annotated gambling bibliographies
Problem gambling treatment research: An annotated
Tony Toneatto & Barbara Kosky, Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The preparation of this annotated bibliography was guided
by a desire to include all of the problem gambling research articles that
have been published in the English language. Some exceptions were made for
articles published in other languages but for which an English abstract was
available that provided sufficient details about the study. All studies were
included, regardless of their methodological quality. In some cases, studies
utilizing the same treated sample but providing additional results of the
study were included. The studies are listed chronologically, from 1966 to
The annotations are very brief and simply provide the
reader with the full bibliographic reference, the basic treatment approach
that is evaluated in the study, and, when available, information about the
results. No effort was made to critically appraise or review the study.
The descriptive details for each study (type of
treatment, study design, sample size, follow-up length, year of publication)
are included in the Appendix. The Appendix permits the reader to quickly
identify and select certain subsets of articles based on a theme (e.g.,
aversion therapy, case studies, pharmacological treatments).
Since the problem gambling research field is a growing
area of inquiry, this bibliography will become quickly outdated and will
require regular update to remain current.
1. Cross, I. (1966). Aversion therapy treatment for
compulsive gambling. Nursing Mirror and Midwives Journal, 123 (7),
This case study describes the use of chemical
(apomorphine) aversion therapy in the treatment of a male track gambler. The
timing of injection of the chemical is such that nausea and vomiting are
induced when the client is presented with tape recordings, objects, and
pictures related to gambling. No results are presented.
2. Victor, R., & Krug, C. (1967). "Paradoxical intention"
in the treatment of compulsive gambling. American Journal of
Psychotherapy, 21, 808–814.
case study describes the treatment of a compulsive gambler using paradoxical
intention. The aim of this treatment is to have the therapist gain control
of the therapeutic relationship by taking control of the gambling behaviour
(i.e., by telling the patient when, where, and how much he may gamble). The
patient is reported to have lost his desire to gamble.
3. Barker, J. C., & Miller, M.
(1968). Aversion therapy for compulsive gambling. Journal of Nervous and
Mental Disease, 146, 285–302.
This article
describes three case studies of compulsive gamblers treated with aversion
therapy. Subject 1 reported no desire to resume gambling at 18 months
posttreatment although he did relapse eventually. He received a "booster"
treatment and was abstinent for an additional 6 months. Subject 2 maintained
abstinence for 2 years. Subject 3 lapsed on one occasion 12 months
posttreatment but was abstinent another 6 months following four "booster"
sessions. The authors conclude that aversion therapy is effective.
4. Goorney, A. B. (1968).
Treatment of a compulsive horse race gambler by aversion therapy. British
Journal of Psychiatry, 114, 329–333.
This is a
case study of a compulsive horse race gambler whose treatment by aversion
therapy led to the remission of a long-standing marital disharmony, a major
precipitating cause of the gambling.
5. Boyd, W. H., & Bolen, D. W. (1970). The compulsive
gambler and spouse in group psychotherapy. International Journal of Group
Psychotherapy, 20, 77–90.
pathological gamblers and their wives were treated in psychodynamic group
therapy for 1 year, supplemented with supportive individual therapy. It was
noted that although therapy led to an improvement in the husband, it was
accompanied by a deterioration in the wife and subsequent regression by the
husband. It is suggested that this mode of therapy was effective in
decreasing gambling, but not in improving the marital relationships.
6. Seager, C. P. (1970). Treatment of compulsive gamblers
by electrical aversion. British Journal of Psychiatry, 117, 545–553.
subjects were recruited for electrical aversion treatment for problem
gambling, as inpatients or outpatients. Six did not complete treatment. The
number of shocks varied and there were two types of exposure to gambling
(paper or slides). Of the 10 subjects who completed treatment, the 12-month
follow-up showed that 5 were abstinent, 1 denied gambling (author
sceptical), 1 relapsed, 1 was controlling his or her gambling, and 2 were in
7. Cotler, S. B. (1971). The use
of different behavioural techniques in treating a case of compulsive
gambling. Behavior Therapy, 2, 579–584.
In a
32-year-old male problem gambler, positive reinforcement and contingency
contracting were used to increase desirable behaviours while aversive
electric shock, time-out from spousal contact, and covert sensitization were
applied to eliminate gambling behaviour.
8. Koller, K. M. (1972).
Treatment of poker-machine addicts by aversion therapy. The Medical
Journal of Australia, 1, 742–745.
Twenty poker machine gamblers were treated by electrical
aversion therapy and 12 were followed up. In most cases, treatment was
effective and in three cases it was quite successful.
9. Bannister, G. (1977).
Cognitive and behavior therapy in a case of compulsive gambling.
Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1, 223–227.
This case study describes a 46-year-old male who was
treated for compulsive gambling using a modified form of rational emotive
therapy (RET) and covert sensitization (CS). Treatment consisted of nine
1-hour sessions over a 3-week period. During each session, the first 20
minutes consisted of RET and the remaining 40 minutes consisted of CS. At 30
months posttreatment, the client had remained abstinent from gambling and
reported no urges to gamble.
