Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

  ISSN: 1494-5185

Journal of Gambling Issues

JGI: table of contents September 2005
Special issue
Proceedings of the 19th annual conference on prevention, research,
and treatment of problem gambling.
June 23–25, 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
National Council on Problem Gambling, Washington, DC, U.S.A.

The smell of gumbo was in the air...
Rachel Volberg

Preparing the 2005 National Conference on Problem Gambling conference transcripts for publication
Phil Lange

keynote address
Subtypes of problem gamblers
Alex Blaszczynski

session I
Critical issues in the etiology of problem gambling
(moderator: Alex Blaszczynski)

The neurobiology of pathological gambling
Jon Grant

Problem gambling—Is it in your genes?
Kamini Shah

Gambling and environmental issues
Rachel Volberg

session II
Critical issues in problem gambling prevention, public health,
and policy (moderator: Loreen Rugle)

A public health perspective
David Korn

What is the role of problem gambling help line services?
Jeff Marotta

Harm reduction, secondary prevention and approaches, and trying to make a machine a safe product
Alex Blaszczynski

The Association of Problem Gambling Service Administrators
Tim Christensen

session III
Critical issues in treatment (moderator: Ken Winters)

Brief interventions for problem gambling
David Hodgins

Empirically supported treatment for pathological gamblers
Robert Ladouceur

Pharmacological approaches
Jon Grant

Special populations and treatment for gambling problems
Loreen Rugle

Improving the measurement of outcomes in problem gambling treatment research
Tony Toneatto

Problem gambling certification and training: The issues of applied science
Joanna Franklin

session IV
Towards the DSM-V (moderator: Jon Grant)

The categorization of pathological gambling and the Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified
Richard Rosenthal

Theoretical models of pathological gambling
Carlos Blanco

Using statistics to explore the DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling
Marianna Toce-Gerstein


Formerly the Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling (EJGI)