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Natural course of gambling disorders:
Forty-month follow-up
David C. Hodgins &
Nicole Peden, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. E-mail:
The natural course of gambling disorders was examined
in 40 active pathological gamblers following a three-and-a-half-year
period. The majority who reported intentions to quit or reduce gambling
made a serious change attempt; however, at follow-up most were gambling
problematically. Emotional and financial factors were important
precipitants of attempts to quit as well as reasons for relapse. A
substantial number experienced a depressive episode or substance use
disorder during the follow-up period. A number reported quitting
drinking and smoking concurrent with quitting gambling. Less than half
had treatment for their gambling problem during the follow-up interval.
The few participants who were currently gambling but no longer
experiencing gambling problems reported less serious gambling problems
initially. In contrast, the successfully abstinent group reported more
gambling problems initially. This study provides important directions
for future research. Abstinence may be more feasible for individuals
experiencing more serious problems, whereas non-abstinent goals may be
realistic for individuals with fewer negative consequences. Keywords:
natural course, recovery, relapse, change process
Little is known about the natural course of gambling
disorders (Nathan, 2003). From the traditional addiction perspective,
pathological gambling is viewed as a progressive and chronic disorder with
progression arrested only with formal treatment involvement and abstinence
(American Psychiatric Association, 2000; National Research Council, 1999).
On the other hand, stable, non-abstinent outcomes (controlled gambling) from
gambling disorders have been described (Blaszczynski, McConaghy, & Frankova,
1991). In that study, a group of 63 pathological gamblers who participated
in abstinence-oriented behavioural treatment were re-assessed two to nine
years post-treatment. At the follow-up, 28% were classified as abstinent,
33% as continuing to gamble problematically and 38% as controlled gamblers
with no impaired control of gambling and no adverse financial consequences.
The controlled and abstinent participants were similar in terms of their
psychosocial functioning and, not surprisingly, were much better functioning
than the uncontrolled subjects.
In the Blaszczynski follow-up study, controlled gamblers reported less
treatment and Gamblers Anonymous involvement during the follow-up interval
than the abstinent and uncontrolled gamblers. Non-treatment-assisted
recoveries have been reported in other studies of pathological gamblers
(Hodgins & el-Guebaly, 2000; Hodgins, Wynne, & Makarchuk, 1999).
Shaffer has suggested that gambling disorders are dynamic, with people
moving in and out of problematic involvement over time (Shaffer & Hall,
2001). In a prospective study of casino employees, who are a group at high
risk of gambling disorders, Shaffer and Hall observed those with the most
serious problems were most likely to shift to a less serious problem over
the course of a 12-month follow-up as opposed to showing maintenance or
progression of the disorder (Shaffer & Hall, 2002). Similarly, a study of
the natural history of gambling disorders in a cohort of students from ages
18 to 29 showed that, although the aggregate prevalence rates over 11 years
were relatively stable, gambling problems at the individual level were
transitory and episodic rather than chronic and enduring (Slutske, Jackson,
& Sher, 2003). Abbott and colleagues (1999) reported a seven-year follow-up
of participants in a New Zealand general population study. Of the 35
disordered gamblers at baseline, 66% were non-problematic at follow-up. Most
recently, a one-year follow-up of pathological scratch card gamblers in
Holland also revealed that the problem had low stability
(DeFuentes-Merillas, Koeter, Schippers, & van den Brink, 2004).
A popular heuristic describing the stages and processes of change over time
is the transtheoretical model developed by Prochaska and colleagues
(Prochaska, DiClemente, & Norcross, 1992). According to this model, an
individual facing a behaviour change, such as confronting a gambling
disorder, moves through a series of stages including precontemplation,
contemplation, preparation, action, relapse, and maintenance. Progression
through the stages is not necessarily linear and relapse into the original
behaviour, and possibly a return to the precontemplation stage, is common.