10. Dickerson, M. G., & Weeks, D.
(1979). Controlled gambling as a therapeutic technique for compulsive
gamblers. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 10,
A 40-year-old male with a
3-year history of recurrent uncontrolled gambling was allowed restricted
controlled gambling under the temporary (20 weeks) services of a bet-placing
intermediary. This treatment was followed by behavioural retraining over an
additional 12 weeks. Follow-up indicated that the treatment effects were
11. Moskowitz, J. A. (1980). Lithium and lady luck: Use
of lithium carbonate in compulsive gambling. New York State Journal of
Medicine, 80, 785–788.
article describes three case reports using lithium carbonate in the
treatment of compulsive gamblers. The author concludes that lithium
carbonate seemed to dull the gamblers' affective effects such as the
excitement of winning.
12. Greenberg, D., & Rankin, H. (1982). Compulsive
gamblers in treatment. British Journal of Psychiatry, 140, 364–366.
Twenty-six male compulsive gamblers were treated
behaviourally: 5 attained control over their gambling, 7 experienced
intermittent lapses, and 14 were gambling at last contact.
13. Rankin, H. (1982). Control
rather than abstinence as a goal in the treatment of excessive gambling.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 20, 185–187.
This case study describes a 44-year-old male's efforts to
control his gambling. He was asked to adhere to the following criteria: (1)
limit gambling to £5 per week, (2) do not reinvest winnings, (3) do not
carry over from week to week, and (4) only gamble on Friday and Saturday.
The subject was able to comply for most of the next 2 years, although he did
relapse once after 8 months.
14. McConaghy, N., Armstrong, M. S., Blaszczynski, A., &
Allcock, C. (1983). Controlled comparison of aversive therapy and imaginal
desensitization in compulsive gambling. British Journal of Psychiatry,
142, 366–372.
compulsive gamblers were randomly assigned to receive either aversion relief
therapy or imaginal desensitization (ID). At the 1-year follow-up,
individuals in the ID group reported greater reduction of gambling urges and
behaviour. The ID group also showed a significant reduction in trait anxiety
and state anxiety. The authors concluded that compulsive gambling is driven
by aversive tension.
15. Russo, A. M., Taber, J. I., McCormick, R. A., &
Ramirez, L. F. (1984). An outcome study of an inpatient treatment program
for pathological gamblers. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 35 (8),
Sixty male
patients who completed a 3-day structured inpatient program for pathological
gamblers were included in this study. At the 1-year follow-up, 55% of
subjects were abstinent. A significant relationship was found between
abstinence and improved interpersonal relationships, better financial
status, decreased depression, and participation in aftercare and Gamblers
16. Tepperman, J. H. (1985). The effectiveness of
short-term group therapy upon the pathological gambler and wife. Journal
of Gambling Behavior, 1, 119–130.
This study evaluated the efficacy of short-term conjoint
group therapy with pathological gamblers and their wives. Ten couples
self-selected to the experimental condition (a 12-week, 12 Step recovery
program and actively involved in GA and/or Gam-Anon) and 10 couples
self-selected to the control condition (actively involved in GA and/or
Gam-Anon). The experimental condition consisted of twelve 90-minute
sessions. Assessments were conducted at pretest and posttest. No group
differences were found.
17. Taber, J. I., McCormick, R. A., Russo, A. M., Adkins,
B. J., & Ramirez, L. F. (1987). Follow-up of pathological gamblers after
treatment. American Journal of Psychiatry, 144, 757–761.
subjects who met DSM-III criteria for pathological gambling participated in
a "comprehensive" treatment program. Assessment took place pretreatment and
6 months posttreatment. Follow-up (n = 57) revealed that 56% reported
abstinence and significant improvement on outcome measures (i.e., number of
days gambling, money spent gambling per week, number of GA meetings attended
per month).
18. McConaghy, N., Armstrong, M.
S., Blaszczynski, A., & Allcock, C. (1988). Behavior completion versus
stimulus control in compulsive gambling: Implications for behavioural
assessment. Behavior Modification, 12, 371–384.
compulsive gamblers were randomly assigned to either imaginal relaxation
(IR) treatment or imaginal desensitization (ID) treatment. Consistent with
the behavioural completion model (but not a stimulus control model),
subjects' responses to either treatment were comparable and correlated with
levels of tension following treatment.
19. Blackman, S., Simone, R. V., Thomas, D. R., &
Blackman, S. (1989). The Gamblers Treatment Clinic of St. Vincent's North
Richmond community Mental Health Center: Characteristics of the clients and
outcome of treatment. International Journal of the Addictions, 24,
In this
study of 128 gamblers treated as outpatients, posttreatment reductions in
gambling were observed as well as improvements in social relationships.
Little information is provided about the specific treatment modalities.
20. Ladouceur, R.. Sylvain, C.,
Duval, C., & Gaboury, A. (1989). Correction of irrational verbalizations
among video poker players. International Journal of Psychology, 24,
Four male
video poker players were trained to think aloud while playing. Subjects were
also audiotaped during play. Over seven sessions of cognitive restructuring,
each irrational verbalization was corrected. The number and nature of
verbalizations, the frequency of video poker playing, and motivation to play
were determined before, immediately after, and at 3 months after treatment.
21. Dickerson, M., Hinchy, J., &
England, S. L. (1990). Minimal treatments and problem gamblers: A
preliminary investigation. Journal of Gambling Studies, 6, 87–107.
problem gamblers, recruited though advertisements, received a self-help
manual, with or without an initial in-depth interview. Twenty-one subjects
completed the 6-month follow-up. The frequency of gambling, frequency of
overspending, and weekly expenditure were reduced at the follow-up but
expenditure per session did not improve. The in-depth interview did not
contribute to the effectiveness of the manual.
