Road Safety: Pedestrians
Make sure your children get to school
- Start a "walking school bus"! Find adult volunteers
to walk neighbourhood children to school.
- Accompany children under 10 when cycling or walking. Children
up to the age of 9 do not have the skills and abilities needed to
be safe in traffic.
- Parents, are you a safety hazard? When you have to drive
children to school, use the designated "drop off
- Think about the dangers on your child's way to school, and
plan a safe route.
- Teach children to play away from parked and moving cars.
- Teach your child to STOP, LOOK and LISTEN at all crossings and
- Kids, stay out of the danger zone outside the bus! If you drop
something, make sure the bus driver sees you before you pick it
- After getting off the school bus, wait for the bus driver, a
patroller or parent to tell you it's safe to cross the
Road Safety
Active and Safe Routes to
Road Safety: Passengers
Are your children riding safely?
- Safety from the word "go"
- First trip, every trip, buckle children up securely
- Be an example...buckle up too
- Safety checks across the country show as many as 80% of child
car seats inspected are not installed correctly. Teach family and
caregivers how to use your child's car seat correctly.
- Holding a baby in your arms provides no protection in a car
- Children 12 and under are safest in the back seat.
- If your car has a passenger-side airbag, children must ride in
the back seat properly buckled up.
- Read and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
- Always use the correct car seat for your child's height and
- Booster seats are used for children 18-27 kg (40-60
- Use a high-back booster seat correctly. Always use the lap and
shoulder portion of the seat belt. Make sure second-hand seats are
safe! Check with your local CAA office.
For more
information on Safe Passenger Travel
Road Safety: Cycling
- Bike injuries can happen anywhere, anytime. Stay alert!
- A helmet must fit correctly to protect your head.
- Replace helmets at the first sign of damage. Second-hand
bicycle helmets should not be used. Even a tiny crack makes it
- Teach children how to adjust their helmets to fit snugly.
- No baseball caps, please. Helmets protect less if worn over a
hat or bandana.
- Look for the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) label inside
the helmet.
- Make it a house rule - "Use a helmet for every
- Teach your kids the "rules of the road".
- Keep approved helmets near bikes and trikes so your children
will always put them on.
- Set an example. Wear your helmet every time you ride!
- Small child? Small bike! Make sure it fits.
Canadian Standards
Rail Safety
- Always look in both directions before crossing train tracks. If
the lights are flashing, wait.
- Never go around or under the gate arms! Several tracks could
mean a second train.
- Walking or playing on train tracks is dangerous and illegal. Be
smart, be safe–stay away!
Click here for Operation
Lifesaver and more Railway Safety Tips
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