Processes of change have been identified that serve to move the person
through the stages. For example, movement from contemplation to preparation
and action for most behaviours is associated with cognitive-experiential
processes such as consciousness raising (e.g., seeking information),
dramatic relief (e.g., feeling frightened by seriousness of the problem),
self-re-evaluation (e.g., feeling ashamed about the problem),
social-liberation (e.g., noticing public awareness campaigns), and
environmental re-evaluation (e.g., realizing that the problem hurt other
people) (Prochaska et al., 1992). In gamblers, the most frequently used
processes were self-re-evaluation, environmental re-evaluation, dramatic
relief, and self-liberation. The least used processes were reinforcement
management and social liberation (Hodgins, 2001). These results, however,
were based upon retrospective reports from a group of recovered gamblers.
Longitudinal studies of the recovery process have not been reported.
The present study followed a group of active pathological gamblers for a
three-and-a-half-year period. Participants were originally recruited for a
study of natural and treatment-assisted change (Hodgins & el-Guebaly, 2000).
The participants in the present report were recruited as an "active problem
gambling" control group (n = 63) for the initial study for comparison with a
group of recovered gamblers. Because a relatively small sample was available
the data for this follow-up are analyzed mainly in a descriptive fashion
with the goal of catalyzing further research with larger samples. In
particular, we were interested in changes in gambling behaviour and the
process individuals used in making changes. Did individuals have plans to
reduce gambling when they initially participated? If so, did they follow
through, and how did they do it?
Participants were recruited through media advertisements
searching for people with existing gambling problems who were not currently
in treatment or attending a self-help group. Inclusion criteria for the
initial study were a South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) score of five or
greater, which indicates probable pathological gambling (Lesieur & Blume,
1991, see below), and willingness to provide the name of a collateral to
verify gambling reports. Initial but not follow-up reports were confirmed by
these collaterals (Hodgins & el-Guebaly, 2000).
Of the group of 63 active problem gamblers, 55 provided
consent for a further follow-up during the original interview, and we
successfully interviewed 40. Two individuals were contacted but refused to
participate and the other 13 could not be located. The mean follow-up period
was 40.3 months (SD = 4.6) with a range of 33 to 49 months. A comparison of
the followed sample (n = 40) to the not-followed sample (n = 23) showed that
women were more likely to be followed than men (60% vs. 40%), χ2(1, N = 63)
= 5.1, p < .05, and that those followed were less likely to have a lifetime
diagnosis of alcohol dependence (22% vs. 52%) but more likely to have a
lifetime diagnosis of alcohol abuse (20% vs. 0), χ2(2, N = 63) = 8.7,
p <
.05. There were no other differences in demographic or clinical variables.
Participants in the follow-up sample (60% female) had an
average age of 42 years at the initial interview (SD = 9, range 21 to 66)
and had a mean of 13 years of education (SD = 1, range 8 to 18). Full- or
part-time employment was reported by 77% (includes one homemaker), with 18%
unemployed and 5% disability. The sample included one Aboriginal man, with
the remainder being Caucasian.
The mean age of onset of regular gambling (self-defined)
was 29 years (SD = 13). The mean SOGS score was 13 (SD = 3, range 6 to 18),
and 37 of the 40 (92%) met DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling. The
types of problem gambling were primarily video lottery terminals (VLTs,
55%), mixed games (casino and VLTs, 35%), casino games (5%), and bingo (5%).
Initial and follow-up interviews
The content domains of the Time 1 face-to-face interview
included: demographics, gambling history and related problems, DSM-IV
pathological gambling criteria, mood disorder and substance abuse diagnoses,
smoking history, and readiness to change (Hodgins & el-Guebaly, 2000). At
the Time 2 (follow-up) face-to-face interview, a timeline follow-back
interview captured the number of days of gambling during the follow-up
period, the amount of money won or lost on each occasion and any treatment
sought over the follow-up. The retest reliability and validity of these
types of data are generally good (Hodgins & Makarchuk, 2003). The mood and
substance disorders modules of the Structured Clinical Interview for the
DSM-IV (SCID) (First, Gibbon, Spitzer, & Williams, 2002) were
re-administered. Participants who had made a serious attempt to reduce or
quit gambling during the follow-up interval were asked to describe their
goal and their strategies. Their reasons for resolution were recorded using
a 15-item checklist as well as described on a number of dimensions (Hodgins
& el-Guebaly, 2000). Participants who subsequently returned to gambling
completed the Reasons for Gambling Questionnaire to describe the relapse
precipitants (Hodgins, el-Guebaly, & Armstrong, 2001).
