Retrospective examination of the decision analysis for implementing anti-hepatitis B core testing on blood donations in Canada
ElSaadany, S., Giulivi, A., Catford, A., Afzal, M. (forthcoming)
A vCJD Risk-Assessment Case Study: Preliminary Quantitative Assessment of Developing variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease From Human Islet Cell Transplantation
ElSaadany, S., Catford, A., Rohwer, R.G., Tyshenko, M. (forthcoming)
Risk Assessment Model to Determine the Risk of Viral Infection Due to Improper Re-Use of Syringes
ElSaadany, S., and all (forthcoming)
Comparative Expert Judgment Elicitation using the Classical Model and EXCALIBUR under Conditions of Uncertainty for Prion Disease Risks
Tyshenko, M.G., ElSaadany, S., Darshan, S., Oraby, T., Catford,A., Aspinall, W., Cooke R., Krewski, D. (forthcoming)
Expert Elicitation for the Judgment of Prion Disease Risk Uncertainties using the Classical Model and EXCALIBUR
Tyshenko, M.G., ElSaadany, S., Darshan, S., Aspinall, W., Cooke, R., Oraby, Krewski, D. (forthcoming)
A Review of Mathematical Models for the Estimation of Prion Disease Risks: Part I BSE
Al-Zoughool, M., Cottrell, D., ElSaadany, S., Murray, N., Oraby, T., Smith, R., Krewski, D. (forthcoming)
Enhanced surveillance for measles in low incidence territories of Russian Federation: defining a rate for suspected case investigation
Tikhonova, N.T., Bichurina, M.A., Gerasimova, A.G., Zvirkun, O.V., Vladimerova, N.P., Mamaeva, T., Lipskaya, G., ElSaadany, S., Spika, J.S. (forthcoming)
Preliminary Quantititive Risk Assessment of Developing Variant Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease (vCJD) from Human Islet Cell Transplantation
ElSaadany, S.
Presentation presented at the 7th Symposium of the International Expert Advisory Group Meeting, March 26-27, 2008
Email Dr. Susie ElSaadany or Caroline Desjardins to receive the presentation
On the Performance of Social Network and Likelihood Based Expert Weighting Schemes
ElSaadany, S., Cooke, M.R., & Huang, X.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, v.93, p.745, 2008
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Statistics and Risk Assessment Section Roles, Responsibilities, and Objectives
ElSaadany, S.
Draft: Feb. 14, 2008
Email Dr. Susie ElSaadany or Caroline Desjardins to receive the presentation
Decision Analysis: Effective Hepatitis B Screening of New Entrants to Canada, Based on a One-Year Cohort of Immigrants
ElSaadany, S.
Update: 2007
Email Dr. Susie ElSaadany or Caroline Desjardins to receive the abstract
Documenting a transfusion: how well is it done?
ElSaadany, S., Rock, G., Berger, R., Filion, D., Touche, D., Neurath, D., Wells, G., & Afzal, M.
Transfusion, vol. 47, p.568, 2007
Download the Peer-reviewed article (PDF Version, 64 kb)
Epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma in Canada, 1995: Analysis of death certificates
ElSaadany, S., Guilivi, A.
Chronic Diseases in Canada, Vol. 27, No 3, 2006
Download the Peer-reviewed article (PDF Version, 88 kb)
A review of nearly two decades in an autologous blood programme: the rise and fall of activity
ElSaadany, S., Rock, G., Berger, R., Bormanis, J., Guilivi, A., Afzal, M., Beard, J., Neurath, D., & Jones, T. G
Transfusion Medicine, Vol. 16, p.307, 2006
Download the Peer-reviewed article (PDF Version, 116 kb)
Economic Burden of Hepatitis C in Canada and the Potential Impact of Prevention: Results from a Disease Model
ElSaadany, S., Coyle, D., Guilivi, A., & Afzal, M.
Journal of Health Economics, June 2005
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A vCJD Risk-Assessment Case study: A Preliminary Quantitative Assessment of Canadian Vaccines Incorporating Bovine Biological Materials in Their Manufacture
ElSaadany, S., Giulivi, A.
Bioprocess International, March 2005
Download the Peer-reviewed article (PDF Version, 4.48 mb)
Epidemiological Study of Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease Death Certificates in Canada, 1979-2001
Susie ElSaadany, Robert Semenciw, Maura Ricketts, Yang Mao, Antonio Giulivi
Neuroepidemiology. 2005;24:15-21
Email Dr. Susie ElSaadany or Caroline Desjardins to receive the abstract
Modeling Rare and Emerging Diseases for Decision Making
and Policy Implementation: Extreme Values and Data
ElSaadany, S., Guilivi, A., & Hanna, N.
Bioprocess International, January 2004
Email Dr. Susie ElSaadany or Caroline Desjardins to receive the abstract
An epidemiologic study of hepatocellular carcinoma in
ElSaadany, S., Tepper, M., Mao, Y., Semenciw, & R., Giulivi, A.
Can J Public Health 2002;93(6):443-446
Development of a computer linkage system for a blood
recipient notification program in Nova Scotia.
ElSaadany, S., Ricketts, M., & Giulivi, A.
Can J Public Health 2002;93(6):439-442
Hepatitis A, B, and C in Canada: Results from the National
Sentinel Health Unit Surveillance System, 1993-1995.
ElSaadany, S., Gully, P., & Giulivi, A.
Can J Public Health 2002;93(6):435-438
Methodologic Issues Surrounding the Use of Framingham Equations for Predicting Cardiovascular Diseases in Canada
ElSaadany, S., Morrison, H.I., Semenciw, R.M., Mao, Y., & Petrasovits, A.
Cardiovascular Risk Factors and International Journal, Volume 6, Number 4, 1996
Download the Peer-reviewed article (PDF Version, 4.17 mb)
Email Dr. Susie ElSaadany for further information.
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