ISSN: 1494-5185


New name, new Advisory Board, new ethics guidelines

How do slot machines and other electronic gambling machines actually work?
By Nigel Turner and Roger Horbay

Minimising the impact of gambling in the subtle degradation of democratic systems
By Peter J. Adams

How do we know what we know? Epistemic tensions in social and cultural research on gambling 1980–2000
By Virginia M. McGowan

An analysis of self-identified speculative investors
By Richard Govoni, Robert E. Mann, and Harold Wynne.

Loneliness and life dissatisfaction in gamblers
By James Porter, Julia Ungar, G. Ron Frisch, and Reena Chopra

A brochure on Internet risk awareness and prevention
By Bill Ursel and Dave Morgan

The Gambling and Other Impulse Control Disorders Outpatient Unit in São Paulo, Brazil: Integrating treatment and research
By Hermano Tavares

A First Nations hand game: Gambling from supernatural power
By Phil Lange

Rolling the dice on casinos in Florida: Will residents view legalized casino gaming as a cure for a financial crisis?
By Peter Ricci, Dava V. Teseone, and Po-Ju Chen

Why don't adolescents turn up for gambling treatment (revisited)?
Serge Chevalier and Mark Griffiths

Gambling on the Internet: Some practical advice
By Mark Griffiths and Jonathan Parke

Dreamland (2000): Personal gambling stories add depth to academic approach
William Thompson.

The Cooler (2003): Film perpetuates faulty thinking about gambling
Thomas Appleyard

Owning Mahowny (2003): A gambler without emotion
Jeffrey I. Kassinove

Owning Mahowny (2003): Fiction no match for the reality of gambling
Chris Irwin

Formerly the Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling (EJGI)