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Welcome to the 21st issue of Journal of Gambling Issues (JGI).

For several reasons, this issue marks a watershed moment for the journal. Most notably, Issue 21 carries with it happy retirement wishes for an architect and the founding editor of JGI, Phil Lange. As incoming Managing editor, I am privileged to inherit and challenged to preserve the high standard of ethical scientific publishing that has been forwarded by Phil.

This issue also marks the movement to online peer review software for the processing of submissions to the JGI. Authors and reviewers can now visit http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/camh-jgi to submit, modify, review, and check the status of submitted manuscripts. Further, readers can soon observe the fruition of several other efforts, including a new web layout and a move toward immediate online publishing of accepted content.

In addition to overseeing the growth of JGI, it is also my goal to uphold its status as a trusted resource for current gambling-related scholarly publication, and as a useful archive of knowledge accessible to a diverse readership.

I hope this issue stimulates, enriches, and challenges your understanding of gambling-related matters.


Daryl Boshart

Managing editor, JGI



issue 21 — July
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health logo.

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