Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

ISSN: 1494-5185

Journal of Gambling Issues

JGI: table of contents August 2006

People and concepts behind the Journal of Gambling Issues
Phil Lange

Recovery in Gamblers Anonymous
Peter Ferentzy, Wayne Skinner, & Paul Antze

Impacting attitudes towards gambling: A prison gambling awareness and prevention program
Gary Nixon, Gordon Leigh, & Nadine Nowatzki

The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS): A rebuttal to critics
Blase Gambino & Henry Lesieur

The impact of video lottery game speed on gamblers
Robert Ladouceur & Serge Sévigny

theoretical discussion paper
Between consumption and investment: A new approach to the study of the motivation to gamble
Bartlomiej Dzik

Comments on "Between consumption and investment..."
Eugene Christiansen

Comments on "Between consumption and investment..."
Alex Blazczynski

A response to "Comments..." (References)
Bartlomiej Dzik

annotated gambling bibliographies
The prevention of pathological gambling: An annotated bibliography
Peter Ferentzy, Nigel E. Turner, & Wayne Skinner

Mutual aid: An annotated bibliography
Peter Ferentzy & Wayne Skinner

Problem gambling treatment research: An annotated bibliography
Tony Toneatto & Barbara Kosky

DSpace @ the University of Calgary: A digital library of gambling-related publications
Rhys Stevens

Reducing the moral jeopardy associated with receiving funds from the proceeds of gambling
Peter Adams

movie review
Two for the Money (2005)

book review
Gambling in the Nineteenth-Century English Novel: ‘A leprosy is o’er the Land.’ (2003)
By Michael Flavin

letters to the editor

Formerly the Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling (EJGI)