HIV and AIDS case-reporting surveillance at the national level is possible as a result of all provinces and territories regularly submitting to PHAC information about positive HIV tests and diagnosed AIDS cases from their respective jurisdictions. Positive HIV test reports and AIDS case reports provide documentation of confirmed and reported HIV infections or AIDS diagnoses. These reports include information about patient demographics, clinical/laboratory findings, and factors that put the person at risk for transmission of HIV. The information recorded forms the basis of the surveillance data reported at the provincial and territorial level, as well as at the national level.
The confidential information reported to PHAC does not include names nor does it identify anyone. PHAC’s routine surveillance data do not include HIV-infected individuals who have not been tested or individuals who have received a positive HIV test result that has not been forwarded to PHAC.
The HIV/AIDS: Enhanced Surveillance topic provides information about the extension of routine case-reporting surveillance into strain and drug resistance tracking and second generation surveillance systems, including M-Track, which surveys risk behaviours in the population of men having sex with men and I-Track, which surveys risk behaviours in people who inject drugs.
You will find more information on routine surveillance at the Reports and Publications topic.
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