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Youth gambling:
A public health perspective
Carmen Messerlian &
Jeffrey L. Derevensky, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
E-mail: carmen.messerlian@mcgill.ca
Over the last decade research in the area of youth
gambling has led to a better understanding of the risk factors,
trajectories and problems associated with this behaviour. At the same
time, governments have begun to recognize the importance of youth
gambling and have offered to support research and treatment programs.
Yet, public health and prevention in the realm of youth gambling has
only recently drawn the attention of researchers and health
professionals. Early work by Korn and Shaffer (1999) set the groundwork
for a public health approach to gambling. This paper attempts to apply
health promotion theory to youth gambling and describes a conceptual
framework and model. Strategies focus on addressing risk and protective
factors through community mobilization, health communication, and policy
development. It is anticipated that this paper will provide future
directions and serve as a starting point for addressing youth gambling
issues from this new perspective.
The study of gambling and gambling-related problems among
youth has become increasingly important to researchers and health
professionals alike. Although research in the field of gambling is still in
its infancy, work over the last decade suggests that youth gambling problems
are a serious concern, with more young people gambling today than ever
before. However, only recently has gambling emerged as a significant public
health issue (Korn & Shaffer, 1999) despite the growing trend and the
associated negative health, psychological, social, financial, and personal
consequences. There is concern that without a concerted focus on
understanding and preventing problems among those most vulnerable, the
burden of problem gambling among youth will persist.
With the continuous expansion of the gambling industry
worldwide, more gambling opportunities and types of gambling exist today
than in the past. With this increased exposure, more adolescents, already
prone to risk-taking, have been tempted by the lure of excitement,
entertainment, and potential financial gain associated with gambling.
Research from North America and internationally suggests that approximately
80% of adolescents have participated in some form of gambling during their
lifetime (see reviews by the National Research Council, 1999, and
meta-analysis by Shaffer & Hall, 1996). While there has been some debate
over the prevalence of problem gambling in youth (for a complete discussion
of the methodological issues surrounding youth gambling see Derevensky &
Gupta, 2004, and Derevensky, Gupta, & Winters, 2003), considerable research
supports the claim that approximately 4%–8% of adolescents between 12 and 17
years of age gamble at a pathological level, and another 10%–15% are at risk
of developing a serious problem (Derevensky & Gupta, 2004; Derevensky et
al., 2003; Hardoon & Derevensky, 2002; Jacobs, 2000; National Research
Council, 1999).
The consequences faced by youth with gambling problems
are widespread and have an impact on psychological, behavioural, social,
legal, academic, and family/interpersonal domains. Delinquency and criminal
behaviour, poor academic performance, early school dropout, disrupted family
and peer relationships, suicide, and other mental health outcomes such as
anxiety and depression have been associated with gambling problems in
adolescents (Derevensky & Gupta, 2004). Youth gambling problems, therefore,
affect not only individuals, but families, communities, and health services
as well as society at large (Crockford & el-Guebaly, 1998; Korn, 2000).
Movement towards public health
While governments worldwide have embraced the revenues
associated with gambling, concern over the growing burden of gambling to
individuals and society has stimulated discussion of gambling as a social
and public health policy issue (Wynne, 1997). Early work by Korn and Shaffer
(1999) laid the foundation for a public health approach to gambling problems
in the general population. They discussed the growth of the gambling
industry and the concomitant increase in gambling problems. Korn and Shaffer
highlighted the importance of creating awareness among health professionals;
suggested a public health framework that examines the issue from a
population health, health promotion, and human ecology perspective; and
proposed an agenda to strengthen policy, research, and practice. They
further argued the need to assess and document the social costs and possible
benefits of the impact of gambling upon communities.
More recently, Shaffer (2003) has outlined four guiding
principles underlying a public health perspective suggesting that: (1)
empirically based scientific research act as the foundation for any public
health action; (2) public health knowledge be derived from population-based
observations; (3) health initiatives be proactive and include both primary
and secondary prevention; and (4) public health models be unbiased and
consider both the costs and potential benefits. Others have argued that
traditional gambling paradigms that frame gambling as an act of individual
freedom and merely a form of recreation fail to recognize the social and
economic impact of gambling (Korn, Gibbons, & Azmier, 2003). Korn and his
colleagues assert that public policy on social issues is very much
influenced and directed by the way in which it is framed. They maintain that
a public health perspective is best suited to address policy issues, as it
accounts for the multitude of factors involved in gambling; as such, this
approach allows for a more complete debate on the issues. However, they
caution that moving toward a public health approach may be difficult as
there are a number of barriers to embracing this paradigm, including the
fact that existing frameworks are currently nested within well-established
political and corporate interests.
