Issue 3 February 2001  ISSN: 1494-5185


Issue 3 Contents February 2001

IntroFrom the Editor

FeatureIs Gambling an Addiction like Drug and Alcohol Addiction? Developing Realistic and Useful Conceptions of Compulsive Gambling
By Stanton Peele

FeatureClassification of Pathological Gambling as an Impulse Disorder
By Mark W. Langewisch and G. Ron Frisch

FeatureAmbient Frontiers: The El Rancho Vegas and Hotel Last Frontier, Strip Pioneers
By David G Schwartz

OpinionBeliefs and Value Systems: Understanding all Australians
By Diane Gabb

FeatureChips, Chatter and Friends
By Barry Fritz

Service ProfileProblem Gambling Service, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada

Book ReviewBetting the House: Winners, Losers and the Politics of Canada's Gambling Obsession (1999) by Brian Hutchinson
Reviewed by Lisa Schmidt

Book ReviewDiary of a Powerful Addiction (1999) by Alexandra King
Reviewed by Roberta Boughton

FeatureViva Rock Vegas
Reviewed by Nigel Turner




