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Program and Participants 2000
This report is the second in a series of annual process evaluation survey results for the Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities (AHSUNC) Program. It presents key findings of the National Administrative and Process Evaluation Survey 2000. The National Administrative and Process Evaluation Survey collects data regarding characteristics of the program and its participants, project administration and coordination, program components and the various activities associated with them, and program needs and finances. A National AHSUNC Impact Evaluation is in development and will be the mechanism through which AHSUNC will determine the impact the program is having on children, parents and the community. The survey results highlighted here are instrumental in developing the National Impact Evaluation.

Aboriginal Head Start Urban and Northern Initiative
Biennial Report 1998/1999 – 1999/2000
This report provides information about the AHSUNC program in urban and northern communities for the period of April 1, 1998 - March 31, 2000. This information provides an overview of activities and accomplishments in this two-year period. It describes the efforts of our entire team working in the communities, in the regions and at the national level.

Children Make a Community WholeChildren Making a Community Whole reports on the results of the first AHSUNC National Process and administrative Evaluation Survey, conducted in 1999. Data from this survey demonstrate impressive accomplishments in AHSUNC communities. The data support the positive messages that The Public Health Agency of Canada is receiving from parents, staff, communities and schools on the impact of AHS.

Johnny National, Super Hero by Tomson HighwayJohnny National, Super Hero by Tomson Highway and the accompanying Readers' Guide
Johnny National, Super Hero is a fictional story about AHSUNC and the people and communities participating in the program. The story celebrates and highlights the accomplishments of the program through storytelling, a traditional teaching and communication approach.


Public Health Agency of Canada publishes Aboriginal Head Start News to all Aboriginal Head Start projects across Canada and other interested parties. The newsletter is a place to share information and interesting stories about Aboriginal Head Start. Regular features include news from the National Aboriginal Head Start Committee, a Calendar of Events, regional highlights and a resource development section.

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