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Sports and Leisure

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Playground Safety
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Sports and Leisure
Wear the Gear
Skateboards, Scooters, Inline Skates.
Colouring book
Play the Action Hero Game

Alright players, listen up! No matter what sport you play, your most important goal - yes, even more important than scoring - should always be safety. That means doing everything you can to protect yourself, and everyone in the game, from injuries.

Get in the safety game!

You can't stop all injuries, especially in sports. But you can help make sure they happen less often and are less serious. Just follow a few basic routines and you'll shoot, you'll score!

starGet proper training.

Before you start, learn how to do it. Take skiing for instance, you have more fun and look good too once you learn how to turn, stop and ski in control.

starFollow the rules!

If you don't want to get hurt, you've got to go by the rule book. So before you play, learn the rules of the game - and stick to them.

starWarm up.

It's easier to get hurt when you playing a sport with cold, stiff muscles. That's why it's important to warm up for at least five minutes before you start. Plan to arrive early so you can jog, stretch or shake out your arms and legs. Come on, we're rooting for you!

starDrink up.

Playing sports makes you sweat, and that means your body is losing a lot of fluid. If you don't replace this lost fluid, you could start feeling very sick. You might even pass out. So it's important to drink lots of water before and during the game, especially on hot days.

starWear the gear.

Wear it. Wear it. Wear it. We can't say it enough times: Wear the gear that's right for your game, and be sure to wear it the right way. You won't get hurt as much, even if you fall or crash into another player. To learn more about gearing up properly click right here.

starWear the sunscreen.

If you're playing outdoors, apply waterproof sunscreen onto your skin at least 15 minutes before the game begins. And keep on applying it - read the label, it will tell you how often you should re-apply.

starSkateboards, Inline Skates and Scooters

Don't be a broken hero! Click here for tips on how to skate and scoot without getting hurt.

Wear the Gear Skateboards, scooters, Inline Skates

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Wear the Gear | Skateboards, Scooters, Inline Skates