Public Health Agency of Canada
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Family / Parenting

Parent-Child Relationships and Attachment

Attachment to Parents and Adjustment in Adolescence

Welcome to parenting: This new journey is often filled with many questions. This site provides answers to some commonly asked questions by new parents. Additional resources and links are also provided.

This pamphlet entitled, "What's Wrong with Spanking" offers useful tips on effective forms of non-physical discipline of children. It contains information on behavioural issues in early child development and outlines general parenting principles. The content reflects Canada's diversity, cultural practices and values, and it provides information on available resources.

Parenting Today's Teens will help professionals who work with parents of teens to identify and locate resources specifically designed to help families at this stage of their parenting. It will also assist parents themselves when they look for an appropriate parenting course or if they wish to organize one in their community.

Nobody's Perfect is a parent support and education program for parents of children from birth to age five.

Teen Pregnancy

Work-Life Balance and Time Use

The Effects of Time Use and Time Pressure on Child-Parent Relationships: Research Report

An Examination of the Implications and Costs of Work-Life Conflict in Canada
This report uses survey data collected by Duxbury and Higgins between 1991 and 1998 to examine work life conflict within Canada and the costs of this conflict to employees, to their employers and to the health care system.

Safe and Supportive Environments

Family Stress / Depression We know a lot more about depression and manic depression than we did only a few years ago. And we've learned how deeply these disorders affect the whole family That's why this booklet was written: to help families live with affective disorders.

Safe Environments The health and well-being of children and adolescents depends on the safety and quality of their physical and social environments.

Kids Safety Site: Kids - Parents

Family-Community Supports