South Oaks Gambling Screen (Lesieur & Blume,
1987). The SOGS was used as a descriptive measure of gambling severity at
Time 1. It is a widely used 20-item self-report questionnaire that assesses
lifetime gambling-related difficulties. A score of 5 or greater indicates
probable pathological gambling as validated against clinician ratings
(Lesieur & Blume, 1987; Stinchfield, 2002).
Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV
(First et al., 2002). The SCID is a structured interview that examines the
frequency and intensity of DSM-IV symptoms and provides Axis I diagnoses.
The Mood and Substance Use modules were administered at Times 1 and 2. The
SCID-IV format was used at Time 1 to determine whether participants met
pathological gambling diagnostic criteria for their lifetime period of
heaviest gambling (Hodgins & el-Guebaly, 2000). Interrater diagnostic
agreement for the two interviewers and the first author of this paper across
12 audiotapes was 100%.
Stages of Change Algorithm (Prochaska at al.,
1992). Readiness to change or stage of change was assessed at Time 1 and
Time 2 by asking about intentions to quit or reduce gambling:
pre-contemplation (not in the next six months), contemplation (in the next
six months), and preparation (in the next month).
Reasons for Resolution Checklist (Hodgins &
el-Guebaly, 2000). The participant was asked to describe the reasons for
quitting gambling using a checklist of reasons, adapted from the
categorizations of the open-ended responses from studies of the resolution
of alcohol problems in a variety of populations (Cunningham, Sobell, Sobell,
& Gaskin, 1994; Cunningham, Sobell, Sobell, & Kapur, 1995). The reasons
(e.g., financial problems, emotional factors, family/children, etc.) were
each rated on a five-point scale (not at all, slightly, moderately,
considerably or extremely important).
Reasons for Gambling Questionnaire (Hodgins et
al., 2001). The RGQ provides a list of 24 possible reasons for relapse to
gambling that are rated on a 6-point scale with the anchors of not at all,
moderately and extremely important (see Table 3). The items were originally
modified from the Reasons for Drinking Questionnaire (Zywiak, Connors,
Maisto, & Westerberg, 1996) but were refined and validated through feedback
from problem gamblers (Hodgins et al., 2001).
When initially interviewed at Time 1, 93.5% of the
participants described themselves as in the preparation stage—planning to
quit gambling in the next month but not actively doing so. Those remaining
were contemplators, reporting that they planned to quit in the next six
months (3.3%), or precontemplators, not planning change in the next six
months (3.3%). None were involved in treatment or self-help groups at that
At Time 2, participants were first asked whether or not
they were "currently gambling". The majority described themselves as
currently gambling (82.5%) and only 7 (17.5%) described themselves as not
currently gambling. These two groups are described below.
Currently abstinent group
Two of the seven participants, both women experiencing
problems with VLTs, had quit shortly after the initial interview and
described quitting as a conscious decision. One, age 38, entered individual
counselling and began attending Gamblers Anonymous (GA). The other, age 57,
had no involvement in treatment, describing the process as "mind over
matter." She also quit smoking at the same time. Time 1 SOGS scores were 14
and 13 respectively.
Two additional participants, also both women, reported
lengthy periods of abstinence although they had not immediately stopped
after the initial assessment. One woman, age 37, who had problems with
bingo, VLTs, and horse races and a Time 1 SOGS score of 14, quit three
months after the initial interview (three years ago). She also quit smoking
and drinking alcohol at the same time and described her resolution as
related to a religious conversion. Quitting gambling was not a conscious
decision; it simply happened without her being aware of it. She did not
participate in any gambling-related treatment but did enter a residential
program for alcohol abuse.
The second woman, a problem VLT player, age 44, with a
SOGS score of 16, quit 18 months before the follow-up interview. She
described the process as a conscious decision related to accumulated
financial problems. She attended GA twice but reported that family support
and improved circumstances were factors that promoted her success. The final
three participants who were not currently gambling quit more recently. One,
a woman, age 33, with a Time 1 SOGS of 14, last gambled three months ago and
gambled (VLTs) about three times in the past year before that. Her conscious
goal was to quit completely and her strategy was to stay away from gambling
locations and gambling friends. A reduction in gambling has led to a
reduction in drinking. She reported no treatment involvement.
