Jane Evans Medical Genetics, University of Manitoba
Krista Jangaard |
Dalhousie University (alternate member) |
Ruth Kohut |
Calgary Health Region |
Russell Kirby |
University of South Florida |
Julian Little |
University of Ottawa |
R. Brian Lowry |
Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System |
Mary-Anne Peitrusiak |
Durham Region Health Department |
Catherine Royle |
Newfoundland Department of Health and Community Services |
Reg Sauve |
University of Calgary |
Heather Scott |
IWK Health Centre |
Barbara Sibbald |
Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System |
Soo-Hong Uh |
BC Ministry of Health |
Michiel Van den Hof |
IWK Health Centre |
Catherine McCourt |
Health Surveillance and Epidemiology Division |
Deshayne Fell |
Maternal and Infant Health Section |
Juan Andrés León |
Maternal and Infant Health Section |
Neel Rancourt |
Maternal and Infant Health Section |
Jocelyn Rouleau |
Maternal and Infant Health Section |
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