From Think Tank and beyond
The idea of developing a public health agenda prompted the
Second International Think Tank on Youth Gambling, sponsored jointly by the
International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors,
McGill University, and the Division on Addictions, Harvard Medical School,
and held in Montreal in 2001. Sixty-three delegates—representing
researchers, treatment providers, prevention specialists, government, and
the industry—from nine countries gathered to identify and prioritize
critical issues needed to address the development of an international public
health approach toward youth gambling. Participants identified several key
issues that were most critical to responding to youth gambling from a public
health perspective. They also recommended action steps for each of the
issues identified.
Delegates initially agreed that the key terms of any discussion of problem
gambling among youth should be carefully defined from an international
perspective. They also noted that there was difficulty in engaging in
dialogue on youth gambling when the definition of youth varies
broadly between cultures. Further, there was agreement that the term
problem is commonly used in association with youth gambling; however,
there existed little empirical knowledge of the nature or extent of problems
that were derived from youth gambling. As well, the group concluded that the
definition of problem varied depending on the framework. For example,
adopting a medical model rather than a public health model alters the
definition significantly. Delegates remained concerned that the term
gambling needed to be defined more explicitly, as different forms of
gambling were thought to have different connotations and perceived risks.
For example, government-sanctioned, legal, and regulated gambling may differ
from social gambling occurring in a home environment. They urged the need to
consider all these factors when formulating a definition of gambling.
Participants strongly agreed that little is known about what constitutes
normal or responsible gambling among youth, and the language of
normality influences and affects definitions of abnormal or disordered
gambling. Overall, participants agreed that in order to formulate a
consistent dialogue across cultures, some consensus over terminology,
nomenclature and language was necessary.
Raising Awareness
Delegates further emphasized the lack of awareness of youth gambling
problems as a public health issue and the limited sense of responsibility
among individuals, organizations, professionals, decision makers, the public
at large, and youth themselves. They recommended that carefully planned and
empirically sound public awareness campaigns be implemented.
Think Tank delegates noted that available funding for research was limited.
There existed a need to identify appropriate sources of international
funding required to achieve the goals of an international public health
initiative, and that such sources be sustainable over a period of time.
Participants also agreed that an international governance structure be
established, and they highlighted the importance of creating a future agenda
and ways of disseminating information and research.
Youth Involvement
Participants perceived that the success of developing a public health agenda
required the engagement of youth in the process. They noted that programs
developed with input from young people are more likely to be effective, and
that this process helps facilitate commitment among youth.
More Research
Lastly, participants felt strongly that considerably more scientific
research was needed in several areas in order to support the development of
an international public health agenda on youth gambling. These areas
included: (1) the psychological, physiological, familial, societal, and
cultural factors associated with problem gambling; (2) common risk and
resiliency factors linking gambling with other addictive and high-risk
behaviours; (3) the gap between youth and adult prevalence data of gambling
problems; (4) the effects of gambling advertising upon youth; (5) the impact
of increased accessibility of all forms of gambling upon youth gambling
behaviour in general and disordered gambling in particular; 6) the impact of
new technologies upon youth gambling; and (7) the need for facilitating
empirically-based research on therapeutic and prevention programs.
Significant progress has been made in several areas since
the Think Tank gathering, most notably in new areas of research (see
Derevensky & Gupta, 2004, for our current knowledge concerning youth
gambling and gambling-related problems). As well, several ongoing studies
are being conducted at the International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems
at McGill University. A recent study examined the relationship between
several risk and protective factors associated with problem gambling,
substance abuse and other risk behaviours among 11- to 19-year-olds.
Specifically, this research examined the relationship between family
cohesion, school connectedness, coping, achievement motivation, and mentor
relationships, and the development of health-compromising outcomes, namely,
gambling, substance abuse, and multiple risk-taking behaviours (Dickson,
Derevensky, & Gupta, 2003). Another study, presently in the data analysis
phase, is investigating risk and resiliency factors, and cultural issues
related to youth gambling among 12- to 17-year-olds.