22. Toneatto, T., & Sobell, L. C. (1990). Pathological
gambling treated with cognitive behavior therapy: A case report.
Addictive Behaviors, 15, 497–501.
This case study describes a 47-year-old male who
presented for treatment to curtail his gambling behaviour. He met DSM-III-R
criteria for problem gambling. Treatment consisted of 10 weekly sessions
aimed at challenging cognitions about gambling (i.e., probability of
events). The results indicated that the frequency of gambling was decreased
at the 6-month follow-up. The patient also reported a better understanding
about his ability to win. The authors conclude that cognitive-behavioural
interventions may prove efficacious in the treatment of pathological
23. Blaszczynski, A., McConaghy, N., & Frankova, A.
(1991). Control versus abstinence in the treatment of pathological gambling:
A two to nine year follow-up. British Journal of Addiction, 86,
of 120 gamblers who received a behavioural treatment 5 years previously
completed several questionnaires related to personality functioning,
depression, anxiety, and sensation seeking. Subjects showed continued
improvement on these variables independent of whether the gamblers had
adopted an abstinence or controlled-gambling goal except for the
uncontrolled gamblers. The authors concluded that adopting controlled
gambling is a legitimate treatment goal that does not invariably lead to
uncontrollable gambling.
24. Lesieur, H. R., & Blume, S. B. (1991). Evaluation of
patients treated for pathological gambling in a combined alcohol, substance
abuse and pathological gambling treatment unit using the Addiction Severity
Index. British Journal of Addiction, 86, 1017–1028.
Seventy-two pathological gamblers were followed up 6 to 14 months after
treatment in a combined alcohol, substance abuse, and compulsive gambling
treatment program. Subjects reduced their intake of alcohol and other drugs
and their gambling as well as improved in legal, family/social, and
psychological functioning. Combined treatment appears to be effective for
patients whose gambling problems are discovered when they enter treatment
for another addiction.
25. McConaghy, N., Blaszczynski, A., & Frankova, A.
(1991). Comparison of imaginal desensitization with other behavioural
treatments of pathological gambling: A two to nine year follow-up.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 159, 390–393.
One hundred
and twenty pathological gamblers were randomly assigned to imaginal
desensitization (ID) or to another "behavioural" treatment group. Treatment
was administered over a 1-week time period. After a 2- to 9-year follow-up
period, a significantly greater number of subjects in the ID treatment group
reported controlled gambling or abstinence.
26. McCormick, R. A., & Taber, J. I. (1991). Follow-up of
male pathological gamblers after treatment: The relationship of intellectual
variables to relapse. Journal of Gambling Studies, 7, 99–108.
Eleven male problem gamblers were followed up for 12
months following completion of a "comprehensive" treatment program.
Fifty-five percent were abstinent 1 year later. The Weschler Adult
Intelligence Scale subtests Digit Span and Block Design were found to
contribute to outcome.
27. Bujold, A., Ladouceur, R., Sylvain, C., & Boisvert,
J.-M. (1994). Treatment of pathological gambling: An experimental study.
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 25, 275–282.
A primarily behavioural
treatment (enhanced by cognitive interventions, problem solving, and relapse
prevention) was administered to 3 male pathological gamblers on a weekly
basis. At posttreatment, all 3 gamblers were abstinent, reported increased
perception of self-control of gambling, and rated the gambling problem as
less severe. Therapeutic benefits were maintained at the 9-month follow-up.
28. Haller, R., & Hinterhuber, H. (1994). Treatment of
pathological gambling with carbamazepine. Pharmacopsychiatry, 27,
A case study of a double-blind, placebo-controlled
successful treatment (12 weeks for each phase) of a pathological gambler
with carbamazepine is described.
29. Ladouceur, R., Boisvert,
J.-M., & Dumont, J. (1994). Cognitive-behavioral treatment for adolescent
pathological gamblers. Behavior Modification, 18, 230–242.
late-adolescent pathological gamblers meeting DSM-III-R criteria were
treated with cognitive-behavioural treatment in a multiple-baseline design.
The results showed clinically significant changes for all subjects with all
remaining abstinent at the 6-month follow-ups.
30. Baez Gallo, C., & Echeburúa Odriozola, E. (1995).
Stimulus control and exposure with response prevention as
psychological treatment of a pathological gambler in an adolescent.
Análisis y Modificacion de Conducta, 21 (75), 125–145.
In this
case study, exposure and stimulus control treatment was found to be
successful in maintaining abstinence up to the 2-year follow-up with
additional benefits in the level of depression and anxiety.
31. Echeburúa, E., Baez, C., & Fernandez-Montalvo, J.
(1996). Comparative effectiveness of three
therapeutic modalities in the psychological treatment of pathological
gambling: Long-term outcome. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 24,
treatments were compared—(1) individual stimulus control and exposure with
response prevention, (2) group cognitive restructuring, and (3) both 1 and
2—in 64 DSM-III-R-diagnosed pathological gamblers. A 1-year follow-up was
conducted. The success rate was higher in the individual treatment compared
to the group cognitive restructuring and combined treatment. There was no
difference between the combined treatment and the control group. Individual
stimulus control and exposure with response prevention were concluded to be
a cost-effective treatment for pathological gambling.
