Invitation to Submit an Application for Funding
Canadian Diabetes Strategy (CDS) Community-Based Program
Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
September 2010
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is pleased to invite eligible organizations to submit a proposal for funding under the Community-Based Programming Component of the CDS. PHAC is seeking proposals that support the Agency's objective to identify effective community-based models, programs, policies and public health interventions that contribute to the prevention and management of diabetes.
The CDS targets information to Canadians who are at higher risk for diabetes (e.g., family history, overweight/obese, pre-diabetic, certain ethnic groups), and/or living with diabetes to aid in the prevention of diabetes-related complications.
Priority Areas for funding are:
Within these Priority Areas, there may also be a secondary focus on:
Please refer to the CDS Community-Based Program 2011/2013 Guide for Applicants and the Application for Funding form to ensure your package is complete. The Guide for Applicants provides you with detailed information on what the application should include and the required format for your proposal.
Date: OCTOBER 8, 2010
Please note the Public Health Agency of Canada is not responsible for any late or lost deliveries. Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted.
Prior to developing a proposal, you should contact the appropriate Regional or National office to discuss your project idea and the proposal process. The CDS Community-Based Program is delivered through the Regional offices of the PHAC (for regional, provincial/ territorial or local projects) and the National office based in the National Capital Region (for national projects).
National-level projects must: involve intersectoral partners from three or more of the PHAC regions, notably, Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia; and, provide access to project activities in the official language of choice, as well as produce all documents for public distribution in both official languages.
Regional Projects are initiated by provincial, territorial, regional or local organizations.
Please send the original proposal along with three hard copies (documents sent by fax or email will not be accepted).
For projects national in scope, contact:
Laurie Gibbons A/Manager, Diabetes Coordination Unit
Public Health Agency of Canada
785 Carling Avenue, 6th floor, room 611B4
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9
Tel.: 613-946-9967
For projects Regional in scope, contact:
Northern Region
Northern Region, Health Canada
Tel.: 867-393-6775
Atlantic Region
Public Health Agency of Canada
Tel.: (902) 426-2265
Quebec Region
Public Health Agency of Canada
Tel.: (514) 496-2287
Ontario/Nunavut Region
Public Health Agency of Canada
Tel.: (416) 954-9023
Manitoba/Saskatchewan Region
Public Health Agency of Canada
Tel.: (204) 789-7699
Public Health Agency of Canada
Tel.: (306) 780-3475
Alberta/NWT Region
Public Health Agency of Canada
Tel.: (780) 495-8304
British Columbia/Yukon Region
Public Health Agency of Canada
Tel.: (604) 666-2729
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is under no obligation to provide funding, or enter into an agreement as a result of this invitation to submit an application.
Please note that PHAC will not reimburse an Applicant for costs incurred in the preparation and/or submission of an application in response to this invitation.
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