Quality Assurance
Laboratory for Foodborne
Zoonoses, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC
- Participates in annual Inter-Laboratory Proficiency testing
program with two other laboratories (since 2004)
Salmonella Typing Laboratory, Laboratory for Foodborne
Zoonoses, Guelph, ON
- Participates in annual Inter-Laboratory Proficiency testing
program with two other laboratories (since 2004)
- Participates in annual World Health Organization (WHO) Global
Salm-Surv External Quality Assurance System (since 2002)
- Standards Council of Canada ISO 17025 Accredited Laboratory
since 2002
National Microbiology Laboratory, Winnipeg, MB
- Participates in annual Inter-Laboratory Proficiency testing
program with two other laboratories.
- Participated in annual Intra-Laboratory Proficiency testing
- Participates in annual World Health Organization (WHO) Global
Salm-Surv External Quality Assurance System.
- Standards Council of
Canada ISO 17025 Accredited Laboratory (2005).
Standardized Laboratory Analyses
Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC
- Farm, abattoir and retail samples
- E.coli, Enterococcus and Campylobacter antimicrobial susceptibility testing for animal or food
Salmonella Typing Laboratory, Laboratory for Foodborne
Zoonoses, Guelph, ON
- Salmonella typing & antimicrobial susceptibility
testing for animal or food isolates
- Molecular characterization
National Microbiology Laboratory, Winnipeg
- Salmonella typing and antimicrobial susceptibility
testing for human isolates
- Molecular characterization
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
- Sensititre®: automated micro-dilution AMR test
- NARMS plate – 16 antimicrobials
- E-test Campylobacter – 8 antimicrobials
- Same methods agri-food and human
- Same methods as USA
Please refer to the Integrated
Analysis and Reporting section for information on
Please refer to the Report and
Publications section for methodologies.
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