Public Health Agency of Canada
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CCASN Advisory Group

Terms of reference

  • Provide the Maternal and Infant Health Section (MIHS) with advice and direction on strategies for the development of congenital anomalies surveillance systems in provinces/territories where there are none and for maintaining and enhancing existing surveillance systems. The Advisory Group will guide the MIHS in the continuous improvement of the CCASS.
  • Serve as a resource for queries the MIHS receives regarding congenital anomalies

Advisory Group members


Jane Evans Medical Genetics, University of Manitoba


Krista Jangaard

Dalhousie University (alternate member)

Ruth Kohut

Calgary Health Region

Russell Kirby

University of South Florida

Julian Little

University of Ottawa

R. Brian Lowry

Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System

Mary-Anne Peitrusiak

Durham Region Health Department

Catherine Royle

Newfoundland Department of Health and Community Services

Reg Sauve

University of Calgary

Heather Scott

IWK Health Centre

Barbara Sibbald

Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System

Soo-Hong Uh

BC Ministry of Health

Michiel Van den Hof

IWK Health Centre

CCASN members from the Public Health Agency of Canada:

Catherine McCourt

Health Surveillance and Epidemiology Division

Deshayne Fell

Maternal and Infant Health Section

Juan Andrés León

Maternal and Infant Health Section

Neel Rancourt

Maternal and Infant Health Section

Jocelyn Rouleau

Maternal and Infant Health Section