The proliferation of on-line gambling poses a new problem
for youth (Messerlian, Byrne, & Derevensky, 2004). Research by Griffiths and
Wood (2000) has highlighted the ease with which gambling Web sites may be
accessed by young people as well as the visually enticing aspects of
Internet gambling. Given the paucity of research in the area of new
technologies, the Centre is presently conducting an exploratory study
examining Internet gambling practices among youth.
While there are some methodological issues involved in the
measurement of pathological gambling in youth, a recent paper by Derevensky
et al. (2003) explored these issues and acknowledged the need for more
rigorous research and more refined measurement instruments and screening
tools. They further argued that the field must move quickly to resolve
nomenclature and definition concerns. Currently, a national effort in Canada
is underway to develop new adolescent screening tools to help better
identify youth gambling problems.
The Centre is also involved in a study examining the ease
of gambling access, proximity of gambling opportunities to schools, and the
risk of gambling problems among high-schools students in Quebec. Dr. David
Korn from the University of Toronto, through funding from the Ontario
Problem Gambling Research Centre, is currently examining the effects of
gambling advertising on youth. As well, a recent review of the literature
examined the efficacy of using media-based programs as prevention
initiatives (Byrne, Dickson, Derevensky, Gupta, & Lussier, 2003). There have
been very few studies that have empirically and systematically evaluated
treatment programs, primarily due to the limited number of youth who present
for therapy for gambling problems (Gupta & Derevensky, 2004; Hardoon,
Derevensky & Gupta, 2003). Additional research is needed in all of these
areas in order to better understand the risks to youth, and the development
of effective prevention (Derevensky, Gupta, Dickson, & Deguire, 2001) and
treatment programs (Gupta & Derevensky,2004; Rugle, Derevensky, Gupta,
Winters, & Stinchfield, 2001).
Other developments have been made in the area of awareness
since the Think Tank. In 2003, the National Council on Problem Gambling
sponsored an inaugural National Problem Gambling Awareness Week in
collaboration with the Association of Problem Gambling Service
Administrators, and local organizations throughout the United States. Each
state was involved in implementing its own state-wide campaign titled "Hope
and Help" which aimed to increase public and professional awareness of
problem gambling issues and the availability of services to assist those
affected by problem gambling behaviours. The Ontario Ministry of Health in
Canada also recently funded a provincial campaign titled "Within Limits."
Campaigns were tailored to the needs of each community and included
information brochures, local newspaper inserts, posters, and awareness
booths displayed at malls. The Responsible Gambling Council of Ontario is
charged with evaluating this awareness initiative and hopes to disseminate
the campaign to more communities in 2005.
Some action has also been taken in developing an
international governance structure through contact with the World Health
Organization (WHO). Given the barriers to penetrating such a large
organization, the McGill International Centre has recently developed
significant collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization, the
Americas' office of the WHO, as an initial starting point. This partnership
stimulated the formation of a Task Force of researchers and clinicians from
North and South America. The Task Force's objective is to examine and
address high-risk behaviour among Latin American youth.
With the hope of understanding the "teen" perspective on
gambling, several groups have developed Web sites with the assistance and
collaboration of adolescents. In Canada, "youthbet.net" was created with
input by youth; teens form part of the committee that oversees the
implementation of the program. Similarly, in the U.S. "wannabet.org" has
been very successful in engaging youth in the development of a Web site and
other prevention initiatives. Employing a junior editor and several youth
advisors on their team, these youth are responsible for the illustration of
characters, writing of articles, and designing of the online and paper-based
magazine. Involving youth in the development and implementation of programs
is slowly becoming part of on overall approach to prevention.
A public health framework for youth
A public health framework incorporates a multi-dimensional
perspective, recognizes the individual and social determinants, draws upon
health promotion principles and applies population-based models. Several
proposed theories and models as they relate to youth gambling are
highlighted in the following sections (for a fuller account see Messerlian,
Derevensky, & Gupta, 2005).
