Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

  ISSN: 1494-5185

Journal of Gambling Issues

JGI: table of contents April 2006

What can affective neuroscience teach us about gambling?
Martin Zack

"Brief reports" for rapid publishing of short research notes
Phil Lange

Gambling and problem gambling in a sample of university students
Robert J. Williams, Dennis Connolly, Robert T. Wood, & Nadine Nowatzki

Gender differences in problem gambling behaviour from help-line callers
Jill Heater & David Patton

Faro: A 19th-century gambling craze
Nigel E. Turner, Mark Howard, & Warren Spence

Characteristics of people seeking treatment for problem gambling in Ontario: Trends from 1998-2002
Karen A. Urbanoski & Brian R. Rush

Classroom or cyberspace: Ethical and methodological challenges of online gambling surveys for adolescents
Julie Lahn, Paul Delfabro, & Peter Grabosky

brief report
Underage gambling in Ontario casinos
Edward Adlaf, Angela Paglia-Boak, & Anca Ialomiteanu

clinical corner
The case of the bleak blackjack bettor: Clinical depression and pathological gambling
Bruce Ballon

Clarifying the at-risk label: A commentary
Blasé Gambino

book review
Gambling: Who Wins? Who Loses? (2003)
By Gerda Reith (editor)

book review
Born to lose (2005)
By Bill Lee

book review
Internet Gaming Law (2005)
By I. Nelson Rose & Martin D. Owens

movie review
Walking Tall (2004)

"In 'Conceptual challenges from pathological gambling'..."
Sue Pinkerton

letters to the editor

Formerly the Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling (EJGI)