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[This article prints out to about 21 pages.] "Double trouble": The lived experience of problem and pathological gambling in later life
Abstract Objective: The objective of this phenomenological qualitative study was to explore the lived experience of older adults who engage in problem or pathological gambling. Introduction In recent years, older Canadians who gamble have increasingly caught the attention of the media due to a growing awareness of the tremendous market that seniors pose for the gaming industry. For example, a December 17, 2000, issue of the Ottawa Citizen ran a typical story on seniors and gambling, stating, "With carefully pitched offers of free food, transportation and a cozy social environment, gambling is growing among seniors while gaming addictions trail not far behind." Similarly, an addictions counsellor was recently quoted in an on-line casino newsletter describing casinos as "a sea of grey" (Casino Gambling News, 2000). Indeed, many casinos are aggressively marketing gambling to seniors, realizing that seniors have increased time to engage in leisure activities and increasingly find gambling an enjoyable, social, and exciting pastime (Hope & Havir, 2000; McNeilly & Burke, 2000, 2001; Morgan Research, 1997; Munro, Cox-Bishop, McVey, & Munro, 2003; Savoye, 2001). MethodResearch design A phenomenological approach was utilized in order to understand older adults' lived experience of gambling. The aim of the phenomenological approach is to "understand a phenomenon by having the data speak for itself" (Osborne, 1990, p. 81), or, in this particular case, to understand, as intentional objects, the themes of gambling in the context of research participants' lived experiences (Heidegger, 1962; Osborne, 1990; Van Manen, 1984, 1990). Van Manen (1984) described phenomenological research as the study of lived experience in which the essence or nature of an experience has been adequately described in language so that the description reawakens or shows us the lived meaning or significance of the experience in a fuller or deeper manner. Van Manen (1984) saw actual phenomenological research as a dynamic interplay in which we turn to a phenomenon of serious interest, investigate the experience as we live it rather than as we conceptualize it, reflect on the essential themes that characterize the phenomenon, and, finally, describe the phenomenon. ParticipantsOlder adult participants had to be at least 65 years of age and were recruited through ads in local newspapers, notices at casinos and senior centres, and information booths at casinos. Interested participants were offered $30 for their participation. Recruitment of problem-pathological gamblers proved to be difficult, probably largely due to some of the potential embarrassment and shame associated with identifying as a problem gambler. Subjects were determined as being either problem or probable pathological gamblers through a combination of the results of the two gambling screens. After three months of recruiting subjects, a total of 24 participants agreed to participate in the study and the initial screening. In the end, a total of 11 participants met the screening criteria for problem or probable pathological gamblers and agreed to be interviewed. All participants were over 65, with 9 females and 2 males being interviewed. Ethical considerationsThe entire research protocol was reviewed and approved by a University Research Ethics Board, and participant confidentiality was assured by the use of pseudonym initials selected by the research participants for the transcription of interviews. Data collectionUse of gambling screening toolsTwo gambling screens were used with participants: the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) and the NORC DSM Screen for Gambling Problems (NODS). With the SOGS (Lesieur & Blume, 1987), a score of three to five represents problem gambling, and scores of five or more represent probable pathological gambling. Our participants all had scores of three or higher, with an average of 7.63. The NODS (Gerstein et al., 1999) was devised by the National Opinion Research Center for the 1999 National Survey of Gambling Behavior. The NODS classifies respondents as low risk (gamblers with no adverse affects), at risk (gamblers meeting one or two of the criteria), problem (three or four of the criteria), and pathological (five or more criteria). Our 11 participants averaged 5.27 for the NODS "lifetime" score. The score for the last year was not used as a few of the older adults were now in recovery for their gambling addiction. However, all participants met the criteria for lifetime problem gambler with a score of three or more. Table 1 Problem or probable pathological gamblers (N = 11)
Phenomenological interviewsThe 11 participants identified as being either problem or probable pathological gamblers participated in an in-depth audio-taped interview, lasting between 40 and 80 minutes, exploring their lived experience of gambling as seniors. As opposed to a predetermined schedule of research questions, a narrative method was used to give a natural chronological story structure to the interviews (Cochrane, 1985; 1986). Research participants were, however, invited to describe their lived experience of gambling from the beginning of their gambling, and the progression of their gambling over time, including pivotal events and turning points. ResultsDescription of data analysis proceduresAn analytical procedure outlined by Osborne (1990) was used to conduct the thematic analysis of the data. The researchers read and familiarized themselves with each interview transcription. Each research participant's interview was then reduced to simple paraphrases or surface themes. From these surface themes, higher-order clusters of themes were made within each interview. Following this, the researchers drew out the themes that were common across interviews to highlight the shared structures of the experience of gambling. Interview