It is now well accepted that the degree of potential
consequences of problem gambling in youth, similar to adults, can be
measured along a continuum of gambling risk (Korn & Shaffer, 1999;
Messerlian et al., 2005). Individuals who gamble infrequently, or in a
low-risk manner, have few, if any, negative outcomes. At this level, Korn
and Shaffer (1999) suggest that some people derive a degree of pleasure,
enjoyment, or benefit. Healthy gambling encompasses informed choices
concerning the probability of winning, pleasurable gambling experiences in
low-risk situations, controlled gambling (the ability to set and adhere to
appropriate limits) and understanding the potential risks involved in
excessive gambling (Derevensky, Gupta, Messerlian, & Gillespie, 2004).
As gambling escalates and one moves along the continuum of
gambling risk, the negative outcomes begin to outweigh any potential
benefits. As a result, adolescent gamblers begin experiencing a wide array
of impaired personal, health, financial, and social consequences. The
at-risk gambler, while not meeting all the criteria for pathological
gambling, is nevertheless experiencing a number of gambling-related
problems. This group remains at greater risk than the low-risk social
gambler but is considerably better off than those with significant gambling
problems (sometimes referred to as pathological gamblers, probable
pathological gamblers, disordered gamblers, compulsive gamblers, or Level
III gamblers). Youth on this end of the continuum, who gamble at the
pathological level, meet established diagnostic criteria and are in need of
therapeutic treatment. A public health model incorporates a range of
prevention and harm reduction strategies as well as treatment interventions
targeted at different levels of risk.
The Youth Gambling Prevention Model (Messerlian et al.,
2005) (see Figure 1) illustrates this continuum, as well as primary,
secondary, and tertiary prevention intervention points, related prevention
objectives at each level of risk, and the recommended health promotion
strategies required to achieve the objectives. This model is unique in that
it delineates two trajectories; the risk continuum and the prevention
pathway. The latter moves in the opposite direction and aims to reverse the
risk at every level along the continuum; strategies aim to impede the
progression at each stage along the range of risk. The model also links
clusters of health promotion strategies to prevention objectives, however,
the authors suggest tailoring and implementing each strategy to the specific
needs of communities or groups.
In addition, Messerlian et al. (2005) have applied an
ecological health promotion model to youth gambling and maintain that
problem gambling is governed by a complex set of interrelating factors,
causes, and determinants: biological, familial, behavioural, social, and
environmental. An ecological approach to health behaviour views gambling
behaviour from multiple perspectives. Originally proposed by McLeroy, Bibeau,
Steckler, and Glanz (1988), an ecological health promotion model focuses on
addressing health behaviour from both an individual and socio-environmental
level; strategies are directed at shifting intrapersonal, interpersonal,
institutional, community, and public policy factors. It is the interaction
of these five factors that determines one's predisposition to developing a
gambling-related problem (Jacobs, 1986). An ecological perspective on
gambling emphasizes moving beyond offering problem gamblers treatment and
counselling; instead, interventions work at modifying all five levels within
this multi-dimensional model.
Intrapersonal and interpersonal level
factors have been the focus of considerable research, treatment, and
prevention programs in the past. There is extensive research outlining the
many intrapersonal risk factors, as well as the effects of parents, peers,
and family on the acquisition, development, and maintenance of gambling
problems (for a review of the substantial empirical research outlining risk
factors and correlates see Derevensky & Gupta, 2004). However, more research
is needed to better understand the role of community factors such as
civil/local organizations, social norms, socio-economic variables, and the
media in shaping social identity, norms, values, beliefs and behaviours
regarding gambling. The aetiology of gambling behaviour and gambling
problems, although still not fully understood, includes the interaction of
biological, psychosocial, and environmental factors.
Institutional structures, regulations, and policies
can either promote or hinder health behaviour and outcomes. The gambling
industry's policies/practices concerning the development of products and
venues, their promotion and sale, and the enforcement of existing legal
statutes prohibiting access to minors remain important determinants of
gambling participation and behaviour. Yet, there is evidence that retailers
and venue operators fail to properly enforce such statutes (Derevensky &
Gupta, 2001). Furthermore, some school practices may unwittingly be
promoting gambling through fundraising activities including lottery/raffle
draws and casino nights, and through permitting card playing within schools.