32. Henry, S. L. (1996).
Pathological gambling: Etiologic considerations and treatment efficacy of
eye movement desensitization/reprocessing. Journal of Gambling Studies,
12, 395–405.
Twenty-two gamblers who met DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling, with
or without a trauma history, were treated with eye movement desensitization
and reprocessing (EMDR) cognitive therapy or cognitive therapy alone.
Gambling frequency decreased significantly for pre- versus post-EMDR and for
those with a history of trauma. The authors concluded that anxiety may be an
important etiological factor in pathological gambling.
33. Sylvain, C., Ladouceur, R., &
Boisvert, J.-M. (1997). Cognitive and behavioural treatment of pathological
gambling: A controlled study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 65, 727–732.
male pathological gamblers who met problem gambling criteria according to
DSM-III-R were randomly assigned to a cognitive-behavioural treatment group
or a wait-list control group. Assessment was conducted at pretest, posttest,
and 6-month and 12-month follow-up. The results indicated that the
cognitive-behavioural treatment group showed positive significant changes on
all outcome measures including the South Oaks Gambling Screen, perception of
control, frequency of gambling, perceived self-efficacy, desire to gamble,
and DSM-III-R criteria met. These gains were maintained at both follow-up
34. Symes, B. A., & Nicki, R. M.
(1997). A preliminary consideration of cue-exposure, response-prevention
treatment for pathological gambling behaviour: Two case studies. Journal
of Gambling Studies, 13, 145–157.
article describes 2 volunteer participants (1 male and 1 female), each of
whom received cue exposure and response prevention treatment. Both were
considered probable pathological gamblers based on their South Oaks Gambling
Screen scores. Gambling behaviour and urges decreased substantially.
35. Hollander, E., DeCaria, C.
M., Mari, E., Wong, C. M., Mosovich, S., Grossman, R., et al. (1998).
Short-term single-blind fluvoxamine treatment of pathological gambling.
American Journal of Psychiatry, 155, 1781–1783.
patients with pathological gambling entered an 8-week placebo lead-in phase.
Ten patients completed an 8-week single-blind fluvoxamine trial. Seven were
judged treatment responders (i.e., less than 25% decrease on the
pathological gambling modification of the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive
Scale). Clinical Global Impression scores for gambling severity were at
least much improved.
36. Ladouceur, R., Sylvain, C.,
Letarte, H., Giroux, I., & Jacques, C. (1998). Cognitive treatment of
pathological gamblers. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36, 1111–1119.
pathological gamblers were treated in a "multiple baseline across subjects"
design with cognitive therapy in one or two weekly sessions lasting 60 to 90
minutes. Four subjects reported a clinically significant decrease in the
urge to gamble and an increase in their perception of control and no longer
met DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling, with gains maintained at the
6-month follow-up.
37. Echeburúa, E.,
Fernandez-Montalvo, J., & Baez, C. (2000). Relapse
prevention in the treatment of slot-machine pathological gambling: Long-term
outcome. Behavior Therapy, 31, 351–364.
efficacy of stimulus control and exposure with response prevention in
stopping pathological gambling was evaluated (either individually or group
administered). Sixty-nine DSM-IV-diagnosed pathological gamblers were
recruited. The results showed that all treated subjects stopped gambling.
Subjects receiving individual and group relapse prevention were more
improved than the control group (who did not receive relapse prevention).
The authors suggest that relapse prevention is important in the treatment of
pathological gambling.
38. Hollander, E., DeCaria, C.
M., Finkell, J. N., Begaz, T., Wong, C. M., & Cartwright, C. (2000). A
randomized double-blind fluvoxamine placebo crossover trial in pathologic
gambling. Biological Psychiatry, 47, 813–817.
In a
16-week randomized double-blind crossover design of fluvoxamine, each
subject received 8 weeks of fluvoxamine and 8 weeks of a placebo. Fifteen
patients entered and 10 subjects completed the study. Fluvoxamine-treated
subjects had significantly greater improvement in overall gambling severity,
gambling urges, and cognitions. Post hoc analysis, treating each phase as a
separate trial, showed a significant difference between fluvoxamine and the
placebo in the second phase of the trial but not in the first.
39. Breen, R. B., Kruedelbach, N.
G., & Walker, H. I. (2001). Cognitive changes in pathological gamblers
following a 28-day inpatient program. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors,
15, 246–248.
hypothesis that irrational beliefs and attitudes about gambling could
maintain pathological gambling was evaluated in a sample of 66 consecutive
admissions to a Veterans Affairs 28-day inpatient program for problem
gambling. Treatment was found to improve gambling-specific attitudes and
beliefs. Although uncontrolled and not followed up, this study is one of the
few that evaluate the impact of treatment on gambling-related cognitions.
40. Echeburúa, E.,
Fernandez-Montalvo, J., & Baez, C. (2001).
Predictors of therapeutic failure in slot-machine pathological gamblers
following behavioural treatment. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy,
29, 379–383.
DSM-IV-diagnosed pathological gamblers who dropped out of treatment or
relapsed within a 1-year follow-up period were more anxious and more
dissatisfied with treatment, abused alcohol, and scored higher on a
neuroticism scale than those who did not drop out or relapse.
