Organized Breast Cancer Screening Programs in Canada - Report on Program Performance in 2003 and 2004
This document presents an evaluation of the performance of organized breast cancer screening programs in Canada for the years 2003 and 2004 using data from the Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Database from ten provinces and one territory.
Report from the Evaluation Indicators Working Group: Guidelines for Monitoring Breast Screening Program Performance - Second Edition
The Report from the Evaluation Indicators Working Group: Guidelines for Monitoring Breast Screening Program Performance - Second Edition will serve as a guide to promote consistent calculation of key performance measures for various monitoring and evaluation efforts across programs and over time.
Organized Breast Cancer Screening Programs in Canada - Report on Program Performance in 2001 and 2002
This document presents
an evaluation of the performance of organized breast cancer screening
programs in Canada for the 2001 and 2002 calendar years using data
submitted to the Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Database (CBCSD)
by 10 provinces.
Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative Community Capacity Building Transitional Year - Summary of approved projects 2003/2004
The following projects have been approved under the community capacity building component of CBCI, 2003/2004. A summary of each project is attached.
Quality Determinants of Organized Breast Cancer Screening Programs
This document identifies the requirements and conditions for high-quality screening through an organized approach, an approach that relies on adoption of best practices for all aspects of a breast cancer screening program, evidence-based decision making and, if necessary, expert opinion.
Report from the Evaluation Indicators Working Group: Guidelines for Monitoring Breast Screening Program Performance
The purpose of this document is to define an initial set of performance measures for Canadian breast cancer screening programs. The document will serve as a guide to promote consistent calculation of key performance measures for various monitoring and evaluation efforts across programs and over time.
Organized Breast Cancer Screening Programs in Canada: 1999 & 2000 Report
This document presents an evaluation of the performance of organized breast cancer screening programs in Canada for the 1999 and 2000 calendar years using newly established Canadian performance measures and targets. Data for this evaluation were submitted to the Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Database by all 10 provinces.
Questions and answers on breast cancer
A guide for women and their physicians
2nd edition
This booklet is about the decisions that must be made when breast cancer is suspected or diagnosed. There is considerable variation in the way in which breast cancer is diagnosed and treated across the country. These guidelines are based on the more technical version entitled Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Care and Treatment of Breast Cancer that have been compiled for physicians.
Communication Tools
Good communication can enhance health outcomes!
Increasingly, physicians are recognizing the key role that effective communication plays in improving patient health outcomes and physician satisfaction. Find out more about better physician-patient communication in "Talking Tools" and "It Helps To Talk". |
Clinical practice guidelines for the care and treatment of breast cancer
A clinical practice guideline for breast cancer care is a set of recommendations to help women with breast cancer and their physicians deal with treatment issues about which there is some uncertainty. Guidelines try to resolve the uncertainty by a thorough review of all the medical evidence and extensive consultation with experts in the field.
Summary of approved projects 2001/2002 - 2002/2003
Community Capacity Building Component
Summary of approved projects 2001/2002 - 2002/2003
The following projects have been approved under the community capacity building component of CBCI during 2001/2002 - 2002/2003.
Summary of approved projects 2000/2001
Community Capacity Building
Summary of approved projects 2000/2001
The following projects have been approved under the community capacity building component of CBCI during 2000/2001.
Summary of approved projects 1999 - 2000
Community Capacity Building Component
Community Capacity Building Projects 1999 - 2000 |
Investigation and Assessment of the Navigator Role in Meeting the Information, Decisional and Educational Needs of Women with Breast Cancer in Canada
Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations - Part XII: Diagnostic X-ray Equipment, 2001, 20 p.
Under the Radiation Emitting Devices Act, the Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment regulations set requirements for the design and construction of medical X-ray equipment including mammography. The Act regulates the sell, import and distribution of such equipment.
It's Your Health
It's Your Health is a series of timely fact sheets intended for the general
public, the media and special interest groups, and is published by Health
Canada for the Web and for print publication.
Canadian Cancer Statistics, 2003
This publication reports cancer incidence and mortality in Canada, analyzed by gender, age and province/territory. It includes current year estimates of incidence and mortality, probabilities of developing or dying from cancer, causes of premature death in Canada, patterns of cancer in children and youth and annual special topics.
The goal of Canadian Cancer Statistics is to provide health professionals, researchers and policy-makers with detailed information that is intended to stimulate new research and will help decision-makers and policy-makers at all levels make decisions and set priorities.
Canadian Mammography Quality Guidelines, 2002
The responsibility for the quality of mammography in Canada is shared among federal, provincial and territorial governments,and the medical professionals who carry out the procedure and interpret the films. This document provides guidance to all mammography facilities,both screening and diagnostic, to ensure mammography of the highest quality. It should be noted that other provincial or territorial requirements may exist that supersede or add to provisions of this document.This document does not apply to digital mammography systems.
