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CCASN Workshops/Scientific Meetings - 8th CCASN Scientific Meeting


Environmental & Nutritional Vulnerability
for Congenital Anomalies

November 17-19, 2010
Lord Elgin Hotel
Ottawa, Ontario


    • Highlight maternal characteristics and socio-demographic factors affecting health during pregnancy, fetal development and susceptibility for congenital anomalies.
    • Review epidemiological studies on nutritional deficiencies and excesses associated with congenital anomalies, focusing on the evolution of scientific literature and policy recommendations surrounding micronutrient intakes, including folate.
    • Share up-to-date information on key environmental exposures and risk factors, including how they may affect or interact with nutrition in pregnancy and impact the prevalence of congenital anomalies.
    • Raise awareness on the importance of integrating congenital anomalies surveillance and research into current public health initiatives.

    Meeting Chair
    Jane Evans, Chair, CCASN

Day 1: Wednesday, November 17 Location
16:00 Business Meeting of the Communications & Scientific
Meetings Working Group (CSMWG members only)
Pearson Room
17:00 Business Meeting of the CCASN Advisory Group
(Advisory Group members only)
Pearson Room
17:30 Registration begins Mezzanine
18:00 Welcome to participants by Jane Evans, Chair, CCASN
(Open to all)
Pearson Room
Keynote presentation (Open to all):
Epidemiologic musings on nutrients, related-genes, and risks of human birth defects
Gary Shaw, Stanford University, CA, USA
Pearson Room
Poster viewing & networking (Open to all) Mezzanine
This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity as defined by the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. It has been approved by the Canadian Paediatric Society for 13 credit hours and by the Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors (CAGC).
Day 2: Thursday, November 18 / Location: Pearson Room
8:00 Opening Remarks
Government of Canada - Health Portfolio Officials
Howard Morrison, Director, Science Integration Division
Catherine McCourt, Director, Health Surveillance and Epidemiology Division

Session 1: Maternal and Socio-Demographic Factors
Moderator: Brian Lowry, Alberta Children’s Hospital, AB
08:15 Maternal characteristics associated with gastroschisis
Erik Skarsgard for CAPSNeT, University of British Columbia, BC
08:45 Maternal race/ethnicity and nativity as risk factors for congenital anomalies
Russell Kirby, National Birth Defects Prevention Network, University of South Florida, FL, US
Session 2: Environmental Exposures
Moderator: Laura Arbour, University of British Columbia, BC
09:30 Current Canadian studies: Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals (MIREC) & Plastics and Personal-care Product use in Pregnancy (P4)
Tye Arbuckle, Health Canada, ON
10:15 Poster Viewing and refreshments
10:30 Chlorination by-products in public drinking water supplies and birth defects
Linda Dodds, IWK Health Centre, NS
Session 3: Abstract Communications: Oral Presentations and Posters
Moderators: Julian Little and James Gomes, University of Ottawa, ON
11:00 Birth prevalence of congenital heart disease in rural and urban Alberta, Canada: 2003-2007. Tanya Bedard, Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System, AB
11:15 Arthrogryposis and multiple congenital contractures: prevalence in Alberta, Canada and a proposal for new classification and coding systems. R. Brian Lowry, Alberta Children’s Hospital, AB
11:30 Food fortification and decline in the prevalence of neural tube defects: Does public intervention reduce the SES (Socioeconomic Status) gap in prevalence? Mohammad Agha, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, ON
11:45 Folate supplementation during pregnancy and lactation programs bone metabolism in mouse offspring. Jovana Kaludjerovic, University of Toronto, ON
12:00 Effect of folic acid intake on female reproductive outcomes across multiple generations. Amanda MacFarlane, Health Canada, ON
12:15 Synthesis of poster abstracts
12:35 Lunch & poster viewing
Session 4: Nutritional Deficiencies and Excesses
Moderator: Aideen Moore, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, ON
13:30 Nutritional deficiencies: Vitamin B12 & neural tube defects in Canada
Joel Ray, St. Michael's Hospital, ON
14:00 Folate status of Canadians post folic acid fortification of the food supply:
Too high for some?

Debra O’Connor, Hospital for Sick Children, ON
14:30 Poster viewing and refreshments
14:45 A review of key micronutrients in pregnancy: Current evidence and
concerns for congenital anomalies
Joe Leigh Simpson
, Florida International University, FL, USA
Session 5: Environmental, Nutritional and Genetic Interactions
Moderator: Michiel Van den Hof, IWK Health Centre, Dalhousie University, NS
15:30 Genetic, nutrient & environmental determinants of CHDs in Aboriginal children and their mothers
Laura Arbour, University of British Columbia, BC
16:15 Pre-pregnancy obesity and risk for birth defects
Sonja A Rasmussen, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), GA, USA
17:00 Closing remarks
Jane Evans, Chair, CCASN
Day 3: Friday, November 19 / Location: Pearson Room
Regional Reporting and Current Topics (open to all)
Jane Evans, University of Manitoba, MB &
Juan Andrés León, Public Health Agency of Canada, ON

08:30 Canadian Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System – Progress update
Maternal & Infant Health Section, Public Health Agency of Canada, ON
08:45 Program reporting from jurisdictions participating in congenital anomalies surveillance enhancement (CASE) activities
  • Saskatoon Health Region, SK
  • Yukon Health & Social Services, YT
  • Nunavut Health & Social Services, NU
  • New Brunswick Department of Health, NB
  • Nova Scotia Reproductive Care Program, IWK Health Centre, NS
09:45 Updates from other programs or jurisdictions
  • Better Outcomes Registry & Network (BORN), ON
  • Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance, AB
10:15 Break and refreshments

Current topics discussion: Privacy assessments and ethics approvals
Susan Fox, Senior Policy Advisor, Public Health Agency of Canada, ON
Ann Sprague, Scientific Manager, BORN, ON

11:30 CCASN involvement opportunities and possible working groups
12:00 Meeting adjourns
CCASN Business Meetings
12:05 CCASN Working Lunch (offsite)
13:00 CCASN Advisory Group Meeting (Open to Advisory group members only)
14:30 Working meeting adjourns

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