41. Hodgins, D. C., Currie, S. R., &
el-Guebaly, N. (2001). Motivational enhancement
and self-help treatments for problem gambling. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 69, 50–57.
gamblers were randomized to one of three treatments (motivational
enhancement telephone intervention and a self-help workbook, workbook only,
wait-list control). Eighty-four percent of participants (N = 102)
reported a significant reduction in gambling over a 12-month follow-up
period. Those who received the motivational enhancement telephone
intervention and a self-help workbook did better than those in the wait-list
control. At the 12-month follow-up, the two active treatments differed only
for those with a less severe gambling problem.
42. Kim, S. W., & Grant, J. E.
(2001). An open naltrexone treatment study in pathological gambling
disorder. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 16, 285–289.
subjects meeting DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling disorder
participated in a 6-week open naltrexone flexible dose trial. Naltrexone
reduced urges to gamble and gambling behaviour.
43. Kim, S. W., Grant, J. E.,
Adson, D. E., & Shin, Y. C. (2001). Double-blind naltrexone and placebo
comparison study in the treatment of pathological gambling. Biological
Psychiatry, 49, 914–921.
Eighty-three DSM-IV-diagnosed pathological gamblers were randomized to
receive 11 weeks of either naltrexone or placebo in a double-blind trial.
Based on 45 treatment completers, significant improvement was found on the
patient and clinician-rated Clinical Global Impressions Scale scores and on
the Gambling Symptom Rating Scale. Three quarters of subjects taking
naltrexone were much/very much improved compared to a quarter of those on
44. Ladouceur, R., Sylvain, C.,
Boutin, C., Lachance, S., Doucet, C., Leblond, J., et al. (2001). Cognitive
treatment of pathological gambling. Journal of Nervous and Mental
Disease, 189, 774–780.
Sixty-six gamblers meeting DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling were
randomly assigned to cognitive treatment or wait-list control conditions.
Thirty-five subjects completed the full program and 31 dropped out. Posttest
results (e.g., South Oaks Gambling Screen, DSM symptoms) indicated
significant improvement by the treatment group on all outcome measures, with
gains maintained at the 1-year follow-up.
45. Stinchfield, R., & Winters,
K. C. (2001). Outcome of Minnesota's gambling treatment programs. Journal
of Gambling Studies, 17, 217–245.
article measured the efficacy of four state-supported gambling treatment
programs in Minnesota. Five hundred sixty-eight subjects took part in this
pretest/posttest design and follow-up at 6 months and 12 months
posttreatment. Treatment was eclectic and consisted of individual, group,
education, 12 Step, family, and financial counselling. The results indicated
statistically significant improvements on all outcome measures between
pretest and follow-up including gambling frequency, gambling severity,
amount of money gambled, number of friends involved in gambling,
psychosocial problems, and number of financial problems.
46. Amor, P. J., & Echeburúa, E.
(2002). Psychological treatment in pathological gambling: A case study.
Análisis y Modificacion de Conducta, 28 (117), 71–107.
A case
study is described of a 40-year-old man with a 2-year history of
pathological gambling. Treatment consisted of nine individual sessions (six
sessions of stimulus control and exposure with response prevention, one
session of emotional support, and two sessions related to relapse
prevention). At the 1-year follow-up, the patient was abstinent from
gambling and less depressed and anxious.
47. Blanco, C., Petkova, E.,
Ibanez, A., & Saiz-Ruiz, J. (2002). A pilot placebo-controlled study of
fluvoxamine for pathological gambling. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 14,
Fluvoxamine (200 mg/day) was evaluated in a double-blind,
placebo-controlled study of 32 problem gamblers over a 6-month period.
Fluvoxamine was not statistically significantly different from placebo in
the overall sample on the key gambling outcome measures (reduction in
expenditures, time spent gambling per week) except among males and younger
patients. The study lacked any follow-up.
48. Echeburúa, E., &
Fernandez-Montalvo, J. (2002). Psychological treatment of slot machine
pathological gambling: A case study. Clinical Case Studies, 1,
In this
case study, a 47-year-old woman was treated with stimulus control, exposure,
and relapse prevention over nine individual sessions. At the 1-year
follow-up, the patient remained abstinent from gambling.
49. Freidenberg, B. M.,
Blanchard, E. B., Wulfert, E., & Malta, L. S. (2002). Changes in
physiological arousal to gambling cues among participants in motivationally
enhanced cognitive-behavior therapy for pathological gambling: A preliminary
study. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 27, 251–260.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy for pathological gamblers augmented with
motivational enhancement was administered to 9 subjects. Measures of
psychophysiological arousal following exposure to imagined gambling
vignettes were collected at pre- and posttreatment. Decreases in arousal
during exposure to the vignettes were observed with a significant
correlation between reductions in gambling symptoms and reductions in
50. Kim, S. W., Grant, J. E.,
Adson, D. E., Shin, Y. C., & Zaninelli, R. (2002). A double-blind
placebo-controlled study of the efficacy and safety of paroxetine in the
treatment of pathological gambling. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 63,
In a
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of paroxetine in the
treatment of pathological gambling, subjects entered a 1-week placebo run-in
phase followed by 8 weeks' treatment with paroxetine or placebo.
Significantly greater reductions in the total score of the Gambling Symptom
Assessment Scale and Clinical Global Impressions Scale were found in the
paroxetine group compared to the placebo group.