The remaining two abstinent participants were men. A
55-year-old man, who had problems with horse races, casino games and VLTs
and an initial SOGS of 17, had not gambled for two months. He reported a
myriad of psychiatric and gambling treatments over the follow-up period but
described his resolution as resulting from the loss of the desire to gamble.
His strategy also involved staying away from gamblers and gambling
locations. The other man, age 38, had not gambled for only four weeks and
before that was gambling about twice per month. He shifted his gambling from
bingo to VLT play over the follow-up period but described both as having
caused problems. His Time 1 SOGS score was 16. He had read a self-help book
but had no formal treatment.
Currently gambling group
Thirty-three participants (82.5%) described themselves as
"currently gambling" at Time 2. Notably, five of these participants
described themselves as no longer having a gambling problem. A 48-year-old
woman denied that she ever had a problem although her gambling had "gotten
out of hand" a few years prior. Her Time 1 SOGS score was 8 and she had
reported problems with bingo, lottery, and scratch tickets. At Time 2, she
was gambling between four to six times per month, losing a little more than
she can afford, and was feeling that she should cut back. She had never had
treatment. She also met the diagnostic criteria for alcohol dependence at
the follow-up interview.
A second participant, age 36, who described himself as no
longer having a gambling problem, quit gambling for a four-month period 1.5
years ago but has been gambling in a controlled manner for the past ten
months (two days per month; about $300 on VLTs). He attended outpatient
counselling and GA during his period of abstinence. He would like to cut
back although he described himself as not experiencing any current problems.
His initial SOGS score was 9.
The remaining three participants who reported that
gambling was not currently a problem at Time 2 acknowledged that VLT play
had been a problem previously when they gambled more heavily. None reported
ever having quit gambling and all gamble occasionally (i.e., once every few
months). Two of the three did not have any treatment for either gambling or
mental health problems and one attended GA and outpatient counselling. Time
1 SOGS scores were 9, 10, and 10. One reported that her gambling decreased
when she stopped using cocaine (she was cocaine dependent at the initial
interview) and the other two, both men, consciously cut back on gambling
because of major financial problems.
The remaining 28 participants (70%) were currently
gambling and described themselves as having a current gambling problem at
Time 2. The mean Time 1 SOGS score for this group was 12.4 (SD = 2.8). The
majority (24) had gambled in the past two weeks. The mean number of days of
gambling per month during the follow-up interval ranged from 8.1 (SD = 7.6)
to 10.6 (SD = 10.0), and paired t-tests revealed no statistically
significant changes over time.
Table 1 displays information about participant
functioning over the follow-up interval and Table 2 displays current
psychiatric functioning at Time 2. Less than half had had treatment for
their gambling problem during the follow-up interval. A substantial number
experienced a depressive episode or alcohol or other drug use disorders
during the follow-up period, as assessed by the SCID. At Time 2, 22
participants (79%) indicated that they planned to reduce or quit gambling in
the next month (preparation stage), 3 participants (11%) in the next six
months (contemplation), and 3 participants (11%) did not plan to change in
the next six months (precontemplation). Most had the goal of quitting the
types of gambling that had caused problems (43%) and 21% wanted to quit all
types of gambling. Cutting back on gambling was the goal for 29%, and 7%
were unsure.
Table 1
Functioning over the follow-up period
N |
% |
Treatment for
gambling problems |
No |
16 |
57 |
Minimal |
4 |
14 |
Yes |
8 |
29 |
Treatment for mental health problems |
No |
18 |
64 |
Minimal |
2 |
7 |
Yes |
8 |
29 |
Depressive episode1 |
14 |
50 |
Manic episode1 |
0 |
0 |
Alcohol dependence/abuse |
7 |
25 |
Other drug dependence/abuse |
3 |
11 |
Quit smoking |
2 |
7 |
1n = 27
Table 2
Functioning at Time 2 assessment
N |
% |
Lifetime Mood Disorder1 |
None |
8 |
30 |
17 |
63 |
Bipolar II |
2 |
7 |
Current Mood Disorder1 |
None |
18 |
67 |
8 |
30 |
Bipolar II |
1 |
4 |
Lifetime Alcohol Diagnosis |
None |
14 |
50 |
Abuse |
8 |
29 |
Dependence |
6 |
21 |
Current Alcohol Diagnosis |
None |
22 |
79 |
Abuse |
0 |
0 |
Dependence |
4 |
14 |
Dependence –early partial |
2 |
7 |
Lifetime Drug Diagnosis |
None |
19 |
68 |
Abuse |
4 |
14 |
Dependence |
5 |
18 |
Current Drug Diagnosis |
None |
25 |
89 |
Abuse |
2 |
7 |
Dependence |
1 |
4 |
Current Smoker |
22 |
79 |
1n = 27
Note. Current refers to past month. MDD = Major depressive disorder.