These institutional factors can be viewed as targets for change; they can be
challenged and modified to help create healthy organizational culture and
Public policy factors related to gambling intersect
a number of different policy domains including the social, educational,
health, economic, legislative and judicial. Governments around the world
continue to control and regulate gambling in a manner that promotes and
sustains economic benefits. Governments have sought various means to bolster
the economy, reduce deficits, and increase revenues (Campbell & Smith,
1998). Changes in the level of economic security have resulted in
governments becoming dependent upon revenues generated by the gambling
industry, and governments are now reluctant to change regulations in favour
of progressive public health policies. Applying political economy theories
to gambling, Sauer (2001) maintains that gambling expansion has been driven
by the need for larger governments to generate greater revenue. Legislation
on advertising and promotion, laws regulating minimum age-requirements and
their enforcement, provision of programs for harm minimization, fiscal
measures, and regulation of the availability of products are examples of
public policy initiatives that can influence the social environment and
minimize unhealthy behaviour. Clearly, however, policies need to balance
public health interests with the economic gains to governments and the
Moving from levels of action to goals, a public health
approach to youth gambling must work at establishing and realizing overall
goals in order to guide action along the spectrum of issues. Denormalization,
protection, prevention, and harm reduction have been applied to a public
health and youth gambling framework (Messerlian et al., 2005) and together
describe the aims of an overall approach.
Denormalization aims to implement strategies that
encourage society to question and assess underage gambling. Not unlike the
strategies used in tobacco prevention, denormalization can include drawing
attention to the marketing strategies employed by the gambling industry,
influencing social norms and attitudes on youth gambling, promoting
realistic and accurate knowledge about gambling, and challenging current
myths and misconceptions among youth and the general public.
Society has a shared responsibility to protect children
and adolescents from potentially harmful activities such as access to and
exposure to gambling. This goal as applied to youth gambling should aim to
protect youth from exposure to gambling products and promotion through
effective institutional policy and government legislation, and reduce the
accessibility and availability of all forms of gambling to underage youth.
Further, efforts to protect youth from the direct and indirect marketing and
advertising of gambling products and venues is required.
Prevention efforts should be targeted at the
primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. While much of the focus has been on
tertiary prevention, or treatment-based interventions, primary and secondary
prevention reach larger numbers of youth, and have potential for a much
broader impact. Prevention objectives should aim to increase knowledge and
awareness of the risks of gambling among youth, professionals, and the
general public; promote informed decision-making in individuals and
families; increase the early identification and treatment of youth
experiencing gambling problems or at risk of developing them; help youth
develop effective problem-solving, coping, and social skills required for
healthy adolescent development; and minimize the harm of gambling problems
in youth, their families, and communities.
Harm Reduction is an approach to prevention that is
directed at reducing the problem behaviour. In general, harm-reduction
strategies target youth already gambling and those at risk. Harm-reduction
objectives should reduce the risk of developing a gambling problem among
youth who gamble in an at-risk manner, and decrease the potential negative
consequences of gambling among youth without necessarily making abstinence a
goal (see Dickson et al., 2003, for a discussion of the harm minimization
approach as applied to youth gambling).
Strategies for public health action
Raising awareness and increasing knowledge of the risk and
consequences of underage gambling among adolescents, parents, school
personnel, health professionals, and the general public are important
initial steps in primary prevention and may help achieve denormalization
goals. Evidence suggests that professionals, parents, and the general public
fail to view gambling among youth as a serious problem (Derevensky, Gupta,
Hardoon, Dickson, & Deguire, 2003). Implementing health promotion strategies
such as health education in schools and health communication within
communities can help improve the level of public awareness and knowledge of
the hazards of gambling in a young population.
Health communication campaigns have been one of the most
widely used vehicles in educating the public about risk behaviours (Brown &
Walsh-Childers, 1994). By disseminating persuasive information on unhealthy
behaviours to the public and portraying it as an important public issue,
mass communication strategies have the potential to influence social norms
and attitudes regarding that behaviour (Byrne et al., 2003; Yanovitzky &
Stryker, 2001).
Effective public health action is most often formulated
with an appreciation of the history of each community, and is appropriate
within the local context (e.g., approaches in North America may differ from
those in Australia). Strategies that seek to educate and empower communities
may help bring gambling issues to the forefront of the public policy agenda.
