K. Doré M.H.Sc., J. Buxton M.B.B.S. M.H.Sc.,
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Burden of Illness Associated with Antimicrobial Resistant Salmonella enterica
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Using Provincial Client Registries for Control Selection; Lessons Learned Brigette Krenten-Boaretto BSc, Jane A. Buxton M.B.B.S. M.H.Sc , Kathryn Doré MHSc, Murray Fyfe M.D. M.Sc , Dean Middleton D.V.M. M.Sc, Scott McEwen D.V.M., D.V.Sc. and the Multi-Provincial Salmonella Typhimurium Case-Control Study Group. Canada Communicable Disease Report. Volume 29-20, 15 October 2003.
Buxton, J., Fyfe, M., Berger, S., Cox, M., Northcott
K, and the Multi-provincial Salmonella Typhimurium Case-Control Study Group. Reactive
arthritis and other sequelae following sporadic Salmonella typhimurium
infection in British
Columbia, Canada: A case-control study Journal
of Rheumatology 2002;29:2154-8.
Mulvey, M., Soule, G., Boyd, D., Demczuk, W., Ahmed, R. and the Multi-provincial Salmonella Typhimurium Case-Control Study Group. Characterization of the First Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Producing Salmonella Isolated in Canada. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. Jan 2003 Vol 41 No1 pp 460-462.
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