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Publishing Addiction Science

The release of this issue of JGI coincides with the launch of the second edition of Publishing Addiction Science: A Guide for the Perplexed, a comprehensive guide to publishing addiction research co-sponsored by the International Society of Addiction Journal Editors (ISAJE) and the Society for the Study of Addiction.

This free resource has applicability for a variety of professionals: for the novice researcher, it provides practical advice on choosing the appropriate journal for your manuscript, avoiding manuscript pitfalls, and publishing graduate-level theses. For first-time (and seasoned) reviewers, a chapter on peer-review provides suggestions on how to competently referee articles. For journal editors, providing a link on your website to any of the book’s chapters will guide prospective authors to what you consider best practice.

Publishing Addiction Science is available free on the ISAJE website, here: (http://www.parint.org/isajewebsite/isajebook2.htm). Print versions can also be ordered through Multi-Science (www.multi-science.co.uk), or Amazon.com beginning in April of 2009.

The Journal of Gambling Issues is a proud member of the International Society of Addiction Editors, and gladly supports this unique contribution to the field of addiction research.

Daryl Boshart
Editor, Journal of Gambling Issues


issue 22 —
December 2008
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health logo.

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