themesEscaping and being on your ownCasino and electronic gaming appeared in many cases to have provided older adults, particularly women, with the opportunity to go beyond the traditional roles of caring and sacrifice for others. For example, P.M. spoke of her gambling this way: "When you're here (gambling) … you're more or less on your own and nobody can control you—we always helped our kids a lot, so I didn't feel like I should just scrimp and save any more!" Another woman, T.L., described her gambling as a welcome relief from years of having to commit to her family: "I raised a family all by myself, done all these things … I've had to follow all these rules and I've had to commit myself, always, always, always, I'm not doing it any more, I am retired." Similarly, M.M. acknowledged, "You don't do it every day, but you do it occasionally, and I have to admit that it is fun to stay up until three … and be bad for change!" Gambling appeared to provide an escape from the reality of current life problems for many seniors. T.L. explained this as follows:
M.M. reiterated this idea of gambling as an escape, even going so far as to call it her "fairy world" and "little hideaway." She explained why her gambling became so problematic for her in later life:
P.M. suffered the loss of her husband, and gambling became her avenue of escape:
C.A. described how gambling could even help you forget about the physical losses associated with aging: "I know I'm losing in the long run … but I use it as a recreation vehicle.… I want to forget about my arthritis in my hands." In addition to providing an escape, pathological gambling could also provide a way for seniors to isolate themselves when they feel depressed or solitary. C.F. described this well:
Feeling good through a big winWinning can be experienced by older pathological gamblers as a powerful ego-booster and keeps them addicted to gambling, as they try to recreate the magical feelings of the big win. O.L. described this magic :
M.A. had a similar way of describing this: " I feel good … I generally don't win that much, but it's something wonderful now and then, where I have won four or five hundred dollars, that's great." C.A ., an older gentleman with gambling problems, described how these early big wins initially "hooked" him into gambling and began his problems:
Experiencing a big win appears to both begin, and revitalize, the gambling process for older pathological gamblers. H.J. describes her surprise with not only winning a large amount but being a winner:
Some older gamblers, however, had the insight to realize that such big wins could have a darker side—a side that kept drawing them back to gambling. As M.M. relayed, with a serious expression on her face, "I have occasionally won twenty-seven hundred from only playing three loonies, and I said, 'Oh my God, I shouldn't have done this … because now we'll be gambling again.'" The emotional roller coaster rideOlder adult problem gamblers can get carried away by the gambling action—one moment they are up, the next they come hurtling down again. Due to the unpredictability of the gaming action, the problem gambler becomes caught in a veritable roller coaster ride of emotions. H.J. described his own gambling ups and downs : "In horse racing you are either down in the depths, because you had a bad day, or else you're exhilarated … there's hardly any in between." The highs of the roller coaster can indeed be sweet and exciting, as O.L. explains:
However, older problem gamblers also described the dreaded lows that quickly follow the highs of the roller coaster ride of gambling. B.B. experienced it this way: "It's just such a big fast flip-flop … first, it's real excitement and then, BANG! ... real depression." T.L.'s experience with depression mirrors this: " You can quickly become very depressed and angry, all sorts of things and I'm too ashamed to admit to my family that I gamble as much as I do." Similarly, B.B. reported being in and out of depression, often voicing her anger and depression to the actual machines she was playing:
As gambling expenditures increase, the values and belief systems of the older gamblers become jeopardized, subsequently triggering guilt and self-loathing. M.A., for example, told how his gambling problems were in conflict with his Christian beliefs: "My son doesn't say much of anything about my gambling even though we're fairly close.… I might not sound like it, but I am a very strong Christian, so sometimes I have some guilty feelings there." Similarly, O.L. remarked how her behaviour was at odds with what she believed she should do:
Guilt, in turn, is accompanied in several pathological gamblers by chronic worrying and remorse. P.L. acknowledged this:
P.M. also felt both guilty and worried about her gambling behaviours:
Double trouble: Extended play to recoup losses or to keep winningParticipants spoke often of the intense chaos generated by attempts to recoup losses and remain in control of their lives. M.A. affirmed that chasing losses was intense:
T.L. was also seduced into chasing losses:
O.L. descended into this same "craziness" to recoup her losses:
This urge to recover losses can become so pronounced that people may gamble for extended periods, with complete loss of any sense of time. M.M. acknowledged that this was the case for her: "Sometimes we are there from ten o'clock in the morning until three o'clock in the morning." Similarly, older problem gamblers could lose track of not only how much they were gambling during a day but even how much they were gambling during a week. As C.F. stated, "I'd kind of lose track of the days … like last week I think I went back for three days in a row because I am on a winning streak." M.A. also noted this:
With some participants, this "double trouble" of playing to recoup losses or keep winning led to unusual or obsessive behaviour. B.B. described this kind of behaviour with relation to the machines she would play:
S.J. described similar thinking and behaviour:
