Special Biosafety Notification for New Delhi metallo-beta-Lactamase 1 (NDM-1) containing bacteria – August 20th, 2010
The Pathogen Regulation Directorate (formerly the Office of Laboratory Security) is providing the following special biosafety notification to laboratories handling samples associated with bacteria containing New Delhi metallo-beta-Lactamase-1 (NDM-1).
New Delhi metallo-beta-Lactamase-1 (NDM-1) containing bacteria: Special Biosafety Notification
If you have any questions about this advisory, please contact the Pathogen Regulation Directorate at (613) 957-1779 or biosafety_biosecurite@phac-aspc.gc.ca.
Should you require training or information on the transport of biological substances, Category B, please send your questions to lsd-dsl@phac-aspc.gc.ca. For after hours inquiries please contact the Laboratory Safety Office at lsd-dsl@phac-aspc.gc.ca or contact on the 24/7 emergency phone line at 613-292-6754.
Biosafety Advisory for H1N1 Flu Virus - June 15, 2009
The Pathogen Regulation Directorate is providing the following revised biosafety advisory to laboratories handling samples associated with novel H1N1 flu virus.
Novel H1N1 Flu Virus: Interim Guidelines
If you have any questions about this advisory, please contact the Pathogen Regulation Directorate at (613) 957-1779 or biosafety.biosecurite@phac-aspc.gc.ca
Should you require training or information on Transport of Biological substance, Category B send your questions to lsd-dsl@phac-aspc.gc.ca. For after hours inquiries contact Chief, Laboratory Safety Division at the 24/7 cell 613-292-6794.
Today's fluid public health security environment presents considerable biosafety and biosecurity challenges for the Public Health Agency of Canada.
A significant number of these challenges - including enforcement of human pathogens importation regulations and biocontainment laboratory inspection and certification - are managed by the Agency's Pathogen Regulation Directorate (PRD).
As the national authority on biosafety and biocontainment, the PRD works as both biosafety regulator and service provider, exercising leadership in regulation, surveillance, applied research and evidence-based interventions, while providing biosafety stakeholders with information, advice and practical training to ensure safer biosafety practices and more secure laboratory environments.
The PRD's unique dual-role as regulator and service provider enables it to make a significant contribution to the Agency's ongoing efforts to anticipate and respond to public health challenges and protect the public health safety and security of Canadians.
The PRD mandate - at a glance |
Biosafety regulation - anticipating and averting public health threats |
Biosafety information - reducing risks and promoting professional practices |
Biosafety expertise - providing technical advice and tools to biosafety stakeholders |
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