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Volume 22-18 |
The Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel (CATMAT)*TUBERCULOSIS SCREENING AND THE INTERNATIONAL TRAVELLERIntroduction Tuberculosis (TB) is a severe and potentially life-threatening disease. The number of new cases of TB are increasing for many reasons in both developed and developing nations. Some international travellers may be at risk of acquiring a new TB infection abroad due to the nature of their travel. Early detection and intervention may have significant health benefits for the individual infected as well as for public health. This paper discusses the rationale for tuberculin skin-test (TST) screening as part of a surveillance program to detect new infections in international travellers. Recommendations are made using evidence-based medicine categories for the strength of the recommendation and the quality of evidence on which the recommendation is made (1). TB remains the leading cause of death in the world from a single infectious disease (2) . An estimated 8 million new cases of TB infection and 2.9 million deaths occur annually (3) . Approximately one-third of the world's population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is at risk for developing the disease. The overall annual risk of TB infection in sub-Saharan Africa is estimated to be 1.5 to 2.5% (2) . In parts of India and other Asian countries the rate of TB also exceeds 100/100,000 population (Figure 1) (4,5) . Recent reports on global TB notification rates indicate a deterioration in control in many parts of the world. They also suggest that significant underreporting may be occurring, particularly in parts of Asia. These global trends of increasing TB notifications compare poorly to the rates of the disease reported in Canada, which have steadily fallen from 12.1/100,000 population in the early 1980s to a stable rate of approximately 7.5/100,000 population over the last 5 years ending with 1992 (6) . The rate of new cases in some regions of the developing world exceeds the rate in Canada by over 300 times. Not all developed nations have shown a decline in the rate of reported new cases of TB. Switzerland, Italy and the United States are all experiencing a resurgence of new cases (7,8) . Several factors are contributing to this resurgence, including the phasing-out of TB surveillance and control programs, the emergence of multiple-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB), large scale migration, social and natural disasters, and infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The risk of developing clinical TB in tuberculin-positive individuals is very high in HIV-seropositive patients. The rate is estimated to be 7.9 cases per 100 person years (7.9% per year) (9) . Other medical conditions are also associated with an increased risk of developing TB (if infected with M. tuberculosis) - sarcoidosis, diabetes, end-stage renal disease, intravenous drug (IVD) abuse, Hodgkin's disease, malignant lymphomas, cancers of the head and neck, gastrectomy, jejunoileal bypass, and being 10% or more below ideal body weight (10) . International travel to an area of endemic transmission for TB may be a risk factor for acquiring a new infection (4,5) . However, travel as a risk factor for acquisition of TB is not systematically recorded and reported in epidemiologic records. From preliminary data on 379 prospectively screened travellers who spent at least 1 month in a meso-endemic to hyper-endemic TB transmission zone, six of 47 of these travellers who had completed pre-travel and post-travel screening were diagnosed as having new TB infections. Two of the six travellers were found to actually have TB (Dr. D. MacPherson, Regional Parasitology Laboratory, Hamilton: personal communication, 1996). This suggests that the nature of exposure to TB in Canadians travelling to certain areas abroad may entail as great a risk of infection as that which occurs in the local population. In this study, it is notable that two of the infections occurred in travellers with only 1 month of exposure while abroad. Due to the mode of transmission of TB (respiratory droplet), it can be assumed that certain travellers may be at risk. Travel in an area of high endemicity; prolonged duration of exposure; and activities which intensify exposure, such as health-care work, refugee-care work, and back packing may be significant in determining acquisition of a new infection. In addition, the presence of any one of several medical conditions mentioned above may predispose the traveller to TB when infection occurs (10) . Once infected with M. tuberculosis, there is a risk of developing TB. In a review of the British Medical Research Council's tuberculosis vaccine trials, Styblo estimated the risk of developing TB in recent converters to TST (11) . Of 32,282 participants who were tuberculin-negative [to 100 tuberculin units (TU)] and who had a normal chest x-ray on entry, 12,867 were chosen at random and left unvaccinated. These individuals, nearly all aged 14 to 15.5 years, were followed by periodic TSTs and chest x-rays for about 10 years and cases of TB occurring were recorded for a total of 20 years. Using the criterion of 8 mm of induration or more to 3 TU, 1,335 (10.4%) were found to be infected during an interval of about 10 years and 108 cases of clinical TB had developed during the 10 years following primary infection. A review of the chest x-rays found a total of 234 cases of TB within 15 years of entry among the participants who were initially tuberculin-negative. Fifty-four percent of the cases of TB developed within 1 year, and 80% within 2 years following infection. This indicates that the TST can be a powerful epidemiologic tool to detect who has acquired TB infection and to predict who will be at early risk of disease following tuberculin conversion. Five units of purified protein derivative (PPD) administered intracutaneously by the Mantoux technique is the recommended method of tuberculin testing. Other strengths of PPD and their interpretation have not been standardized. Induration is then measured 48 to 72 hours later. See Table 1 for interpretative standards for PPD testing (10,12,13) . The surrounding erythema is not used in interpreting the test result. While it is true that the majority of patients with TB will have >10 mm of induration in reaction to 5 TU of PPD (median induration approximately 16-17 mm), it is also true that the majority of persons who have not been exposed toM. tuberculosis will experience no or very little induration with TST (14) .
