Public Health Agency of Canada
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Statistics and Risk Assessment

Goals and Objective of the Statistics and Risk Assessment Section

The primary role of the Statistics and Risk Assessment (SRA) section is to support the activities of the Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care Acquired Infections Division through the ongoing development and update of quantitative risk assessment models and methodologies for the analysis of blood borne diseases.

The collection of quality data allows the SRA section to model national and international disease trends to determine the impact of blood borne diseases on the health of the Canadian population and to support regulators responsible for creating policy and health programs through option analysis. A special section focus on risk assessments for rare and emerging diseases helps meet modern health care needs for better knowledge in the face of little to no scientific information and promotes the development of statistical techniques surrounding issues of modeling uncertainty. The section is also responsible for conducting targeted epidemiological studies on a variety of health issues.

The SRA section operates in an atmosphere of continual learning and development through consultation and collaboration with academic, professional, and government experts and organizations both at home and abroad. The ongoing product of the SRA section is the annual publication "Blood Borne Pathogens Routine Surveillance System" (BBPRSS) addressing national mortality, morbidity and reportable trends data.