Children and Adolescents 7 - 18 years
Healthy Development
Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC)
HBSC is a cross-national study of
the health behaviours of young people aged 11 to 15. It is
supported by the World Health Organization and is carried out by
research teams from 35 countries in Europe and North America.
National Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children reports:
- Healthy Settings for
Young People in Canada
Healthy Settings for Young People in Canada is the report
based on data collected from the 2005/06 survey cycle for the World
Health Organization Cross-National Collaborative Study: Health
Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). It provides an overview
of important contexts for Canadian youth, including the home,
school, peers, and socio-economic conditions. Links are identified
between these contexts and examined health behaviours and outcomes
such as physical activity, eating and dieting, risk behaviours,
bullying, injury, physical symptoms of ill health, chronic health
conditions, and various aspects of emotional health and well-being.
- Young People in
Canada : Their health and well-being is based on the
data collected from the 2001/02 cycle of the World Health
Organization Cross-National Collaborative Study: Health Behaviours
in School-Age Children (HBSC).
- Trends in the
Health of Canadian Youth Trends in the Health of
Canadian Youth is a report based on the data collected through the
1989/90, 1993/94 and 1997/98 survey cycles for the World Health
Organization Cross-National Collaborative Study: Health Behaviours
in School-Aged Children (HBSC). The trend comparisons report on
data collected from among 11, 13 and 15 year olds in Canada . This
report includes data from a selection of other countries as well as
data from grade 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 students in Canada .
- Health of Canada's
Youth: Attitudes and Opinions of 11, 13 and 15 year olds from 11
countries H.C. (1992) This is the Executive Summary
from the report on the 1989/90 cycle of the World Health
Organization Cross-National Collaborative Study: Health Behaviours
in School-Age Children (HBSC).
- A National
Assessment of Effects of School Experiences on Health Outcomes and
Behaviours of Children : Technical Report Central to
the concept of schooling is the recognition that students'
positive social bonds with schools are highly related to their
well-being in terms of (a) academic performance, (b) social
behaviours, and (c) physical and mental health. The 1997/98 data
from the Cross-Nationa l Survey on Health Behaviours in School-Aged
Children (HBSC), were used to examine the effects of school
experiences on a number of health outcomes and behaviours of
Canadian youth.
E-STAT is Statistics Canada's
interactive learning tool designed with the needs and interests of
the education community in mind. Health Behaviours in School-Aged
Children survey data have been included in E-STAT for use in
secondary and post-secondary education institutions in Canada
- Opportunity of
- Parent-Child Relationships and
- Coping
with Mental Illness / Depression
- Teen
School Health
- Comprehensive School Health
- School Policy Framework: Implementation of the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
The World Health Organization (WHO) has produced the document “School Policy Framework: Implementation of the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health” to assist member States in the implementation of the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (DPAS) at the country level.
The purpose of the DPAS School Policy Framework is to guide policy-makers at national and sub-national levels in the development and implementation of policies that promote healthy eating and physical activity in the school setting through changes in environment, behaviour and education. It describes how to begin implementation, the various policy options available, how to involve stakeholders and it provides guidance on monitoring and evaluation of the policies implemented.
WHO invited the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and Health Canada to work collaboratively to develop the DPAS School Policy Framework. As a part of this collaboration between the WHO and the Government of Canada, PHAC led a steering committee on its development and, along with Health Canada, provided financial support.
- Voices and Choices: Planning for School
Health an on-line strategic tool that engages students in identifying their health
and school-related needs and in developing strategies to address
those needs.
Joint Consortium for School Health
Quality School Health
- School Health questions
Safe and Supportive

Head Start (AHS)
Community Action Program
for Children (CAPC)
Canada Prenatal
Nutrition Program
CAPC /CPNP National
Projects Fund (NPF)
FASD Initiative - What's
Centres of
Excellence for Children's Well-Being
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