NAME: Mycoplasma pneumoniae; M. hominis
SYNONYM OR CROSS REFERENCE: Mycoplasmal pneumonia, pleural atypical pneumonia, PPLO, pleuropneumonia-like organisms
CHARACTERISTICS: Gram-negative pleomorphic cells, smaller than conventional bacteria (0.2-2µm), parasitic and saprophytic in existence; spherical to ovoid shaped, atypical pathoghen, single triple-layered membrane but lacking true cell wall; intracellular localization; terminal organelle that plays a role in attachment
PATHOGENICITY: Mucosally associated, respiratory and urogenital tract localization, rarely penetrates the submucosa; M. hominis - potential pathogen of reproductive tract, common parasite of lower urogenital tract; can disseminate to other parts (particularly in the immune-compromised), acute pyelonephritis caused by invasion of the upper urinary tract; cerebrospinal fluid invasion; invasive disease of the joints, respiratory tract with bacteremia; can cause sternal infection; vertical transmission (18-55%) causes congenital pneumonia, bacteremia, progression to chronic lung disease or prematurity; M. pneumoniae - Comprises 15-20% of all pneumonia cases; febrile lower respiratory infection; less often a pharyngitis progressing to bronchitis or pneumonia; non-pulmonary manifestations including neurologic, hepatic, cardiac and hematologic disorders; gradual onset with headache, malaise, paroxysmal cough, substernal pain; leukocytosis in some cases; duration varies from a few days to a month or more; Low fatality
EPIDEMIOLOGY: Worldwide; M. pneumoniae - sporadic, endemic and occasionally epidemic in institutions and military; greatest during fall and winter months in temperate climates; all ages but asymptomatic or mild in children under 5 years of age
HOST RANGE: Humans, non-human primates
MODE OF TRANSMISSION: By droplet inhalation, direct contact with infected persons or with freshly soiled articles from an acutely ill and coughing patient; secondary cases among contacts are frequent
COMMUNICABILITY: Communicable period is less than 10 days; occasionally longer with persisting febrile illness or persistence of organism in convalescence
DRUG SUSCEPTIBILITY: M. hominis - Sensitive to tetracyclines, gentamicin, doxycycline, aminoglycosides, macrolides, clindamycin; M. pneumoniae - fluroquinolone, trovafloxacin, moxifloxacin
DRUG RESISTANCE: Innate resistance to penicillins and rifampicins; tetracycline resistance due to acquisition of tetM gene; M. hominis - resistance to erythromycin and azithromycin have been reported
SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISINFECTANTS: Sensitive to many disinfectants - 1% sodium hypochlorite, 70% ethanol, glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde
PHYSICAL INACTIVATION: Sensitive to drying, moist heat (121° C for at least 15 min) and dry heat (160-170° C for at least l hour)
SURVIVAL OUTSIDE HOST: Air (10% RH) - 50 h; Air (90% RH) - 20 h; Air (30-80% RH) - <10 h)
SURVEILLANCE: Monitor for symptoms; confirm bacteriologically
FIRST AID/TREATMENT: Antibiotic therapy
PROPHYLAXIS: Antibiotic prophylaxis
LABORATORY-ACQUIRED INFECTIONS: 4 reported cases up to 1976
SOURCES/SPECIMENS:Blood, synovial fluid, amniotic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, prostatic secretions, semen, wound aspirates, sputum, pleural fluid, bronchoalveolar lavage specimens; swabs from nasopharynx, cervix, vagina, wounds and urethra
PRIMARY HAZARDS: Droplet exposure of mucous membranes; infectious aerosols; parenteral inoculation, ingestion
CONTAINMENT REQUIREMENTS: Biosafety level 2 practices, containment equipment and facilities for all activities involving clinical materials or cultures; additional precautions and containment for activities with high potential for aerosol production
PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Laboratory coat; gloves when direct contact with infectious materials is unavoidable; gown (tight wrists and ties in back) and gloves for work in biosafety cabinet
SPILLS: Allow aerosols to settle; wear protective clothing; gently cover spill with paper towels and apply 1% sodium hypochlorite, starting at perimeter and working towards the centre; allow sufficient contact time (30 min) before clean up
DISPOSAL: Decontaminate before disposal - steam sterilization, chemical disinfection, incineration
STORAGE: In sealed containers that are appropriately labelled
Date prepared: March, 2001
Prepared by: Office of Laboratory Security, PHAC
Although the information, opinions and recommendations contained in this Material Safety Data Sheet are compiled from sources believed to be reliable, we accept no responsibility for the accuracy, sufficiency, or reliability or for any loss or injury resulting from the use of the information. Newly discovered hazards are frequent and this information may not be completely up to date.
Copyright ©
Health Canada, 2001
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