The objectives of the Surveillance Partnerships group are to explore the feasibility of existing data sources, and to approach established surveillance systems, including perinatal and prenatal screening systems, for developing dedicated congenital anomaly surveillance in jurisdictions throughout Canada. Additionally, the group explores and seeks sources of funding.
The main objective of the Demographic and Risk Indicators group is to prioritize demographic and risk indicators by developing a standardized national data set that could be collected in the Canadian surveillance systems.
The objective of the Communications/Scientific Meetings group is to provide advice and direction on strategies for promoting awareness of the CCASN and for building linkages among health professionals, researchers and the public. The group also provides guidance on the format, evaluation, and themes for CCASN Scientific Meetings.
The objective of the Surveillance, Guidelines and Standards group was to improve the reliability and quality of congenital anomalies surveillance data at the national and provincial surveillance registry levels. The SGSWG’s tasks included the development of recommendations for establishing congenital anomalies surveillance in Canadian jurisdictions, and dissemination of standardized guidelines for case classification, coding and reporting.
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