51. Milton, S., Crino, R., Hunt,
C., & Prosser, E. (2002). The effect of compliance-improving interventions
on the cognitive behavioural treatment of pathological gambling. Journal
of Gambling Studies, 18, 207–229.
pathological gamblers were recruited according to DSM-IV criteria. They were
randomly assigned to either a cognitive-behavioural treatment group or a
cognitive-behavioural treatment group that included interventions designed
to improve compliance. Dependent variables included a structured clinical
interview, South Oaks Gambling Screen scores, and percent of income gambled.
At posttest, the group that received cognitive-behavioural treatment and
compliance-enhancing treatment was found to have a significantly reduced
dropout rate, which resulted in better outcomes. However, this gain was not
maintained at the 9-month follow-up.
52. Pallanti, S., Quercioli, L.,
Sood, E., & Hollander, E. (2002). Lithium and valproate treatment of
pathological gambling: A randomized single-blind study. Journal of
Clinical Psychiatry, 63, 559–564.
DSM-IV-diagnosed pathological gamblers (nonbipolar) entered a 14-week
single-blind study of lithium and valproate. Subjects were randomly
assigned. At posttreatment, both groups showed a significant improvement on
the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (modified). There were no
differences between groups on this measure. Sixty-one percent of the lithium
group and 68% of the valproate group were considered "responders" based on
their Clinical Global Impressions-Improvement score.
53. Pallanti, S., Rossi, N. B.,
Sood, E., & Hollander, E. (2002). Nefazodone treatment of pathological
gambling: A prospective open-label controlled trial. Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry, 63, 1034–1039.
subjects who met DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling took part in an
8-week open-label trial of oral nefazodone. In the 12 subjects who completed
the study, a significant improvement was found in all outcome measures
including anxiety and depression. The authors conclude that nefazodone may
be an effective treatment for pathological gamblers.
54. Robson, E., Edwards, J.,
Smith, G., & Colman, I. (2002). Gambling decisions: An early intervention
program for problem gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies, 18,
article describes an evaluation of the "Gambling Decisions" treatment
program, a cognitive-behavioural approach intended for early-stage problem
gamblers. Seventy-nine subjects were recruited and were given the choice of
the program in either (a) Self Help Plus format (two 1-hour sessions with a
nurse facilitator) or (b) Group (six weekly 90-minute sessions led by a
nurse practitioner). Both groups were provided with a copy of the Client
Handbook. The results indicated that there was a significant reduction in
the number of hours and days spent gambling. There was also a significant
reduction in money lost gambling, with gains maintained at the 12-month
55. Zimmerman, M., Breen, R. B.,
& Posternak, M. A. (2002). An open-label study of citalopram in the
treatment of pathological gambling. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 63,
study evaluated the efficacy of 12 weeks of citalopram in 15
DSM-IV-diagnosed pathological gamblers in an open-label study. Significant
improvement was found on outcome measures including number of days gambled,
amount of money lost, preoccupation with gambling and gambling urges,
depression, and overall quality of life. Eighty-seven percent were rated as
at least "much improved" on the Clinical Global Impressions Scale for
gambling. The authors concluded that citalopram may be efficacious in the
treatment of problem gambling.
56. Grant, J. E., Kim, S. W.,
Potenza, M. N., Blanco, C., Ibanez, A., Stevens, L., et al. (2003).
Paroxetine treatment of pathological gambling: A multi-centre randomized
controlled trial. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 18,
16-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of paroxetine in the
treatment of 76 pathological gamblers was conducted at five outpatient
academic research centres in the U.S. and Spain. Subjects were randomized to
acute treatment with paroxetine or placebo. Both the paroxetine- and the
placebo-treated groups demonstrated comparable improvement at 16 weeks with
no statistical differences on the Clinical Global Impressions Scale scores,
the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Modified for Pathological
Gambling, or the Gambling Symptom Assessment Scale.
57. Kuentzel, J. G., Henderson,
M. J., Zambo, J. J., Stine, S. M., & Schuster, C. R. (2003). Motivational
interviewing and fluoxetine for pathological gambling disorder: A single
case study. North American Journal of Psychology, 5, 229–248.
An adult male gambler completed a 10-week trial of
fluoxetine and four sessions of motivational interviewing. Weekly
expenditures were reduced posttreatment and sustained at the 3-month
follow-up. Negative mood decreased significantly throughout the study and at
58. Ladouceur, R., Sylvain, C.,
Boutin, C., Lachance, S., Doucet, C., & Leblond, J. (2003). Group therapy
for pathological gamblers: A cognitive approach. Behaviour Research and
Therapy, 41, 587–596.
In a study
of group cognitive treatment for pathological gambling, subjects were
randomly assigned to treatment (N = 34) or wait-list control (N
= 24). Posttreatment results showed that 88% of the treated gamblers and 20%
in the control group no longer met the DSM-IV criteria, with gains
maintained at the 2-year follow-up.
59. Grant, J., & Grosz, R. (2004). Pharmacotherapy
outcome in older pathological gamblers: A preliminary investigation.
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 17, 9–12.
older (aged 60 or older) patients who fulfilled DSM-IV criteria for
pathological gambling were treated in an outpatient clinic. In a
retrospective assessment using information collected on gambling symptoms
during clinic visits, 8 patients achieved sustained response to
60. Hodgins, D. C., Currie, S., el-Guebaly, N., & Peden,
N. (2004). Brief motivational treatment for problem gambling: A 24-month
follow-up. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 18, 293–296.
