Profile of Survey Respondents, Survey of Electors Following the March 4, 2024, Federal By-election in the Electoral District of Durham (ON)

Age, Weighted, Unweighted
Age Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
18 to 34 years 113 28% 82 20%
35 to 54 years 134 33% 136 34%
55 years of age and older 155 39% 184 46%
Gender, Weighted, Unweighted
Gender Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Man 193 48% 195 49%
Woman 204 51% 202 50%

*Other: n=2/prefer not to say: n=3 (unweighted)

Employment, Weighted, Unweighted
Employment Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Employed 239 60% 223 55%
Unemployed and looking for work 21 5% 18 4%
Student 9 2% 7 2%
Retired 108 27% 132 33%
Homemaker 5 1% 4 2%
Other 18 5% 16 4%

*Prefer not to say: n=2 (unweighted)

Education, Weighted, Unweighted
Education Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Some high school or less 13 3% 16 5%
Completed high school 76 19% 74 18%
Some college 23 6% 20 5%
Completed college 128 32% 131 33%
Some university 15 4% 15 4%
Completed university 88 22% 86 21%
Post-graduate university 56 14% 58 14%

*Prefer not to say: n=2 (unweighted)

Household size, Weighted, Unweighted
Household size Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Single-person household 54 13% 60 15%
Two people 131 33% 143 36%
Three to four 164 41% 148 37%
Five or more 50 12% 47 12%

*Prefer not to say: n=4 (unweighted)

Household Income, Weighted, Unweighted
Household Income Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Under $20,000 14 3% 16 4%
$20,000 to just under $40,000 29 7% 32 8%
$40,000 to just under $60,000 40 10% 40 10%
$60,000 to just under $80,000 36 9% 38 9%
$80,000 to just under $100,000 41 10% 39 10%
$100,000 to just under $150,000 77 19% 75 19%
$150,000 and above 93 23% 91 23%

*Don't know: n=30; prefer not to say: n=41 (unweighted)

Disability [Self-Identification], Weighted, Unweighted
Disability [Self-Identification] Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Identify as having a disability 77 19% 74 18%
Do not identify as having a disability 321 80% 324 81%

*Don't know: n=4 (unweighted)

First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit), Weighted, Unweighted
First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit) Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Non-Indigenous 390 97% 389 97%
Indigenous 10 2% 10 2%

*Prefer not to say: n=3 (unweighted)

Born in Canada, Weighted, Unweighted
Born in Canada
Base: those who are not Indigenous.
Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Born in Canada 334 83% 329 82%
Born outside Canada 56 14% 60 15%
Visible Minority, Weighted, Unweighted
Visible Minority Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Not a visible minority 324 84% 327 85%
Visible minority 62 16% 57 15%

*Don't know: n=2; prefer not to say: n=2 (unweighted)

Voted in the 2021 Federal Election
Voted in the 2021 Federal Election
Base: those 18+ at the time of the 2021 federal election.
Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Voted 329 82% 342 85%
Non-voter but eligible 42 10% 37 9%
Not eligible to vote in 2021 2 <1% 1 <1%

*Don't know: n=11 (unweighted)