Table of Contents: Volume 3, Issue 1

Special feature manuscripts are accompanied by a link (sf) which may be clicked to view the full table of contents for that Special Feature.

Species at Risk: Recovery, Prevention, and Science

Espèces en péril : rétablissement, prévention et science

Thomas D Nudds and Marc-André Villard
Avian Conservation and Ecology 3(1): 9
Research Paper
Relationships between Duck and Grassland Bird Relative Abundance and Species Richness in Southern Saskatchewan

Relations entre l’abondance relative et la richesse spécifique des canards et d’autres oiseaux de prairie dans le sud de la Saskatchewan

Susan P. Skinner and Robert G. Clark
Avian Conservation and Ecology 3(1): 1
Survival of Adult Songbirds in Boreal Forest Landscapes Fragmented by Clearcuts and Natural Openings

Taux de survie d'oiseaux adultes dans des paysages forestiers boréaux fragmentés par la coupe à blanc et les ouvertures naturelles

Darroch M Whitaker, Philip D. Taylor, and Ian G. Warkentin
Avian Conservation and Ecology 3(1): 5
White-throated Sparrow Response to Forest Harvesting in North-Central Alberta: Results Not So Clear-Cut?

Réaction du Bruant à gorge blanche à l’exploitation forestière dans le centre-nord de l’Alberta

Kevin C Hannah, Fiona K. A. Schmiegelow, and Kathryn E. H. Aitken
Avian Conservation and Ecology 3(1): 6
Feeding–Danger Trade-Offs Underlie Stopover Site Selection by Migrants

Compromis alimentation-prédation sous-tendant la sélection d’une halte migratoire par des migrateurs

Andrea C Pomeroy, Dana A Acevedo Seaman, Robert W Butler, Robert W Elner, Tony D Williams, and Ronald C Ydenberg
Avian Conservation and Ecology 3(1): 7
Seasonal Patterns in Hydrogen Isotopes of Claws from Breeding Wood-Warblers (Parulidae): Utility for Estimating Migratory Origins

Variation saisonnière des isotopes d’hydrogène de griffes de parulines (Parulidae) reproductrices : utilité pour évaluer les origines migratoires

Kevin C Fraser, T. Kurt Kyser, Raleigh J. Robertson, and Laurene M. Ratcliffe
Avian Conservation and Ecology 3(1): 2
Cross-Seasonal Association Between Winter Trophic Status and Breeding Ground Selenium Levels in Boreal White-Winged Scoters

Relations intersaisonnières entre le statut trophique durant l’hiver et les taux de sélénium de Macreuses brunes sur leurs aires de nidification boréales

Jean-Michel A DeVink, Robert G. Clark, Stuart M Slattery, and Anton M. Scheuhammer
Avian Conservation and Ecology 3(1): 3
Forum (Response)
The Relevance of Local-Scale Relationships to Habitat Management and Landscape Patterns

Pertinence des relations à l'échelle locale pour l'aménagement de l'habitat et le contexte du paysage

Joseph J. Nocera, Graham J. Forbes, and G. Randy Milton
A response to: Thogmartin. 2007. “Effects at the Landscape Scale May Constrain Habitat Relations at Finer Scales”
Avian Conservation and Ecology 3(1): 4
Avoiding Hasty Conclusions about Effects of Habitat Fragmentation

Importance d’éviter les conclusions hâtives quant aux effets de la fragmentation de l’habitat

Doug P. Armstrong, Yvan Richard, John G Ewen, and Wendy J Dimond
A response to: Wittern and Berggren. 2007. “Natal Dispersal in the North Island Robin (Petroica longipes): the Importance of Connectivity in Fragmented Habitats”
Avian Conservation and Ecology 3(1): 8
Avian Conservation and Ecology ISSN: 1712-6568