Public Health Agency of Canada
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Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Section

Goals and Objectives of the TTI Section


The goals of the Transfusion Transmitted Injuries (TTI) Section of the Health Care Acquired Infections Division (HCAID) are (1) to establish a national surveillance system for Transfusion Transmitted injuries (i.e. infectious diseases and noninfectious adverse events) and (2) to support targeted research in order to provide information for risk assessment to further reduce the risks associated with blood transfusion in Canada.


  • Develop, in collaboration with provincial/territorial governments and stakeholders, a surveillance system to capture data on moderate and severe adverse events and errors associated with transfusion of blood/blood products.

  • Support the development of national registries for recipients of blood/blood products who are at higher risk, such as patients with hemophilia and blood/bone marrow transplantation recipients, to monitor the risk of transmission of known and emerging blood-borne pathogens.

  • Support targeted research projects to determine the risk of infectious and noninfectious adverse events associated with transfusion.

  • Support a network of communication between national/provincial/territorial public health authorities and other relevant nongovernment organizations to share the information on transfusion surveillance systems.