Previous change attempts
Of the 28 participants who were currently gambling and
reporting a gambling problem, 17 reported a serious attempt to either quit
(71%) or reduce their gambling (29%) during the follow-up period. The
majority described the decision as completely conscious (59%), and the most
frequently cited reasons for the change attempt, based upon the 15-item
Reasons for Resolution checklist, were financial problems (88%), emotional
factors (88%), hitting rock bottom (53%), problems with spouse (53%),
family/children (47%), and humiliating event (47%).
Participants were also asked to describe their reasons for
relapsing back into gambling. The mean ratings on the Reasons for Gambling
Questionnaire items are displayed in Table 3. The most important reasons
were to escape from thoughts or feelings, wanting to win, and not caring any
Table 3
Mean ratings on Reason for Relapse questionnaire items
(N = 17)
Reason for relapse |
M |
SD |
escape from thoughts or feelings |
4.0 |
1.5 |
wanted to win |
3.5 |
1.5 |
didn’t care anymore |
3.4 |
2.0 |
felt bored |
3.2 |
1.7 |
felt anxious or tense |
3.0 |
1.7 |
felt tempted to gamble out of the blue |
2.9 |
1.9 |
felt pressured by financial debts |
2.8 |
1.9 |
felt angry/frustrated with self |
2.7 |
1.8 |
felt angry/frustrated because of relationship |
2.6 |
1.9 |
needed to win back past losses |
2.6 |
1.9 |
felt sad |
2.5 |
1.6 |
had opportunity and had to give in |
2.5 |
1.5 |
felt lucky |
2.3 |
1.8 |
in situation where in habit of gambling |
2.2 |
1.9 |
wanted to see what would happen |
2.1 |
2.0 |
felt worried/tense because of relationship |
2.0 |
1.9 |
felt others were being critical |
1.9 |
1.7 |
felt physically uncomfortable, wanting to gamble |
1.8 |
1.5 |
felt in a good mood |
1.6 |
1.5 |
opportunity to gamble happened out of the blue |
1.4 |
1.5 |
felt physically ill or in pain |
1.2 |
1.5 |
someone invited me |
1.0 |
1.7 |
saw others |
1.0 |
1.5 |
having a good time |
0.9 |
1.6 |
Note. Rated on 0 to 5 point scale – "not at all
important" to "extremely important."
A majority of this sample of problem gamblers, who had
acknowledged a gambling problem and had reported the intention to quit or
reduce their gambling, made a serious change attempt during the subsequent
three-and-a-half-year period. Only 11 (28% of those interviewed) reported no
attempt to change. However, despite their efforts at change, relatively few
were free of problems at the follow-up assessment—only 7 (17.5%) were not
currently gambling and 5 were gambling but not reporting problems (12.5%).
The small group of individuals who reported continuing to
gamble but without problems is notable. This group reported infrequent
gambling compared to the problematic group. Clearly, gambling is not a major
focus of their leisure time. Compared to the other participants, it appears
that they generally had less serious gambling problems initially, as
assessed by the SOGS. Non-abstinent goals and outcomes may be more realistic
for individuals with fewer negative consequences, as has been found for
people with alcohol problems (Klingemann et al., 2001; Monti, Rohsenow,
Colby, & Abrahms, 1995).
Consistent with this possibility, the successfully
abstinent group, by comparison, had the highest SOGS scores. Abstinence may
be a more feasible goal for those with more severe problems (Hodgins, Leigh,
Milne, & Gerrish, 1997; Hodgins, Peden, & Cassidy, 2003).