A 2-year
follow-up of a randomized clinical trial of two brief treatments for problem
gambling (N = 67) showed better outcomes for those who received a
motivational telephone intervention plus a self-help workbook compared to
those who received only the workbook. The motivational intervention group
gambled less frequently and showed decreased financial losses and lower
South Oaks Gambling Screen scores. This study supported the efficacy of a
mail-based treatment accompanied by a brief telephone intervention for
problem gamblers.
61. Melville, C. L., Davis, C.
S., Matzenbacher, D. L., & Clayborne, J. (2004). Node-link-mapping-enhanced
group treatment for pathological gambling. Addictive Behaviors, 29,
experiment 1, 13 pathological gamblers were randomly assigned to one of
three groups: a mapping group, a nonmapping group, and a wait-list control
group. Treatment sessions consisted of 90-minute sessions, twice weekly for
8 weeks. Assessments were conducted at pretreatment, posttreatment, and
6-month posttreatment. The dependent variables included DSM-IV criteria,
control of gambling, gambling expenditure, and duration. In experiment 2, 9
pathological gamblers were randomly assigned to either a mapping treatment
group or a wait-list control group. The dependent variables in this
experiment included changes in comorbid depression and anxiety. The results
from both experiments showed that the node-linked mapping group reported a
greater decrease in depression and anxiety and desire to gamble, met fewer
DSM-IV criteria at posttest and follow-up, and had increased ratings of
62. Hollander, E., Pallanti, S.,
Allen, A., Sood, E., & Rossi, N. B. (2005). Does sustained-release lithium
reduce impulsive gambling and affective instability versus placebo in
pathological gamblers with bipolar spectrum disorders? American Journal
of Psychiatry, 162, 137–145.
In a
10-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled treatment study, 40
pathological gamblers with bipolar spectrum disorders were treated with
sustained-release lithium carbonate. Subjects with bipolar spectrum
disorders significantly improved while taking sustained-release lithium
carbonate compared to placebo on scores on the Yale-Brown Obsessive
Compulsive Scale and the Clinical Global Impressions severity of
pathological gambling scale. Ten of 12 treatment completers in the
medication group were rated as compared to 5 of 17 completers in the placebo
63. Saiz-Ruiz, J., Blanco, I. A.,
Masramon, X., Gomez, M. M., Madrigal, M., & Diez, T. (2005). Sertraline
treatment of pathological gambling: A pilot study. Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry, 66, 28–33.
study evaluated the efficacy of sertraline in the treatment of pathological
gamblers. Sixty patients who met DSM-IV criteria for problem gambling were
included in this 6-month double-blind, flexible dose, placebo-controlled
study. Three quarters of both the sertraline group and the placebo group
were considered responders based on the Criteria for Control of Pathological
Gambling Questionnaire. The authors concluded that sertraline was not
significantly more efficacious than placebo.
Key descriptive details for each
Article |
Type of treatment |
Study design |
Sample size |
Follow-up |
Year |
1 |
chemical aversion
therapy |
case study |
= 1 |
none |
1966 |
2 |
"paradoxical intention" |
case study |
= 1 |
none |
1967 |
3 |
Faradic aversion
therapy |
case study |
= 3 |
months |
1968 |
4 |
Faradic aversion
therapy |
case study |
= 1 |
12 months |
1968 |
5 |
outpatient group
therapy |
program evaluation |
= 9
(& spouses) |
none |
1970 |
6 |
Faradic aversion
therapy |
single group |
= 16 |
12 months |
1970 |
7 |
behavioural therapy,
Faradic aversion therapy |
case study |
= 1 |
3 months |
1971 |
8 |
Faradic aversion
therapy |
case study |
= 20 |
months |
1972 |
9 |
rational emotive
therapy & covert sensitization |
case study |
= 1 |
30 months |
1977 |
10 |
behavioural therapy |
case study |
= 1 |
15 months postreferral |
1979 |
11 |
lithium carbonate |
case study |
= 3 |
none |
1980 |
12 |
behavioural therapy |
single group |
= 26 |
9 months–4.5 years |
1982 |
13 |
behavioural therapy |
case study |
= 1 |
24 months |
1982 |
14 |
Faradic aversion
therapy, imaginal desensitization |
randomized clinical
trial |
= 20 |
12 months |
1983 |
15 |
residential treatment |
program evaluation |
= 60 |
12 months |
1984 |
16 |
group psychotherapy |
quasi-experimental |
= 20 couples |
none |
1985 |
17 |
residential treatment |
program evaluation |
= 66 |
6 months |
1987 |
18 |
imaginal relaxation,
imaginal desensitization |
randomized clinical
trial |
= 20 |
12 months |
1988 |
19 |
outpatient group
therapy |
program evaluation |
= 128 |
none |
1989 |
20 |
cognitive therapy |
single case |
= 4 |
3 months |
1989 |
21 |
self-help manual &
in-depth interview |
single group |
= 29 |
6 months |
1990 |
22 |
therapy |
case study |
= 1 |
6 months |
1990 |
23 |
therapy |
controlled clinical
trial |
= 64 |
12 months |
1991 |
24 |
residential treatment |
program evaluation |
= 72 |
months |
1991 |
25 |
desensitization, behavioural therapy |