Tones's model of health promotion proposes that community health education
helps set the public health agenda and raises critical consciousness of
health issues (Tones, 1993; Tones, Tilford, & Robinson, 1990). This critical
consciousness raising may empower and enable individuals and groups to be
more active in community health issues. Furthermore, involving community
groups in the development of programs and the policy-making process may help
mobilize action and may create pressure and support for policy changes.
However, these measures are effective only when they form part of an
integrated approach, which includes healthy public policy (Tones, 1993).
Organizational development can include working with health
services in order to develop or improve the delivery of treatment and
prevention care to youth, partnering with the education system/schools in
order to implement school-based prevention programs, and forming a
collaboration with the gambling industry itself. The latter approach
includes, but is not limited to, developing policies and programs offering
information to retailers on legal liabilities, and on the importance of
enforcing the legal age, all of which help increase barriers for underage
youth trying to gamble. Furthermore, strategies that advocate for the
development of global industry standards regulating the promotion and
marketing of gambling products and venues in light of research suggesting
that youth are adversely affected by advertising tactics (Griffiths, 1999,
2003; Felsher, Derevensky, & Gupta, 2004) would be another example of
effective organizational development within the gambling industry.
Policy development approaches focus on the social and
political factors that facilitate or impede behavioural choice, aiming to
remove structural barriers to health-protective action and constructing
barriers to risk-taking (Campbell, Wood, & Kelly, 1999). Policy measures
that create supportive environments can be effective in that they enable
youth to change their own behaviour rather than persuading them to change (Tawil,
Verster & O'Reilly, 1995). For example, the age of onset of gambling
behaviour represents a significant risk factor; the younger the age of
initiation the greater the risk of developing a gambling-related problem
(Gupta & Derevensky, 1997, 1998; Jacobs, 2000; Wynne, Smith, & Jacobs,
1996). Increasing the age of first exposure to gambling participation by
limiting the accessibility and availability of gambling products, venues,
and activities, and raising the legal age, are important regulatory policy
development issues. However, most importantly, without the development of
policies that cultivate environments supportive of behaviour change,
education programs at any level will likely not be effective (Campbell et
al., 1999).
Responsible social policy
The expansion of gambling is a global phenomenon. The rise
of new and existing forms of gambling will continue to grow worldwide, given
the lucrative revenues generated for government coffers and for the industry
itself. However, the proliferation of the industry and of its ensuing
profits has not been without reproach. Anti-lobbying and public-interest
groups have tried, albeit mostly unsuccessfully, to curtail the growth of
gambling venues in communities and limit the development of new forms of
gambling. Others, mainly public health professionals and social scientists,
have argued for a more careful examination of the costs and consequences of
gambling expansion and for weighing this with any potential economic or
social benefits (Korn & Shaffer, 1999; Henriksson, 2001). Gambling has
therefore become an exceedingly contentious social policy issue throughout
the world [see reports for the U.S. National Gambling Impact Commission (NORC,
1999), Canada West Foundation (Azmier, 2000), Canadian Tax Foundation Report
(Vaillancourt & Roy, 2000), The U.K. Gambling Review Report (2001), the
Australian Productivity Commission Report (1999), National Centre for the
Study of Gambling, South Africa Report (Collins & Barr, 2001)].
Social policies, however, are often established by
default, and gambling policy seems to be based upon a harm reduction model
rather than abstinence or prohibition (see Dickson et al., 2003, for a
comprehensive discussion). Effective social policy needs to be reflective of
the existing ideological, social and political context from which it is
derived, while concurrently directive of future impact and changes. Policy
makers and legislators are urged to adopt a multidimensional perspective,
and given the strong interdependence that exists between social, physical,
interpersonal, cognitive, environmental, and psychological domains, they
must incorporate all these elements (Cowen & Durlak, 2000). Furthermore,
social policy should reflect the determinants of health and the link between
individuals and communities. This would translate into policies that
indirectly target the individual through changes at the social and
environmental determinants levels. These efforts can be achieved through the
development of both programmatic and regulatory policies.
As the gambling industry continues to burgeon, the
adoption of formal laws and regulations governing this expansion, and the
establishment of regulatory bodies to monitor the enforcement of such laws
as well as assess the impact of gambling upon society, remain important
policy initiatives. The aim of such regulatory policies is to reduce the
risk of gambling to youth by restricting access to products and services.