Table 1 Interpretative Standards for the
TST A tuberculin reaction of >= 5 mm is classified as positive in the following groups:
A tuberculin reaction of >= 10 mm is classified as positive in all other persons who do not meet the above criteria. This would include the following:
Factors Influencing The Tuberculin Test Result A. Technique The tuberculin dose (PPD 5 TU in 0.1 mL) must be delivered intradermally on the volar aspect of the arm using a disposable 1 mL syringe and a 27 gauge needle (15,16) . A wheal must be raised by the injection. If this does not happen then the test should be repeated. Tests are then read 48 to 72 hours later by measuring the transverse diameter of the resulting induration by the technique described by Sokal: a line is drawn with a medium ball-point pen from a point 1 to 2 cm away from the margin of the skin test reaction, toward its center. Moderate pressure is exerted against the skin, and the pen is moved slowly. When the subject's skin turgor is reduced, it is desirable to maintain tension in the skin by exerting slight traction opposite to the direction of the pen movement, from a point behind the pen. When the ball point reaches the margin of the indurated area, and definite resistance to further movement is noted, the pen is then lifted. This procedure is then repeated from the opposite side of the reaction. The lines drawn by the pen provide a visible record of the margins of induration, and the distance between opposing lines can be measured accurately (17) . Two recent reports have raised concerns about the reliability of two tuberculin products used in skin testing IVD users, some of whom were infected with the HIV, and in individuals with no known medical conditions that would predispose to TB (18,19) . Caution is recommended in choosing which tuberculin agent is used for testing and in interpreting the results, especially in high-risk populations. B. Boosting Thompson and colleagues described the phenomenon of boosting in health-care givers (16) . This occurs when a previously TB-infected individual demonstrates a negative tuberculin test on initial testing, but a positive result when testing is repeated 1 week or more later. Presumably, the first tuberculin test has boosted an amnestic immune response resulting in an increase in induration by at least 6 mm over the first test, to a total swelling of at least 10 mm. In their study population, boosting was seen in all age groups, but increased with age. Two-step TST should be considered when screening any individual who may have been previously infected with TB and whose initial test is negative. Since this original description of boosting phenomenon was reported, two Canadian studies have described the same effect in 5.2% of students entering medical training in Montreal, Quebec (20) , and in 4.9% of elementary school students in a contact-tracing program in Scarborough, Ontario (21) . This suggests that, although boosting may increase with age and other risk factors for mycobacterial exposure, it is also reasonably common in a young, "low-risk" population. C. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) Immunization It has been widely held that previous immunization with BCG causes a persistent positive TST (23,24) that can be detected using the boosting technique of Thompson (16) . Some recent studies suggest that positive skin reactions in people previously immunized with BCG are in actual fact due to infection with M. tuberculosis (25,26) . Controversy on the effect of BCG immunization on the TST has been reviewed recently (27) . TST is not contraindicated in an individual previously immunized with BCG. In a person who has received BCG, the probability that a positive TST ( >10 mm induration) is caused by infection due to M. tuberculosis increases with the size of the induration, particularly when the patient is a contact of a person with TB (especially a contagious case when secondary spread has already been documented), when there is a family history of TB or if the patient's country of origin has a high prevalence of TB, and as the interval between BCG immunization and TST increases since BCG reactions wane with time and are not likely to persist beyond 10 years (19,27) . Intervention In Recent Tuberculin Skin Converters Early detection of conversion to tuberculin positivity is an effective way of predicting who will be at risk of developing TB in the next few years (approximate risk 5% to 8%) (10) . This assumes that with early detection of infection that chemosuppressive therapy will be effective in preventing TB. In several studies using isoniazid (INH) preventive therapy protective efficacy ranging from 54% to 93% is reported (10) . The greater efficacy was seen in patients who were most compliant with therapy. In a long-term follow-up study, the protection produced by INH persisted for more than 19 years (26) . The authors suggested that the decrease in TB risk produced by INH was lifelong. Adverse drug events (especially INH hepatitis) (28-30) and MDRTB (31-34) may significantly reduce the value this approach has in preventing TB. The individual's potential benefit from INH versus the risk of adverse drug reactions, including death, must be carefully considered when recommending chemosuppresive therapy (35). Summary Recommendations
* Members: Dr. W. Bowie; Dr. L.S. Gagnon; Dr. S. Houston; Dr. K. Kain; Dr. D. MacPherson (Chairman); Dr. V. Marchessault; Dr. H. Onyett; Dr. R. Saginur; Dr. D. Scheifele (NACI); Dr. F. Stratton; Mrs. R. Wilson (CUSO). Ex-Officio Members: LCdr. D. Carpenter (DND); Dr. E. Gadd (HPB); Dr. B. Gushulak (Secretary); Dr. H. Lobel (CDC); Dr. A. McCarthy (LCDC and DND); Dr. S. Mohanna (MSB); Dr. M. Tipple (CDC).
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Last Updated: 2002-11-08 |
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