post hoc analysis |
= 63 |
years |
1991 |
26 |
residential treatment |
program evaluation |
= 66 |
12 months |
1991 |
27 |
therapy |
case study |
= 3 |
9 months |
1994 |
28 |
carbamazepine |
case study |
= 1 |
30 months |
1994 |
29 |
therapy |
multiple-baseline |
= 4 |
6 months |
1994 |
30 |
stimulus control &
exposure treatment |
case study |
= 1 |
24 months |
1995 |
31 |
behavioural therapy |
post hoc analysis:
relapsed vs. nonrelapsed |
= 63 |
9 years |
1996 |
32 |
eye movement
desensitization and reprocessing & cognitive therapy |
single group |
= 22 |
none |
1996 |
33 |
therapy |
randomized clinical
trial |
= 29 |
12 months |
1997 |
34 |
cue-exposure, response
prevention |
case study |
= 2 |
none |
1997 |
35 |
fluvoxamine |
placebo-controlled |
= 16 |
none |
1998 |
36 |
cognitive therapy |
multiple-baseline |
= 5 |
6 months |
1998 |
37 |
stimulus control &
exposure with response prevention |
controlled clinical
trial |
= 69 |
12 months |
2000 |
38 |
fluvoxamine |
double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over |
= 15 |
none |
2000 |
39 |
inpatient cognitive
therapy |
program evaluation |
= 66 |
none |
2001 |
40 |
stimulus control &
exposure with response prevention |
post hoc analysis of
completers |
= 69 |
12 months |
2001 |
41 |
self-help manual,
motivational telephone intervention |
randomized clinical
trial |
= 102 |
12 months |
2001 |
42 |
naltrexone |
open-label |
= 17 |
none |
2001 |
43 |
naltrexone |
double-blind, placebo-controlled |
= 83 |
none |
2001 |
44 |
cognitive therapy |
randomized clinical
trial |
= 66 |
12 months |
2001 |
45 |
outpatient treatment |
program evaluation |
= 568 |
12 months |
2001 |
46 |
stimulus control,
exposure, & response prevention |
case study |
= 1 |
12 months |
2002 |
47 |
fluvoxamine |
double-blind, placebo-controlled |
= 32 |
none |
2002 |
48 |
stimulus control,
exposure, & relapse prevention |
case study |
= 1 |
12 months |
2002 |
49 |
therapy, motivational enhancement |
single group |
= 9 |
none |
2002 |
50 |
paroxetine |
double-blind, placebo-controlled |
= 45 |
none |
2002 |
51 |
therapy |
randomized clinical
trial |
= 40 |
9 months |
2002 |
52 |
lithium carbonate,
valproate |
single-blind |
= 42 |
none |
2002 |
53 |
nefazodone |
open-label |
= 14 |
none |
2002 |
54 |
therapy, self-help manual |
randomized clinical
trial |
= 79 |
12 months |
2002 |
55 |
citalopram |
open-label |
= 15 |
none |
2002 |
56 |
paroxetine |
double-blind, placebo-controlled |
= 76 |
none |
2003 |
57 |
fluoxetine &
motivational interviewing |
case study |
= 1 |
3 months |
2003 |
58 |
cognitive therapy |
randomized clinical
trial |
= 58 |
24 months |
2003 |
59 |
SSRIs, naltrexone |
chart review |
= 14 |
not applicable |
2004 |
60 |
self-help manual,
motivational telephone intervention |
randomized clinical
trial |
= 67 |
24 months |
2004 |
61 |
node-link mapping |
randomized clinical
trial |
= 13,
n = 19 |
6 months |
2004 |
62 |
lithium carbonate |
double-blind, placebo-controlled |
= 40 |
none |
2005 |
63 |
sertraline |
double-blind, placebo-controlled |
= 60 |
none |
2005 |
Manuscript history: This paper was
prepared during the month of April, 2005.
Submitted: August 19, 2005.
This article was not peer-reviewed.
For correspondence: Tony Toneatto,
PhD, CPsych., Scientist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 33 Russell
Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2S1. Phone: (416)-535-8501 ext. 6828,
fax: (416)-595-6399, e-mail:
Contributors: TT planned the
annotated bibliography project, BK searched for and retrieved materials,
both TT and BK surveyed and analyzed the papers, and TT wrote the final ms.
with assistance from BK.
Competing interests: None declared.
Funding: This project was funded by
the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
Tony Toneatto received his
doctorate in clinical psychology from McGill University in 1987 and is a
registered psychologist in the province of Ontario. He is currently a
scientist in the addiction section of the clinical research department at
the Center for Addiction and Mental Health. He is also an associate
professor in the departments of psychiatry and public health sciences at the
University of Toronto. His research interests include pathological gambling,
concurrent disorders and cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Barbara Kosky, MASc. (addictions and
psychopharmacology, University of Waterloo, Canada) is a research analyst II
in the clinical research department (addiction section), Centre for
Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Toronto, Ontario. Her experience in
clinical research in addictions includes gambling. She has been involved in
the design, implementation and analysis of many studies including, most
recently, "A proposal to develop and evaluate a telephone-based treatment
program and delivery system for problem gamblers." She is a co-author of
Going beyond treatment outcomes in addiction treatment: Process and
predictors of behaviour change (2005) and Tele-counselling program
for problem gamblers: How to quit or reduce your gambling (2003,
unpublished), both with CAMH.