However, policies that aim to deter youth from participating in gambling by
increasing the minimum-age requirements and the price of products are only
effective if there is widespread adherence and enforcement of such policies
and statutes. This enforcement is contingent upon the acceptance of the
implemented regulations within the community which is affected by the
perceived severity of gambling problems among youth in general (Derevensky,
Gupta, Messerlian, & Gillespie, 2004). A lack of awareness among retailers
regarding laws and penalties, and among the public on the seriousness of
gambling problems, may in fact partly account for the ease with which
underage youth purchase lottery tickets in spite of legal prohibitions (Felsher
et al., 2004). In addition, enforcement is problematic in countries such as
Canada: the government bodies charged with the responsibility associated
with a duty-of-care are often simultaneously directly or indirectly
responsible for maintaining increases in revenues (Derevensky et al., 2004).
Other key policy considerations include those that
contribute to the prevention of gambling problems in youth through funding
commitments, and through the implementation and institutionalization of
prevention practices (Pentz, 2000). Examples of programmatic policies
include community education and development, training of health services
professionals and the development of resources for prevention and treatment,
and industry education programs targeting retailers and venue operators, all
of which aim to create supportive environments as well as enhance the skills
of individuals.
Since the Second International Think Tank on Youth
Gambling Issues, a significant amount of research has been conducted to
better understand the risk factors, trajectories, and problems associated
with excessive youth gambling behaviour. While not universal, governments
and the industry throughout the world have come to understand the importance
of this issue and are beginning to provide greater funding for research,
prevention, and treatment.
The public health model and framework described in this
paper has attempted to apply health promotion and prevention theory to youth
gambling. Very few strategies recommended have yet to be implemented or
empirically evaluated for effectiveness. It is anticipated that this paper
will provide gambling and public health professionals some direction for
further work in this area and serve as a starting point for addressing youth
gambling issues from this new lens. As more public health strategies become
implemented, the model and theories outlined can be tested and assessed for
their applicability to youth gambling.
With the increase in gaming technology and the expansion
of the gambling industry, opportunities for gambling participation are
abundant. This, coupled with the associated rise in the number of youth who
gamble, creates the need to find effective best practices for the prevention
and treatment of gambling problems. At the same time, there needs to be a
greater public awareness that youth are not immune to gambling problems.
Collaborative efforts between researchers, treatment providers, prevention
specialists, and legislators will ultimately lead to more effective public
health intervention and social policies.
Figure 1: Youth Gambling Risk Prevention Model

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This article was peer-reviewed. Submitted June 3, 2004.
All URLs cited were available at the time of submission. Accepted: November
30, 2004.
For correspondence: Carmen Messerlian, MSc., McGill
University, 3724 McTavish Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1Y2. Phone:
(514)-398-4438, fax: (514)-398-3401, URL:
www.youthgambling.com. e-mail:
Contributors. CM wrote, researched and implemented the
conceptual layout of the paper. JD assisted with the conceptualization and direction of
the paper and provided ongoing editorial feedback.
Competing interests: None declared.
Ethical approval: None required.
Funding: No specific funding is linked to this paper.
Carmen Messerlian is director of program development and
communications at the International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and
High-Risk Behaviors at McGill University. Carmen obtained her Master of
Science degree in public health from the London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine in England. Bringing experience in public health, she has
been instrumental in developing and applying health promotion models and
theories to youth gambling and has presented her work at national and
international conferences.
Jeffrey L. Derevensky, PhD, is a professor in the
School/Applied Child Psychology, Department of Educational and Counselling
Psychology at McGill University. He is associate professor, Department of
Psychiatry; and associate professor, Department of Community Dentistry at
McGill University. He is a clinical consultant to numerous hospitals, school
boards, government agencies, and corporations. He has served on many
government committees and has performed consultative services for SAMHSA,
NIMH, NRC, and the NCPG. Dr. Derevensky has published widely, is on the
editorial board of several journals and is a contributing editor of
Wellplace (www.wellplace.com). He is a member of the National Centre for
Gambling Studies, University of Alberta; National Network on Gambling Issues
and Research, Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse; Centre d'Excellence,
Université Laval; and is an International Associate of the Centre for the
Study of the Social Impact of Gambling, University of Plymouth, England.