We thank the abattoir industry personnel and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency regional directors, inspection managers and onsite staff for their extensive voluntary participation in the CIPARS - Abattoir Component.
We recognize the US National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System for sharing information and facilitating harmonization with CIPARS.
Additionally, we appreciate the effort of the producers participating in research projects, field workers, laboratory technicians, and data management staff for their contributions. The careful collecting of samples, processing of isolates, and recording of results are essential to the ongoing success of CIPARS.
The CIPARS on-farm swine working group would like to acknowledge the following:
Public Health Laboratories
The following laboratories forwarded human Salmonella isolates to the National Microbiology Laboratory (Winnipeg,
Manitoba). This group includes Laboratory Services, British
Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BC) (Judy Isaac-Renton); the
Provincial Laboratory of Public Health (AB) (Marie Louie); the
Saskatchewan Laboratory and Disease Control Services; Cadham
Provincial Laboratory (MB) (Paul Van Caeseele); the Central Public
Health Laboratory, Public Health Laboratories Branch, Ontario
Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (ON) (Frances Jamieson);
Laboratoire de santé publique du Québec (QC) (Johanne
Ismail); the New Brunswick Enteric Reference Centre (NB) (Glenna
Hardy); the Microbiology Laboratory, Queen Elizabeth II Health
Sciences Centre (NS) (Kevin Forward); Laboratory Services, Queen
Elizabeth Hospital (PE) (Lewis Abbott); and the Newfoundland Public
Health Laboratory (NL) (Sam Ratnam).
Animal Health Laboratories
The following laboratories voluntary forwarded clinical animal Salmonella isolates to the Laboratory for Foodborne
Zoonoses (Ontario) for Salmonella Passive
Surveillance: Agri-Food Laboratory Branch, Alberta
Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development, (AB), Prairie Diagnostic
Services, Western College of Veterinary Medicine (SK), Veterinary
Services Branch Laboratory (MB), The Animal Health Laboratory,
University of Guelph (ON), Vita-Tech Canada Inc. (ON), the
Laboratoire d’expertise en pathologie animale du
Québec (QC), Provincial Veterinary Laboratory, Dept. of
Agriculture, Fisheries, and Aquaculture (NB), Veterinary Pathology
Laboratory, Truro (NS), Diagnostic Services, Atlantic Veterinary
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