The successfully abstinent group did not necessarily recover through
treatment or GA involvement. Three of the seven attended treatment and one
additional participant entered a residential alcohol treatment program. A
number of the participants, in fact, reported quitting drinking and smoking
concurrent with quitting gambling. Again, these results are similar to
findings in the alcohol treatment area, where it is increasingly recognized
that tackling tobacco at the same time as alcohol is an effective strategy
(Monti et al., 1995).
Comorbid depression and substance use disorders including
smoking were highly prevalent in the sample. About half the sample of those
continuing to gamble problematically experienced a depressive episode during
the follow-up interval. Overall, 70% met the DSM-IV criteria for a lifetime
mood disorder, and 34% had a current mood disorder at the follow-up
assessment. Previous longitudinal research suggests an association between a
positive mood disorder history and poorer outcome from gambling disorders
(Hodgins et al., 1997; Hodgins et al., 2003).
The implications of a comorbid substance abuse problem
are less clear from previous research. In the group of continuing
problematic gamblers, 25% experienced problematic alcohol use, 11% other
drug use, and 79% were smokers during the follow-up interval. Only two
individuals in this group quit smoking during this interval. Untangling the
association between these disorders is an important future research
direction (Hodgins et al., 2003).
Although ultimately they were not successful, over half
of continuing problematic gamblers made an attempt at change during the
follow-up interval. The descriptions of the precipitants of these attempts
were similar to descriptions obtained from successful quitters (Hodgins,
Makarchuk, el-Guebaly, & Peden, 2002), with most indicating emotional and
financial factors as important. These same factors were also cited as the
reasons for relapse. We have previously noted that the most frequent reasons
for relapse, wanting to win and wanting to escape from feelings, parallel
clinical observations about subtypes of problem gamblers, the thrill-seekers
and the escape gambler (Hodgins & el-Guebaly, 2004).
One of the limitations of this study is the follow-up
rate and sample size. Only 73% of those who agreed to be contacted for a
follow-up were successfully located and interviewed. Women and individuals
who were not alcohol dependent were more likely to be interviewed. Otherwise
this follow-up sample appeared similar to the group not interviewed. More
frequent contact with the participants may have improved the follow-up rate.
More frequent assessments would also minimize memory problems and increase
the accuracy of the reporting. Re-assessment of severity of gambling
problems at regular intervals, using the SOGS or DSM-IV criteria, would also
be informative. In the current study, these measures were only administered
at Time 1.
The sample size limited the analysis to descriptive
statistics and, therefore, generalizations need to be made cautiously.
Nonetheless the results do provide directions for further work. The
importance of understanding the implications for the high prevalence of
comorbid disorders and their impact on outcome is underscored. In addition,
the course of gambling disorders needs further study. We did not observe in
this group of self-acknowledged problem gamblers that their problems were
transitory, as observed in a general population sample (e.g., Slutske et
al., 2003). It appears that our sample had generally more severe problems
than the previous general population samples and may, therefore, have been
less likely to transition as readily back to non-problem gambling.
Participants were likely to begin the study in the preparation stage of
change and to end the study in the same stage. That is not to say that the
status quo was maintained—in contrast, most participants moved into action
and through relapse stages. A small group, as well, reported stable
non-abstinent outcomes. Understanding the dynamic nature of the course of
gambling disorders is important.
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This article was peer-reviewed. Submitted: August 10,
2004. All URLs were active at the time of submission. Accepted: September 3,
For correspondence: David Hodgins, PhD, Department of
Psychology, University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr. N.W., Calgary, AB,
T2N 1N4 Canada. Phone: (403) 220-3371, fax: (403) 210-9500, e-mail:
Contributors. DH was responsible for research
conceptualization and design, NP for data collection, and both shared in
analyses and preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: None declared.
Ethics approval: The University of Calgary Conjoint
Faculties Research Ethics Board approved the research project "Influence of
substance dependence and mood disorders on outcome from pathological
gambling" on October 31, 2002.
Funding: This project was funded in part by the Alberta
Gaming Research Institute and the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical
David Hodgins, PhD, CPsych., is currently a professor,
Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, and is the University of
Calgary coordinator for the Alberta Gaming Research Institute.
Nicole Peden, MSc., is a PhD candidate in clinical
psychology at the University of Calgary.