Partnerships enhance the vitality and efficiency of CAPC and CPNP projects, offering multiple perspectives and the advantage of considered expertise in literacy education.
In the Literacy Matters survey, projects reported that they partner with a variety of organizations, including public libraries, family and community literacy agencies, band councils, and schools. For the most part, opportunities to partner are defined locally. Once familiar with the literacy organizations and agencies in their communities, projects can determine whether to work collaboratively or use them as referral resources, or some combination of the two.
Community Resources | ||
BFC Aboriginal Addiction Worker - Mondays, all day Women's Circle - 2nd, 16th & 30th, 7pm Men's Circle - 9th &23rd, 7pm Traditional Teachings - Wednesdays, 7pm Arts & Crafts - Thursdays, 6:30pm |
Women's Centre "Courage Winthin" a self-esteem support group for women who want to improve their self-confidence and work towards a positive future. September 9th (6-8 weeks) "Finding Tomorrow" a support group for women who have been or are being abused by an intimate partner." September 4th (12 weeks) |
Brandon RHA Healthy Beginnings, A Healthy Baby Program - Tuesdays 1-3:30 Call Janine 571-8443 Afternoon Prenatal, call Jane 571-8382 |
Brandon Aboriginal Sun-Thurs: 4pm-9pm No Fee, call Dayna: 762-8632 |
CAPC/CPNP community calendars keep participants informed about community events and resources. Excerpted from Community Resources calendar and information. Submitted by Barb Desjardins, In A Good Way. Brandon, MB.
In the Literacy Matters survey, projects were asked to rate issues according to their degree of importance in supporting the literacy needs of CAPC and CPNP participants. Local discussions around many of these issues are ongoing. Clearly it is important to consider how common concerns might inform policy at the project regional and national level. The issues most frequently identified by CAPC and CPNP projects could provide a useful starting point. They are: insufficient funds; the challenges of providing adequate transportation; program uptake and retention; differences between the level of funding available and the intensity and duration of programming required to make long term impacts on the lives of families and communities; meeting individual needs of participants, and recruiting and retaining qualified staff.
In addition to the programs reviewed, these resources and publishers were mentioned by one or more projects as being particularly useful.
Come Read With Me <>
Books for Children and Families
Childhood Centre
University of New Brunswick
Faculty of Education
P.O. Box 4400
Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5A3
Phone: (506) 453-5024
Fax: (506) 458-7841
Website: <>
Dads Make a Difference
275 Syndicate St. N
St. Paul, MN 55104-5494
Eagle Crest books <>
Growing Healthy Together books (prenatal and
postnatal) and videos
that target teens effectively.
Family Service Association
2 Carlton Street
Toronto, ON M5B 1J3
Phone: (416) 586-9777 ext. 224
Fax: (416) 586-0031
Health Canada and provincial governments
CAPC/CPNP booklets:
Healthy Start for Mom & Me (prenatal and
postnatal posters)
400 Edmonton Street, 2nd floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2M2
Phone: (204) 949-5354
Fax: (204) 949-4800
The Aboriginal HIPPY program from the Chief Dan
Foundation at SFU.
Community Education Programs
Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre
Suite 124 - 515 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6B 5K3
Morning Glory Press
6595 San Haroldo
Buena Park, CA 90620
Phone: 714.828.1998 or 888.612.8254
Fax: 714.828.2049 or 888.327.4362
National Film Board of Canada
Sales and Customer Service (D-10)
P.O. Box 6100 Station
Centre-Ville Montreal
(QC) H3C 3H5
Phone: 1-800-267-7710
Fax: (514) 283-7564
Native Reflections: for posters, calendars etc.
Learning Cree Language
Books: Duval Publishing in Edmonton 1-800-267-6187
Nobody's Perfect:
Phone: (613) 952-1220
Fax: (613) 952-1556
Nutrition Bingo:
Indian and Northern
Health Services
Contact: In A Good Way
Brandon Friendship Centre
321-9th Street
Brandon, MB R7A 4A8
Our Children, Our Way videos
Red River
2055 Notre Dame Avenue,
Winnipeg, MB R3H 0J9
Scott O'Dell's Black Star, Bright
Sunburst Visual Media
PO Box 11210
Tempe, AZ 852840021
Phone: 1-800-431-1934
Fax: 1-888-803-3908
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