabis or register with a licensed medical seller online to order cannabis products directly from them. Since cannabis is legal for adults, there are many different ways for people to access cannabis that do not require a medical document from a health care practitioner first, such as purchasing from a legal storefront or growing small quantities at home.

MED_ACCESS_FREQ Show if (Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3)) AND
(Have medical document (MED_DOC = 1))

You told us you have a medical document authorizing your use of cannabis for medical purposes.

How often do you access cannabis for medical purposes through Health Canada or a licensed medical seller?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Always
2 Mostly
3 Sometimes
4 Rarely
5 Never

MED_INS Show if (Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3)) AND
(Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3))

Are you currently covered by insurance for cannabis for medical purposes?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes, fully covered
2 Yes, partially covered
3 No

USE_FREQ_MED Show if (Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3)) AND
(Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3))

In the past 12 months, how often did you typically use cannabis for medical purposes?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Less than 1 day per month
2 1 day per month
3 2 or 3 days per month
4 1 or 2 day(s) per week
5 3 or 4 days per week
6 5 or 6 days per week
7 Daily

SYMP Show if (Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3)) AND
(Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3))

For which of the following symptoms, diseases, or disorders do you use cannabis for medical purposes for?

Select all that apply

1 Problems sleeping or insomnia *
2 Anxiety, panic attacks or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) *
3 Depression *
4 Arthritis or joint pain *
5 Headaches or migraines *
6 Acute pain (severe or sudden pain that resolves within a certain amount of time) *
7 Chronic pain (persistent pain that lasts for several months or longer) *
8 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) *
9 Gastrointestinal issues (including irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's, colitis) *
10 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD/ADD) *
11 Muscle spasms *
12 Nausea or vomiting *
13 Lack of appetite, wasting/weight loss or eating disorder *
14 Seizures or epilepsy *
15 Diabetes *
16 Multiple sclerosis, Amyotrophic Sclerosis (ALS) or spinal cord injury *
17 To treat cancer/tumours *
18 Opioid withdrawal symptoms *
19 Schizophrenia or psychosis *
20 Bipolar disorder, mania, or a personality disorder *
21 Other, please specify: ________________

Levels marked with * are randomized

MED_REDUC Show if (Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3)) AND
(Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3))

Has your use of cannabis for medical purposes allowed you to decrease your use of any other medications?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No
3 Not applicable

MED_REDUC2 Show if (Past 12 month medical user (PAST12MOS = 2,3)) AND
(Reduced medications (MED_REDUC = 1))

Which medication(s) have you been able to reduce your use of since starting to use cannabis for medical purposes?

Select all that apply

1 Pain relievers – Opioid (e.g., oxy, Dilaudid®, morphine, Demerol®, Tylenol #3®)
2 Pain relievers – Non-opioid (e.g., acetaminophen, Tylenol®)
3 Anti-inflammatories (e.g., ibuprofen, Motrin®, Advil®, prednisone, cortisone)
4 Anti-anxiety medications/sedatives (e.g., diazepam, lorazepam, Valium®, Ativan®, alprazolam, Xanax®, clonazepam, Rivotril®)
5 Anti-depressants (e.g., Prozac, Paxil, Effexor, Wellbutrin)
6 Stimulants (e.g., Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall, Dexedrine)
7 Anti-convulsants (e.g., valproate, carbamazepine, Dilantin®, lamotrigine, divalproex)
8 Sleeping pills or medications to help me sleep
9 Other (please specify): ________________

Section Survey End

Page Thank You


Finally, would you be willing to participate in this study again in the future?

(Show if WCAG) Please select one

1 Yes
2 No


On behalf of Health Canada, we would like to thank you for your participation in the 2024 Canadian Cannabis Survey (CCS). We appreciate that you took the time to complete the online survey. The information you have provided will allow Health Canada to better understand the current and emerging trends related to cannabis and its' use among Canadians' 16 years of age and older.

Results of this research will be published and publicly available online following the completion of the study. The survey results will not be linked to you in any way.

This research has been approved by the Health Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada Research Ethics Board (REB 2023-050H). If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Research Ethics Board Secretariat at 613-941-5199 (Collect calls will be accepted) or If you have any questions or concerns about your participation in the study, please contact Nicolas Toutant at

It is possible that you may have experienced some emotional discomfort while taking the survey or after. Please know that if needed, resources are available to support you. Below is a list of mental health and substance use resources available.

Thank you again for your participation in this survey!

Mental Health/Substance Use Supports and Resources

Canada Suicide Prevention Service

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, contact the Canada Suicide Prevention Service ( by calling or texting 9-8-8.

Visit Crisis Services Canada for the distress centres and crisis organizations ( nearest you.

Kids Help Phone

Call 1-800-668-6868 (toll-free) or text CONNECT to 686868.

Available 24 hours a day to Canadians aged 5 to 29 who want confidential and anonymous care from trained responders. To access support through Facebook Messenger see the Kids Help Phone website (

Hope for Wellness Help Line

Call 1-855-242-3310 (toll-free) or connect to the online Hope for Wellness ( chat.

Available to all Indigenous peoples across Canada who need immediate crisis intervention. Experienced and culturally sensitive help line counsellors can help if you want to talk or are distressed.

Telephone and online counselling are available in English and French. On request, telephone counselling is also available in Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut.

Links to the above and other substance use resources, including provincial and territorial health and support services, are available at Get help with substance use - (opens in a new window) (

To report a side effect or adverse health effect from cannabis please visit Report a side effect from cannabis (opens in a new window) (

For more information on how to choose a legal cannabis product please visit Reduce your risk: Choose legal cannabis - (opens in a new window) (

Footnote 1

United States Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2021. Available from 2021 NSDUH Detailed Tables | CBHSQ Data ( Accessed November 29, 2023.

Footnote 2

Health Canada. Canadian Alcohol and Drugs Survey: detailed tables for 2019. Available from Accessed December 31, 2021. The next cycle of CADS is 2023 with results to be released in 2024.

Footnote 3

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report 2020: annual prevalence of the drugs by region and globally. Available from November 06, 2020.

Footnote 4

Responses were coded as 'correct' if respondent completed the survey within 2 days of the beginning or end of a month (e.g. selected May but completed survey on June 1st).

Footnote 5

CV= (standard error / coefficient) * 100 where the coefficient is either the regression coefficient or the proportion estimate.

Footnote 6

No possible contact at this number

Footnote 7

Cases that could not be established as to whether call was made to eligible or ineligible respondent

Footnote 8

Includes refusals, break-offs, and other eligible non-respondents

Footnote 9

Includes cases who would have participated but were disqualified, completes and partial completes

Footnote 10

Household + Respondent Refusal / Potentially Eligible Sample

Footnote 11

Completed / Potentially Eligible Sample

Footnote 12

Responding Units / (Potentially Eligible - Unresolved)

Footnote 13

Responding Units / (Unresolved + In Scope Non-Responding + Responding Units)