Canadian Perinatal
Health Report - 2008 EDITION

PDF Version 
(1.77 MB, 335 pages)
ISBN: 978-0-662-47237-7
Cat: HP10-12/2008E-PDF
A national report on 29 indicators of the health of pregnant women, mothers and babies in Canada
Table of Contents
Section A: Determinants of Maternal, Fetal and Infant Health
Behaviours and Practices
- Rate of Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy
- Rate of Maternal Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke during Pregnancy
- Rate of Maternal Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy
- Rate of Breastfeeding
- Rate of Periconceptional Folic Acid Supplementation
- Rate of Low Maternal Education
- Rate of Live Births to Teenage Mothers
- Rate of Live Births to Older Mothers
Health Services
- Rate of Labour Induction
- Rate of Cesarean Delivery
- Rate of Operative Vaginal Delivery
- Rate of Trauma to the Perineum
- Rate of Early Maternal Discharge from Hospital after Childbirth
- Rate of Early Neonatal Discharge from Hospital after Birth
Section B: Maternal, Fetal and Infant Health Outcomes
Maternal Health Outcomes
- Maternal Mortality Ratio
- Severe Maternal Morbidity Rate
- Induced Abortion Ratio
- Rate of Ectopic Pregnancy
- Rate of Maternal Readmission after Discharge following Childbirth
Fetal and Infant Health Outcomes
- Preterm Birth Rate
- Postterm Birth Rate
- Small-for-Gestational-Age Rate
- Large-for-Gestational-Age Rate
- Fetal Mortality Rate
- Infant Mortality Rate
- Severe Neonatal Morbidity Rate
- Multiple Birth Rate
- Prevalence of Congenital Anomalies
- Rate of Neonatal Hospital Readmission after Discharge following Birth
Section C: Appendices
Appendix A: Data Sources and Methods
Appendix A.1: Impact of Analysis by Province/Territory of Residence
versus Province/Territory of Hospitalization
Appendix A.2: ICD-9 and ICD-10 Code Conversions for Selected Indicators
Appendix B: Guide to the Interpretation of Statistical Information in the
Canadian Perinatal Health Report, 2008 Edition
Appendix C: List of Perinatal Health Indicators
Appendix D: List of Acronyms
Appendix E: Components of Fetal-Infant Mortality
Appendix F: Data Tables Accompanying An Overview of Perinatal Health
in Canada
Appendix G: Data Tables for Figures Presented in Sections A and B
Appendix H: Ontario Vital Statistics Data
Appendix I: Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System (CPSS)
(as of January 2008)