Attempting to regulate or cut back on gamblingMany problem gamblers in this study reported phases of trying to regulate or cut down their gambling. For example, one participant would occasionally keep track of the amount of gambling on a computer, while another used a notebook. M.A., in contrast, tried to develop a schedule:
Yet such attempts to regulate gambling often seemed short-lived and often left the older problem gambler frustrated and yearning to play more. P.L. described it this way: "I have gone up to two or three weeks and completely stayed away, but then I get that big urge to play." O.L. had a similar experience:
Hiding, lying, borrowing, and stealing to continue gamblingParticipants also described a process where, as their gambling became more and more out of control, they increased their efforts to hide their gambling from significant others. C.F. described her experience of this: "Sometimes right at ten o'clock I would need to go gamble, if I didn't have to work, I would lie to my husband, and tell him that I have to clean some more houses." P.M. also tried to hide her gambling from her daughter: "I would park beside the Salvation Army, and tell her and pretend that I am doing volunteer work there, but my daughter finally checked a couple of times." One study participant, B.B., felt so burdened by her gambling behaviour that she went to extravagant means to conceal it from others:
Eventually, some participants had lost so much control of gambling expenditures that they would begin to borrow or steal to continue to chase "the big win." B.B. described how this happened to her:
M.M. also described problems with banks, who she claimed "never asked a thing," because she was a "nice little old lady." She put it this way:
P.M. too, lost her house to pay for her gambling habit: " Well I sold my house, and the price of my house is gone.… I used to be pretty well off at one time." Clinging to hope: "There's always that chance"Even when they claimed they knew logically that their "chase" was hopeless, many participants described still clinging to the faint hope of winning the big jackpot. O.L . describes this:
T.L. had also reached the hopelessness phase of his gambling, yet continued to wager more and more for that one final win that would "save" him:
Hitting bottom: Putting the brakes on gamblingFor a few participants, a point came when the feverish gambling finally ended in a process of "hitting bottom" or "putting the brakes on." For participants, this process happened in different ways. For P.M., hitting bottom was simply having nowhere else to go for money: "Well when you run out of money you pretty well have to put the brakes on.… I realized I had no more to live on, and that I was in big trouble." For T.L., rock bottom also coincided with completely running out of money: "I didn't have enough money to pay the rent and so I went down to the bank and said, 'Has this cheque been cashed or has this cheque been cashed?'—but I knew the game was over." For B.B., hitting bottom was accompanied by a brush with suicide:
Seeking helpFour study participants had actually sought help for their gambling problems. B.B. had seen an advertisement for a 1-800 gambling help number, and gathered the courage to both phone and tell her husband about her gambling: "… so I phoned the 1-800 number and they told me when the meetings were, so I sat down and told him , but I told him you need to come with me." C.F. also attested to how the first experience of seeking help was fraught with fear and anxiety:
Another older pathological gambler who got help by attending Gamblers Anonymous described a similar experience of his first few meetings: " It was just not me in there, there are a lot of people out there like me, and if I was going to get help, I had to stick with it." Other participants found Gamblers Anonymous less than helpful. T.L. explained her experience:
Recovering from a gambling compulsion can be attempted in many ways: some try treatment, some try to control their gambling, others try Gamblers Anonymous, while others quit cold turkey. M.M. tried another avenue: "I went to a hypnotist, it cost me three hundred dollars, and I stayed away for eight months." DiscussionOur findings, drawn from the lived experience of older adult problem and pathological gamblers, appear to be similar to previous research that suggests that there is a need for greater awareness and examination of the growing number of adults who venture into casinos (Bazargan et al., 2000; Fessler, 1996; Glazer, 1998; Gosker, 1999; Grant, Kim, & Brown, 2001; McNeilly & Burke, 2000, 2001; Morgan Research, 1997; Munro et al., 2003; Petry, 2002; Wiebe, 2002). This examination found that gaming is not always a risk-free pastime for older adult gamblers and that their behaviours not only posed financial risks but led to psychological and social dysfunction. Through a phenomenological approach to understanding the lived experience of eleven representatives we compiled nine themes that appear to have manifested themselves during problem and pathological levels of gaming. One interesting theme, which many of the female gamblers verbalized, was that gambling was an avenue to break away from traditional and stereotypical roles. It appears that gambling began as a novelty for some older adults, but over a period of time this novelty, whereby one seeks to integrate oneself into a different lifestyle, ended up having serious social, psychological, and financial costs. What we found particularly interesting was that older adult gamblers didn't deny having a gambling problem themselves but went to extravagant means to hide it from family and friends. Also interesting was the extent to which older adult gamblers experienced guilt and shame from concealing their gaming. Raised during the Great Depression or shortly thereafter, the older adults in our study disclosed that they had been conditioned to hold saving money and being thrifty in great esteem. Some similarities among our gambling themes have also been found in adult