theoretical discussion paper
[Editor's note: This correspondent conveniently placed his
views after the text on which he wished to comment. We have edited his
response for easier reading: (1) by adding "Comment:" and indenting his
response, and (2) by deleting the portions on which he did not comment. ]
Comments on "Between consumption and investment..."
In typical casinos, cash wagers are not permitted. Players
may only play with chips, so they must buy in, i.e., exchange cash for
chips. Money may be exchanged for chips at a cashier's desk or directly at
the table. The total amount of money exchanged for chips is called the drop
in casino terminology.
Comment: Drop may or may not be gambled, or risked against
the casino. Drop is not, therefore, equivalent to the amount gambled. The
amount gambled is called the "handle." In casino table games the handle is
typically a much larger number than the drop and may be derived from the
Handle = win/(expected value or house advantage).
For example, in double-zero roulette, the house advantage
is 5.26%. A $100 win therefore implies a handle, or amount wagered, of
100/0.0526 = $1,901. There is no necessary arithmetic relation between drop,
handle, and win, since the percentage of drop that is actually gambled is
unknown. Win or gross gaming revenue is equivalent to sales in the income
statement of, say, "General Widget": it represents the operator's gross
revenue from gaming, from which are deducted taxes, including gaming
privilege tax; operating costs; interest expense; depreciation;
amortization; and other charges against income. The residue, if any, is
profit. From the consumer's point of view, win or gross gaming revenue, not
drop or handle, is consumption (consumer spending on gaming).
Depending on the game, a typical monthly hold falls
between 15% and 25%. Since the house edge (i.e., statistical advantage) of
casino games is much smaller, this value of the hold indicates that the
total amount of cash wagered must be several times the total amount of money
exchanged for chips. For example, the house advantage in single-zero
roulette is about 2.7%; if the roulette hold is equal to 20%, each $1,000
exchanged for chips generates an average turnover of about $7,400 (see Kilby
& Fox, 1997, chap. 13, for a detailed discussion).
Comment: This is inaccurate but an all too common error. See above. Also, in
the US the usual accounting term is “handle,” not “turnover,” which is
British usage.
Casino managers use the terms drop, win, and
hold to refer
to aggregated financial variables from the casino viewpoint. But we may also
speak of an individual player's drop or hold. If Mr. X exchanges $500 for
chips during his visit and before leaving cashes chips totaling $350, his
drop is equal to $500 and the casino hold for Mr. X's visit is equal to 30%
Comment: This also is inaccurate; see above. The author is falling into a
common error at the pit boss level of casino management. If a player
exchanges $500 for chips and leaves the casino with $350 in cash exchanged
for chips, the following has occurred: the casino revenue accounting
department recorded a $500 drop and a $150 win. This player spent (lost)
$150. Casinos are unconcerned with individual player wins and losses except
in the important sense of qualifying the player for comps. The business
mission of any casino table game operation is to ensure that the tables are
tried enough times to reach statistical average or expected value. If the
casino succeeds in this, it will win, over time, the expected value of each
game (for example, 5.26% of the handle at roulette, which the casino does
not record unless it has installed one of the new computer-controlled
tables; drop is a substitute number that functions in table/cage accounting
relationships to control table gaming). Whether player X wins or loses is
The term win is confusing in this case, because it refers to the casino win
(or the player's loss). For the purpose of further analysis, the term
player's daily hold or PHOLD is defined as
PHOLD = 100% – hold.
Comment: Player daily hold cannot be meaningfully related
to casino or regulatory agency revenue accounting and hence to the numbers
generally used to describe gambling industries. While I understand the
measure that the author is trying to develop, it already exists, in very
much more detail, in (highly proprietary) casino player databases and
customer relationship management (CRM) programs. Harrah's has by far the
world's most extensive and advanced database of this kind: it would of
course not make these data available to outsiders and conducts analyses of
this kind internally as a routine matter, but might be amenable to an
approach from qualified academics for some sort of independent blind study
intended to identify factors influencing gambling behavior.
A possibly useful concept here is "player bankroll,"
meaning the wealth the player is prepared to risk against the casino. The
player may or may not exchange all of his or her bankroll for chips, either
because the casino allows him or her to play cash or play on credit
(markers), or because he or she is not inclined to do so. Gambler's ruin
occurs when the player bankroll is exhausted. The size of the bankroll makes
no difference to player outcomes except in the sense that the player cannot
be assured of reaching statistical average at a given game unless he or she
tries the table or device enough times. This may take days or weeks at some
games. As a practical matter, few players gamble long enough at a table game
for the results to reach statistical value (the "odds" or expected value of
the table game). Most players stop before this point is reached, with
results that are above (they win) or below (they lose) statistical average.
