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Canadian Field Epidemiology Program

Epidemiology in Action Course 2010

Receipt of applications is closed.

Unfortunately, we won’t be taking external applications for the course this year

When: September 13 to October 1, 2010.
Full-time (Mon to Fri) participation is required.  Some after-hours work will be assigned.

Where: Albert at Bay Suite Hotel, 435 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
All sessions will be held at this downtown location.

Who: Course participants will include the incoming cohort of Field Epidemiologists plus a limited number of external participants.  The course will be of most interest to epidemiologists, public health professionals and clinicians who are responsible for the implementation and interpretation of epidemiologic field studies and outbreak investigations in Canada.

Cost: There is no fee for the course.   Transportation and accommodation costs are the responsibility of each participant.  All course materials and equipment will be provided by CFEP.  A laptop will be assigned to each participant for the duration of the course, and will be available for sign-out after classroom hours.

Accommodation: EIA 2010 participants will be entitled to a reduced room rate at the Albert at Bay Suite Hotel.  In order to receive the negotiated rate (one-bedroom, single occupancy), reservations must be made using our booking code (to be provided to course participants upon acceptance). 

Pre-requisite: You must have completed at least one of the following:

Language: The language of instruction and all course material are English.

Faculty: Our faculty includes Public Health Agency of Canada staff, current and former Field Epis and other Canadian and international public health professionals with expertise in applied epidemiology training.

picture summer course

Overview: This three-week course is designed to provide an overview of epidemiologic principles and practices applied to public health field studies. The course combines lectures, case studies, group problem solving, workshops, a field study and scientific writing. The objective of the course is to prepare participants to engage in public health field studies and to reinforce epidemiologic practice in their work or study. This course is open to persons who have completed at least an introductory course in epidemiology, have a good understanding of epidemiology and use epidemiologic methods in their work or study.

Course Content: The EIA 2010 draft schedule PDF version (PDF Version, 23 KB) is now available.  Lectures, case studies and a field survey will provide course participants with a better working knowledge of:

Outbreak Investigation

  • steps in outbreak investigations
  • introduction to the epidemiologic, clinical, laboratory and environmental aspects of an outbreak investigation
  • enteric and respiratory outbreaks, bioterrorism outbreaks
  • developing and critiquing case definitions
  • case-finding methods
  • descriptive analysis and presentation of outbreak-related data
  • generating and testing a working hypothesis
  • questionnaire design
  • interpretation of analytical epidemiologic data
  • implementing control measures
  • roles of public health authorities

Study Design and Epidemiological Analysis

  • elements of study design and use of case-control versus cohort studies
  • measures of association
  • biases, confounding and effect modification
  • criteria for causation
  • principles of field study design
  • collection, analysis and interpretation of survey data
  • use of Epi Data and Epi Info to analyze epidemiologic data
  • concise scientific writing


  • introduction to environmental risk assessment
  • introduction to public health law and ethics
  • introduction to spatial thinking and social network analysis