Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

  ISSN: 1494-5185

Journal of Gambling Issues


JGI: table of contents February 2005

The peer-review process at the Journal of Gambling Issues
By Phil Lange

feature article
Change and continuity in a help-seeking problem gambling population: A five-year record
By Alun C. Jackson, Shane A. Thomas, Tangerine A Holt, & Neil Thomason

policy article
Australia's gambling policy: Motivations, implications, and options
By William W. Bostock

research articles
Gambling attitudinal and behavioral patterns and criminality in a sample of Las Vegas area detained youth
By Randy Brown, Eric Killan, & William Evans

A theoretical exploration of culture and community health: Implications for prevention, resarch, and problem gambling
By Jennifer Borrell & Jacques Boulet

A study of superstitious beliefs among bingo players
By Mark Griffiths & Carolyn Bingham

The experience of living with a problem gambler: Spouses and partners speak out
By V.A. Dickson-Swift, E.L. James, & S. Kippen

clinic article
Staying in action: The pathological gambler's equivalent of the dry drunk
By Richard J. Rosenthal

first person accounts
Transforming addiction with psychosynthesis—one woman's journey

opiion pieces
The psychology of music in gambling environments: An observational research note
By Mark Griffiths & Jonathan Parke

Suckers progress: An informal history of gambling in America (1927, 1928) By Herbert Asbury
Reviewed by Nigel Turner


Formerly the Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling (EJGI)