problem and pathological gambling studies, such as chasing losses, failed attempts to cut down or regulate gambling, binge gambling, gambling to escape current life stressors, entering into illegal acts to continue to gamble, and hitting bottom (McCown & Chamberlain, 2000; Mok & Hraba, 1991; National Research Center, 1991; Petry, 2002; Shaffer et al., 1997). In spite of these similarities, there is a stark difference between the older adult's ability to recover from hitting bottom and the resulting health complications, psychological and social impairment, and financial ruin that may follow. As well, older adults are a proud group of individuals whose merit in life is tied to a strong sense of self-reliance in an age where our society isolates and marginalizes them (McNeilly & Burke, 2000, 2001; Mok & Hraba, 1991). As a result, as evidenced by our research participants, when gambling ends and older adults hit rock bottom, they are reluctant to seek treatment and are left to deal with financial debt, social impairment, and psychological maladies by themselves, which only perpetuates their guilt, depression, and loneliness and sometimes leads to extreme behaviours such as fraud, theft, and even suicide attempts. Overall, it appears that this new populace of problem-pathological older adult gamblers is a hybrid of sorts. This hybrid has characteristics of the younger problem-pathological gambler, yet it carries with it characteristics that may pose a greater threat to the older adult, such as a reluctance to seek help for problem gambling and having less time to recover from psychological, social, and financial ruin. Given that a greater percentage of the population is on the brink of retirement age, and as casino style gaming becomes more socially acceptable along with its increasing availability, it appears that this new hybrid of older adult problem gambler may continue to rise. Therefore, it is important that future research on gambling among older adults employ both phenomenological and quantitative approaches so that we can be better prepared to understand the detrimental influence that gambling has on older adults during and after problem-pathological gambling. It also seems important, given the vulnerability of older adults to problem gambling and their reluctance to seek help for their gambling addiction issues, that prevention programs be researched and implemented both for individuals on the brink of retirement age and for those already retired. References
For correspondence: Gary Nixon, PhD, School of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, AB, T1K 3M4 Canada. Phone: (403) 329-2644, fax: (403) 329-2668, e-mail: gary.nixon@uleth.ca Contributors: GN conceived the study. GN, BH, and RW contributed to the design of the study. GN and JS conducted the research interviews and thematic analysis. JS transcribed the interviews. GN and JS wrote the first draft. RW provided gambling screen literature and consultation. GN, JS, and BH were involved in writing the final draft. Competing Interests: None declared. Ethics approval: The University of Lethbridge Human Subjects Research Committee gave Human Subjects Research Approval for the research project "Seniors and gambling: Towards a better understanding" on December 10, 2001. Funding: We gratefully acknowledge direct funding for this project provided by the Alberta Gaming Research Institute. GN and BH are employed as faculty members with the School of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge. RW is employed as the Alberta Gaming Research Node Coordinator at the School of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge. Gary Nixon, PhD, is an associate professor in the School of Health Sciences and Addictions Counselling program coordinator. Gary is a counselling psychologist with interests in existential, transpersonal, and developmental approaches to counselling and psychotherapy. His research and publications in addictions lie in the areas of seniors, second stage recovery, quantum change, ego-transcendence, narrative therapy, and phenomenological-hermeneutics. E-mail: Gary.nixon@uleth.ca Jason Solowoniuk, BHSc, is a masters student in the Counselling Psychology program at the University of Lethbridge. He has a special interest in psychoanalytic and object-relations approaches to psychotherapy as well as phenomenological-hermeneutics. He is currently conducting research on gambling archetypes for his masters thesis as well as being involved with a number of other gambling research projects. E-mail: Jason.solowoniuk@uleth.ca Brad Hagen, RN, PhD, is currently an associate professor in the School of Health Sciences, where he teaches in both the Nursing and the Addictions Counselling programs. Brad's current clinical and research interests lie in the broad areas of mental health and gerontology, and he has recently been involved in a variety of research projects investigating the use of psychotropic medications in nursing homes, problem gambling among seniors, advanced practice nursing, and family care-giving with frail elders, among others. When not working, Brad enjoys the mountains of southern Alberta and northern Montana—hiking, climbing, and avoiding ticks and grizzly bears. E-mail: Brad.hagen@uleth.ca Robert Williams, PhD, is a professor in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Lethbridge. He is a clinical psychologist by training and was the regional psychologist for Manitoba Health and Family Services (Thompson region) from 1986 to 1996. From 1996 to 2001, he was both a clinician and a researcher at the Addiction Centre, Foothills Medical Centre, in Calgary, Alberta. In January 2001, Dr. Williams accepted a faculty position at the University of Lethbridge. He has published in the areas of seasonal affective disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, adolescent addictions, and problem gambling. His current research mandate is the study of gambling. E-mail: Robert.williams@uleth.ca
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