- NEW http://www.gamblingresearch.org
- Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre: this centre disseminates research results, calls for research proposals on specific topics, sponsors research awards, awards fellowships, and conference grants. Check the bibliography, inventory, research reports, and webcasts.
- NEW http://www.addiction.ucalgary.ca/
- Addictive Behaviours Laboratory, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary: offers original information on self-help treatment for gambling problems, an overview of the instruments used to assess gambling problems, and links to their clinical, and research sites.
- http://www.gamb-ling.com
- A multilingual gambling
information Web site in 11 languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, Farsi,
Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish and Urdu). Information
in audio formats and through these click-on topics: "What's problem
gambling?," "Do I have a problem?," "Get help,"
"Ethno-cultural resources," "Library" and a help-line
- http://www.ncpgambling.org
- National Council on Problem
Gambling : to increase public awareness of pathological gambling,
ensure the availability of treatment for problem gamblers and their
families, and to encourage research and programs for prevention and
- http://www.gov.ab.ca/aadac/addictions/subject_gambling.htm
- Alberta Alcohol and Drug
Abuse Commission: information, brochures and survey results
- http://www.responsiblegambling.org
- Responsible Gambling
Council (Ontario): information, publications and calendar of international
gambling-related events
- http://www.ncrg.org
- National Centre for Responsible
Gaming: funding for scientific research on problem and underage
- http://www.problemgambling.ca
- Problem Gambling: A Canadian
Perspective Website (Gerry Cooper): annotated international links.