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Chronic Diseases in Canada

Volume 30, no. 4, September 2010

In this issue

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  1. Preface to the Canadian Health Measures Survey results - Oral health statistics, 2007–2009
    Dr. P. Cooney

  2. Canadian Health Measures Survey results –
    Oral health statistics, 2007-2009

  3. The public health implications of assisted reproductive technologies
    R. Deonandan

  4. Autism spectrum disorders, maternal characteristics and obstetric complications among singletons born in Alberta, Canada
    I. Burstyn, F. Sithole, L. Zwaigenbaum

  5. An investigation of cancer incidence in a First Nations community in Alberta, Canada, 1995–2006
    A. Colquhoun, Z. Jiang, G. Maiangowi, F. Ashbury, Y. Chen, W. Drobina, L. McLeod, L. Panaro, S. Sihota, J. Tustin, W. Yacoub

  6. Myocardial infarction and the validation of physician billing and hospitalization data using electronic medical records
    K. Tu, T. Mitiku, H. Guo, D. S. Lee, J.V. Tu

  7. Executive Summary – Meals and snacks consumed by young Quebecers

  8. Book review – Culture and Health: Applying Medical Anthropology
    G. Ko, A. Kukaswadia

Chronic Diseases in Canada (CDIC) is a quarterly scientific journal focussing on current evidence relevant to the control and prevention of chronic (i.e. non-communicable) diseases and injuries in Canada. Since 1980 the journal has published a unique blend of peer-reviewed feature articles by authors from the public and private sectors and which may include research from such fields as epidemiology, public/community health, biostatistics, the behavioural sciences, and health services or economics. Only feature articles are peer reviewed. Authors retain responsibility for the content of their articles; the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the CDIC editorial committee nor of the Public Health Agency of Canada.