People and concepts
behind the Journal of Gambling Issues
Phil Lange

Recovery in Gamblers
Peter Ferentzy, Wayne Skinner, & Paul Antze
Impacting attitudes towards gambling: A prison gambling awareness and prevention program
Gary Nixon, Gordon Leigh, & Nadine Nowatzki
The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS): A rebuttal to critics
Blase Gambino & Henry Lesieur
The impact of video lottery game speed on gamblers
Robert Ladouceur & Serge Sévigny

Between consumption and investment: A new approach to the study of the motivation to gamble
Bartlomiej Dzik
Comments on
"Between consumption and investment..." Eugene Christiansen
Comments on
"Between consumption and investment..." Alex Blazczynski
A response to
"Comments..." (References) Bartlomiej Dzik

The prevention of pathological gambling: An annotated bibliography
Peter Ferentzy, Nigel E. Turner, & Wayne Skinner
Mutual aid: An annotated bibliography
Peter Ferentzy & Wayne Skinner
Problem gambling treatment research: An annotated bibliography
Tony Toneatto & Barbara Kosky
DSpace @ the University of Calgary: A digital library of gambling-related publications
Rhys Stevens

Reducing the moral jeopardy associated with receiving funds from the proceeds of gambling
Peter Adams

Two for the Money
Gambling in the
Nineteenth-Century English Novel: ‘A leprosy is o’er the
Land.’ (2003)
By Michael Flavin

Formerly the Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling (EJGI) |