The casino, however, will see the expected value of its tables provided they
are tried enough times to reach statistical average. Again, as a practical
matter, in heavily trafficked casinos this will typically be true for all
table games in an accounting period (say, a month or quarter) with two
exceptions: very high stakes baccarat, where the shoe of cards may not be
tried enough times to reach statistical average, with consequent wide swings
either for or against the casino (or players), and single-deck blackjack, a
game that violates the law of independent trials sufficiently that skilled
players have an advantage (that is, the game has a negative expected value).
Single-deck blackjack is rarely encountered today.
Quantitative field studies of casino gambling are
extremely rare.
Comment: This isn't true. All casinos monitor individual
player gambling for the purpose of qualifying players for comps, i.e.,
rating players. Rating players is the most important aspect of CRM and is at
the heart of modern casino operations. Casinos have massive and detailed
records of individual player activity.
The average PHOLD for this strategy is 82.8%, which
translates to an average loss during the visit equal to $18.20. Ms. Y has a
47% probability of ruin before playing 120 deals. Additionally, 37% of her
visits will end with a tie or a net win. Overall, for a very large sample of
visits, Ms. Y's PHOLD values will have approximately a ruin-adjusted
binomial distribution.
Comment: These are the kinds of data maintained in casino
CRM files and they cannot be related to the consumption numbers (gross
gaming revenues) in corporate or regulatory agency reporting.
Now suppose that Ms. Y believes incorrectly that blackjack
is a good way to earn some money...
Comment: ...unless she is an expert card counter and the shoe is not larger
than four decks.
The analysis procedure outlined above may be easily
reversed. If we know the distribution of PHOLD, we may infer the player's
motivation to gamble. The only problem is how to obtain these data. It is
unlikely that survey research could provide the scientist with reliable
information regarding the distribution of a player's wins and losses...
Comment: Player database files report these data precisely for tens of
millions of players over periods of many years.
Since Polish casinos are small, the number of frequent
visitors is very limited. In addition, the whole procedure of data
collection and transfer is time consuming. This study was based on
observations from a 6-month period.
Comment: In pre-computer days, casinos did try to collect
these data through observation. For the past 25 years or so, computer
monitoring of machine play has eliminated the need for this in machine
operations; currently, computer table game control systems are eliminating
the need for the manual collection and filing of individual player activity
in table gaming.
1. Large differences in total hold
The casino hold differed significantly for frequent
players, ranging from as high as 55% to as low as a negative hold of –12%.
Random noise is definitely not the only reason for this variability.
Comment: As noted, the reason for this variation is that within the
observation period the player didn't try the device enough times for the
result to equal expected value.
The hold for many high rollers is usually lower than the
hold for recreational players.
Comment: The reason for this is that high rollers overwhelmingly make more
intelligent choices than low rollers.
For the vast majority of players, both the hedonic (i.e.,
pleasurable experience) and the investment (i.e., desire to win money)
dimensions of gambling are important. However, there are strong individual
differences. Table 2 presents the data for four players labeled High Roller,
Investor, Social Gambler, and Consumer. The labels High Roller and
speak for themselves. The investor is a medium player (i.e., placing
medium-sized bets) who definitely wants to win some money but also enjoys
the atmosphere of the casino—so he often takes a break between his bets,
walks to the bar, etc. Additionally, he usually takes certificates if he
wins. The social gambler is a recreational player who is probably not very
rich but likes to play and very much enjoys staying in the casino. However,
he knows of his limited resources and does not play heavily. The last two
statistics in Table 2 are very important and require some explanation. The
average drop is conditioned on whether the visits ended with a win (PHOLD
greater than or equal to 100%) or a loss (PHOLD less than 100%) or, simply
speaking, the average drop for the subsample of visits ending with a gain or
tie (for convenience, this will be labeled WIN_ADROP) and the average drop
for the remaining visits (LOS_ADROP) are considered. In a simple consumption
model that assumes single buy-in and playing for fun, the values of
WIN_ADROP and LOS_ADROP should be equal, regardless of drop variability.