Consultation Report on the Results of the National Survey of Canadian Mammography Facilities, 1998
In 1994, the Radiation Protection Bureau coordinated a survey of Canadian mammographic facilities in all provinces and territories to provide a "snapshot" assessment of their performance. The results indicate that at the time of the survey Canadian facilities were operating at typical levels found in the US pre-MQSA (1992) and exhibited similar deficiencies and problems. As a result of the identification of problems in Canadian mammography facilities, the Radiation Protection Bureau took the further step of bringing together all of the key stakeholders from across Canada for a consultation meeting on the issue. The object of the meeting was to provide a series of consensus recommendations to the Minister of Health for courses of action to correct the identified problems and improve the quality of mammography in Canada.
Organized Breast Cancer Screening Programs in Canada: 1997 & 1998 Report
This document is the second in a series of biennial reports from Health Canada's
Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Initiative. It illustrates the constant evaluation that organized breast cancer screening programs undergo to assure high standards are maintained in the provision of an effective service. It presents selected statistics for the 1997 and 1998 calendar years using data submitted by provincial screening programs to the Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Database.
National Survey of Canadian Mammographic Facilities, 1997
A national survey comprising approximately 60% of all Canadian mammographic facilites was conducted in 1994-95. The survey, which was coordinated by Health Canada, was a cooperative undertaking of the federal and all provincial and territorial governments in Canada. The survey protocol, which was developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), was used for U.S. national surveys in 1985, 1988 and 1992 and is similar to U.S. accreditation requirements of the Mammography Quality Standards Act and the Canadian accreditation requirements of the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR). The use of a standardized protocol and intercalibration of survey equipment will permit direct comparisons of the findings with other North American survey data to be made. This report describes the protocol and presents the material findings.
Identification of Research Needs in Breast Cancer Etiology: Report of an Expert Workshop
Dr. Christine Friedenreich, Dr. Loraine D. Marrett, the members of the CBCI Working Group on Primary Prevention of Breast Cancer, and an Expert Panel
Chronic Diseases in Canada, Volume 22, No. 2, 2001 |
Summary Report: Review of Lifestyle and Environmental Risk Factors for Breast Cancer
This report summarizes 11 literature reviews completed by members of the Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative Working Group on Primary Prevention of Breast Cancer. These reviews were prepared in response to concern about the possible association between breast cancer and potentially modifiable risk factors such as diet and exposure to specific chemicals. Members of the Working Group reviewed the scientific literature and outlined their findings and recommendations in this Summary Report entitled Review of Lifestyle and Environmental Risk Factors for Breast Cancer.
The full version of the 11 literature reviews can be obtained from the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative Website at: http://www.breast.cancer.ca/. |
Waiting for a Diagnosis After an Abnormal Breast Screen in Canada
This report was prepared by the Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Initiative (CBCSI) Working Group on the Integration of Screening and Diagnosis. Using data from the National Screening Database, it compares wait times from the detection of an abnormality to diagnosis of the problem in seven different breast cancer screening programs across Canada. The report recommends timeliness targets and a definition for the 'date of diagnosis'. These recommendations are endorsed by the CBCSI National Committee. The report is available in English and French by contacting Health Canada Publications at Tel: (613) 954-5995; Fax: (613) 941-5366.
Breast Cancer Screening National Ad
This poster contains information on breast cancer screening programs, and is intended for display.
Breast Cancer Screening: what you should know.... Early detection could save your life
Information brochure on breast cancer screening developed by the Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Initiative (CBCSI). It is aimed at women aged 50-69 and provides basic information on provincial/territorial screening programs, and what is involved in getting a screening mammogram. The brochure also includes, where possible, toll free phone numbers for provincial/territorial screening programs. It is available in English and French, and can be obtained in hard copy by contacting Health Canada Publications at Tel: (613) 954-5995; Fax: (613) 941-5366.
Community Capacity Project Summaries
In Phase II of the Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative (1998 - 2003), project funding is available to support community capacity building among community groups with an interest in breast cancer issues.
Eight projects were funded during 1998/1999. These included two national projects: National Networking Project, Part 1, and Towards ideal toll-free breast cancer information and support service(s). Provincial projects were wide-ranging in scope, including developing provincial networks in British Columbia and Ontario; addressing the needs of groups within communities: Aboriginal women in the NWT, Ethno-cultural women, women in rural communities and Francophone women; and developing skills for peer support volunteers.
Report on the National Forum on Breast Cancer
This document provides an account of the proceedings of the National Forum on Breast Cancer that was held in Montréal in November, 1993. This landmark event promoted the dissemination of breast cancer knowledge, and solidified a common commitment to collaborative endeavours between breast cancer interest groups in the future. The Forum was to yield a clearer definition of the problems associated with breast cancer, and practical ideas and suggestions for resolving them.
Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Care & Treatment of Breast Cancer, Summer, 1995
Newsletter regarding the development and implementation of a comprehensive set of clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of breast cancer and the care of breast cancer patients.
Breast Cancer and Professional Education, Summer, 1995
Newsletter about enhancing the continuing education of breast cancer physicians
National Committee for the Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Initiative, Summer, 1995
Newsletter regarding the progress of breast cancer screening and detection in Canada.
Breast Cancer Information Exchange Pilot Projects, Summer, 1995
Newsletter regarding the progress of the Breast Cancer Information Exchange Pilot Projects across Canada.