However, a compulsive gambler who always attempts to chase losses will
report LOS_ADROP substantially greater than WIN_ADROP. However, this
difference may also be caused by a cautious strategy in which the gambler
simply does not want to exchange all of his or her money at once. Finally,
players who frequently generate false drops may report WIN_ADROP greater
Comment: Here you touch on a fundamental distinction among
gambling games: different games are associated with or stimulate different
gambling behaviors. Take "heavy gambling," which, no matter how defined, is
a common parameter in academic gambling studies. In a game of pure chance
utilizing a random device, heavy gambling will lead to loss that if
sufficiently protracted will equate exactly with the game's a priori
expected value. All possible strategies at double-zero roulette will
eventually (if the bankroll is sufficient and the wheel is tried enough
times for the result to reach statistical average) result in the loss of
5.26% of the amount wagered (i.e., handle, not drop). Craps, slot machines,
roulette, and Big Six all fall into this category. Blackjack does not,
because the device employed in blackjack, a deck or shoe of cards, is not
random in that successive trials violate the law of independent trials
unless the deck or shoe is shuffled after each hand. Heavy gambling at
blackjack may indicate that the player is an expert counter and is pursuing
a profession. Games of mixed chance and skill, where the element of skill is
sufficient to give expert players a positive expectation (i.e., the game has
negative expected value for a casino), fall into this category. Poker is the
most prominent current example. Expert poker players have positive
expectations; consequently, poker supports professional players. This is why
poker is never played against the house; casinos would be funding the
incomes of expert poker players. When poker is offered commercially, poker
operators use other methods of extracting money from the game. Poker rooms
in California charge seat rentals, Nevada casino rooms rake the pot
(typically 5% of the pot), and so forth. A related category of game used for
commercial gambling comprises games of subjective probability: betting on
sports events, horse races, and so forth. Such games create markets similar
to the markets for currencies or securities and similarly support
professional investors (bettors). Professional bettors at games of mixed
chance and skill like poker or sports or horse race betting may devote
enormous amounts of time to the activity and generate staggering handles.
The Internet created conditions in which professional bettors could greatly
expand the scope of their operations: in one case, a trading room, similar
to a currency trading room, that employed a substantial number of people and
highly sophisticated software capable of analyzing a great number of races
(to identify undervalued horses) was established in Pacific Asia by a
professional horse race bettor; the operation made its entrepreneur
financially independent within a few years, at which point he retired.
Parenthetically, all gambling games redistribute wealth among their players
(commercial games additionally extract a percentage of the wealth of all
players collectively and transfer it to the operator in the form of win or
gross gaming revenue). Games of mixed chance and skill and games of
subjective probability redistribute wealth from inexpert players ("marks")
to expert players.
Table 2
Statistics for four distinct players showing large differences in money
management strategies
(drop is standardized) |
Player |
High roller
Social gambler
Visits |
63 |
54 |
107 |
57 |
Casino hold |
10% |
(7%) |
28% |
32% |
Frequency of wins |
67% |
65% |
38% |
21% |
Frequency of ruins |
14% |
17% |
49% |
60% |
SD drop |
0.86 |
0.94 |
0.69a |
0.79 |
Av. drop/wins |
0.63 |
0.64 |
0.75 |
1.01 |
Av. drop/losses |
1.74b |
1.66b |
1.15b |
1.00 |
Parentheses denote negative hold.
aThe SD drop of the social
gambler is significantly lower than the SD drop of the high roller
and the investor (p < .05). Other comparisons of the SD drop are n.s.
bFor the high roller, the
investor, and the social gambler, Av. drop/losses is significantly greater
than Av. drop/wins (p < .001).
Comment: In games of mixed chance and skill and games
of subjective probability these values may differ, depending on the
players observed.
For the majority of casino players, visits ending with a
win corresponded to a substantially smaller drop than visits ending with a
loss. This is exactly opposite to the result obtained by Schellinck and
Schrans (2002) in their study of Canadian VLT players. Schellinck and
Schrans found out that players tend to switch from one machine to another to
reinvest their wins.
Comment: This is a common reason for switching machines in markets, such as
Nevada, that allow operators to set the consumer price of individual
machines: players switch machines endeavoring to find the “loosest” or
lowest-priced machine.
Manuscript history: These comments were received on March
16, 2006.
For correspondence: Eugene Christiansen, Christiansen
Capital Advisors, LLC,
250 West 57th Street, Suite 432, New York, New York 10107, U.S.A.